The Beginning Of The Plague?

Al Today said:
The Hot Zone shows how terrifyingly easy the world can become infected on a global scale just by someone taking an international plane ride. A person merely walking through the hallways of an international airport where one person breathes someones air, passes the bugger along to another, along to another and along on and on. Within minutes. People in the hallway get infected then disburse to their different global destinations, just to give a gift that keeps giving. Like a geometric progression or a wave perhaps... It's not easy to wrap my head on how quickly the world can become a petri dish.

Yeah, and the Black Death virus had an infectious period before appearance of symptoms of 20-22 days were hundreds of people get exposed unbeknown to them as the person infected doesn't know he/she is incubating the virus... A recipe for dis-aster.

Studying the parish records and the historical data registered in English provinces, using information about the critical events in the lives of real people and computer modeling, Duncan and Scott were able to not only surmise the amount of time from the appearance of symptoms to death, but also to establish the following facts about the pandemic:

- An outbreak is recorded as being started by a traveler or stranger or by an inhabitant who had returned from a place where the plague was known to be raging.
- The plague behaved in exactly the same way in each outbreak.
- There were, however, two different types of epidemics in England, governed by size and density of the population.
- The full-blown typical epidemic lasted for eight or nine months - from spring to December.
- The mortality rate was often about 40% of the population, although they had no measure of how many people had fled at the first signs of trouble.

Not only that, they were also able to establish these vital statistics of the plague:

- Latent period: 10 to 12 days.
- Infectious period before appearance of symptoms: 20 to 22 days
- Incubation period: 32 days
- Average period displaying symptoms before death: 5 days
- Total infectious period: about 27 days, assuming that the victim remained infectious until death, although it is possible that infectiousness decreased once the symptoms appeared.
- Average time from the point of infection to death: 37 days.
Deadly Ebola now ‘a regional threat’, as virus spreads to Guinea capital

In light of these recent developments, would it be beneficial to set up a separate thread on the forum in which all who have the concerning medical,practical knowledge and information could share the links, methods regarding ways of prevention and possible antiviral treatments?

There's lots of knowledge on the forum, maybe it would be good to consolidate it into one most concise topic that would deal with issues of safety in the face of the plague..

Just a thought.
I guess we'll find out soon enough if this is more than just a "hiccup".

Report: Ebola suspected in Europe: "Broken through all containment efforts"

The outbreak of Ebola Virus in seven west African countries has broken through all containment efforts and is spreading like wildfire. According to Christian Relief groups working in Guinea and Liberia, the number of confirmed infections jumped 15% in just the last 24 hours. In addition, 40 illegal alien migrant workers from the outbreak area, who came ashore in Pisa, Italy, are showing signs of Ebola infection and are being isolated in Pisa Italy because of fever and "conjunctivitis" (bloody around the eyes). According to the World Health Organization, this strain of Ebola is entirely new and although it is close to the Zaire strain, it is different, thus accounting for false-negative test results . . . . . for weeks!

Those false-negative results meant people who were actually infected with Ebola, were returned to their families and neighborhoods to recover from what they believed was the Flu or a case of food poisoning, only to spread the Ebola further.

The result has been a complete loss of containment of this Ebola outbreak.

With the likely arrival of Ebola in Pisa, Italy, the European continent is now at severe risk.

Italian officials deny the reports, but alternative media in the country suggests this is the reason for a complete lock down of a hospital in Pisa, where it is believed to have infected some 40 individuals. Other reports trickling in from various sources like social media indicate the virus may have also appeared about 50 miles from Pisa in Tuscany, Italy.

Alarmingly, a story that appeared about the outbreak on national news wires was reportedly removed by the Italian government for "national security reasons," suggesting that there is more to the reports than Italian officials are willing to express to the public at this time.

Though they have denied that the Pisa hospital was locked down due to Ebola, they seem to be bracing for the possibility of a severe epidemic in Rome and Milan.

Google Translation via Italy's Vnews24)

And 'mystery about forty hypothetical cases of Ebola registered in our country. The virus is particularly common on the African continent - the cases "official" were recorded in Senegal, Mali and Ghana - may have arrived in Italy "thank you" to the massive exodus of immigrants to our shores. A first "bell" d 'alarm was launched by Lampedusa. According to a report appeared in the network (and immediately removed for reasons of "national security"), in fact, April 16 would be recorded on an epidemic 'island, never confirmed nor refuted by our Ministry of Health.

