The Carnivore Diet

Bonjour Perlou,
les comprimés que vous indiquez sont sous-dosés en magnésium et ont beaucoup d'additifs, vous n'y gagnerez que très peu en avantages.

Une alternative intéressante et beaucoup moins cher est d'acheter près de chez vous en magasin bio, un sachet de chlorure de magnésium. Il y a des sachet d'1 kg qui ne coutent que 6 €. Parfois c'est marqué "sel de Nigari", c'est la même chose. Il n'y a pas d'additifs :-)
Prenez 1 quart de cuillère à café, et si cela ne suffit pas, augmentez un peu plus à chaque fois. Hyper-efficace!
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Hello, Perlou,

the tablets you specify are underdosed in magnesium and have many additives, you will gain very little in benefits.
An interesting and much cheaper alternative is to buy a magnesium chloride bag near you in an organic store. There are i kg bags that only cost 6 €. Sometimes it says "Nigari salt", it's the same thing. No additives

Take 1 quarter teaspoon, and if that's not enough, increase it a little more each time. Hyper-efficient!
Since meat is better assimilated in the body, don't be shocked, Perlou, if you don't move your bowels daily. If you're feeling abdominal discomfort or the feeling of not having moved everything out during a bowel movement that would certainly qualify as constipation. In that case I too would recommend mag citrate. Also, Ive found that upping the fat makes things move easier. Eat fattier cuts of meat or add more than just a piece of butter to your meal.
Le chlorure de magnésium n'est pas la meilleure formule si vous voulez le prendre par voie orale. Le citrate de magnésium, le glycinate ou le taurate est préférable. C'est plus facile à ingérer. Le chlorure est bon pour les bains et pénètre facilement dans la peau.

Magnesium chlorate is not the best form if you want to take it orally. Magnesium citrate, glycinate or taurate is better. It’s easier to ingest. Chlorate is good for baths and penetrates skin very easily.
Le chlorure de magnésium n'est pas la meilleure formule si vous voulez le prendre par voie orale. Le citrate de magnésium, le glycinate ou le taurate est préférable. C'est plus facile à ingérer. Le chlorure est bon pour les bains et pénètre facilement dans la peau.

Magnesium chlorate is not the best form if you want to take it orally. Magnesium citrate, glycinate or taurate is better. It’s easier to ingest. Chlorate is good for baths and penetrates skin very easily.
En supplémentation, ce n'est pas le meilleur, sa biodisponibilité est effectivement modérée. Mais pour la constipation, c'est super efficace. Je répondais juste au problème de constipation de PERLOU. Et ça règle le problème facilement pour pas cher, ce qui permet de réserver les capsules coûteuses pour la supplémentation ;-)

In term of supplementation, it is not the best, as its biodisponibility is indeed moderate. But for constipation, it's super-efficient. I just responded to PERLOU's constipation concern. And it solves the problem easily and cheaply, which makes it possible to reserve expensive capsules for supplementation
Dr Carolyn Dean is an expert on Magnesium and its importance in our bodies. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant while Calcium is a muscle relaxer and that is why having a proper balance of is two is important (ideally 600mg each per day). However, most versions of magnesium are only absorbed into the cells at about a 10% rate, leaving the other 90% to be flushed out through the intestines, and relaxing those muscles on the way out, thus causing the laxative effect. Magnesium in our cells contributes to hundreds of enzymatic processes, and when one is depleted in Magnesium (as 80%+ of us are), the first things we notice is leg cramps, eye twitches, heart flutters etc as these are all muscles that spasm due to lack of Magnesium.
The best Magnesiums for absorption into the cells is ReMag and Natural Calm, both available on Amazon: Natural Vitality Natural Magnesium Calm (2 Bottles of 16 Ounce): Gateway

I use both of these products, and when I need a laxative effect I just up the dosage of Natural Calm because it's absorption rate is not as good as the ReMag.
Hope this helps.
Merci à tous pour vos réponses qui sont grandement appréciées...
DougEE, votre produits n'existe pas sur Amazon France... Merci quand même...

Thank you all for your answers which are greatly appreciated...
DougEE, your products do not exist on Amazon France.... Thanks anyway....
I agree with DougEE that the best magnesium currently on the market is Natural Vitality's Natural Calm (which is also recommended by Carolyn Dean). I've been using it for several years and I love it (I buy it from Vitacost or Amazon). Most magnesium (and other) supplements are loaded with fillers, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide and whatnot, but this one is clean.
Ingredients are: Ionic magnesium citrate (created from a highly absorbable proprietary blend of citric acid and magnesium carbonate). That's it!
It also comes in flavoured versions which taste rather nice: raspberry lemon, cherry and sweet lemon 😍 Added ingredients are only organic raspberry and lemon or cherry flavors, and organic stevia.
I also tried ReMag (Carolyn Dean's own brand of magnesium), and am planning to order it again at some point.
J'ai finalement commandé Natural Vitality's Natural Calm ce matin sur Amazon France...

I finally ordered Natural Vitality's Natural Calm this morning on Amazon France....
Dr Carolyn Dean is an expert on Magnesium and its importance in our bodies. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant while Calcium is a muscle relaxer and that is why having a proper balance of is two is important (ideally 600mg each per day). However, most versions of magnesium are only absorbed into the cells at about a 10% rate, leaving the other 90% to be flushed out through the intestines, and relaxing those muscles on the way out, thus causing the laxative effect. Magnesium in our cells contributes to hundreds of enzymatic processes, and when one is depleted in Magnesium (as 80%+ of us are), the first things we notice is leg cramps, eye twitches, heart flutters etc as these are all muscles that spasm due to lack of Magnesium.
The best Magnesiums for absorption into the cells is ReMag and Natural Calm, both available on Amazon: Natural Vitality Natural Magnesium Calm (2 Bottles of 16 Ounce): Gateway

I use both of these products, and when I need a laxative effect I just up the dosage of Natural Calm because it's absorption rate is not as good as the ReMag.
Hope this helps.

In the ingredient list of Natural Calm it says the Magnesium is sourced from the Pacific Ocean. For me, that's a little concerning. It's known that fish coming from the Pacific Ocean have high levels of radiation from Fukushima. Wouldn't the Magnesium have high levels of radiation also?
In the ingredient list of Natural Calm it says the Magnesium is sourced from the Pacific Ocean. For me, that's a little concerning. It's known that fish coming from the Pacific Ocean have high levels of radiation from Fukushima. Wouldn't the Magnesium have high levels of radiation also?

I found this on a blog, FWIW. I don't know whose blog is this, or when that comment was published. I'll try to look for more information.

You stated earlier that your magnesium was from the “Sea of Japan.” What about radioactive contamination?
Fortunately for all concerned, the incidents occurred in the North/East and our source is from the South/West, protected by coastal tides and wind direction. The company currently has a large amount of magnesium in their manufacturing facility in the United States that was obtained prior to the nuclear reactor incident in Japan. Also, prior to the incident, there was some sea water that was already in processing and is continuing on through those processing steps. The manufacturer of the magnesium in Japan confirms that there has been no contamination of the magnesium and we have received testing certification from the manufacture using a PA-1000 (environmental radiation monitor) which showed zero levels of radiation in their location. Nevertheless they have had all the magnesium tested, here in the US, through 3rd-party labs for radiation and all the results have been negative.
Rest assured that we will continue to monitor this and provide you with the highest quality product.
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