The Controversy of Zion

Seems that C of Z is like the part 1 book coupled with Political Ponerology as the continuation of it.

Laura said:
As you know, I really like to find ordinary explanations for things so as to avoid the more controversial hyperdimensional aspect that often seems to be the ONLY explanation for some events.
Just finished reading chapter 5 and read this thread, and though it's still too early in the book, i have thought about this very same thing, the hyperdimensional influence on the Levites, and how through them the entropy overlords affect the people who the Levites come in contact with.

It appears (from what we know from the Ra and C's material) that the Jahovah God is probably an STS 4D Lizzard Being. Reed, quoting from Deuteronomy Moses' words:

And the Lord shall make thee the Head and not the tail.
Why Moses says tail and not feet, which are the lowest parts of a body? Perhaps because this "lord" speaks to Moses from the perspective of his body? The C's said on this:

941106 said:
Q: (L) You said the other night that the Lizzies were like upright alligators only with somewhat humanoid features to their faces, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they have tails?
A: Yes.
also, elaborated descriptions are given in the Torah regarding the Priesltly rituals:

Reed said:
The Levitical authorship of the Torah is indicated, again, by the fact that more than half of the five books are given to minutely detailed instructions, attributed directly to the Lord, about the construction and furnishings of altars and tabernac1es, the c1oth and design of vestments, mitres, girdles, the kind of golden chains and precious stones in which the blood-baptized priest is to be arrayed, as well as the number and kind of beasts to be sacrificed for various transgressions, the uses to be made of their blood, the payment of tithes and shekels, and in general the privileges and perquisites of the priesthood. Scores of chapters are devoted to blood sacrifice, in particular.
And we have this from the C's regarding rituals:

941028 said:
A: Ritual drains directly to Lizard beings.
Now, starting his story Reed contemplates

Why it [the creed produced by the fanatical sect] was born at that particular moment, or ever, is something that none can explain. This is among the greatest mysteries of our world, unless the theory that every action produces an equal and opposite reaction is valid in the area of religious thought; so that the impulse which at that remote time set many men searching for a universal, loving God produced this fierce counter-idea of an exclusive, vengeful deity.
And that moment may have been the first time in recorded history that a lot of psychopaths got together and under the guidance of their "lord" set out their plan to take over the world, prepare the ground for when their lords come to stay. But it was also to counter the emergence of a trent towards unification of people for alls common good. Which would have meant, no food for the Lizzies...

In ch.5, Reed writes:

The Persian king [Cyrus]was the first of a long line of Gentile oracles worked by the ruling sect [Levites], which through him demonstrated that it had found the secret of infesting, first, and then directing the actions of foreign governments.

By the present century this mastery of governments had been brought to such a degree of power that they were all, in large measure, under one supreme control, so that their actions, in the end, always served the ambition of this supreme party. Towards the end of this book the reader will see how the Gentile oracles were worked, so that the antagonisms of peoples might be incited and brought into collision for this super-national purpose.

However, the reader will need to look into his own soul to find, if he can, the reason why these oracles, his own leaders, submitted.
(keep in mind that bolded part)

So, for 2500 years these Levites, this tiny group of lunatics who nobody really liked at first, they were afraid and suspicious of them, were able to influence and change the course of humanity towards their own aim. And though there were protestors against them throughout the years, they were able to continue their course by twisting and lying and manipulating, and above all, bringing total destruction to those they name "heathen", killing them all!!! And they keep doing this over and over and nobody seems able to stop them! Which i find very disturbing, to say the least, and sad, so much because they do it AND they are allowed to do it! Even now, that the genocite of the Arab people is happening before the eyes of almost all of us 6 billion people of this planet, nothing anybody does brings a stop to it. It seems that this group of destruction hungry people can influence anyone, and it is perhaps because they have the help of their god: the malevolent predator who came from the depths of the universe and gave us their mind! (paraphrasing Castaneda's Don Juan).

Which brings us to the bolded part above. Why is Reed asking us to look into our souls to find why our leaders submitted to this fanatical sect's influence?

