The Controversy of Zion

Finished the C of Z last night. What a incredible book, often very painful when the blinders before the eyes are ripped away. My thinking on the left side of the political scale has been totally blown away by this book. That the top was being targeted and part of the plan, was clear already, that the rest of the people through revolution was also targeted in the same perverse way, was for me a great shock. My understanding has deepened in that psychopaths and the ponorization process are everywhere in all aspects of human life. Nothing escapes it. Together with Political Ponerology and The caricature of Love, this book is a absolute must read to get a grip on the whole concept, how deep it goes and how widespread it is. Reed show so clearly that nothing is sacred, every dirty trick is allowed and nothing stops them.

What also struck me is that even though it is not mentioned, as others pointed this out in this thread, is the 4D STS influence behind the whole scheme. It seems not of this earth that a group of lesser intellect is capable of pulling this off consistently over more then 2000 years. Without help and guidance that seems very unlikely to me. A point in case is how and why the Levites in Spain suddenly accepted the Khazars to become Jewish and that this seems one of the rare cases in the total history where that seemed to have happened on such a scale. Who whispered them this in their ears?

The plan to destroy nations, family, religion was for me a great shock to read about in such detail. I think I thought I knew it before, but obviously I did not understand the meaning of it. As long term humanitarian worker I realized reading this book that I have been an active participant in this plan. The whole humanitarian idea (as it is shaped now) is all about the implementation of this world control agenda (take for instance the names of many NGO´s, like doctors without borders ). There is the active promotion of vaccination, the active promotion of HIV drugs like ACT, the enslavement of refugees by long term aid, and so on and on. It all came tumbling down on me, page after page throughout this book. This was a hard thing to accept (and I still have not considered all consequences of this realization), the hardest being that I used to think I was actively fighting the system by doing this kind of humanitarian work. Boy did they fool me! I think this is the overriding theme in the humanitarian world today: they think they are against the system and expose it, and by thinking that they are used to push the agenda even further then the official bodies of the UN dare to push it. There was for instance a great push by many humanitarian organisation for cheap HIV drugs and cheaper vaccines for Africa. Thinking they scored a victory by getting those drugs they pushed the agenda of mass murder so much further in the direction of those they think they oppose. I thought I was a rebel and all I was was a scout send out to test the red lines of the resistance, only to report back that the attack could be intensified. My voice of indignation was manipulated.
This is a very very pertinent thread. Thanks for that and the posts. That man was clever. Once in a clearest moment when really in touch, pondering Israel and Zionism I felt strongly that they were such a great evil in these times I was to avoid them. I used to target Zionists and Israeli policy propaganda on forums. Even in their newspapers. Not any more.

They are so bad, so nasty and heavy, so lost is that nation that it is cursed under the weight of very very bad karma: The sanskaras are so heavy. It will play out and it will be ugly. They are the darkness so that the light can be seen. The opposition needed for spiritual growth and they have America where they want her. Sad. Its one of the only things I leave alone, because they are like a psychopath in the supermarket. You take another isle, buy your stuff and get out. Or just get out. And let security handle them.

A friend of mine told me that many souls who were the worst Nazis reincarnated in Israel. The certainly behave that way.
Mr Walker said:
A friend of mine told me that many souls who were the worst Nazis reincarnated in Israel. The certainly behave that way.

Well that is some dark incarnation matter huuuuuuh :jawdrop: Twists of destiny - I just cannot quite believe it ... but it could be so horribly deserved...
Such a doom
A half hour docu about the zionist cover up of organised crime. Much is old news, but as I'm still in early chapters of C of Z I didn't know for example that the italian designated mafia for one was and is a zionist deflection. _
I realise that this is a somewhat "dead" thread, but I couldn't figure out where to hook up my post. Notwithstanding comments in the forum about the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion being non-Jewish material, I am pasting a part of the Introduction to the translation of the Protocols done Mr. Victor Mardsen himself, who was the translator. I am posting this mostly because of the reference made to Kiev.
Take into account that this was written looooooooong before current day events in the Ukraine.