A new "SOS" about the spread of the virus' Ebola in the Bel Paese is, this time, from Tuscany. Means of dissemination of the news shock is always the network: blogs, social networks, websites dedicated highlighted the "Curious Case of St. Flushing," reception center site in Pisa, closed to the public due to the presence, all 'inside of it, forty non-EU nationals which are to some strange symptoms. Capuzzi Sandra, Councillor for Social Policies of the Municipality of Pisa, he would have dismissed the alarmism of his countrymen, by classifying the health status of the refugees in the structure in these terms: "They have just a little bit fever, caused by stressful travel conditions under which the children were subjected. "

Fear, meanwhile, remains. The forty possible carriers of the virus' Ebola have been subjected to all the tests required in high-risk situations. The Italian population, however, does not feel the climate of reassurance that high institutional positions and subjected try to transmit information through various channels, official and unofficial. The tension increases, although the Ministry of Health said that, in the unlikely event of an outbreak, Rome and Milan would be ready to face the 'epidemic.
Things sure are getting interesting. The keto diet affords some protection, it seems, but obviously, nothing is foolproof. IV vitamin C might be helpful too.
Here is a recipe for thieves oil, supposedly used by corpse-looters during a plague:

Might be handy at some point.
Laura said:
Things sure are getting interesting. The keto diet affords some protection, it seems, but obviously, nothing is foolproof. IV vitamin C might be helpful too.

I guess colloidal silver and smoking as well as other natural immunomodulators such as Echinacea will be helpful too.
Altair said:
Laura said:
Things sure are getting interesting. The keto diet affords some protection, it seems, but obviously, nothing is foolproof. IV vitamin C might be helpful too.

I guess colloidal silver and smoking as well as other natural immunomodulators such as Echinacea will be helpful too.

While searching the subject, I stumbled upon an article on bitter kola (or Garcinia Kola) saying that this plant offers benefits in treating/protecting against Ebola and other viruses like AIDS. It might be worth looking into it.

The sweetness of bitter kola nuts

Bitter kola nut with the scientific name garcinia kola is a tropical flowering plant grown mainly in West and Central Africa. Just as it is identified by different words in Nigerian languages -- orogbo in Yoruba, Namijin-goro in Hausa and Akuilu in Ibo – bitter kola is said to contain dimeric flavonoid, which is believed to have many healing benefits.
Over the years, garcinia kola has been used to fight common colds particularly cough and sneezing. But according to reports, researchers have discovered that it has far more benefits than just treating cold.
According to family health expert, bitter kola is used in many tropical countries to fight infectious diseases such as AIDS and the Ebola virus. It has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
It is also believed, she said, to cure impotence and has been used successfully to treat patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis. It reduced pain and swelling and improved movement.
“Garcinia kola is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is used to prevent infections and viruses, especially of the immune system.
As a substitute and preservative, garcinia kola is used as a substitute for hops in brewing lager beer. It is especially useful in preventing beer spoilage.
Mrs Chinyere Nwokeke, a researcher with the Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA), is quoted in a Daily Champion report as saying that the kola could be used in treating opportunistic infections associated with HIV and went ahead to state other benefits of the tropical fruit.
Bitter kola “is highly recommended in the treatment of HIV and AIDS because of its anti-bacterial, detoxification and cleansing properties,” she said.
She said that the chemical Saponin in bitter kola is responsible for its cleansing effect. Saponin is mainly used as tonic for the liver; it enhances the functions of the liver and gall bladder.
“It is also very effective in the treatment of cough, diarrhoea, tuberculosis and other bacterial infections.
“When food is suspected to be contaminated by bacteria, chew bitter kola immediately after and it will forestall the development of any infection or poisoning,” she advised.
Nwokeke said that in the past, the kola was eaten mostly by the elderly because of their belief that it could prolong life.
“Actually, researches in modern science have revealed that bitter kola contains chemical compounds that will help the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and has other medicinal uses which account for its longevity property in man. Bitter kola is anti-poison too and has the ability to repel evil men and spirits. It could sound superstitious but it works,” she said.
The naturalist said that the seed and the bark of bitter kola should be eaten together in cases where food poisoning is suspected. “It helps to detoxify the system. It can also be used to repel snakes for those who live in areas that are prone to snakes,” she said.
The expert also said that bitter kola could be used in the treatment of breast cancer as it has anti-cancerous effect.
Locally, with illnesses like mumps and measles in children, it is ground or chopped into tiny bits and mixed with honey or palm oil which the child drinks and some of it rubbed on his or her body. It is also said to stop vomiting in children and adults and during pregnancy.
Some other experts have pointed out that most benefits of garcinia kola are derived from its high concentration of hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, which is chemically related to the citric acid you find in lemons or grapefruit.
A growing body of research shows the effectiveness of the nut and HCA as a dietary supplement. They define it as a diet pill that works. It is an invaluable tool for dieters working to suppress carbohydrate cravings and inhibit the storage of fat, while giving you more energy and enhancing your immune system.
They also correct the misconception that bitter kola extracts suppress cravings for carbohydrate. It is often incorrectly assumed that because garcinia kola extract suppresses carbohydrate cravings, it suppresses appetite in general.
The way it works is by boosting seratonin levels in your brain. Seratonin is a neurotransmitter or natural drug that your brain uses to regulate your mood.
When you eat large amounts of carbohydrates, the amino acids used to break down sugar are pulled out of your blood and concentrated in your muscles. This effectively makes more room in your brain for the chemicals used to build neurotransmitters like seratonin. This is why depression often leads to carbohydrate binging. Your brain knows that eating carbohydrates will give it more of the seratonin it needs.
By enhancing your seratonin levels, garcinia kola frees you from the carbohydrate-binging cycle, allowing you to enjoy a normal, healthy appetite for fresh, nutritious foods. For this reason, garcinia kola is particularly effective when it is used in combination with a low-carb diet.
The tropical fruit, they say, also interferes with your body’s ability to produce and store new fat, causing more of your own stored fat to be burned off for energy. Garcinia kola is also known to help decrease levels of harmful LDL cholesterol and potentially deadly triglycerides.
By the same process, garcinia kola also prevents the carbohydrates you eat from being converted into new fat, resulting in a marked decrease in the ‘backsliding’ effect common among low-carb dieters.
The way garcinia kola does all this is by inhibiting the actions of a specific enzyme in your liver called ATP Cytrate Lyase. This enzyme is specifically responsible for the conversion of carbohydrates to fat and is also related to the production of cholesterol.
By and large, there are more sweet elements of the bitter kola than just the bitter taste it gives off in the mouth. As much as you can, you are advised to balance up your sugar intake by consuming a decent amount of bitter foods and bitter kola is highly recommended for this purpose.
Thanks for the posted article, Adaryn. The question whether it would have the same positive effects on Europeans too. I mean the genetics plays here definetely a role.
Gene Tatum in his article claims that this is not a "usual Ebola but a new strain with a peculiar outbreak:

...this time, the outbreak is different. In the past, Ebola rarely made it out of the remote forested areas of Africa. Key to that is a grim version of good news/bad news: because Ebola tends to incapacitate its victims and kill them quickly, they rarely have a chance to travel and spread the disease beyond their small villages. Now, however, Ebola is in Conakry, the capital city, with two million residents. Equally concerning: it’s just a short distance from where we touched down, at an international airport.

Further he is calculating of Ebola as possible bioweapon due to it's lethality (warning: graphic images ahead):_

Yozilla said:
Gene Tatum in his article claims that this is not a "usual Ebola but a new strain with a peculiar outbreak:

...this time, the outbreak is different. In the past, Ebola rarely made it out of the remote forested areas of Africa. Key to that is a grim version of good news/bad news: because Ebola tends to incapacitate its victims and kill them quickly, they rarely have a chance to travel and spread the disease beyond their small villages. Now, however, Ebola is in Conakry, the capital city, with two million residents. Equally concerning: it’s just a short distance from where we touched down, at an international airport.

Further he is calculating of Ebola as possible bioweapon due to it's lethality (warning: graphic images ahead):_


My only issue with Ebola being used as a bioweapon is that due to its lethality, infecting the population with such a virus could easily get out of control especially given that this new strain can survive outside the hot and humid environment of Central African forests.
From all the Ebola news as of late, this one is particularly important because if there is data to even remotely suggest Ebola has gone air-borne, then it is practically a done deal:

Ebola - What you're not being told

Though the method of transmission in the study was not officially determined, one of the scientists involved, Dr. Gary Kobinger, from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada, told BBC News that he believed that the infection was spread through large droplets that were suspended in the air.

"What we suspect is happening is large droplets; they can stay in the air, but not long; they don't go far," he explained. "But they can be absorbed in the airway, and this is how the infection starts, and this is what we think, because we saw a lot of evidence in the lungs of the non-human primates that the virus got in that way."

Translation: Ebola IS an airborne virus.
edit : Oops, same link as Gaby. Sorry.

from SCG News :

There is something very, very important that the corporate media and public health officials are not telling you regarding the Ebola outbreak in west Africa.

