Telesio Galilei Academy of Science a Fraud?

RedFox said:
Aragorn said:
Could it be that the man that speaks at 5:20 in this video is F.F?:


Notice in all these award videos the "dramatic" music in the background, now that's lame...

I find it curious that this "founding father" is so absent in all the videos available of the award ceremonies. Does he actually exist...? ;)

Looks likely it's FF, if so this is also him _
Same dramatic music....

Did you observe every thing is "presented by Francesco Fucilla " - video titles on html text , in video's. some video's are simple pictures, with simple words 'Celebrating this or that' and good imposing music. I find it strange when a 6 yr old can use computer to create this type of video's, we only need his highness to "present" it ?.

I have seen this type of mindset in saibaba and his followers, even a bird poops , it is saibaba's grace.
Francesco Fucilla is or was also known as Franco Fucilla:
Se la wiki ritiene che uno dei massimi geni rinascimentali italiani viventi
( e cioe Franco Fucilla aga francesco Fucilla ) non meriti la pagina wiki,
allora vuol dire che nessuno Italiano debba essere listato. guarda le referenze di franco fucilla aga francesco fucilla_ _ (msg) 15:39, 29 mag 2010 (CEST)

Franco Fucilla [modifica]

È stata chiesta la cancellazione della pagina.

La pagina è stata cancellata

Autoproclamato "inventore", presumibilmente prossimo alle pseudoscienze. Pubblicazione con editore locale; il Brevetto è stato solo richiesto (7 anni fa), e non risulta mai concesso. Forte dubbio autopromozionale (Google restituisce in pratica solo Wikipedia ed il suo lavoro come consulente di una società locale di webmarketing; nulla sulle sue attività di "ricerca"). Veneziano - dai, parliamone! 13:19, 29 set 2007 (CEST)

It is him since in that wiki discussion a certificate from ElectroSilica group is linked. In bold it translates as "the page has been cancelled", "self-proclaimed "inventor", "Publication from a local editor", "strong self-promotional doubts", "his job as a consultant for a local society of web-marketing; "nothing on his 'research' activities".

Related or not, there is this article titled "QUATTRO PRESIDENTI PER UN DISSESTO" from the archives of an Italian mainstream newspaper "La Repubblica" from November 1996 and written by Stefano Carli [see below for a google translation]:


18 novembre 1996 — pagina 8 sezione: AFFARI & FINANZA

Roma DUE PRESIDENTI e due schiere di consiglieri; riunioni del consiglio di amministrazione che si tengono sul marciapiede davanti all' ingresso della società; la Polizia che già per due volte è stata chiamata ad intervenire; documenti che spariscono e denuncie che compaiono all' improvviso. La vicenda che ormai tiene bloccata da vari mesi la Ctip si va colorando di episodi al limite del grottesco. Eppure la Ctip è stata fino a non molto tempo fa uno dei gioielli dell' impiantistica italiana (si occupa della progettazione e realizzazione di impianti petroliferi e lavora essenzialmente all' estero). La crisi è arrivata con le difficoltà attraversate dal finanziere Renato D' Andria che, all' inizio del ' 95, mette insieme in pochi mesi un piccolo impero impiantistico da 1000 miliardi di fatturato e con 1.200 dipendenti acquisendo, nell' ordine, la Cei, la De Bartolemeis e, infine, la Ctip. Le tre aziende sono accomunate dall' essere rimaste, in vario modo, coinvolte dalle indagine dei giudici di Mani Pulite e attraversano momenti difficili a causa del blocco delle commesse pubbliche che ha paralizzato il settore dal ' 92 in poi. Oggi l' avventura di D' Andria sembra definitivamente conclusa: la Cei e la De Bartolomeis sono fallite. Gli rimane, sulla carta, la sola Ctip ma la situazione anche qui è tutt' altro che chiara. La società è ormai alla paralisi, il fatturato ' 96 si chiuderà intorno ai 150 miliardi, la metà dello scorso anno, le banche hanno chiuso da mesi i rubinetti, non solo per i crediti ma ormai anche per fidejussioni di importo minimo; ci sono 66 miliardi di debiti da onorare e i 360 dipendenti non hanno ricevuto gli ultimi due mesi di stipendio. Nonostante questo, ci sono già almeno due potenziali acquirenti pronti a rilevarla: sono l' americana Brown & Root, che in questo modo metterebbe per la prima volta piede in Italia e utilizzerebbe le strutture di Ctip per farne una testa di ponte verso tutta l' area del Mediterraneo, e la tedesca Mannesmann, già presente in Italia e che ha recentemente rafforzato la sua posizione nel settore dell' impiantistica con l' acquisizione di alcuni rami d' azienda dell' Italimpianti dell' Iri. L' operazione era pronta per essere conclusa già prima dell' estate ma non si è poi definito nulla proprio perché D' Andria rifiutava di farsi da parte. Le vicende di questi ultimi giorni sono proprio gli ennesimi tentativi del finanziere per non farsi estromettere dalla partita. L' episodio che fa precipitare la situazione è dei primi dell' ottobre scorso. Il fallimento della De Bartolomeis, affidata ora alle cure del professionista milanese Angelo Casò, avvia una prima ripulitura nei conti, in vista del probabile arrivo dei nuovi proprietari. Questo provoca una reazione a catena tra le società del gruppo: la De Bartolemeis (Db) controlla infatti il 25% dell' Invefi; l' altro 75% è invece direttamente della Gifi, la cassaforte di D' Andria. L' Invefi, a sua volta, ha il 97% della Ctip (l' altro 3% è della Finec, la finanziaria della Lega delle Cooperative). E' a questo punto che Umberto Gandolfi, presidente dell' Invefi, decide di rendere noto che la Gifi ha versato solo i 3 decimi della sua quota di capitale sociale. L' episodio è significativo perché Gandolfi è stato nominato dallo stesso D' Andria. Il 4 ottobre Gandolfi fa dunque uscire sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale una diffida verso la Gifi - cioè verso il suo maggiore azionista - affinché versi entro 15 giorni circa 8 miliardi relativi ai 7/10 delle azioni sottoscritte ma ancora non pagate. E' da quel momento che la situazione precipita. Cinque giorni dopo D' Andria sfiducia Gandolfi e lo sostituisce con Alfredo Scalfati, un professionista romano che risulta curatore fallimentare di una trentina di società, tra le quali la Casina Valadier di Giuseppe Ciarrapico. Tuttavia altri 5 giorni dopo, il 14 ottobre, sempre sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale, è ancora il vecchio presidente, cioè Gandolfi, che convoca un' assemblea da tenersi a fine ottobre presso lo studio milanese di Angelo Casò che, a quel punto, in qualità di curatore fallimentare della De Bartolomeis, si trova ad avere la maggioranza del capitale versato della stessa Invefi. Il 29 ottobre, due giorni prima di questa assemblea, c' è il secondo blitz di D' Andria: alla sede della Ctip (controllata dalla Invefi) a Roma si presenta Alfredo Scalfati, che sostiene di essere il nuovo amministratore della Invefi e quindi il rappresentante della proprietà. Ma il management e i dipendenti della Ctip si rifiutano di farlo entrare e Scalfati e i suoi si rivolgono alla Polizia e sporge denuncia contro ignoti per ingiurie, minacce e lesioni. Lo stesso giorno, comunque, D' Andria comunica alla Camera di Commercio che la Ctip ha un nuovo consiglio di amministrazione. Passa ancora una settimana e i nuovi consiglieri designati da D' Andria tentano un' altra sortita, tornando alla sede della Ctip scortati da una decina di guardie giurate convocate da Franco Fucilla, che si presenta come nuovo presidente della Ctip. Come la volta precedente i dipendenti e il management non li fanno entrare. Il caos a questo punto è al massimo, anche perché anche il curatore della De Bartolomeis Angelo Casò, in qualità di maggiore azionista dell' Invefi, ha nominato un suo amministratore unico della società (nella persona di un suo collaboratore, Guido Croci). Ctip si ritrova così con due presidenti, la sua controllante Invefi con altrettanti, e ancora nessuno che paghi gli stipendi. A sbrogliare la situazione ci prova di nuovo Gianfranco Borghini, con la sua Task Force per l' occupazione. La soluzione, adesso, vedrebbe l' intervento della Gepi, che dovrebbe entrare con il 30% nella società accanto al nuovo socio di maggioranza, portando un terzo dei 66 miliardi necessari a far ripartire l' attivita e azzerare i debiti, per poi uscire entro cinque anni rivendendo le quote. L' ipotesi è allo studio dei vertici della Brown & Root. Se non dovessero accettare sarebbe già pronta, in seconda battuta, la Mannesmann. - di STEFANO CARLI