Here it goes:

In his Epilogue to the 1905 Edition of the Protocols, Nilus gives the following interesting account of this symbol:
“According to the records of secret Jewish Zionism, Solomon and other Jewish learned men already, in 929 B.C., thought out a scheme in theory for a peaceful conquest of the whole universe by Zion. As history developed, this scheme was worked out in detail and completed by men who were subsequently initiated in this question. These learned men decided by peaceful means to conquer the world for Zion with the slyness of the Symbolic Snake, whose head was to represent those who have been initiated into the plans of the Jewish administration, and the body of the Snake to represent the Jewish people – the administration was always kept secret, EVEN FROM THE JEWISH NATION ITSELF. As this Snake penetrated into the hearts of the nations that it encountered, it undermined and devoured all the non-Jewish power of these States. It is foretold that the Snake has still to finish its work, strictly adhering to the designed plan, until the course which it has to run is closed by the return of its head to Zion and until, by this means, the Snake has completed its round of Europe and has encircled it – and until, by dint of enchaining Europe, it has encompassed the whole world. This it is to accomplish by using every endeavor to subdue the other countries by an ECONOMICAL CONQUEST. The return of the head of the Snake to Zion can only be accomplished after the power of all the Sovereign of Europe has been laid low, that is to say, when by means of economic crises and wholesale destruction effected everywhere, there shall have been brought about a spiritual demoralization and a moral corruption, chiefly with the assistance of Jewish women masquerading as French, Italians, etc. These are the surest spreaders of licentiousness into the lives of the leading men at the heads of nations. A map of the course of the Symbolic Snake is shown as follows: Its first stage in Europe was in 429 B.C. in Greece, where, about the time of Pericles, the Snake first started eating into the power of that country. The second stage was in Rome in the time of Augustus, about 69 B.C. The third in Madrid in the time of Charles V, in A.D. 1552. The fourth in Paris about 1790, in the time of Louis XVI. The fifth in London from 1814 onwards (after the downfall of Napoleon). The sixth in Berlin in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war. The seventh in St. Petersburg, over which is drawn the head of the Snake under the date of 1881. [This “Snake” is now being drawn through the Americas and in the United States of America, it has been partially identified as the “Council on Foreign Relations” (C.F.R.) and the “Trilateral Commission”. All these States which the Snake traversed have had the foundations of their constitutions shaken, Germany, with its apparent power, forming no exception to the rule. In economic conditions, England and Germany are spared, but only till the conquest of Russia is accomplished by the Snake, on which at present [i.e., 1905] all its efforts are concentrated. The further course of the Snake is not shown on this map, but arrows indicate its next movement towards Moscow, Kiev and Odessa. It is now well known to us to what extent the latter cities form the centres of the militant Jewish race. Constantinople is shown as the last stage of the Snake’s course before it reaches Jerusalem. (This map was drawn years before the occurrence of the “Young Turk” – i.e., Jewish – Revolution in Turkey).

Taken from
ROEL said:
I realise that this is a somewhat "dead" thread, but I couldn't figure out where to hook up my post. Notwithstanding comments in the forum about the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion being non-Jewish material, I am pasting a part of the Introduction to the translation of the Protocols done Mr. Victor Mardsen himself, who was the translator. I am posting this mostly because of the reference made to Kiev.
Take into account that this was written looooooooong before current day events in the Ukraine.

Here it goes:

In his Epilogue to the 1905 Edition of the Protocols, Nilus gives the following interesting account of this symbol:
“According to the records of secret Jewish Zionism, Solomon and other Jewish learned men already, in 929 B.C., thought out a scheme in theory for a peaceful conquest of the whole universe by Zion. As history developed, this scheme was worked out in detail and completed by men who were subsequently initiated in this question. These learned men decided by peaceful means to conquer the world for Zion with the slyness of the Symbolic Snake, whose head was to represent those who have been initiated into the plans of the Jewish administration, and the body of the Snake to represent the Jewish people – the administration was always kept secret, EVEN FROM THE JEWISH NATION ITSELF. As this Snake penetrated into the hearts of the nations that it encountered, it undermined and devoured all the non-Jewish power of these States. It is foretold that the Snake has still to finish its work, strictly adhering to the designed plan, until the course which it has to run is closed by the return of its head to Zion and until, by this means, the Snake has completed its round of Europe and has encircled it – and until, by dint of enchaining Europe, it has encompassed the whole world. This it is to accomplish by using every endeavor to subdue the other countries by an ECONOMICAL CONQUEST. The return of the head of the Snake to Zion can only be accomplished after the power of all the Sovereign of Europe has been laid low, that is to say, when by means of economic crises and wholesale destruction effected everywhere, there shall have been brought about a spiritual demoralization and a moral corruption, chiefly with the assistance of Jewish women masquerading as French, Italians, etc. These are the surest spreaders of licentiousness into the lives of the leading men at the heads of nations. A map of the course of the Symbolic Snake is shown as follows: Its first stage in Europe was in 429 B.C. in Greece, where, about the time of Pericles, the Snake first started eating into the power of that country. The second stage was in Rome in the time of Augustus, about 69 B.C. The third in Madrid in the time of Charles V, in A.D. 1552. The fourth in Paris about 1790, in the time of Louis XVI. The fifth in London from 1814 onwards (after the downfall of Napoleon). The sixth in Berlin in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war. The seventh in St. Petersburg, over which is drawn the head of the Snake under the date of 1881. [This “Snake” is now being drawn through the Americas and in the United States of America, it has been partially identified as the “Council on Foreign Relations” (C.F.R.) and the “Trilateral Commission”. All these States which the Snake traversed have had the foundations of their constitutions shaken, Germany, with its apparent power, forming no exception to the rule. In economic conditions, England and Germany are spared, but only till the conquest of Russia is accomplished by the Snake, on which at present [i.e., 1905] all its efforts are concentrated. The further course of the Snake is not shown on this map, but arrows indicate its next movement towards Moscow, Kiev and Odessa. It is now well known to us to what extent the latter cities form the centres of the militant Jewish race. Constantinople is shown as the last stage of the Snake’s course before it reaches Jerusalem. (This map was drawn years before the occurrence of the “Young Turk” – i.e., Jewish – Revolution in Turkey).

Taken from


Funny you came up with this quote just now, as I was wondering all evening about the striking parallels between the Augustan Roman era and current developments worldwide (as indicated in the bolded parts) while reading Wars of the Jews by Flavius Josephus for the Historical Events Database project. Time after time I encounter fellow travelers with dual citizenship and mixed loyalties in high places insinuating themselves into the process of Empire building that the Romans were busy with. It's quite remarkable really to discover in detail how little has changed over millennia in this respect of psychopaths aggravating to the top levels wherever and whenever they can and it has a stunning effect on me while reading and searching for additional info of biographical, kinship and dynastic nature and the like.

So thanks for this timely sharing as far as I'm concerned. ;)
Palinurus said:

Funny you came up with this quote just now, as I was wondering all evening about the striking parallels between the Augustan Roman era and current developments worldwide (as indicated in the bolded parts) while reading Wars of the Jews by Flavius Josephus for the Historical Events Database project. Time after time I encounter fellow travelers with dual citizenship and mixed loyalties in high places insinuating themselves into the process of Empire building that the Romans were busy with. It's quite remarkable really to discover in detail how little has changed over millennia in this respect of psychopaths aggravating to the top levels wherever and whenever they can and it has a stunning effect on me while reading and searching for additional info of biographical, kinship and dynastic nature and the like.

So thanks for this timely sharing as far as I'm concerned. ;)

Well Palinarus, I hadn't looked into the Augustus part so closely, but yes. It seems that in the almost uninterrupted thread of related events that you refer to, one of the stops was the Augustan era. I am also thinking that the authorship of the infamous Protocols can in effect be attributed to the higher echelons of The Tribe, amongst whose victims also are their own lesser, or shall we say, everyday unsuspecting kin.
Well, if Judaism as we know it was mostly invented at the time of Judas Maccabbee (167 - 160 BC) after the creation of the Jewish Torah in 272 BC, parts of the above have to be re-adjusted to reflect those facts.

The main fact is that Judaism reflects more the ancient Roman Republican ideas and ideals than anything else.

There were the patricians: descendants of ancient tribal chieftain/priests who formed the original governing class. Compare to Levites and tribes of Jews.

There was "The City" that was the ONLY city of any value in all the world. Compare to the ideology of Jerusalem.

There were the "Roman people" who were special and set above all others and ordained to rule the world. They weren't allowed to marry outside of Rome, or to marry beneath their class. The only ones who were true Romans were those who had a "handed down religion" in their family, members of a gens (tribe).

There was the Roman Religion which was the worship of Jupiter, mainly, but each head of a house was the head of his own religion and was ordained to preserve that private religion, make the sacrifices, honor the ancestors, etc.

When you dig into it, it's like Judaism is nothing more than reconstituted ancient Rome. When you read the Old Testament, you read stories that originated in ancient Rome or Greece. The unique thing that the Asians brought to the mix was circumcisions which was, ultimately, a means of control which is why the Judaic version has survived as long as it has.

Christianity and Judaism are just two sides of the same coin, each containing similar elements of the ancient Roman ideals and beliefs tailored for the Western and Eastern minds. The one thing that is in common throughout history that ties these sorts of things together is psychopathology. There is a way of thinking that is common to all psychopaths in all times and places, and you see it in the Protocols. But the Jews didn't invent it.
Thank you, Laura, for adding these observations and summary conclusions.

