The Artchemical Matter

truth seeker said:
I was trying to post a picture of a piece I did but unfortunately the file is too big. First, do you know how to go about finding out how large a file is on mac? Also how do you lower the size of the file?

Thanks much! Let me know if I should post this in a separate thread.


There is no need to have a "super big" file for uploading to Artchemical Matter, as pictures get automatically downscaled in resolution by the host Worldpress application. I found that the maximum size is about 1200 pixels in either height or width, depending on the aspect ratio of the picture (which is the relation between height and width). Reducing the size yourself will also speed up the up-loading!

You usually find the size of a file by right-clicking it's icon and then by clicking "properties" on the pop-up menu. That is on PCs of course, but something similar applies to Macs. You can use an application like Photoshop for reducing the size (or resolution) of a picture or any photo-viewing application to open the picture's file, and then use the "Save As" function on the "File" menu, where there are usually presets for reducing the size of images that read something like "Save for Web" or similar...

I hope that helps somehow! I mostly use PCs and this little is all the advice i can give to a Mac user. :P

Thank you
spyraal said:
Hello everyone,

I just uploaded my latest picture called "Mass Inoculator". The theme is about the coming mass flu vaccinations being used as... a strategic weapon for pretty obvious purposes.
I hope you enjoy it! ;)

Available at

Thank you

Wow! Wonderful job.

Ya know, a lot of your works remind me of the paintings by Mark Bryan.


abcdefghiJoerg said:
truth seeker said:
First, do you know how to go about finding out how large a file is on mac?

When you are in the FINDER window press Apple + 2, or Apple + 3, which changes the view to list or colums.
Or even more simply mark the file and press Apple+ i, which gives you details (information) about the file.

On newer Macs, the keyboard shortcut will be, after selecting the file, pressing Command and I simultaneously, as their is no Apple button.
Excellent artwork. Anyone have any ideas about other mediums by which these could be disseminated to a wider audience?
Hello to all,

I just added to Artchemical Matter my latest picture inspired by the anniversary of 9/11 (missed it by a day thought...). :P
I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your support!

Take care,
spyraal said:
Hello to all,

I just added to Artchemical Matter my latest picture inspired by the anniversary of 9/11 (missed it by a day thought...). :P
I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your support!

Take care,

excellent Work, spyraal! very powerful... thank you for sharing. :)
Vulcan59 said:
Hi spyraal,

Very nicely done. It would be an excellent addition to SOTT promotional posters.

Thank you Vulcan, JR, MC and all. I am honored. If you feel it is fitting for SOTT promotional posters i will be glad to sent you a version with my name removed, so as to add whatever text you feel like (like the SOTT address etc.)
As always, any ideas for changes or additions are welcomed too. ;)

Take care,
Hello everyone,

If you visit Artchemical Matter ( you will find my latest picture called "Nuclear-Free World"... Because, who needs the old and dirty nukes anymore? ;)
I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you

-edit: you can also see the picture in higher resolution in the following link
MC said:
Excellent spyraal, excellent!

Once again the Artchemical Matter proves a picture can be worth more than a thousand words.

MC, I was just replying to the thread: Excellent stuff! Interesting how a picture can show a thousand words...
And then I read you post :lol:
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