- Before the background of Sun Tzu's "Art of War", CoZ and PP (which I am currently reading for the 2nd time), it looks at least in part implausible that "the psychos rule the inner sect from the shadows", it could as well be the other way around, and the interrelationship between psychos and the Reed's "inner sect" also could be far more complex than that. One possible scenario would be that the "inner sect" is making use of psychos as well as the other Lobaczewskian creatures in the manner of using the 'weakest' elements of humanity to subdue the rest, just like predators hunt the weakest/slowest animals of the herd. By 'weakest' I mean those least able to contribute towards the survival of us as species. I see more complex implications of this last thought, but I will have to put my thoughts in order before saying more.