There's a pair of 20-story hollow columns within 300 yards of the back of the concert stage which have been blocked out of mainstream media photos. The have bottom doors and ladders inside to the top where there are small windows—perfect for snipers. [I recall seeing one of them on someone's phone video, and they are visible on Google Earth, from where he showed a panoramic view in daytime of them. Apparently, they were built to hold a giant ferris wheel for a project named SkyVue, which ran into financial problems.
Not sure who had it first, but this has been on Jim Stone's site:
Mike Adams bullet trajectory analysis, when pegged down to a specific location, matches the abandoned Skyvue towers perfectly.
The skyvue towers are what is left of an abandoned ferris wheel project that started five years ago. They are the supports that were supposed to hold the wheel. For whatever reason it was not deemed econimically viable and they abandoned it. The towers stand 200 feet tall, and have mechanical access doors and an interior stairwell inside of them for providing service access to the ferris wheel hub.
VERY IMPORTANT: Trolls are trolling the towers badly, and I always use troll behavior to guage the validity of a topic. Trolls are doing everything they can to divert the public away from these towers. These towers are so close to the concert that they are considered to be at near point blank range for a basic 5.56 round (not even an updated boosted one.) Their much closer proximity to the concert would explain why the gunfire was so loud. Their position also would explain why people in the videos appear to have had temporary shelter in front of the stage until gunmen opened fire from other angles. Their position also would explain why the performers and people back stage said they first became aware of the shooting when bullets started hitting the roof of the stage.
Trolls are preying on ignorance, hoping people can't get a concert perspective on how the towers were actually positioned, and are then saying the towers were not tall enough to give a shooter a vantage point to see the crowd from behind or above the stage (gee, that sounds familiar, I said right in the beginning the shots probably came from above the stage). Trolls are calling the towers "mounds of dirt", torn down, full of rebar (so no one could shoot from them) and all other manners of lies about them, and I can probably guess why. The answer is obvious, and now trolls are not going to be able to bury these towers because I hunted down a perfect perspective of where they are and posted it here, (above and below) which pretty much means the end of their work on this.
[See pics at his site: _http://
Stone said previously that the stage lights that illuminated the crowd kept people from seeing the muzzle fire of the shots that were coming from that direction.]
IMPORTANT: People posted to social media that the police had the entire area around the towers completely sealed off after the shooting. Obviously it would be to make sure all evidence of shooting from the towers was cleaned up perfectly, with no one to witness the cleanup, let alone wander into the area later (which only has a mundane chain link fence surrounding it) and finding proof part of the shooting happened from there.
Obviously since the shooting was a deep state op, all the shooters had to do when they finished is call it miller time and wait while the situation on the ground below cooled off. After that, it was a short walk to an industrial area to the south west of the towers and into the air port for an easy getaway.
Stone also addresses the crisis actors/real victims question:
Paul Craig Roberts posted a letter from a military surgeon that specialized in treating gunshot wounds. This surgeon remarked about how the patients in the hospital videos were obviously not shot. The people in the "hospital videos" probably were indeed not shot. But they were most likely never at the concert at all because it was a fake hospital video. Most likely, the people who were actually shot were never interviewed by the press because they would interfere with the official story. What would be worse than having a real witness of the event get on camera and blow it for the FBI?
After finding a totally obscure video that shows it all clearly, I now affirmatively know the shooting was real, and that everything I said about real people being left to die overnight is accurate. I found a perfectly clear video of the shooting in progress, a video that was buried up until this point. I also now affirmatively know that the media never interviewed real victims, they interviewed actors who were complicit in the shooting that would not spill the beans on the official story.
This video clearly proves the gunfire originated on site, and not from far away. It clearly proves there is blood everywhere, because it did not rain yet the pavement has huge wet areas. It clearly shows an unconcious girl with a huge head wound dripping blood on the pavement as people try to get her to safety. Keep in mind that at night a camera is not going to make blood show red on black pavement. Blood color is so close to black from an actual light absorption perspective that cameras just cant discern the color at night, especially a cell phone.
The doctor that sent the letter to Paul Craig Roberts was probably being honest, and giving an honest reaction to what was obviously actors in a fake hospital video. But what he most likely did not know was that the media was most likely interviewing fake people from a fake hospital location, all the while real victims were never spoken to. They won't be spoken to, because they would spill the beans. The video clearly shows the people know where the gun shots are coming from, and are trying to make a strategic exit without getting shot themselves. If all the people in the hospital videos were cheery and leaving within days, they CLEARLY, CLEARLY were not the people in this video.
THIS VIDEO IS SO TELLING THAT IT WILL NOT COME UP IN SEARCH RESULTS. It is obvious all the hits are from people linking into it that happened to have known about it, I tried searching for it by its exact title and Youtube would absolutely not allow it to show up.
From Intellihub:
LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — Chief Medical Doctor of the Emergency Department at Vally Hospital Medical Center and longtime Chief Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Doctor Jeffrey Davis admitted on camera that a ‘mass casualty incident disaster drill’ was activated after the massacre in which 58 people were killed.
Shockingly the doctor’s admission dovetails with an actual Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Integrated Capstone Exercise (ICE) for Hospital Emergency Response Training for Mass Casualty Incidents’ that took place between the dates of October 1-3 as seen below. (Click to enlarge)
Director of External Affairs for the Center for Domestic Preparedness, FEMA, and DHS, Richard Brewer told Intellihub’s Founder and Director Shepard Ambellas in a phone interview that he could not confirm which state the drill was taking place in and ‘terminated’ the call.
Brewer later prepared a statement for Ambellas via email which read:
Shepard: We spoke earlier by phone.
As we discussed, our training is routinely scheduled at least six months in advance. The ‘Hospital Emergency Response Training for Mass Casualty Incidents’ you referenced, and which is currently underway, was likewise scheduled months ago.
Brewer went on to write, “The training is being conducted here at the Center for Domestic Preparedness in Anniston, Ala.”
Could the following video contain footage of an actual drill being conducted in Las Vegas the night of the shooting?
Two US Army Mortuary Affairs units, semi-trucks, were spotted at the venue along with for fully dressed US Army personnel carrying heavy machine guns. The following video shows the two Mortuary Affairs units along with an additional box truck.
[video no longer available]
Related: Mortuary affairs unit trains Soldiers on simulating combat wounds —
I watched the missing video previously and wondered if that was how the presumed victims were made to look actually injured - especially if the real victims keep insisting there were multiple shooters and some were on the ground. One such victim posted her detailed account of what happened on Facebook, but then died of natural causes on Oct. 9. She was adamant that there were multiple shooters: