Dear Ant and Dekard:
Apparently not every body can follow a Ketonic diet.According to Franz Suàrez a Metabolism pecialist due to his experience for over more of 20 years of therapy.He says that from 10 patients he treat 7 or 8 failed.Why? he says that first we need to figure it out what type of metabolism do we have:Passive Metabolism(passive nervous system,oriented to digestion and rest,great digestive capacity,sleeps well and deeply,digests well red meats and saturated fats that help you lose weight.) or Excited Metabolism (nervous system oriented to fight or run, delicate digestions, light sleep/insomnia, more vegetarian body and tolerate light protein such as chicken or fish or carbs)
So those with passive metabolism seems to tolerate much better the ketosis diet.
And also this diet is high recommend it for cancer treatment,weight loss and for special brain conditions.If we want to make the transition into a KD,we must to prepare our body first.How?It is important to accompany KD with digestive enzymes high in lipase and protease. A good hydration of the body. How do we calculate the amount of water? you divide the total body weight by 16 if it is in pounds and if it is in kilos you divide it by 7. For example a person of 50 kilos should drink 7 glasses of 8 oz. daily (50 : 7 = 7.1)
Following these steps we can avoid the Keto Flu.Which are:
Intense cravings
Reduced physical performance,
Digestive problems, constipation,
Muscle weakness.
Thyroid suppressed (stress affects the thyroid.)
Here some remarks from the C`s about Ketonic Diet.
"Since more than eight months ago I am in the hands of doctors who cannot detect what is my problem. Personally I think it may be something like inflammation in the bowel, such as Crohn's disease. Interestingly, these discomforts have started when I really started to follow a ketogenic diet, and as you have reported, can lead to changes in DNA... Therefore, I wonder if I experienced a DNA that has become a problem due to "the animal ancestor", which does not let me adapt to the diet? [
Neanderthals suffered from psoriasis and Crohn's disease, says study | Daily Mail Online]
Could you ask to the C's for a simple diagnostic to do something about it?"
(L) Is there something that you can say to this individual?
A: For many, the transition in diet is either not possible due to epigenetic factors, or must be undertaken very, very slowly. For some, the requirements for carbohydrates is higher. They need to fulfill this need as safely as possible. In this case, the individual has intuited the relationship and should do some experimental adjustments adding root type vegetables and some greens and berries.
Q: (L) What you're saying, I think, is that for some people, transitioning to functioning on ketones is much more difficult for a variety of reasons?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, the ketogenic diet is not ultimately desirable for everyone?
A: No
Q: (Galatea) But then that also leads to the question about how being on a ketogenic diet helps you evolve and raise your FRV, and make you super-smart and strong?
(Chu) The path to transformation and all that...
(L) Are you saying that the people who can't do the ketogenic diet that they...
(Galatea) They can't evolve, or they can do it another way?
A: It is helpful to evolving and FRV for those who require it. For some, it is required that they follow an adjacent plan. There is a great range of individual types. As you may have noticed, the ketogenic path is very difficult and a challenge even for the people it is right for. Some others have a bit more leeway and less struggle. And in answer to your next question, indeed there is something like karma involved.
Q: (L) So are you suggesting that those of us who need the ketogenic diet have karma to pay off? That we're being tortured? [laughter] We were gluttons in past lives or something?
A: Close enough! But aren't you glad that a path is available?(Session April 4,2015)
I hope it helps