It really seems to me that --structurally speaking-- empire building throughout the ages on whatever scale or scope, involves similar types of people and similar types of events although the particulars of both no doubt belong to the ages under review.

Furthermore, there always seems to be some type of (new) technology involved which gives the empire builders an edge over the locals they try to dominate.

Like riding on horseback, being literate, having faster means of transport in general (sailing ships, steam liners, steam trains), better organization and/or communication skills (bureaucracy, chain of command, ideological prowess, dominating narrative) and, last but not least, weaponry and fighting tactics which are more sophisticated than what is available locally, combined with greater ruthlessness and endurance. Guerrilla tactics notwithstanding... (in most cases).

That would about cover the main bases, I think.
Palinurus said:
Furthermore, there always seems to be some type of (new) technology involved which gives the empire builders an edge over the locals they try to dominate.

Like riding on horseback, being literate, having faster means of transport in general (sailing ships, steam liners, steam trains), better organization and/or communication skills (bureaucracy, chain of command, ideological prowess, dominating narrative) and, last but not least, weaponry and fighting tactics which are more sophisticated than what is available locally, combined with greater ruthlessness and endurance. Guerrilla tactics notwithstanding... (in most cases).

That would about cover the main bases, I think.

In this day, to be able to obtain all those elements that provide "the edge", there is a primal resource to be had beforehand: Money. Who has control of the money these days? The Tribe.
In this day, to be able to obtain all those elements that provide "the edge", there is a primal resource to be had beforehand: Money. Who has control of the money these days? The Tribe.

Well, I'm afraid it isn't that simple.

Of course money is involved --mainly nowadays in the form of severe indebtedness-- but the most precious commodity always seems to be knowledge, or rather fore-knowledge like in insider trading for instance. You have to be 'in the know' and therefore directly involved with the core processes of empire building to be able to decisively influence the course of action and make due profits from it on the side. In other words, money isn't everything -- but knowing the right people and having access to the inner circles and occupying influential positions within the core processes seems essential. Money can be helpful in obtaining and conserving all that but it takes much more than money alone, I think.

Conversely, there are plenty of people with vast fortunes of their own money or with access to heaps of it belonging to others through their function or societal position who do not take part in empire building at all.
Having perused but not fully read this book and the protocols makes me want to revisit them in more detail. Fascinating stuff! Amazing to think that the whole of our supposed history has been revised support the idea of the legitimacy of the Israeli state, and that perhaps the agents of this agenda have been the puppet masters behind every major political event. Connecting the dots over here...


I am currently reading this book in conjunction with Political Ponerology and am only 100 pages through All I can say it wow.

Both are so jam-packed full of information that it is just too much to digest all at once, I am having to take things really slow. It's really amazing to see how warped and twisted this whole ideology is though. I never really understood much about Israel and it's role on the world stage. I'm still finding it really difficult to even comprehend how people can actually believe this stuff. Almost feel lost for words
The Controversy of Zion and Political Ponerology and The Secret History of the World together are a very close approximation to a clear vision of the objective reality that we find ourselves trapped in. (Protocols of the Pathocrats are a subset of this library of subjugation to liberation)

I would like to recommend Juri Lina's well researched and documented book, UNDER THE SIGN OF THE SCORPION as a follow up to Controversy of Zion. The author had access to later research and further revealed details that have continually come out of the former Soviet Union, which allow an even clearer/more detailed on some points, picture of the evil Worldwide Communist Revolution aka Brotherhood of the Serpent Revolution, aka. Psychopathic/Pathocratic domination of the planet. Douglas Reed is one of his sources. Found here: and Fall of the Soviet Empire (2002).pdf
The Controversy of Zion and Political Ponerology and The Secret History of the World together are a very close approximation to a clear vision of the objective reality that we find ourselves trapped in. (Protocols of the Pathocrats are a subset of this library of subjugation to liberation)

I would like to recommend Juri Lina's well researched and documented book, UNDER THE SIGN OF THE SCORPION as a follow up to Controversy of Zion. The author had access to later research and further revealed details that have continually come out of the former Soviet Union, which allow an even clearer/more detailed on some points, picture of the evil Worldwide Communist Revolution aka Brotherhood of the Serpent Revolution, aka. Psychopathic/Pathocratic domination of the planet. Douglas Reed is one of his sources. Found here: - Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire (2002).pdf
I would add to that great list, The Gods of Eden by William Bramley, which begins with the inception of the Brotherhood of the Serpent in antiquity and traces its various faces in history up to about where Controversy of Zion begins. Of course since he discusses such early times, he must fill in some gaps with conjecture, but still he presents a convincing narrative shored up with solid facts.
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