The Field - Important Findings Valuable to All!

Laura said:
When Popp began researching this area, he realized he was standing on the shoulders of many others, whose work suggested a field of electromagnetic radiation which somehow guides the growth of the cellular body. It was the Russian scientist Alexander Gurwitsch who had to be credited with first discovering what he called 'mitogenetic radiation' in onion roots in the 1920s. Gurwitsch postulated that a field, rather than chemicals alone, was probably responsible for the structural formation of the body. Although Gurwitsch's work was largely theoretical, later researchers were able to show that a weak radiation from tissues stimulates cell growth in neighboring tissues of the same organism.-

Other early studies of this phenomenon — now repeated by many scientists — were carried out in the 194os by neuroanatomist Harold S. Burr from Yale University, who studied and measured electrical fields around living things, specifically. salamanders. Burr discovered that salamanders possessed an energy field shaped like an adult salamander, and that this blueprint even existed in an unfertilized egg.'+

Burr also discovered electrical fields around all sorts of organisms, from molds, to salamanders and frogs, to humans,, Changes in the electrical charges appeared to correlate with growth, sleep, regeneration, light, water, storms, the development of cancer — even the waxing and waning of the moon., For instance, in his experiments with plant seedlings, he discovered electrical fields which resembled the eventual adult plant.
Found a couple of interesting and corroborating articles. First one is in regards to Alexander Gurwitsch and his work and the COINTERPLO's efforts to stop this work from becoming common knowledge:

Second one is about the works of Harold S. Burr and his theory of " “fields of life,” or L-fields, [that] are the basic blueprints of all life on this planet."

edit: took away the underscore before the links, since I think these ones would be okay in regards to the search engines, that is, or so I think. If not for some reason, someone put them back please.
Coherence establishes communication. It's like a subatomic telephone network. 'The better the coherence, the finer the telephone network and the more refined wave patterns have a telephone. The end result is also a bit like a large orchestra. All the photons are playing together but as individual instruments that are able to carry on playing individual parts. Nevertheless, when you are listening, it's difficult to pick out any one instrument.

What was even more amazing was that Popp was witnessing the highest level of quantum order, or coherence, possible in a living system. Usually; this coherence — called a Bose—Einstein condensate — is only observed in material substances such as superfluids or superconductors studied in the laboratory in very cold places — just a few degrees above absolute zero — and not in the hot and messy environment of a living thing.
I went into a book store about a week ago and just happened (on a whim) to buy this book (The Field) but didn’t read it yet and I wasn’t sure if my money was wasted or not. But from the excerpts of this book that I just read I know my money was not wasted! Regarding the above excerpt I found this in the Cassiopaea Glossary on the Bose-Einstein Condensate

A BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE (BEC) is a unique state of matter that forms below a critical temperature in which all bosons that comprise the matter fall into the same quantum state. Also called superatom.

(Note: definition of boson is given further down in explanation).

In an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate, several thousand atoms essentially become a single atom, a "superatom" as it were, and this effect has been observed experimentally with atoms of rubidium and lithium, where the atoms are trapped and cooled by special methods. This uniformity is analogous to the coherence of light in a laser. In a laser, the beam is produced by boosting the majority of the electrons in a medium that contains specific radiation-absorbing atoms into a higher energy level, from which they are stimulated by their own emitted radiation to drop back synchronously to their lower energy level, and emit light which is in phase (coherent).

Similarly this coherency represents itself within the atoms of a Bose Einstein Condensate where the wave packets of the atoms coalesce into a single, macroscopic packet. The atoms undergo a quantum identity crisis (as it were) and they then become indistinguishable from from one another.

At very low temperatures Einstein's theory predicted that a significant proportion of the atom's in the gas would collapse into their lowest energy level. This would lead to the formation of what has become known as the Bose-Einstein Condensate, or BEC. The BEC is essentially a new state of matter where it is no longer possible to distinguish between atoms. In this new state of matter the particles have overlapping quantum states and are attractively interactive. This condition appears when the relative motion of individual particles approaches zero or when their common de Broglie wavelengths are greater than the interparticle distances. (The de Broglie wavelength is the quantum mechanical "wavelength" associated with a particle, named after the scientist who discovered it. In quantum mechanics, all particles also have wave characteristics, where the wavelength of a particle is inversely proportional to its momentum. The constant of proportionality in this relationship is the Planck's constant )

When the temperature of the atoms decreases towards absolute zero then their de Broglie wavelengths get very large when compared to the atomic separation between them. Hence, the atoms can no longer be thought of as particles, but rather must be treated as waves. The closer we approach the BEC temperatures the more the wavelengths of neighboring atoms begin to overlap each other, much like as if they are covered with a 'wave-blanket.' Finally, if the atomic gas is cooled enough, what results is a kind of fuzzy blob where the atoms all have the same wavefunction.

Such a group of atoms consequently behaves, in some ways, as a single atom.

Superconductors are a form of BECs and so are superfluids. However the Bose-Einstein Condensate does not apply to all atoms. This unique quantum state only applies to particles which can be treated as BOSONS. A boson is defined as any CLASS of elementary particles that are not subject to the (Pauli) exclusion principle and which have spin values of zero or of an integral number (Integral numbers are WHOLE numbers that do not have decimal parts).

(Note: the Pauli exclusion principle states that two identical FERMIONS (electrons, protons or neutrons) in a given system CANNOT be in states characterized by the same set of quantum numbers. A fermion is a particle, such as an electron, proton, or neutron, which has a HALF-integral spin and obeys statistical rules requiring that not more than one in a set of identical particles may occupy a particular quantum state. For this reason the Bose-Einstein Condensate only applies to bosons with spins that are whole integers)

Bosons which are particles that have have integral spin are shown to behave differently than the fermions with half-integral spin (Note: spin refers to angular momentum). Statistical mechanics can be used to describe the particles. The statistical rules which express how bosons interact are called Bose-Einstein statistics. The fundamental bosons which are found in nature are gauge bosons.

An example of bosons are photons or mesons, both of which have spins of 1. As stated earlier fermions such as electrons, protons and neutrons are excluded from the BEC because, unlike bosons, these subatomic particles are subject to the Pauli Exclusion principle which governs their statistical behavior.

However, a COMPOSITE atom is not necessarily excluded from the Bose-Einstein Condensate state because a composite atom, taken as a WHOLE unit, can also be referred to as a boson or 'bosonic atom' if the sum of the spin states of all of its subcomponents are 0 or an integral number.

Any atom that is made up of an EVEN number of fermions (particles with half integer spin e.g. electrons, protons and neutrons to name a few), can be considered to be a boson. Rubidium-87 is an example of such an atom.

The BEC state is also closely related to superconductivity as stated in the Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001:

"In 1995 Eric A. Cornell and Carl E. Wieman led a team that isolated a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate under laboratory conditions; two experiments by different teams involving molecules were successful in 2003. It is believed that this state of matter could never have existed naturally anywhere in the universe, since the low temperatures required for its existence cannot be found, even in outer space. The condensate may be useful in the study of superconductivity (the ability of some materials to conduct electrical current without any resistance) and superfluidity (the ability of some materials to flow without resistance) and in refining measurements of time and distance".

The following description is given by made Mr Cornell and Mr Wieman :

By Eric A. Cornell and Carl E. Wieman

"In June 1995 our research group at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (now called JILA) in Boulder, Colo., succeeded in creating a minuscule but marvellous droplet. By cooling 2,000 rubidium atoms to a temperature less than 100 billionths of a degree above absolute zero (100 billionths of a degree kelvin), we caused the atoms to lose for a full 10 seconds their individual identities and behave as though they were a single "superatom." The atoms' physical properties, such as their motions, became identical to one another.This Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), the first observed in a gas, can be thought of as the matter counterpart of the laser-except that in the condensate it is atoms, rather than photons, that dance in perfect unison.

"Our short-lived, gelid sample was the experimental realisation of a theoretical construct that has intrigued scientists ever since it was predicted some 73 years ago by the work of physicists Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose. At ordinary temperatures, the atoms of a gas are scattered throughout the container holding them. Some have high energies (high speeds); others have low ones. Expanding on Bose's work, Einstein showed that if a sample of atoms were cooled sufficiently, a large fraction of them would settle into the single lowest possible energy state in the container. In mathematical terms, their individual wave equations-which describe such physical characteristics of an atom as its position and velocity-would in effect merge, and each atom would become indistinguishable from any other.

"Progress in creating Bose-Einstein condensates has sparked great interest in the physics community and has even generated coverage in the mainstream press. At first, some of the attention derived from the drama inherent in the decades- long quest to prove Einstein's theory. But most of the fascination now stems from the fact that the condensate offers a macroscopic window into the strange world of quantum mechanics, the theory of matter based on the observation that elementary particles, such as electrons, have wave properties. Quantum mechanics, which encompasses the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle, uses these wavelike properties to describe the structure and interactions of matter.

"We can rarely observe the effects of quantum mechanics in the behaviour of a macroscopic amount of material. In ordinary, so-called bulk matter, the incoherent contributions of the uncountably large number of constituent particles obscure the wave nature of quantum mechanics, and we can only infer its effects. But in Bose condensation, the wave nature of each atom is precisely in phase with that of every other. Quantum-mechanical waves extend across the sample of condensate and can be observed with the naked eye. The sub- microscopic thus becomes macroscopic.

"At extremely low temperatures or at small size scales, on the other hand, the usefulness of classical mechanics begins to wane. The crisp analogy of atoms as Ping-Pong balls begins to blur. We cannot know the exact position of each atom, which is better thought of as a blurry spot. This spot-known as a wave packet-is the region of space in which we can expect to find the atom. As a collection of atoms becomes colder, the size of each wave packet grows. As long as each wave packet is spatially separated from the others, it is possible, at least in principle, to tell atoms apart. When the temperature becomes sufficiently low, however, each atom's wave packet begins to overlap with those of neighbouring atoms. When this happens, the atoms "Bose - condense" into the lowest possible energy state, and the wave packets coalesce into a single, macroscopic packet. The atoms undergo a quantum identity crisis: we can no longer distinguish one atom from another.

"The current excitement over these condensates contrasts sharply with the reaction to Einstein's discovery in 1925 that they could exist. Perhaps because of the impossibility then of reaching the required temperatures-less than a millionth of a degree kelvin-the hypothesised gaseous condensate was considered a curiosity of questionable validity and little physical significance. For perspective, even the coldest depths of intergalactic space are millions of times too hot for Bose condensation.

"In the intervening decades, however, Bose, condensation came back into fashion. Physicists realised that the concept could explain superfluidity in liquid helium, which occurs at much higher temperatures than gaseous Bose condensation. Below 2.2 kelvins, the viscosity of liquid helium completely disappears - putting the "super" in superfluidity".

H.J. Sharp also speaks of the Bose Einstein Condensate and its relationship to the first interval in the Gurdjieffian octave. Gurdjieff calls this first interval the 'Mechano-coinciding-Mdnel-ln' in his book Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson.

This Mechano-coinciding-Mdnel-ln relates to the THIRD and FOURTH notes of the octave which is between the Mi-Fa interval. This interval is where the progression of the vibrations slow down and if it does not recieve a shock from the outside it will deviate from it's original direction. This interval or 'shock point' corresponds to the missing semi-tones of the musical octave between mi-fa (and there is another one at si-do). This mi-fa interval is what Gurdjieff called the 'Mechano-coinciding-Mdnel-ln' It is at this interval (note: Gurdjieff calls these intervals 'stopinders' in his book Beelzebub) that a retardation of vibrations occurs and a deviation or deflection from the original direction takes place. It is at this point that an external or mechanical shock is needed in order to keep the octave progressing to its completion into the next higher cycle. (See Law Of Seven).

There is also another retardation point in the octave that is between the si-do interval. just before its progression into the next higher octave, that Gurdjieff call the 'intentionally-actualized-Mdnel-In' where the shock must be internal, that is, it comes from within instead of without. This is where the completed octave has sufficient energy within itself to begin a new octave.

[...] In reference to this Harry Sharp says in his website 'The Adventures of a Solitary Soul ' :

"This brings us to the first special interval, a Mechano-coinciding-Mdnel-ln between Mi and Fa. Once this special interval is bridged by energy from other Laws of Seven, we are able to apply quantum mechanics to our explanations.

"It was over 25 years ago at Liverpool University that Prof Frolich found that in a protocell in the form of a micelle the long chain molecules making up its wall vibrated at the same frequency at a given temperature but independently. If further energy was available, by a small rise in temperature of the medium, what is called a Bose-Einstein Condensation occurs. All these molecules come into synchronicity, vibrating together, allowing for more energy to be contained. The assembly then becomes a living cell and emits biophotons. Further work by German and Japanese scientists has confirmed that all living tissue emits light to a degree relating to its vivifyingness. So here we have in effect the results of the interaction producing radiation. Surprisingly no one has connected this with Auras. It is also significant that such living material is able to create higher energies from lower energies, to make energy go against the second law of thermodynamics".
Coherence establishes communication. It's like a subatomic telephone network. 'The better the coherence, the finer the telephone network and the more refined wave patterns have a telephone. The end result is also a bit like a large orchestra. All the photons are playing together but as individual instruments that are able to carry on playing individual parts. Nevertheless, when you are listening, it's difficult to pick out any one instrument.
I also found this in the Glossary that I think relates to the above quote from the book 'The Field.'

Orchestra Metaphor

In Silmarillion, Tolkien’s creation myth tells the story of a world that was conceived in music. In this tale, titled Ainulindale, Illuvatar's (God) first act was to create the entities called Ainur to make musical harmonies together. Melkor was one of the most gifted amongst the Ainur, but he also had a greater share of arrogance and pride. Soon he began to sing outside the themes of Illuvatar, weaving his own discordant tunes into Illuvatar’s original theme. Turmoil ensued, and the harmonies of the Ainur were interrupted. Some among them began to tune their melody to that of Melkor, others fell silent and confused, while others yet stayed true to the original melody.

Then Illuvatar intervened and soon there were two tunes competing for dominance. Of these tunes, Tolkien writes:

"And it seemed at last that there were two musics progressing at one time before the seat of Iluvatar, and they were utterly at variance. The one was deep and wide and beautiful, but slow and blended with an immeasurable sorrow, from which its beauty chiefly came. The other had now achieved a unity of its own; but it was loud, and vain, and endlessly repeated; and it had little harmony, but rather a clamorous unison as of many trumpets braying upon a few notes. And it essayed to drown the other music by the violence of its voice, but it seemed that its most triumphant notes were taken by the other and woven into its own solemn pattern."

This contest between the musics of Melkor and Iluvatar continued until finally Iluvatar ends it in one loud chord. He then takes the Ainur to show them the meaning of the music they had just heard. What he shows them is Earth and he declares: “Behold your music!”

According to the creation myth of Tolkien, the world is a manifestation of the harmony and discord competing for dominance.

One can draw certain parallels between Tolkien’s story of Ainulindale and the Cassiopaean material. First and foremost, they both contain the idea that creation emanates downwards, and that this realm is the product of the ‘thought’ of higher realms. Secondly there is the notion of two distinct and opposing forces battling for expression. Readers of the Cassiopaean and Ra material will know these forces as STO and STS. Lastly there is the notion of macrocosmic dramas on higher plains translating into the microcosm of life on 3D Earth. In other words, like with the Ainur, it is up to mankind to choose between being in tune with either of the two forces, Iluvatar or Melkor, STO or STS.

In one transcript the following quote is found:

"Frequency envelopes are realms, however they are "in concert," which implies a degree of scripting at some level. Some members of the orchestra do not play well. Some do not play in tune. Some are out of synch. Others expect the one next to them to play their part."

And then later:

Q: (R) We are on a very, very interesting path here because we just defined what density is. It's a frequency resonance envelope. (A) The question is frequency of what?
A: Yes, of those in the orchestra. -
Q(L) So it is by agreement. To be in the orchestra, frequency resonance envelope. (B) Not only to be, but to play within those parameters. (L) Who gets to pick what gets played?
A: Ah! There's the rub! You don't get to pick the selection at this level. But you in the future does. The question is: How well do you play, and can you play true if the others don't?

That last sentence is very similar to Tolkien’s story, and it is here that the Metaphor of the Orchestra comes in. The C's indicated in the excerpt above that there is a certain "selection"/music played at higher levels that one can align oneself with in 3D. The task of the 3D "orchestra" then, is to "play true" to the selection one chooses to align oneself with.

How does one play well in an orchestra? First of all, one must be able to read the notes. In other words, one must study and gain knowledge of the score. Once the piece of music is understood one has a choice, one can either choose to play or find a different orchestra with a different score. This is an emotional choice, either a tune appeals or it does not. If one chooses to play the score, then the work has begun. Secondly, one must have an instrument that is working and is tuned. Here the instrument represents the self, and idea of functioning and being in tune is the alchemistic transformation and the point of 4th way Work. Thirdly, one must be a useful member of the orchestra by playing harmoniously.

The tune of STS/Melkor is the dominant in the world as it is, but one can make a choice to play a different tune, namely STO/Illuvatar. If one becomes able to play true, then the metaphor has it that the melody produced by the orchestra becomes resonant with that same tune played on higher densities. The players in the orchestra, in effect, become part of the Resonance Frequency Envelope of 4th density STO.