A true mess indeed, here is the google translation:


TWO PRESIDENTS Rome and two rows of councilors; meetings of the board of directors held on the sidewalk in front of the 'inclusion of the company, the police already twice been called to intervene, documents and reports which appear to disappear' suddenly. The event that now takes blocked by several months the CTIP will be coloring of episodes in the grotesque. Yet the CTIP was until not long ago one of the jewels of the 'Italian plant (deals with the design and construction of oil installations and works primarily to' foreign). The crisis came with the difficulties experienced by financier Renato D 'Andria, to' early '95, brings together in a few months a small empire plant from 1000 billion in revenue with 1,200 employees and acquiring, in' order, the CEI, De Bartolemeis and, finally, the CTIP. The three companies are united by 'have remained, in various ways, involved the investigation of the judges of the Clean Hands and experience hardship because of the blockade that has paralyzed government procurement from the sector' 92 onwards. Today 's adventure D' Andria seems finally ended: the CEI and De Bartolomeis failed. The remains, on paper, the only CTIP but the situation here is far from 'anything but clear. The company is now the paralysis, the turnover '96 will close at around 150 billion, half of last year, banks have closed the taps for months, not only now but also for credit guarantees for small amounts, there are 66 billion debt to honor and 360 employees have received the last two months' salary. Despite this, there are already at least two potential buyers ready to detect it: they are the 'U.S. Brown & Root, which in this way would for the first time set foot in Italy and would use the facilities CTIP to make a bridgehead to the whole' Mediterranean area, and Germany's Mannesmann, already present in Italy and has recently strengthened its position in the field of 'plant with the' acquisition of certain branches' of the company 'Italimpianti of' Iri. The 'operation was ready to be finished even before the' summer but has not defined anything then because D 'Andria refused to step aside. The events of recent days are just the umpteenth attempt by the financier not to exclude from the game. The 'incident that precipitated the situation is the first of the' last October. The failure of De Bartolomeis, entrusted to the care of professional hours Casò Milanese Angelo, a first start cleaning up the accounts, in view of the probable arrival of new owners. This causes a chain reaction between the group companies: De Bartolemeis (Db) it controls 25% of 'Invefi; the' other 75% is directly Gifi of the safe D 'Andria. The 'Invefi, in turn, has 97% of the CTIP (the' other 3% is the Finec, the financial position of the League of Cooperatives). E 'at this point that Umberto Gandolfi, chairman of' Invefi, decides to make it known that Gifi paid only 3/10 its share capital. The 'episode is significant because Gandolfi has been appointed by the D' Andria. On October 4, Gandolfi is so out in the Official Gazette of a warning to the Gifi - that is, toward its largest shareholder - to verses within 15 days to about 8 billion for seven tenths of the shares subscribed but not yet paid. And 'That's when the situation falls. Five days after D 'Andria distrust Gandolfi and replaces it with Alfredo Scalfati, Roman is a professional trustee in bankruptcy of a dozen companies, including the Casina Valadier Joseph Ciarrapico. Yet another 5 days later, on October 14, always in the Official Gazette, is still the old president, that is, Gandolfi, who convenes a shareholders' meeting to be held in late October at the Milan studio of Angelo Casò that, at that point, as liquidator of the De Bartolomeis, is found to have the majority of the paid-up capital of the same Invefi. On 29 October, two days before this meeting, c 'is the second blitz of D' Andria: the headquarters of the CTIP (controlled by Invefi) in Rome is Scalfati Alfredo, who claims to be the new administrator of Invefi and then the representative of the property. But management and employees of the CTIP refuse to let him in and Scalfati and its turn to the police and the complaint against persons unknown for insults, threats and injuries. The same day, however, D 'Andria notify the Chamber of Commerce that the CTIP has a new board of directors. Another week passes and the new directors designated by D 'Andria attempt another exit, returning to the home of CTIP escorted by a dozen security guards summoned by Franco Fucilla, who introduces himself as new Chairman of the CTIP. Like the previous time employees and the management does not make them go. The chaos at this point is a maximum, because also the curator of the De Angelo Bartolomeis Casò, as the largest shareholder of 'Invefi, has appointed a managing director of the company (in the person of his associate, Guido Crosses). CTIP finds himself with two presidents, its parent Invefi with many, and still no one to pay salaries. To unravel the situation we try again Gianfranco Borghini, with its Task Force for the 'occupation. The solution, now, would see the 'intervention Gepi, which should come with 30% in the company next door to the new majority shareholder, bringing a third of the 66 billion needed to jumpstart the' activities and to clear debts and get away before five years by selling shares. The 'theory is the study of the vertices of Brown & Root. If they are not ready to accept it, secondly, Mannesmann.
Italian football :rolleyes:


Pincione: «Il Pescara sarà quotato a Londra»

02 aprile 2007


ANTHONY BARON Pincione ha annunciato che l'economista sarà a Pescara tra il 15 e il 16 aprile e in quell'occasione rivelerà i particolari del progetto. Su internet, risulta che Baron, 56 anni, ha lavorato per 30 anni nella City. Dopo essersi laureato alla prestigiosa London School of Economics, è entrato in un centro studi economici del governo britannico. Successivamente è stato consulente economico del Regno Unito per la Savory Milln e consulente economico capo per la Laurie Milbank. & Co. Negli anni Novanta, Baron è stato managing director per la Chase Investment Bank, executive director per la Sakura Finance International, vice presidente anziano della Paine Webber International e capo consulente economico per la Guiness Mahon. Baron è stato anche membro del comitato esecutivo dell'Economic Research Council (Consiglio per gli studi economici) della Gran Bretagna ed editorialista del giornale Sunday Telegraph. Attualmente dirige alcune società che operano nel campo della tecnologia idraulica. Pincione sostiene di avere avuto in passato dei rapporti, forse di lavoro, con lui. C'è, però, anche la figura di un intermediario, Francesco Fucilla, cosentino trapiantato in Inghilterra, di cui si sa ben poco.
IL PRIMO CONTATTO Tramite Fucilla, c'era già stato un abboccamento con il Pescara ai tempi di Renzetti. La cosa non funzionò e non si sa bene perché. Se ci si chiede quale convenienza abbia un gruppo inglese a investire nel Pescara, che ha un piede e mezzo in C1, non si trova una risposta alternativa alla realizzazione del nuovo stadio o di altre infrastrutture. In questo momento parlare di un nuovo stadio è un azzardo. Non bisogna dimenticare, però, che grazie al collegamento aereo con Londra, Pescara e l'Abruzzo sono tra le mete privilegiate dei turisti anglosassoni.

Google translation:

"The Pescara will be listed in London»


ANTHONY BARON Pincione announced that the economist will be in Pescara between 15 and 16 April and at that time will reveal the details of the project. On the internet, that Baron, 56, has worked for 30 years in the City. After graduating from the prestigious London School of Economics, has entered into a center of economic studies of the British government. Subsequently, he was economic advisor to the United Kingdom for Savory Milln and chief economic adviser for Laurie Milbank. & Co. In the nineties, Baron has been managing director for Chase Investment Bank, executive director for Sakura Finance International, senior vice president of Paine Webber International and chief economic adviser to Guinness Mahon. Baron was also a member of the Executive Committee of the Economic Research Council (Council for International Economic Studies) of Great Britain and columnist for the Sunday Telegraph newspaper. He currently directs a number of companies that operate in the field of hydraulic technology. Pincione claims to have had in past relationships, perhaps working with him. There is, however, the figure of an intermediary, Fucilla Francesco, native of Cosenza transplanted to England, of which little is known.
THE FIRST CONTACT Through Fucilla , there was already a talk with the times to Pescara Renzetti. It did not work and it is not known why. If you're wondering where convenience has a British group to invest in Pescara, which has a foot and a half in C1, is not an alternative answer to the creation of the new stadium or other infrastructure. At this time about a new stadium is a gamble. Do not forget, however, that thanks to the air link with London, Pescara and the Abruzzo region are among the favorite destinations of tourists Anglo-Saxon.

A discussion from [there are a couple of companies listed below that I don't recall seeing before]

Nel dettaglio i siti di riferimento delle aziende controllate dalla Holding inglese intenzionata ad investire nella Pescara Calcio.

18-04-2007 alle 21:47:51 da Donato Giampietro
visualizzata 7751 volte
Commenti (349)

Fino ad ora sono state dette soltanto belle parole(solo conferenze)...Rimaniamo con i piedi per terra e aspettiamo fatti concreti...ricordo il pagamento iva scaduto e la situazione economica disastrosa a causa dello scoppato di bellante che se lo incontro l'ammazzo....Calma ragazzi aspettiamo Giugno Luglio e poi possiamo emettere qualche giudizio positivo....SPERIAMO BENE

19-04-2007 ore 18:33:20


da galeone_forever

Conferenza Stampa con Anthony Baron Categoria: Calcio Postato: 2007-04-18 22:59 Conferenza Stampa con Anthony Baron giovedì 19 aprile 2007 ore 15:00 circa L’evento sarà trasmesso in diretta web streaming live Il Presidente del Pescara, Massimiliano Pincione, il sig. Anthony Baron e il sig. Francesco Fucilla illustreranno i termini di supporto e partecipazione del gruppo inglese del sig. Baron, al progetto della nuova proprietà della Pescara Calcio

19-04-2007 ore 11:02:44


da bobo

PESCARA. Oggi è il giorno tanto atteso da tutti gli sportivi pescaresi. Alle 15.00 all'Hotel Promenade di Montesilvano, Anthony Baron verrà presentato agli organi di stampa e alla città di Pescara. Nell'incontro l'economista inglese, coadiuvato da Francesco Fucilla e dall'attuale patron della Pescara calcio Max Pincione, illustrerà le modalità e le motivazioni che spingerebbero questa chiacchierata holding inglese ad investire nel calcio pescarese. Sarà l'occasione ideale per chiarire una volta per tutte le reali intenzioni del gruppo britannico anche, soprattutto, riguardo lo stadio Adriatico. Le indiscrezioni filtrate in ambienti pescaresi negli ultimi giorni, infatti, vedrebbero come condizione indispensabile per la holding inglese di investire nella Pescara calcio, quella della partecipazione diretta alla ristrutturazione dell'impianto sportivo del capoluogo abruzzese. In alternativa la costruzione di uno stadio nuovo solo per il calcio. Questa versione dei fatti non è mai stata confermata dai diretti interessati, al contempo però non è stata neanche mai smentita. Ad ogni modo poche ore e saranno fugati parecchi dubbi a proposito. Lo stesso presidente Pincione in tal senso, nelle passate settimane ha più volte manifestato l'intenzione di ammodernare l'Adriatico. In particolare lo stesso patron, in una emittente televisiva regionale, ha ammesso che già esiste un progetto ed un plastico del nuovo stadio di Pescara.

19-04-2007 ore 12:07:35


Google translation:

In detail, the reference sites of the companies controlled by the English Holding intends to invest in Pescara Football.

18/04/2007 at 21:47:51 by Donato Giampietro
displayed 7751 times
Comments (349)

Up to now, only nice words were said (conference only) ... We remain with our feet on the ground and wait for the facts ... I remember paying the tax due and owing to the disastrous economic situation of Bellante scoppato that if I meet the 'kill Calm kids .... then we can expect in June and July give some positive evaluation .... GOOD HOPE

4/19/2007 18:33:20 hours


by galeone_forever

Press Conference with Anthony Baron Category: Football Posted: 2007-04-18 22:59 Press Conference with Anthony Baron Thursday, April 19, 2007 around 15:00 This event will be broadcast live web streaming Live The President of Pescara, Massimiliano Pincione, Mr. Anthony Baron and Mr Francesco Fucilla will illustrate the terms of support and participation of Baron's English group to the new property project of Pescara Football.

4/19/2007 11:02:44 hours


by bobo

LONDON. Today is a day long awaited by all sports Pescara. At 15.00 Promenade Hotel Montesilvano, Anthony Baron will be presented to the press and the city of Pescara. In the meeting the British economist, assisted by Francesco Fucilla and current owner of Max Pincione Pescara football, will explain the how and why that would push this holding English conversation to invest in football Pescara. It will be the perfect opportunity to clarify once and for all the real intentions of the British group also, especially regarding the stadium Adriatic. Rumors filtered environments Pescara in recent days they would see as a prerequisite for the holding company to invest in English football Pescara, one of direct participation in the restructuring of the sports capital of Abruzzo. Or build a new stadium only for football. This version of events has never been confirmed by the parties concerned, at the same time, however, nor was it ever denied. However a few hours and will be dispelled many doubts about. Even President Pincione to that effect, in the past weeks has repeatedly expressed its intention to modernize the Adriatic. In particular, the same patron, a regional television broadcaster, has already admitted that there is a project and a model of the new stadium in Pescara.

4/19/2007 12:07:35 hours

I came across this at

4 Companies that could be connected

Pacific Continental Securities (UK) Ltd (PCS) was no stranger to controversy. Having courted negative publicity and bad press since 2004, PCS soon acquired the unwanted accolade of being dubbed ‘Britain’s riskiest stockbroker.’

In May 2007, the FSA became concerned about PCS’ ability to remain adequately capitalised as a result of the level of customer complaints that were referred to the Financial Services Ombudsman for which PCS was advised by its accountants to make a £2,000,000 provision.

On 15 June 2007, PCS voluntarily varied its permissions with the effect that it would not subsequently undertake any regulated activity except to the extent necessary to close and settle existing customer positions. On 20 June 2007, PCS ceased trading and went into administration.

In March 2008, PCS moved from being in administration to being in Creditor’s Voluntary Liquidation.

In December 2008 the FSA issued a ‘Public Censure’ against PCS. It found that “The serious nature of the (rule) breaches identified ... would have led the FSA to impose a financial penalty of £2,000,000 were it not for the fact that the firm went into administration and is now in liquidation.”

On 19 January 2009, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) declared PCS “in default”. This means that PCS is unable or unlikely to be able to meet its liabilities and as the UK statutory fund of last resort; the FSCS can step into the shoes of PCS and redress eligible claimants (subject to its limits). This has opened the doors for claims for compensation for which the authorities are budgeting for a cost of £100,000,000, however insiders believe claims could hit £300,000,000. Hallbrook Partners believe even this figure could be surpassed.

On 28 January the FSA fined the former chief executive of PCS, Steven Griggs £80,000 and banned him from holding any ‘significant influence’ function with a regulated firm. Charles Weston, the former finance director of PCS was fined £95,000 and banned from carrying out any regulated activities.

It was also deemed that Mr Griggs and Mr Weston misled the FSA about the true nature of their relationship with an individual linked to share fraud scams (also known as boiler room fraud).

Important information for ‘nominee account’ clients
Due to inadequate record keeping by PCS, the administrators could not properly reconcile the nominee accounts. Therefore if you do not hold share certificates your investments will almost certainly be lost. With this in mind, Hallbrook Partners encourages every PCS client to pursue a claim for compensation on at least the basis of a ‘return of property.’ FSCS will return the value of your investments as of the 19th January 2009 when PCS was declared “in default”. (Subject to its limits).

It is likely that the value of your investments on 19 January 2009 is substantially less than the original investment you made. Hallbrook Partners can help to establish if you were a victim of mis-selling in which case you can claim back the entirety of your losses subject to the FSCS limits. Please contact us for more details.

Square Mile Securities Ltd Formerly Halewood International Futures Ltd (SMS)

Square Mile Securities Ltd Formerly Halewood International Futures Ltd (SMS) was subject to a Financial Services Authority (FSA) investigation between March and May 2006. As a result of this investigation, the FSA found failings that warranted a fine of £1,500,000. This was reduced to £250,000 because of the financial circumstances of the firm and its agreement to settle at an early stage of the investigation. Square Mile agreed to send its customers a letter advising them of the FSA findings which included information on how they could make a complaint. The fine and the letter to customers occurred in January 2008.