Is he trying to say:

a. that our leaders are also members of this sect? Yet for this answer it is most appropriate to look into our minds to find the answer or in books.

or b. that the answer lies in our souls because throughout the centuries, that entropy loving part in us has been feeding unknowingly onto this group's creed, infecting thus our souls?

He writes in chapter 4:

By giving material ambition the largest shape it can have on earth, they [Levites] identified themselves forever with the baser of the two forces which eternally contend for the soul of man: that downward pull of the fleshly instincts which wars with the uplifting impulse of the spirit.
So, the predator mind was always in us, the hyperdimensional entrapment of us is always there, but this group that works for them is here to keep us even more in prison first of all of ourselves, of knowing who we are, the prison of not realizing that we are infected by their words and became as them in many ways (some more than others).

How many of us in our daily lives tend to "punish" ourselves for the "sins" we have commited against what we each consider holy for us? Remember the Judhaic punishing God? If you think about it, by punishing oneself one gets nothing out of it, and probably misses the lesson because one thinks that by "not eating that ice cream" is gonna be enough to make one feel better about lying to a dear one. True realization of a situation, if one is lucky - or unlucky depending how is viewed - and has conscience, that conscience will create within one a certain feeling of pain which comes as a natural step towards the solidification of the new understanding inside the person. By "punishing" the self and thinking one is now free from the sin, deprives the self from experincing the pain, and thus the solidification process never takes place and the person repeats the same "sin" over and over again. The idea of punishment is one of the central ones in the Torah books, as is that of destroying the heathen, and by taking a look within ourselves and the world around us these days, our own racial beliefs (in cyprus a popular one is that people from Asia are not as clean as we are and that makes us a better people!!!!) one way or another, to one degree or another, we all hold these "ideas" in us, because we took it from our priest, mother, teacher, government, news etc.

And perhaps, if we are to look into our souls (given we have souls and we know what to look into!) we would find that we have a choice to make, a choice that our leaders Reed talks about did not make when they allowed themselves to be influenced by the Levites and brought destruction to their people. The choice to learn that we can choose not be like them, we can choose not to be influenced by them. Almost an impossible choice to accomplish for some of us, but it is a choice nonetheless.

Reed quotes Buddha:

From good must come good, and from evil must come evil
Which is another way of saying what keeps appearing in these pages: By their fruits you shall know them....

A spiritual book indeed!

Psychopaths, which the Levites/Zionists clearly are - and the essential type!, are everywhere at this time, indistinquishable among us. They are powerful, they can do anything they set their minds on doing, and they have a plan: to destroy everyone (perhaps spare a few) that is not like them, that does not follow their beliefs. It has been mentioned also in this thread, that it is not just the Zionists. There must be other psychopathic groups out there perhaps with different ideologies, but certainly same plans. Writing this i wonder what happens when two powerful groups of psychopaths clash with each other because of difference in ideology of how to destroy the rest of humanity. Do they unnihilate each other? That'd be nice! ;)

Anyway, just some thoughts. Very interesting book!
RflctnOfU said:
Is there anyone in france, or who speaks french, near a library that has the following book(no local libraries have it),
I googled for this book, two volume set hardcover, and a rare book dealer had it for 850 euro. I CANNOT afford that.
These quotes are troubling, to say the least, and I'd like to see them in context, if possible. Every search into the talmud, jewish texts etc online, yield nothing of the sort. This quote has troubled me the most, so any assitance would be much appreciated.

I also made an internet research and only found the 850 euro result you mentioned. I will have a look in Marseille librabries. Meanwhile if you get the original quotation in French i can translate it.
Axel_Dunor said:
RflctnOfU said:
Is there anyone in france, or who speaks french, near a library that has the following book(no local libraries have it),
I googled for this book, two volume set hardcover, and a rare book dealer had it for 850 euro. I CANNOT afford that.
These quotes are troubling, to say the least, and I'd like to see them in context, if possible. Every search into the talmud, jewish texts etc online, yield nothing of the sort. This quote has troubled me the most, so any assitance would be much appreciated.

I also made an internet research and only found the 850 euro result you mentioned. I will have a look in Marseille librabries. Meanwhile if you get the original quotation in French i can translate it.
Well, I haven't been able to locate a copy in the state of florida - in the public library system, at any rate. Perhaps we (forumites who may be interested) could pool our resources to obtain a copy for the cassiopaea library? I could donate about 50 euro (60ish dollars??) without financial repurcussions. Just a thought.

By the way Axel, thanks for the search in progress.

My first posting ... also have been reading C of Z ... read the following today posted at

September 9, 2006

For Western Jews: The Time Has Come To Start Thinking About The Unthinkable

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

As the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy once wrote, "For the Jews not to realize, not be told by their Rabbis, how their Torah has come from the Tarot will keep them always as the [scapegoats] for the Czars"; the times our World is entering into today sees these peoples once again besieged, and even more horrifically, once again threatened with total annihilation.

To the greatest dangers facing the Jewish peoples in the Western World, they remain like their grandfathers and grandmothers of last century, when the dark and evil cloud of Nazism spread across Europe to their almost complete destruction.

Like the millions of Jewish peoples inhabiting the 'civilized' Nations of the Great Western Powers during the rise of Nazism, so today do the Jewish peoples of the Western World fail to see the rising hatred, like a giant destructive wave, ready to engulf them, and believe in fact that no such catastrophic fate awaits them.

But as events will soon show, and as their ancestors and prophets have forewarned them about, they are not a people to whom peace on this Earth will ever come, rather they have instead been chosen to be the stone upon which the entire power of this World will be crushed upon.

To those that they believe are their friends they are in fact their enemies, to those that they believe are their enemies they are their friends; and but for the want of true eyes to see they would begin their exodus from the Western Nations before their fate is taken out of their hands, to be put once more into those who control the concentration camps and slaughter pens being built for them even as these very words are being written.

Listen to the cries of these Jewish peoples in the Western World today though: "We are bankers!" "We are diplomats!" "We are owners of industry!" "We are powerful!" "We are artists!" "We are politicians!" "We own newspapers!"

How sad it is that these cries of the Jewish people in the Western World today remain those of their perished ancestors, and who likewise failed to heed our warnings while the time remained for them to escape to freedom from total destruction.

It would be too simplistic to say that their thoughts are borne of arrogance, but much truer to say that their fate has been manipulated, and in such a way as to be able to show to the World that the only obstacle to World Peace that remains today, and as it has always been said, are the Jewish people.

What will never be allowed for the Western people to know, however, is that the Jewish people are not now, nor have never been, a single people, but like every race and religion in the World is one driven with internal strife, political alliances and sectarian violence. Such division in fact is there that tens of thousands of Jewish people do not even acknowledge the State of Israel, thousands more in Israel itself continually denounce those less devout then they believe themselves to be....but to these truths the Western World does not want to know, indeed does not care to know.

There must be no mistake in understanding that the actions of the United States, its Western Allies, and its traitors in Israel, have at their central core of action, and belief, the complete destruction of not only Israel, but also that of the Jewish people as a whole. For in the creation of Israel, in the out of all proportion acts by these Western Powers to protect the Jewish peoples, in the seemingly constant reporting of the economic power that the Jewish people have over the entire World, in all of these, and more, lie not the seeds of peace, but instead the seeds of destruction.

The ordinary peoples of the Western World are not to blame this, for their education over these past two generations has deprived them of all independent thought. Their empty minds are then continually filled with a vast array of both overt and covert propoganda designed to create for their satanic masters human robots of hate and destruction, and which has carried over into Israel itself, and is evidenced by the cruel and barbaric punishment meted out upon the Lebanese peoples. Not to be told to the Western people, however, were that the worst aerial bombings of the civilian population of Lebanon was carried out by American pilots, as fully 80% of Israeli pilots refused their missions.

The same, sadly, cannot be said of those American/Israeli Forces that have imprisoned millions of Palestinians, and who the United Nations has reported today are on the brink of mass extermination.

But at the same time that the World's eyes are upon the dire plight of the Palestinian people, they are likewise focused upon the greatest Western Naval Armada since World War II appearing now off of Israel's coast. Likewise, tens of thousands of soldiers, from all over the World, are pouring into Lebanon...and not for the protection of Israel against Hezbollah, but rather to begin the protection of the Arab World against Israel.

For in this final chapter of the Great Game, being played out upon the stage of the World, there remains only two options of peace; Either Israel is exterminated or over 1 Billion Muslims have to die...which do YOU think is going to be allowed? Which do you believe will further the interests of those intent upon creating a One World Government?

To the machinations of the Western Powers the East has known well, even those of the Muslim Nations...and who even today have continued to offer their protection to the Jewish peoples against what they know also is surely to come. For the Western Powers plan has always been to create a Muslim Empire stretching form the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, because only with this New Muslim Empire can their final plans for World Domination be fully implemented.

And not the plans of men alone, but rather of those of the dragons of old who have almost regained their former strength, have rediscovered their old technologies, and are once again prepared to stand astride our Earth with all humanity once again their slaves as in the days of old.

These are not to myths or fairy tale stories either are we warning about, but rather these are to the truest, and oldest, memories of our Human Race, all of us, against what was done to us before. To the many divisions they have sown upon humanity we have always, and you must too, been aware. For it is not our race, our tribes, our religions, our beliefs, our governments, that bind us as a Human Race, but rather we are bound by that which the dragon monsters of old can never have, what they have indeed lost by their rebellion, the Holy Spirit of God.

Though the Jewish peoples of the Western World will suffer first, they will not be the last...for as the Western peoples acceptance of the annihilation of Jewish peoples begin, they also will surely not be far behind in their own suffering and death.

To those that remain, have listened to these words, have sown these words in the fertile soil of their hearts, there will grow the greater understanding of these things, the warnings we have issued, and the hope of the greater triumph to come when our World will once again be truly free of those who have master-minded, for thousands of years, the destruction of Human Beings as revenge against Him whom they cast themselves apart from in arrogance and greed.

Reed writes:

This history of the Yalta papers shows that, ten years after the Second World War, power was still in the hands of the essentially "foreign group" which during the war had been able to divert supplies, military operations and State policy to the purpose of "extending" the revolution. They were still able to override the public undertakings of presidents and to frustrate the will of Congress; they still held the reins. This meant that the infestation of the American government and its departments by agents of the revolution, which began with Mr. Roosevelt's first presidency in 1933, had not been remedied in 1955, despite many exposures; and that, as this was the case, American energies in any third war could in the same way be diverted to promote the overriding plan for a communized world-society (Lenin's third stage in the process). Once more the embroiled masses would fight to bring about results, the direct opposites of the causes held out to them at any new "Pearl Harbour".
No wonder this book has been suppressed. He tells us in excruciating detail what is in store for us. If every person who reads this book could get two other people to read it...
I did a google library research. Here is the result : … rance#tabs

Apparently, "De l'Harmonie entre I'Eglise et la Synagogue" AKA " Perpetuite et catholicite de la religion chretienne"

is available in the following areas

United Kingdom
New York
New Jersey
District of Columbia

See the link above for more details. Is anyone geographically close to one ot the listed libraries ?
gnosticpathfinder said:
Are the Zionist being setup as the patsies? Are you sure, or it something else?

The hard part (at least for me), is identifying exactly WHO is the manipulator
setting up the ones being manipulated, i.e. WHO is the "man behind the curtain"?

We see from the bible itself, from Genesis there are several generation of tribes.
But C of Z seems to have jumped into "the middle of the timeline" and begins
describing the "split" between the 'Children of Israel' and the 'tribe of Judah'.

There seems to be a BIG gap between "In the beginning..." and the start of
C of Z's narrative. Should we ignore this gap?