See: Realm, Frequency Resonance Vibration, Names of God.
For some reason this paragraph alone I found quite fascinating ;

"As Popp thought of it, the Zero Point Field forces a human being to be a candle. The healthiest body would have the lowest light and be closest to zero state, the most desirable state — the closest living things could get to nothingness."

By nothingness , im thinking the meaning is the source of all that is , the universe. This state usually wouldnt last long due to the many distractions and manipulations that being in existence on a 3rd densisty planet brings , thus once one stops observing and detracts due to the many distractions and manipulations once in 3rd density existence , the cells by varying degrees in all are no longer working in total unison ,equalibrium.

The whole piece brought many thoughts and images. I thought about people like jesus and other healers and regeneration. That these healers (light healers "I am the light" ) could somehow regenerate the damaged cells in the people they where said to have cured.

I first came across photographs of leaves which had been cut and then photographed , maybe by the equipment spoken of here in the 1970s in a readers digest book titled "Strange stories amazing facts",
It showed a ghost like image of the part which had been cut from the leaf still existing /attached even though to the common eye it had gone.

I read this article just after watching the movie "What the bleep" and found many correlations .

I read the light scramblers as being possible psychopaths and not OPs , as there are many OPs and Gurdjieff says that the lowest rung one can start on , on the path is the obyvatel (Spelling probably wrong -apologies) which has been spoken of as probably meaning an OP. In any case light scramblers is very interesting. A very interesting piece altogether , my thanks for posting it. There is so much to think about and these are just a few of my thoughts at present.
Laura said:
By the time that Popp had his light machine, he was more or less on his own with regard to a radiation theory of DNA. Nevertheless, he doggedly pressed on with his experiments, learning more about the properties of this mysterious light. The more he tested, the more he discovered that all living things — from the most basic of plants or animals, to human beings in all their sophisticated complexity — emitted a permanent current of photons, from only a few to hundreds. The number of photons emitted seemed to be linked to an organism's position on the evolutionary scale: the more complex the organism, the fewer photons being emitted. Rudimentary animals or plants tended to emit 100 photons per square centimetre per second, at a wavelength of 200 to 800 nanometres, corresponding to a very high frequency of electromagnetic wave, well within the visible light range, whereas humans would emit only ten photons in the same area, time and frequency. He also discovered something else curious. When light was shone on living cells, the cells would take this light and after a certain delay, shine intensely — a process called `delayed luminescence'. It occurred to Popp that this could be a corrective device. The living system had to maintain a delicate equilibrium of light. In this instance, when it was being bombarded with too much light, it would reject the excess.
After reading the bold above, this thought immediately came to mind:

November 16 said:
Q: (L) You said something the other night when we lost the tape about the expansion of the star being conducive to creation. Could you give us a little bit on that aspect?
A: Transdimensional atomic remolecularization.
Q: (L) What is remolecularization.
A: Being reassembled.
Q: (L) Reassembled from what to what?
A: Complex. Density collision.
Q: (L) Collision of one density with another. Which?
A: Learn 4 level assembly.
Q: (L) How?
A: Study.
Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a point in space time when pure energy could form around a framework of a thought pattern and thus become solid matter?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is this transitioning of energy from higher densities into third density or solid matter kind of a traumatic event for universal energy?
A: Subjective.
Q: (L) Is it a form of death?
A: Death and birth are the same.
Q: (L) Was it a requirement to be on a planet with a dying star for this remolecularization to take place?
A: If 3rd density remolecularization.
Q: (L) So, for energy to go into 3rd density physical level... is energy moving down when it comes into 3rd level?
A: No. Upward.
Q: (L) What moves upward?
A: Molecules, atomic matter. Light is first density and unifies all densities.
Q: (L) Does that mean that by us moving from 3rd density into 4th density that we are getting farther away from unification with the source?
A: No. Light and darkness unify all densities.
Q: (L) How many levels of density are there?
A: 7
Q: (L) When you reach the seventh level, how would you describe that if 1st level is light?
A: 7th is core of existence.
Q: (L) Well, if seventh density is the core of existence, would that mean that 1st density is the outer edge of existence?
A: Base.
Q: (L) When one has reached 7th density, then what does one do?
A: When one reaches 7th all do.
Q: (L) Are there any beings on 7th level?
A: Time does not exist.
Q: (L) When light is transferred to electrical energy, does it actually change density?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it from 1st to 3rd when it becomes electricity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Once again, are there any beings on 7th level?
A: Big bang.
Q: (L) Big bang is at 7th level?
A: Close enough.
Q: (L) So, when we all reach 7th level we will all blow up? We will all become one and it will all start all over again?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Well, that's not a pleasant thought!
A: Why? There is no time, you dwell there eternally. 7th is the light you see at death of the body.
Q: (L) So, when you die and leave the body, do you go to seventh level?
A: See it.
What the C's said in this excerpt with "Light is first density and unifies all densities" now makes a lot more sense when considering that Popp's experiment shows that "the more complex the organism, the fewer photons being emitted." Wow, so many connections in this's amazing.
Okay, some final thoughts before I pass out for the day and go to bed :) First, I was reading the following:

Laura said:
All of these phenomena led Popp to think of biophoton emissions as a sort of correction by a living system of Zero Point Field fluctuations. Every system likes to achieve a minimum of free energy. In a perfect world, all waves would cancel each other out by destructive interference. However, this is impossible with the Zero Point Field, where these tiny fluctuations of energy constantly disturb the system. Emitting photons is a compensatory gesture, to stop this disturbance and attempt a sort of energy equilibrium. As Popp thought of it, the Zero Point Field forces a human being to be a candle. The healthiest body would have the lowest light and be closest to zero state, the most desirable state — the closest living things could get to nothingness.

Popp now recognized that what he'd been experimenting with was even more than a cure for cancer or gestaltbildun . Here was a model which provided a better explanation than the current neo-Darwinist theory for how all living things evolve on the planet. Rather than a system of fortunate but ultimately random error, if DNA uses frequencies of all variety as an information tool, this would suggest instead a feedback system of perfect communication through waves which encode and transfer information.

It might also account for the body's capacity for regeneration. The bodies of numerous species of animals have demonstrated the ability to regenerate a lost limb. Experiments with salamanders as far hack as the 1930s have shown that an entire limb, a jaw, even the lens of an eye could be amputated but entirely regenerate as though a hidden blueprint were being followed.

This model might also account for the phenomenon of phantom limbs, the strong physical sense among amputees that a missing arm or leg is still present. Many amputees who complain of utterly realistic cramps, aches or tinglings in the missing limb may be experiencing a true physicality which still exists — a shadow of the limb as imprinted on the Zero Point Field.'

Popp came to realize that light in the body might even hold the key to health and illness. In one experiment he compared the light emitted from free-range eggs to those produced by battery hens. The photons in the eggs produced by the free-range chickens were far more coherent than those in the battery eggs. He went on to use biophoton emissions as a tool for measuring the quality of food. The healthiest food had the lowest and most coherent intensity of light. Any disturbance in the system would increase the production of photons. Health was a state of perfect subatomic communication, and ill health was a state where communication breaks down. We are ill when our waves are out of synch.
When I looked up "Zero Point Field" on Google, I came across the definition at:


For some reason, Cassiopedia is not working for me today. Anyways, on Wikipedia it says:

In quantum field theory, the zero-point field is the lowest energy state of a field, i.e. its ground state, which is non zero.[1] This phenomenon gives the quantum vacuum a complex structure, which can be probed experimentally; see, for example, the Casimir effect. The term "zero-point field" is sometimes used as a synonym for the vacuum state of an individual quantized field. The electromagnetic zero-point field is loosely considered as a sea of background electromagnetic energy that fills the vacuum of space, and is often regarded merely as a curious outcome of the quantum mechanical requirement, namely the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, that the lowest allowable energy level in a harmonic oscillator mode is not zero but ħw /2, where w is the characteristic frequency of the oscillator.[2]
Now what did the C's say as a clue in regards to the word "ground" in the excerpt below in relation to creating a gravity vacuum: "in this case, it is created unintentionally as a by product of superconductivity".

A: Gravity center of planet is also "window" to all other density levels and dimensional planes of existence, which is why electrically charged atoms "ground" in order to pass on to other planes through gravity binder.
And what does Wikipedia say in the above link: "the zero-point field is the lowest energy state of a field, i.e. its ground state, which is non zero" and "is often regarded merely as a curious outcome of the quantum mechanical requirement." The latter seems related to the C's explanation of a gravity vacuum being unintentionally created by a superconductor and the electrical charge of an atom "grounding" to pass through a "window" -- a zero point field? Now lets postulate that DNA is acting like a superconductor as the C's mentioned before, and lets suppose that electrons are the "free" energy in a Zero Point Field (that is a "system [that] likes to achieve a minimum of free energy" according to Popp) that like to be "grounded" in order to pass atoms to other planes/densities/dimensions according to the C's. Also, lets postulate that the very double helix design of DNA and its very material composition/substance is what is acting like a superconductor, because this is the form that unintentionally creates a zero point field that is close to being a vacuum -- the "matter within gravity vacuum." In other words, it is what actually forms the "hollow" tube structure that the C's are talking about in the following when they said: "within superconductor; it is a "hollow" tube structure, thus evidence of vacuum." Phew, okay, now having said all that, I think I see a connection to what was stated in the following:

Laura said:
A particularly gifted student of his talked him into trying an experiment. It is known that when you apply a chemical called ethidium bromide to samples of DNA, the chemical squeezes itself into the middle of the base pairs of the double helix and causes it to unwind. The student suggested that, after applying the chemical, he and Popp try measuring the light coming off the sample. Popp discovered that the more he increased the concentration of the chemical, the more the DNA unwound, but also the stronger the intensity of light. The less he put in, the lower the light emission.
So if the double helix of the DNA is the "hollow" tube design which makes the DNA act like a superconductor, then I think it makes sense to correlate it to "Popp discovered that the more he increased the concentration of the chemical, the more the DNA unwound, but also the stronger the intensity of light. The less he put in, the lower the light emission." That is, I think these thoughts make sense if the field created within the "hollow" tube between the two interwoven strands of DNA is acting like a zero point field; in other words, it is perhaps a "window." Moreover, it also makes more sense that the closer the state of this fields is to coherence, "the healthiest body would have the lowest light and be closest to zero state," and why if it is not close to coherence, "emitting photons is a compensatory gesture, to stop this disturbance and attempt a sort of energy equilibrium", or so I think.

I've put together a shorter version of the aforementioned 2-23-02 session excerpt below for the ease of reference to these thoughts:

2-23-02 Ark said:
A: Gravity center of planet is also "window" to all other density levels and dimensional planes of existence, which is why electrically charged atoms "ground" in order to pass on to other planes through gravity binder.
Q: Getting back to my question of the passing of electrons along a circuit: what force is it that initiates the passing of one electron to another atom that manifests as electricity?
A: Electrical energy is merely "tapped," collected, trapped, then channeled.
Q: If it is tapped, where is it tapped from?
A: Collecting electrons.
Q: What is a collecting electron?
A: Not "a" collecting electron. It is collecting them.
Q: What is collecting the electrons?
A: The utilizers. Electrons are "free" energy.[...]
Q: What qualities does the superconductor have that contributes to this accelerating of flow?
A: Cycling magnetic pulse.
Q: What creates a cycling magnetic pulse?
A: Matter within gravity vacuum.
Q: How do you create a gravity vacuum?
A: In this case, it is created unintentionally as a by product of superconductivity.
Q: (L) In other words, consciousness. Okay, you mentioned a cycling magnetic pulse that was an unintentional byproduct of superconductivity, and something about matter within a gravity vacuum... Could you define a cycling magnetic pulse?
A: Self explanatory.
Q: You said it was derived from matter within a gravity vacuum. Does that mean that superconductivity creates a gravity vacuum?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Where? Within the superconductor or outside?
A: Within.
Q: (A) According to what we know, it also creates an electromagnetic vacuum. Is it correct that there is no magnetic field within the superconductor?
A: We have stated before that these two properties are interwoven.
Q: (L) Electromagnetism and gravity. So, if there is no gravity, there is no electromagnetism. But then where is the magnetic pulse?
A: Pulse exists outside of gravity vacuum, but within superconductor. Picture a tube structure.

Q: Is the superconducting state within the gravity vacuum or within the em pulse?
A: All inclusive. Normal structure for channeling electron flow within a conductor is a solid "tube," within superconductor; it is a "hollow" tube structure, thus evidence of vacuum.
Q: Does this hollow tube structure have any bearing on what you described as the separating of electrons?
A: It is a manifestation of same.

