The Artchemical Matter

Hello everyone,

I just updated our art blog with my latest picture called "Rapture One":

In a few words, the earth is hit by a comet run, and the world's elite and president Obama escape the planet in their secret gov saucers to enjoy the view of the "change" that is about to happen...

Well, that's it more or less! I hope you enjoy it... Thank you all.

spyraal said:
Hello everyone,

I just updated our art blog with my latest picture called "Rapture One":

In a few words, the earth is hit by a comet run, and the world's elite and president Obama escape the planet in their secret gov saucers to enjoy the view of the "change" that is about to happen...

:wow: You've got that dragon landing right where I live...

Otherwise, very nice illustrations! :thup:

RyanX said:
:wow: You've got that dragon landing right where I live...

Otherwise, very nice illustrations! :thup:


Sorry about that! :P It seemed like a good place originally... These huge rocks are hard to handle!
Custom versions with alternative points of impact are available though. :lol:
spyraal said:
Sorry about that! :P It seemed like a good place originally... These huge rocks are hard to handle!
Custom versions with alternative points of impact are available though. :lol:

:lol: It's OK. Actually the location you chose is pretty close to the one that Firestone et al believe was impacted about 13,000 yrs ago.

Fab site!! I've been thinking about doing something like this for a while now. I think there needs to be more political artwork in these times. I was considering making artwork for people to use as wallpapers on their computer. I use Gimp even though I'm not completely proficient at it but have been inspired by you to take this up again. Where do you get your images from?

I realize it's creative commons, but I'll ask anyway. I'd love to use your "Why" piece as a wallpaper on my desktop. Is this okay?

Last question: I'd like to link to your site from my blog, is that okay with you?

Thanks so much for the work and the renewed inspiration!
truth seeker said:
I realize it's creative commons, but I'll ask anyway. I'd love to use your "Why" piece as a wallpaper on my desktop. Is this okay?

the "why" piece was done by alejo, so he'd have to respond to that, but considering it's your personal desktop and they're creative commons, i don't think it would be a problem ;)

truth seeker said:
Last question: I'd like to link to your site from my blog, is that okay with you?

yes it is totally ok to link to our blog :D could you post a link to yours as well? i didn't see it in your profile...

truth seeker said:
Thanks so much for the work and the renewed inspiration!

thank you for the feedback!

as far as submitting work goes, send me a PM with a link to your piece and we'll go from there. we're always interested in having new artists display work... i'm very interested to see what you are doing with GIMP, it's a pretty versatile program!

also, i suppose it's worth re-stating, if there are any other digital artists on the forum who do this type of Work, get ahold of me if you are interested in sharing your pieces. while the Artchemical Matter is not associated/affiliated with SOTT in any way, we are interested in the same themes, and trying to offer a venue for people to display this type of Work that may not get a chance to be shown elsewhere.

edit: i misspoke slightly, this is not only limited to digital artists. if you do painting and/or sculpture, and can scan or take digital photos of your pieces, that would also work.
JonnyRadar said:
yes it is totally ok to link to our blog :D could you post a link to yours as well? i didn't see it in your profile...

Yeah, it's fairly new and I wasn't sure if anyone here would be interested. In it I talk about the strange things that happen in my life and my take on weirdness in general. What's happening in my life is being called organized stalking on the internet, but I believe (unlike many others) that the source is from hyperdimensional realms. What I hope to accomplish with the blog is to possibly act as a kind of funnel (for people who choose to) from unexplained activities to this site since the Cass sites were so incredibly helpful to me. Your site would go under the inspiration section. The blog is at:

If you have any questions or suggestions or even corrections, I'd be glad to hear them!

JonnyRadar said:
as far as submitting work goes, send me a PM with a link to your piece and we'll go from there. we're always interested in having new artists display work... i'm very interested to see what you are doing with GIMP, it's a pretty versatile program!

Oh, I don't have anything finished. It's a piece on Shirley Chisholm and I'm having a bit of trouble with it but as soon as I get it together, I'll send it to you for feedback!
Hello everyone,

I just uploaded my latest picture called "Mass Inoculator". The theme is about the coming mass flu vaccinations being used as... a strategic weapon for pretty obvious purposes.
I hope you enjoy it! ;)

Available at

Thank you
I just uploaded my latest picture called "Mass Inoculator". The theme is about the coming mass flu vaccinations being used as... a strategic weapon for pretty obvious purposes.

Terrific picture, although I wonder, if in addition to the giant skull in the trench, would it make sense to have sinister medical/doctor types standing around the 'launcher' with the caption: "We know what's best for you!" Or it could be just right exactly the way you have it. Maybe the caption would dilute the message - the launching of a death weapon disguised as preventative wellness. :shock:
JEEP said:
I just uploaded my latest picture called "Mass Inoculator". The theme is about the coming mass flu vaccinations being used as... a strategic weapon for pretty obvious purposes.

Terrific picture, although I wonder, if in addition to the giant skull in the trench, would it make sense to have sinister medical/doctor types standing around the 'launcher' with the caption: "We know what's best for you!" Or it could be just right exactly the way you have it. Maybe the caption would dilute the message - the launching of a death weapon disguised as preventative wellness. :shock:

Adding more visual elements like medical personal would definitely make sense, but for this one i was after keeping things a little "iconic" and surreal. ;)
Thank you, Mountain Crown and everyone for your support, as well as for your feedback and ideas, which are always welcomed!

I was trying to post a picture of a piece I did but unfortunately the file is too big. First, do you know how to go about finding out how large a file is on mac? Also how do you lower the size of the file?

Thanks much! Let me know if I should post this in a separate thread.
truth seeker said:
First, do you know how to go about finding out how large a file is on mac?

When you are in the FINDER window press Apple + 2, or Apple + 3, which changes the view to list or colums.
Or even more simply mark the file and press Apple+ i, which gives you details (information) about the file.

And I like your picture too spyraal, I find the personification of the truck quite funny!
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