Due to the nature and extent of the complaints Square Mile subsequently received, it became apparent quite quickly that Square Mile would not be able to meet its liabilities and it went into administration in March 2008.

On 11 February 2008, the FSA banned Mr Mohammed Suba Miah, a former broker at Square Mile and fined him £21,000 for selling high risk shares to customers without their consent and deliberately misleading customers by not explaining the risks involved with such shares.

On 10 July 2008, the FSA banned Mr Baljit Somal, a former broker at Square Mile and fined him £16,000 for selling high risk shares to customers without their consent and using unacceptable sales tactics.

On 19 February 2009, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) declared Square Mile “in default”. This means that Square Mile is unable or unlikely to be able to meet its liabilities and as the UK statutory fund of last resort; the FSCS can step into the shoes of Square Mile and redress eligible claimants. (Subject to its limits).

Important information for ‘nominee account’ clients

Due to inadequate record keeping by Square Mile, the administrators could not properly reconcile the nominee accounts. Therefore if you do not hold share certificates your investments will almost certainly be lost. With this in mind, Hallbrook Partners encourages every Square Mile client to pursue a claim for compensation on at least the basis of a ‘return of property.’ FSCS will return the value of your investments as of the 19th February 2009 when Square Mile was declared “in default”

Mansion House Securities Ltd (MHS) was fined by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) £122,500 on 31 March 2008 for breaches of the FSA Principles for Business and Conduct of Business Rules that occurred between 3 May 2006 and 18 January 2007. MHS agreed to settle at an early stage of the FSA’s investigation, thus qualifying for a 30% discount under the executive settlement procedures. Were it not for this discount the FSA would have imposed a financial penalty of £175,000. MHS was instructed to obtain on independent review of its current compliance with regulatory standards and also of its past business and to remediate customers where appropriate.

With effect from 3 April 2009, the FSA varied MHS’ permissions and barred it from doing anything that would reduce the value of its assets. This includes paying ‘unusual or significant amounts’ to employees or bosses or to anyone connected with them. MHS cannot lend more than a small sum to anyone and it is prohibited from engaging in any kind of financial reconstruction or reorganisation without the consent of the FSA.

However, the variation of permissions stopped MHS from taking on any new business which inevitably led to it being placed into administration on 30 April 2009.

In the three years it had been in business MHS had employed more than 50 staff. Many were former employees of other broking firms that had attracted the attention of watchdogs. These included the notorious Pacific Continental Securities (UK) Ltd, which allegedly cheated its customers out of tens of millions of pounds, if not more, and which the FSA says it would have fined £2 million, had it not gone bust.

Another firm where some MHS employees used to work is Square Mile Securities Ltd. In January 2008 it was fined £250,000 for using unacceptable sales tactics, making false statements and giving investors misleading information, all in a bid to sell high risk shares whether customers wanted them or not.

On 24 November 2009, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) declared MHS “in default”. This means that MHS is unable or unlikely to be able to meet its liabilities and as the UK statutory fund of last resort; the FSCS can step into the shoes of MHS and redress eligible claimants. (Subject to its limits).
Ascension Securities Limited (ASL)

Ascension Securities Limited (ASL) did not escape negative publicity or the wrath of the regulator, the Financial Services Authority (FSA). Despite filing accounts in April 2009 showing a turnover of just over £2m and assets of more than £500,000, ASL ceased doing business on 22 May 2009 and formally went into liquidation on 7 July 2009.

On 26 May 2009, ASL wrote to clients advising that as of noon on 22 May 2009, ASL voluntarily temporarily ceased carrying out regulated business whilst undertaking a full business review with the intention of providing a better and more efficient service.

This wasn’t strictly true. On 6 August 2009, the FSA confirmed in writing to ASL’s clients that ASL’s decision to cease regulated business was following a visit by the FSA and subsequent to discussions held between the firm and the FSA. This was due to the FSA identifying potential breaches of the rules and principles that govern regulated firms such as ASL.

ASL’s demise unsurprisingly mirrors that of other regulated smaller company stockbrokers. Director Gary Porter previously worked for Mansion House Securities Ltd. Co director Derek Leonard Scrivener had also been a salesman at Mansion House. Another director, Robert Joseph Fucilla, worked at Pacific Continental Securities (UK) Ltd and Square Mile Securities Ltd. Staff included Rajan Aggarwal, who worked at both Mansion House and Square Mile, Costas Constanti who was at Pacific Continental and Square Mile, and Jonathon David Wicks, whose past jobs also included time at Pacific Continental and Square Mile. Another notable member of staff was Luc Jean Chaudhary. After over five years as a salesman at Pacific Continental, he joined Mansion House in 2006 and became a director. In March 2008, Mansion House was fined by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) £122,500 for breaches of the FSA Principles for Business and Conduct of Business Rules. Chaudhary left Mansion House in May 2008 and joined Ascension Securities Ltd.

On 13 January 2010, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) declared ASL “in default”. This means that ASL is unable or unlikely to be able to meet its liabilities and as the UK statutory fund of last resort; the FSCS can step into the shoes of ASL and redress eligible claimants. (Subject to its limits).

MOD NOTE: Robert Fucilla, through his lawyer, denies validity of these opinions and of this analysis of available data.
RedFox said:
Aragorn said:
Could it be that the man that speaks at 5:20 in this video is F.F?:


Notice in all these award videos the "dramatic" music in the background, now that's lame...

I find it curious that this "founding father" is so absent in all the videos available of the award ceremonies. Does he actually exist...? ;)

Looks likely it's FF, if so this is also him _
Same dramatic music....

when you compare the ears of the man who calls himself Francesco Fucilla (the first picture) with the ears of the man in the video, you can see IMO that it is not the same person. unless the person in the picture had a plastic surgery on his ears.
but if I remember correctly there seem to be several Fucillas (sons?) out there (If that's even correct?). so it is not entirely impossible that the man in the pictures and the man in the video is part of the family so to say...

the second thing I would like to mention is that we don't really know if Francesco Fucilla is the real name of this guy. and it is possible that those pictures are not portraying the person in question here.

from what I've seen so far the guy who calls himself Francesco Fucilla is rather camera-shy.
maybe the person in question is trying to hide his real identity.
Newest from Fucilla:

Dear Sunil
As you may know our companies are under criminal attacks.
In order that you as our group auditors ...........can monitor the damages that
are group are being suffering.....................
I will now be sending you and our lawyers all of the data for your record
as and per when................... you will need to refer to.


From: francesco fucilla
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 3:23 PM
To: bruno newest email denantes ; Denantes Bruno ; br Denantes ; Group Administration ; Mike Goodrich ; goddard mike ; 'ivan steele' ; Pierre Angles ; waldyr alves rodrigues jr
Subject: Fw: Ark and Laura again

Beloved brother Bruno
the 2 Autistic quasi Dawn.......... as a result of your affidavit
they are now writing that you are suspected of dishonesty !!

The 2 are the laughing stock of EUROPE !!

in order that I may ridicule him once more.....................
let me confess about your Dishonesty !!!

BRUNO DENANTES is the largest single investor in the group who has had not a single cent in remunerative
pay in the last 7 years,
who has received NOTHING in dividends in the last 7 years, whose monthly remunerative pay
has been zero for the services you rendered in providing extraordinary Economics and Scientific input
and intellectual property to the group............... and as a group
Director in the last 7 years............... who is putting millions of dollars to fund the group and
allowing it to be healthy........ in a time when all companies are full of debts...............
...............and in the process of providing further funding, and business acquisitions !!!
WHO IS suspected by the shareholders to be A THIEF !!!????

IT IS AS GOOD AS THEM WRITING...........................

all us shareholders are in debts to you for life !!

You talking to Ark

he is the one with the dark air of course !!

Beloved Brother
These guys are the most idiotic and pathetic autistic criminals I have ever encountered !!
Evans was a genius in comparison !!!
At the end this affair.........I will this story in the best of my satires !!

i embrace you in brotherly fashion
your Brother Francesco

From: Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr.
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:20 AM
To: 'francesco fucilla'
Subject: Ark and Laura again

Dear Brother Francesco,

Also, since you partner BD lives in France and since he is being continually quoted (as suspect of being dishonest)

in L&A forum, it is the case that he can also make a denounce to the French police.

Best regards,

ark said:
Newest from Fucilla:

Dear Sunil
As you may know our companies are under criminal attacks.
In order that you as our group auditors ...........can monitor the damages that
are group are being suffering.....................
I will now be sending you and our lawyers all of the data for your record
as and per when................... you will need to refer to.


From: francesco fucilla
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 3:23 PM
To: bruno newest email denantes ; Denantes Bruno ; br Denantes ; Group Administration ; Mike Goodrich ; goddard mike ; 'ivan steele' ; Pierre Angles ; waldyr alves rodrigues jr
Subject: Fw: Ark and Laura again

Beloved brother Bruno
the 2 Autistic quasi Dawn.......... as a result of your affidavit
they are now writing that you are suspected of dishonesty !!

The 2 are the laughing stock of EUROPE !!

in order that I may ridicule him once more.....................
let me confess about your Dishonesty !!!

BRUNO DENANTES is the largest single investor in the group who has had not a single cent in remunerative
pay in the last 7 years,
who has received NOTHING in dividends in the last 7 years, whose monthly remunerative pay
has been zero for the services you rendered in providing extraordinary Economics and Scientific input
and intellectual property to the group............... and as a group
Director in the last 7 years............... who is putting millions of dollars to fund the group and
allowing it to be healthy........ in a time when all companies are full of debts...............
...............and in the process of providing further funding, and business acquisitions !!!
WHO IS suspected by the shareholders to be A THIEF !!!????

IT IS AS GOOD AS THEM WRITING...........................

all us shareholders are in debts to you for life !!

You talking to Ark

he is the one with the dark air of course !!

Beloved Brother
These guys are the most idiotic and pathetic autistic criminals I have ever encountered !!
Evans was a genius in comparison !!!
At the end this affair.........I will this story in the best of my satires !!

i embrace you in brotherly fashion
your Brother Francesco

From: Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr.
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:20 AM
To: 'francesco fucilla'
Subject: Ark and Laura again

Dear Brother Francesco,

Also, since you partner BD lives in France and since he is being continually quoted (as suspect of being dishonest)

in L&A forum, it is the case that he can also make a denounce to the French police.

Best regards,


Hmmm...does this sound familiar?