From the book C of Z, it is not clearly definitive that the Judahist were able to
completely preserve their bloodlines. If this were possible, who then are these
secretive, faceless, judahist and do you think they expose themselves openly
as "Zionist" or "Jews", or even "Judahist"?

I tend to believe they will always remain unidentified and will continue to play
everone except themselves against one another so as long as in the end, they
end up as the final victor, wishfully thinking?
Axel_Dunor wrote:

I did a google library research. Here is the result : … rance#tabs

Apparently, "De l'Harmonie entre I'Eglise et la Synagogue" AKA " Perpetuite et catholicite de la religion chretienne"

is available in the following areas

United Kingdom
New York
New Jersey
District of Columbia

See the link above for more details. Is anyone geographically close to one ot the listed libraries ?

Thanks for that Axel.

To put faces to the names, here are some of the infamous Zionists, in all their meany-faced glory:

Rabbi Stephen Wise


Dr. Chaim Weizmann



"Col." Edward House and President Woodrow Wilson

"Col." Edward "House But Not a Home" House
Wonderful, hkoehli! Weizmann, in all his dubious glory, strikes me as a visual blend of Ben Kingsley and Max Schreck, the star of Nosferatu. Seriously, though, Reed's book, when read in the wider context of the work in full, is provocative for all the right reasons. Nobody should fear the tar baby tactic of the anti-semite slur for researching such subjects, and I believe it was Weizmann (or was it Kastein?) in C of Z who said that the only thing he despised more than an anti-semite was a philo-semite! Geez, who can debate rationally with a mindset like that?

The illumination of the western axis of the "special relationship" between the UK and the US is clarified by Reed in all its grisly details. When read, I think I shall read it again, so content-rich is this seminal work.

Oh, and for the record, I suspect that how these plans have come to pass in the last few centuries is purely because the emaciated old aristocracy were hardly paragons of virtue. Seems like one form of decadence replaces another in our world.
Skystalker said:
Wonderful, hkoehli! Weizmann, in all his dubious glory, strikes me as a visual blend of Ben Kingsley and Max Schreck, the star of Nosferatu. Seriously, though, Reed's book, when read in the wider context of the work in full, is provocative for all the right reasons. Nobody should fear the tar baby tactic of the anti-semite slur for researching such subjects, and I believe it was Weizmann (or was it Kastein?) in C of Z who said that the only thing he despised more than an anti-semite was a philo-semite! Geez, who can debate rationally with a mindset like that?
Speaking of Kastein, I think this is the son of a gun:

Ah, Kastein! The rogue's gallery is complete. Note the steely, piercing eyes complementing the joker-style crooked mouth, ably framed by a greased trellis of hair. A generally serpentine visage, in fact. These pictures are akin to Dorian Gray in living history. We get the faces we deserve.

For the record, I'm no Adonis myself (sob!).

I now need a Richard Perle T-shirt to scare the local punks in town. A passage of Stokerian prose will make a suitable tag line.
Oh, brother. Page 456; a remarkable quote from the eminently quotable Weizmann;

"There must not be one law for the Jew and another for the Arabs...The Arabs must be given the feeling that the decision of the United Nations is final, and that the Jews will not trespass on any territory outside the boundaries assigned to them. There does exist such a fear in the hearts of many Arabs and this fear must be eliminated in every way..."

I think we can suggest the solution to his strange quandry, but wait, there's more;

"They must see from the outset that their brethren within the Jewish state are treated exactly like the Jewish citizens...We must not bend the knee to strange gods. The Prophets have always chastised the Jewish people with the utmost severity for this tendency, and whenever it slipped back into paganism, whenever it reverted, it was punished by the stern god of Israel...I am certain that the world will judge the Jewish state by what it will do with the Arabs."

Such clarity, and yet such blindness all within a handful of words. The intellectual fallacies of men such as Weizmann are practically unspeakable.
Is it cruel to throw argumentative stones in the path of a demented prophet?

I'll read on with trepidation, because in places this book is chilling.
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