The Dot Connector Magazine Joins Forces With!

Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

Psyche said:
Pashalis said:
atiil said:
Laura's article in the DCM has to go down as one of the best join the dots articles I've ever read. It really is a fantastic piece, and by the end I think most people will be able to fully understand the situation humanity is currently facing. Even though it's about thirty pages it's so interesting and informative and really pulls all the strands together is an easy to understand way. The quality of the content just gets better and better, amazing work everyone thank you so much.

I second that !

I agree. I resonated with the article at a "visceral" level (like an ancestral feeling?). It is truly amazing!

I had this same sort of reaction. Although I had to break the reading up into several sittings, I always was thinking about it and was anxious to get back to it. A truly revolutionary article for sure! I'm hoping this will really help to wake up a lot of readers. I want to read it again, but I think I'll read the rest of the magazine first. :)
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

I'm waiting patiently to get my copy and read all the great new articles that we've been waiting for (Psyche's article on the Black Death as well as Laura's and the John Keel article, etc.). And from what I've gathered, it's the best Dot Connector issue yet, quality AND quantity-wise. 130 pages of the team's top notch work! Can't wait to read it, but I guess I'll have to. :P Patience is a virtue. :D
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

I live in Melbourne, Australia, and I received my DC 13 today! :wow: I received all of the previous DC issues at least one month late, so I'm very excited! :dance:

Anyway, I just thought I would share the good news with everyone. It's coming fast!! And you'll all LOVE IT!!! :D
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

I recieved my copy yesterday. Thank you.
I started to read it last night and couldn't put it down. .. "A FANTASTIC JOIN THE DOTS INDEED..
Thank you all....happy reading.
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

Hopefully, ya'll will put some good comments up on the DCM facebook page!
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

I'm waiting patiently to get my copy and read all the great new articles that we've been waiting for (Psyche's article on the Black Death as well as Laura's and the John Keel article, etc.). And from what I've gathered, it's the best Dot Connector issue yet, quality AND quantity-wise. 130 pages of the team's top notch work! Can't wait to read it, but I guess I'll have to. Tongue Patience is a virtue. Grin

I'm right there with you SeekinTruth, I run out to the mailbox everyday like a little kid to see if it's arrived yet, lol! :) Patience is a virtue but it sure is hard sometimes! :P
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

What a fantastic issue! 130 pages of the Truth. And written so the average Joe Sixpack can understand it. DCM, imo, has to be the best mag bar none on the market. I am truly blessed. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
A big hug for you Laura, for your commitment to the TRUTH and your determination and dedication to spreading it.
:hug2: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2:
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

Hey, I'd like to chime in and say that I received my magazine last week and the promo mags today!
I'm going in order from start to finish so haven't reached Laura's yet, but every one of the articles I've read has been all killer, no filler! :rockon:

AI, yours gave me the 'when are the comets going to get here' moment.
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

I got my DCM issue 13 yesterday! I just finished reading the article on The Black Death immediately after having finished Laura's article on the Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction. Wow! So many pieces of the puzzle are falling into place (and fitting together for me in a new way) that I can't put the effects on my thinking into words.

Thanks so much to the whole team for outdoing yourselves yet again!
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

Oh I can't wait for my copy to arrive!

*waits impatiently*
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

DCM arrived today! Thanks!! :)
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

I ordered my copy yesterday so a few days to go yet but im a little more than excited about it :D
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

It arrived yesterday and wow, congratulations and many thanks on/for such a brilliant issue!
Re: The Dot Connector Magazine Issue 13 Ready For Orders and To Ship!

Mine has yet to arrive, so some are still on the way (just in case anyone hasn't yet received theirs and is concerned). :)

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