EDITOR’S NOTE: A top U.S. official — speaking today in Mexico City at the High-Level Hemispheric Meeting Against Transnational Organized Crime hosted by the Mexican government under the framework of the Organization of American States (OAS) — addressed the challenges the world law-enforcement community is confronting in the Internet Age.
In remarks apt to cause unease within the HYIP and organized-crime spheres, Deputy U.S. Attorney General James Cole noted that the government was wise to efforts by criminals to chill efforts to expose crimes by filing libel lawsuits. (A link to Cole’s full prepared remarks appears at the bottom of this story.)
Some recent Ponzi cases in the United States involving incredible sums of money — and the corresponding behavior of some of the participants — help prove the point . . .
Now-convicted racketeer Scott Rothstein threatened libel lawsuits when his $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme was on the verge of imploding.
AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin, named a defendant in a 2009 civil case that alleged racketeering, issued “slander” lawsuit threats prior to the August 2008 intervention by the U.S. Secret Service in the ASD scheme. The threats were issued not long after Bowdoin had returned from a trip arranged by a lawyer in which the ASD patriarch had ventured to Panama and Costa Rica, according to court filings.
Bowdoin later was indicted, amid allegations he was presiding over an international Ponzi scheme that had gathered at least $110 million. Robert Hodgins, who was referenced in 2007 ads for ASD, is an international fugitive wanted by INTERPOL. The United States accused Hodgins of laundering proceeds for narcotics traffickers in Colombia.
In advance of today’s High-Level Hemispheric Meeting Against Transnational Organized Crime, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza noted that such crime “is the principal continental source of activities such as drug trafficking, the illicit trafficking of firearms and immigrants, human trafficking, money laundering, corruption, kidnapping, and cybercrimes.”
Befitting its importance, the hemispheric meeting was hosted by Felipe Calderón, the president of Mexico.
Among others things, Deputy U.S. Attorney General James Cole said this at the meeting:
“The advance of globalization and the internet, while hugely beneficial to people everywhere, has also created unparalleled opportunities for criminals to expand their operations and use the facilities of global communication and commerce to carry out their criminal activities across national borders.”
Although Cole did not use the term “HYIP” in his remarks, it is clear that the U.S. government is well aware of the dangers online fraud schemes pose as they reach across borders to accumulate tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars — sometimes through a single fraud scheme.
As the PP Blog read the text of Cole’s remarks, another thing leaped off the page. Indeed, Cole said this (emphasis added):
“Because of the sophistication of the world economy, organized crime groups have developed an ability to exploit legitimate actors and their skills in order to further the criminal enterprises. For example, transnational organized criminal groups often rely on lawyers to facilitate illicit transactions. These lawyers create shell companies, open offshore bank accounts in the names of those shell companies, and launder criminal proceeds through trust accounts. Other lawyers working for organized crime figures bring frivolous libel cases against individuals who expose their criminal activities.“
Cole, of course, wasn’t talking specifically about the AdSurfDaily Ponzi case and ASD’s preposterous claims that Bowdoin had found a legitimate way to pay interest of 1 percent a day on the tens of millions of dollars sent in by participants and that ASD would create 100,000 millionaires in three years.
Even so, the words Cole uttered in Mexico City today have deep relevance to the HYIP sphere. Indeed, ASD reached across international borders and relied on an international sales force.
Here is how ASD worked: It relied on “legitimate actors” of the sort Cole described — in ASD’s case, a lawyer who allegedly scrubbed the “opportunity” to ensure compliance, and Moms and Pops and entrepreneurs (and people down on their luck) who signed up and became the friendly faces to their prospect bases. The salespeople were paid 10 percent for recruiting a friend with money and 5 percent more if the friend could recruit a friend with money — on top of “surfing” earnings of 1 percent a day and even more through the purported miracle of “compounding.”
The current HYIP scheme of JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid has the same type of payout schemes that ASD foisted on the marketplace. One big difference is the JSS/JBP says it can provide twice the daily payout of ASD.
JSS/JBP’s purported operator is Frederick Mann, a former ASD pitchman.
In September 2011, the U.S. Secret Service described ASD as a “criminal enterprise.”
You’ll note above that Cole today used the same phrase to describe one of the inherent threats of transnational organized crime. And, as noted above, he also spoke about bids to chill critics through the filing of libel lawsuits.
Those same types of threats were made in the ASD case, beginning in the summer of 2008. In fact, federal prosecutors even included an evidence exhibit in case filings that alluded to one such alleged threat. Unmentioned in the initial ASD case filings were the bids to chill reporters in at least two states and a newspaper in Georgia.
If you’ve been following the HYIP sphere for any length of time, you know that threats to sue members of the antiscam community are part of the landscape — so much so, that it has become an HYIP cliche. The bids to chill are not limited to threats to sue for libel and “slander,” however.
It also is becoming an HYIP cliche that the operators and apologists for brazen HYIPs threaten to file complaints with the ISPs of members of the antiscam community — i.e., if you report about us we’ll take down your Internet connection and/or sue you for copyright/trademark infringement.
These things are transparent bids to chill speech. They also are designed to have a secondary “benefit”: to make the marks — who may consist in part of people who are otherwise “legitimate actors” — believe that harm will come to them if they ever complain, that there are severe consequences to those who complain.
These nefarious methods have surfaced in scheme after scheme after scheme, as have various assertions about “offshore” venues and the purported “safety” the “offshore” venues provide. Longtime observers know the claims are part and parcel to the HYIP sphere — and that claims that someone is a successful businessman who has presided over multiple companies almost certainly will be incorporated into the sales pitch for an “opportunity.”
The FBI, for just one example, has been warning for years about securities fraud, the “shadow banking system” and the use of shell companies to disguise fraud proceeds. The director has testified repeatedly on Capitol Hill about the subject, while simultaneously warning about debit cards that are being used in nefarious ways and the dangers posed by lone wolves and “home-grown, violent extremists.”
All of these things are or may be in play in the HYIP sphere. Here are some things you should know:
It is likely that the scheme’s operator is trading on the credibility you have with loved ones and friends within your immediate sphere of influence to drive dollars to the scam. It is equally likely that you are being denied the sort of information that would empower you to make an informed purchasing decision and highly likely you are being asked to participate in a venture that could result in prosecutions under both civil and criminal law, possibly even the RICO statute.
The rate of return will be preposterous in any real-world context and the math will be fuzzy and confusing, if not downright impossible.
Your sponsor will lie to you or pass on GIGO that is part of the company line because the company line is more convenient than the uncomfortable truth. It will be garbage coming in, and garbage going out.
You will be subjected to a direct or indirect threat or a bid to chill, especially if you ask uncomfortable questions or raise any doubts.
There is a chance you’ll be working for a racketeer or an international criminal, perhaps even a “sovereign citizen” who has hatched a construction by which nothing is a crime, that all conduct is lawful in the name of freedom and free markets. If your sentiment is against the government or “big business” because of your personal financial situation or your political or philosophical views, an extremist may try to exploit your sentiment for personal profit.
Just some things to think about in the age of the HYIP, the age of terrorism and the age of transnational organized crime as practiced on the Internet . . .
ark said:
Newest from Fucilla: [snipped}

This is getting beyond ridiculous now. IMO, you don't have to be a psychology major to deduce that normal and innocent person would warn you once and then proceed to clear their name through legal channels.

Instead with pathological persistence he keeps bombarding you with these lame emails. I guess he is trying to prove he is innocent or he is trying to intimidate you. Either way it is pathetic.
I feel sorry for your inbox :(
Herr Eisenheim said:
ark said:
Newest from Fucilla: [snipped}

This is getting beyond ridiculous now. You don't have to be a psychology major to deduce that normal and innocent person would warn you once and then proceed to clear their name through legal channels.