The information I'm about to present here is frightening. There's really no way around that. However, I request that you do your very best to maintain a calm state of mind.

Right now in West Africa the worst Ebola outbreak in history is in full swing and is jumping borders at an alarming rate. Already it has spread to four countries, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and now Nigeria. This latest jump into Nigeria is particularly serious since the infected individual carried the virus by plane to Lagos Nigeria, a city with a population of over 21 million. Doctors without borders has referred to the outbreak as "out of control".

To make matters worse, there is something very, very important that the corporate media and public health officials are not telling you regarding this crisis.

You'll notice if you read virtually any mainstream article on the topic that they make a point of insisting that Ebola is only transferred by physical contact with bodily fluids. This is not true, at all.

A study conducted in 2012 showed that Ebola was able to travel between pigs and monkeys that were in separate cages and were never placed in direct contact.

Though the method of transmission in the study was not officially determined, one of the scientists involved, Dr. Gary Kobinger, from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada, told BBC News that he believed that the infection was spread through large droplets that were suspended in the air.
"What we suspect is happening is large droplets; they can stay in the air, but not long; they don't go far," he explained. "But they can be absorbed in the airway, and this is how the infection starts, and this is what we think, because we saw a lot of evidence in the lungs of the non-human primates that the virus got in that way."

Translation: Ebola IS an airborne virus.

UPDATE: Someone pointed out that in medical terms, if the virus is transferred through tiny droplets in the air this would technically not be called an "airborne virus". Airborne, in medical terms would mean that the virus has the ability to stay alive without a liquid carrier. On one hand this is a question of semantics, and the point is well taken, but keep in mind that the study did not officially determine how the virus traveled through the air, it merely established that it does travel through the air. Doctor Kobinger's hypothesis regarding droplets of liquid is just that, a hypothesis. For the average person however what needs to be understood is very simple: if you are in a room with someone infected with Ebola, you are not safe, even if you never touch them or their bodily fluids, and this is not what you are being told by the mainstream media. Essentially I am using the word "airborne" as a layman term (which kind of makes sense, since I am a layman in this field).

Now I'm not going to speculate as to whether these so called "journalist" and public health agencies who keep repeating the official line regarding the means of transmission are lying, or are just participating in some massive display of synchronized incompetence, but what I will say, is that this shoddy reporting is most likely getting people killed right now, and may in fact put all of humanity in danger.

How so?

By convincing people that the virus cannot travel through air, important precautions that could reduce the spread of the virus are not being taken. For example the other passengers on the plane that traveled to Lagos, Nigeria were not quarantined.

To put this into context, Ebola kills between 50% and 90% of its victims, so the stakes are very, very high here.

NOTE: We have reported on the fact that Ebola can spread through the air in three separate articles since March of 2014, here, here and here, however the corporate media has continued to misrepresent the vectors of transmission.

This particular strain of Ebola is not Ebola Zaire. This is a new strain, and it may in fact be more dangerous than the Zaire variety. Not because of any difference in the symptoms (the symptoms are identical), but because this new virus seems to be harder to contain. Whether this is due to some characteristic of the virus itself or merely dumb luck is uncertain at this time, but the rate at which this outbreak has extended its range is unprecedented.

Right now the question on everyone's minds is whether this virus will spread outside of Africa. Considering the fact that Ebola has a three week incubation period, can travel through the air, and has already hitchhiked onto an international flight, this is a very real possibility. There are some that are downplaying the probability of this outcome, and to be honest, I hope that they are right, but the simple fact of the matter is that these people are basing their assessment on the faulty premise that Ebola is not an airborne virus.

Now the first thing you might be feeling when looking at this situation is a sense of fear and helplessness, and while that's a perfectly normal reaction it's really not helpful. Instead we should be thinking in terms of practical steps we can take to influence the outcome.

One thing we can all do is to start confronting journalists and public officials who keep making false statements regarding the way Ebola spreads. Use the links to the original study, the BBC report from 2012 and this video to put them in their place.

We also need to confront the fact that there isn't a full out, coordinated, international effort to contain this. This is being treated like a sideshow but it has the very real potential to become a main event.

The doctors on the ground in West Africa don't have enough staff or resources to deal with this situation. It is absolutely inexcusable for the U.S. and the E.U. to be investing billions of tax payer dollars into their little power games in Ukraine and Syria (which are both in the process of escalating right now by the way) while Ebola is getting a foothold in Africa. Every available resource should be shifted to West Africa in order to contain and extinguish this epidemic right now.

This is serious. Call them, write them, heckle them in the streets if you have to, but don't allow them to ignore this issue. Make it impossible for them to pretend later that they didn't know.

Now whether or not official policy towards the Ebola crisis changes there are some precautions that you should take right now for yourself and your family.

1. Know where you would go if you needed to leave your home on short notice. If Ebola escapes Africa the last place you want to be is in a densely populated metropolitan area. It may be that the most practical destination for your family would be a rural area near your current home, but if you already have concerns about the government you are living under, and how they may handle a crisis like this, then you might want to start looking at alternatives. Finding an alternative location that suits your family's needs is something that requires a lot of time and research, so don't put this off. The primary characteristics you should be examining in an alternative destination are geography , political environment, climate, population density and visa terms and requirements. Ideally you would want to end up somewhere that is geographically isolated to some degree.

2. If you don't have passports for yourself and each of your dependents, get them now. This is not to say that you should leave your country, but you should have the means to do so. In countries where the Ebola outbreak is underway it is getting harder and harder to exit. Borders are being closed down. Flights are being cut off. This didn't happen right away, but you definitely don't want to be waiting for your passport to show up if Ebola arrives in your city.

3. Know what you would carry with you if you had to leave on short notice. Have those items ready, and have the luggage to carry them. It would be wise to consider buying a pack of surgical masks as part of this.

Now if you think about it, these preparations are wise steps to take regardless of whether the Ebola situation deteriorates or not. Knowing where you would go in an emergency, and having the means to get there on short notice is important for a wide variety of situations. The civilian population of Iraq, Syria, east Ukraine, and Gaza can attest to that.

Whatever you do don't let fear take control of your mind. Take the steps you can take now, monitor the situation calmly, and be prepared to adapt if necessary.

P.S. If you want to learn more about Ebola I highly recommend that you read "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston.
Gaby said:
From all the Ebola news as of late, this one is particularly important because if there is data to even remotely suggest Ebola has gone air-borne, then it is practically a done deal:

Ebola - What you're not being told

Though the method of transmission in the study was not officially determined, one of the scientists involved, Dr. Gary Kobinger, from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada, told BBC News that he believed that the infection was spread through large droplets that were suspended in the air.

"What we suspect is happening is large droplets; they can stay in the air, but not long; they don't go far," he explained. "But they can be absorbed in the airway, and this is how the infection starts, and this is what we think, because we saw a lot of evidence in the lungs of the non-human primates that the virus got in that way."

Translation: Ebola IS an airborne virus.

Thanks for sharing and it is really concerning that once more a cosmic comet connection can be drawn.
Ya'll re-read my predictions/probabilities published back in January:

The number one item on my list of probable events for 2012, Climate Change, which is not a "sudden end of the world" by any means, appears to be proceeding apace through 2013. And the number two event, Financial Meltdown, also seems to be perking along leading us into 2014. The financial system has been so artificially propped up and manipulated, I'm expecting a biggie in that department this coming year. Of course, I realize that I've just written above that as soon as you predict something, you change the terms and you may actually prevent it, but we'll see.

Social Upheavals took the number 3 spot on my 2012 predictions. I think that this, too, has been building. You only have to read the headlines in SOTT's "Society's Child" category to get a feeling for how hystericized and out of control social behavior has become. If the PTB don't like it, they have no one to blame but themselves because peoples, by and large, imitate the behaviors of their masters: monkey see, monkey do.

In respect of this probability, a couple of additional things have occurred to me recently. I heard that pigs that were fed GMO corn as part of their diet, went mad and turned cannibalistic. That, of course, made me wonder about the numerous examples of truly mad behavior in the public sphere, including zombies, the increase in reports of human cannibalism, and so forth. What is going to happen when climate change makes it impossible for carb addicts to get their supply of wonder bread, twinkies and bagels? Are we REALLY going to have to face a cannibalistic, zombie population driven mad by the demands of their guts for a gluten fix?

The number four spot on my 2012 list was pandemics. I think we can move that one a little higher in probability this coming year. The signs are all around viruses are mutating faster than science can keep up with them, plus government-controlled secret science itself is probably engineering pathogens beyond your worst nightmares. How long (or how soon) before that gets out of control? When you play with fire, you inevitably get burned. We also can't forget comet borne pathogens. With the Earth passing through the dust of numerous comets, the possibility of a repeat of the Black Death scenario is higher. Keep in mind that particulate matter deposited in the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere can take up to two years to filter down to the troposphere where humans can then be contaminated. But, this has been going on for awhile as we know from the increasing incidence of "Comet Smoke" AKA Noctilucent Clouds.
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