Instead with pathological persistence he keeps bombarding you with these lame emails. I guess he is trying to prove he is innocent or he is trying to intimidate you. Either way it is pathetic.
I feel sorry for your inbox :(
It strikes me that he/they may be trying to avoid going to court over this. Perhaps he's been there before?
In here, somebody wrote another comment about their scam. He only mentions Evans and Santilli, but it's partly what we've been saying:

Comment by David Frazier 10 February 2009 21:51
I fail to see how ECE even qualifies for acceptance by this site, which supposedly offers reliable scientific information. It has been shown, again and again, that the entire ECE theory is based upon a fundamental error in the manipulation of differential geometry. Secondly, Dr Evans makes legal threats against those who persistently expose that mathematical error. This alone should disbar Dr Evans from participation in any open-minded scientific forum. Thirdly, Evans' pressure-group (Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies), and similar groups run by a Dr Santilli, have a habit of setting-up unaccredited 'universities', appointing each other professorships in those universities and rewarding each other with gold medals. Civil dignatories and local politicians are invited to the award ceremonies, and the overall strategy seems to be to fool powerful laymen into thinking that they are dealing with a proper academic society. However, to any scientist, the incorrectness of ECE is quite clear from the fact that it leads to the prediction of 'perpetual motion'. Rather than therefore questioning his theory, however, Evans then goes in the other direction and praises well-known 'free-energy' inventors hailing from the lunatic fringe - as well as planning to produce his own perpetual motion machines. Inclusion of ECE theory, which is demonstrably wrong rather than being merely 'alternative' in approach, can only undermine respect for the present site. It would be particularly ironic if SciTopics were seen to take seriously a concept which has even been largely shunned by the notoriously unreliable Wikipedia.

Right below that, there are a bunch of posts by Waldyr Rodrigues, Evans and others "defending" themselves. They sound like kindergarten kids, but less cute and funny.
For what it's worth, in a search for info regarding forum scams, I came across this:

EDITORIAL: Top Justice Department Official Speaks On Transnational Organized Crime, References Bogus ‘Libel’ Actions Brought Against ‘Individuals Who Expose . . . Criminal Activities’
truth seeker said:
For what it's worth, in a search for info regarding forum scams, I came across this:

EDITORIAL: Top Justice Department Official Speaks On Transnational Organized Crime, References Bogus ‘Libel’ Actions Brought Against ‘Individuals Who Expose . . . Criminal Activities’

Yes. Daenerys just posted the same thing above.
Latest from Waldyr Rodrigues:

Dear Ark,

This is probably the last message that I will write to you.

It is now proved (as I intended to do) that you and Laura are so stupid that cannot distinguish a satire (that I wrote in ten minutes) from real facts.

It reveals what are you investigations on the paranormal and he real reason why you and Laura are acting the way you are.

Finally, any being (of course, not the ones with chicken’s mind) will immediately laugh for some hours after reading my satire only to discover that you and Laura mean it as a real story.

All your readers, will now understand why you believe in Laura’s channeling…And , be sure, you will become the joke of the world. Candide only became the joke of a very small city.

Also, Laura starts being repetitive and mislead facts with fiction. I am not the president of any of FF companies. I am a only a director whose function is to examine proposed projects.

[There are many people trying to sell interesting ideas all the days, like, e.g., an automatic oujia board, directly coupled to a computer. It save a lot of time of the dummies, for it is not necessary to record the sessions, work on the transcripts, etc. Do you imagine how much time such a device will save, e.g., for you and Laura?

If you are interested little 13 years boy can build one such device to you, as a cortesy, with payment to be combined only to cover the material used. Yes, little 13 years boy can do that using another device, called a “time machine”, which according to a well known physicist can even be build in the garage of any home if one has enough skill. Well, litlle13 years boy already knew all this long ago (since 1959)and are using his device (despite his father advise) to play with many other Candide(s).

You made a lot of accusations against Francesco. So, now in a court, you will need to find a single man that has been scammed by him. ( As I already told you, if only one of your charges turns out to be true I will terminate my association with FF and will explicit write all that in my website).

Of course, it is very much more easy to find scammers of a certain house’s raffle…that even have copies of their tickets yet.

But this is not all, and another reason for my mail is the following: since you used your interpretation of the satire to suggest publicly in your (dirty) forum that my “communications with the real cassiopeans” are not compatible with my position as editor-in-chief of AACA, please use what remains of your dignity (and intelligence) and, please, resign from you position of member of the editorial board.

For did you forget that you are participating of the “cassiopaen experiment” since a long time ago?

If you forget I can only conclude that a certain diet you are using are making you senile.

To end, I sincerely hope that sanity and peace will return to you.



So, now he is saying it was a satire. But yesterday he wrote me this in obvious seriousness:

I will be out all day, visiting a friend (that has a very beautiful farm no more than 30 km from my home with more than 107 m2 ) and that already donate to one of your enterprises.

He has an interesting list with lots of things that he thinks are very much wrong and that he want to show to me and let me tell him my opinion.

Believe it or not, that visit was already fixed to happen after my return from Europe and is one of the predictions of the real cassiopaens. He suggested 6, 7 or 8 April and I chose 6, the data mentioned by the rc in 1959-1960.

If next prediction will happen….

So, question is: when Waldyr Rodrigues is telling the truth?
Ailén said:

Comment by David Frazier 10 February 2009 21:51
<snip> Evans' pressure-group (Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies), and similar groups run by a Dr Santilli, have a habit of setting-up unaccredited 'universities', appointing each other professorships in those universities and rewarding each other with gold medals. Civil dignatories and local politicians are invited to the award ceremonies, and the overall strategy seems to be to fool powerful laymen into thinking that they are dealing with a proper academic society. However, to any scientist, the incorrectness of ECE is quite clear from the fact that it leads to the prediction of 'perpetual motion'. Rather than therefore questioning his theory, however, Evans then goes in the other direction and praises well-known 'free-energy' inventors hailing from the lunatic fringe - as well as planning to produce his own perpetual motion machines.
That's pretty much the size of it, IMO: Fucilla et all setting up unaccredited "universities" and giving out medals and trying to involve everybody and his brother so as to implicate them in the scam... meanwhile, they're all about mainly ridiculous New Age fantasy tech.
ark said:
Latest from Waldyr Rodrigues:


Of course, it is very much more easy to find scammers of a certain house’s raffle…that even have copies of their tickets yet.

I guess that Waldyr didn't get the memo that all that "raffle scam" hoopla was just a load of lies made up by black magicians Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner. There has never been a single official complaint about any "raffle scam." From anybody. Ever.
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