Lastly, perhaps there is a relation to this notion of "cycling magnetic pulse" and the following:

"In a perfect world, all waves would cancel each other out by destructive interference. However, this is impossible with the Zero Point Field, where these tiny fluctuations of energy constantly disturb the system. Emitting photons is a compensatory gesture, to stop this disturbance and attempt a sort of energy equilibrium.
And the following from Wikipedia:
"The electromagnetic zero-point field is loosely considered as a sea of background electromagnetic energy that fills the vacuum of space, and is often regarded merely as a curious outcome of the quantum mechanical requirement."
So to recap all of these thoughts, the current hypothesis is that DNA, that is its material substance and its very double helix design, is what acts like a superconductor because it is shaped as as a ""hollow" tube structure, thus evidence of [a] vacuum". And if there is damage to the DNA's original helix shape, as it was shown to be caused for example chemically by Popp's student's suggested experiment, more light/photons are emitted, because the vacuum within the two DNA strands becomes "broken", and I guess it is Consciousness acting through the "Zero-Point Field" that compensates for this anomaly by emitting more photons to remedy the problem and regenerate the DNA back to a coherent "healthy" state, which has the vacuum or the "Zero-point Field" back into being intact, or so I think.

edit: just fixed some grammar and wording in the writing.
It's taken me a few reads through this to even begin to get the gist of this. Thanks to all other posters, your comments help to clarify things. I guess what has struck me thus far is basically that it is a kind of a scientific, technical explanation for how the Work actually can change us, and perhaps the whole planet when a group is involved. It really does feel like this is very, very important, so I'm gonna read it again to try and understand more.
hkoehli said:
If 2D entities give of more light then humans, this would imply that OPs would give off more light than non-OPs. So there seem to be some correlations that follow:

high light = high chaos = low energy efficiency (this may imply energy blockages)

low light = high order = high energy efficiency (utilization of light/knowledge)

Two concepts (one of which has already been pointed out) seem to apply. First, that humanity in its normal state has 'many I's.' We are contradictory, inconsistent. Dabrowski calls this "ambivalences and ambitendencies", i.e. we change from one instant to the next, there is nothing identifiably eternal and unchanging. We are subject to mechanical reactions from external and internal stimuli. This is a state of chaos, of misused energy, of our mechanical (i.e. more animal) nature, discussed next.

Second, lower levels of being have a lower degree of free will. Animals possess a stronger instinct than humans, whose brains are more plastic and amenable to the dictates of reason. Within humanity, we have humans who are more 'plastic' and have more developmental potential than others: the psychoneurotics. OPs, it would seem, are primitively integrated - they have less free will because they are ruled by their instincts and reactions to a greater extent than those who, having developmental potential, work against these mechanical aspects of themselves.

The nature of the work, of the creation of a "self" that is unified and eternal, would seem to go against DNA and environmental influences (the very factors that rule humanity). This is Dabrowski's "third factor." But how does it work? If DNA provides us with the body and abilities with which we have to work, how do we acquire "new" abilities? It would seem to reside in DNA potential, and perhaps junk DNA that turns on unused genes.

Now, consider this, from Barbara Oakley's Evil Genes (highly recommended!):

When a person experiences bodily stress, for example, physical exercise, it can turn certain genes on or off--perhaps through the regulatory function of the junk DNA.
Now consider that, in the work, the creation of a new self is only the result of the death of the old personality, the complete disintegration of previous structures. This is stressful and painful and would no doubt have a genetic effect.

So we see some essential elements of the "method" of the work. The utilization of excess light goes along with cleaning your machine. When you give off less excess energy, less is available as "food" and you become more free. The medium in which this is done is the body itself, using its "prima materia": water.
Great article and responses!

I have yet to fully integrate everything said so far in my head and make sense of it, but my thoughts were along the lines of what Harrison shared above, though i would never be able to express them as well. I was reminded of the "glowing coat of awareness" that Don Juan spoke about, and i think that what this passage of the book implies about the light stuff in terms of the work we do here, is that if we are able to preserve our own light to ourselves through discipline (by slowly bringing little i's in unison, and clean our machines of "foreign" interferences - haarp related or programs installed in childhood) our DNA will use that light we preserved for it's function, as if we gave it a better and longer lasting battery, and our awareness will grow, our energy, thus our ability to do/DO, will also grow. It will constitute the creation of the glowing cocoon that the predators (4th density STS beings) won't be able to consume, thus we would have escaped the matrix control system. And that makes me wonder if more and more of us conserve our own light and create this coat of awareness, what will we be able to do as a group?!

Don Juan said:
Sorcerers say that discipline makes the glowing coat of awareness unpalatable to the predator. The result is that the predators become bewildered. An inedible glowing coat of awareness is not part of their cognition. If the predators don't eat our glowing coat of awareness for a while, it'll keep on growing.

Simplifying this matter to the extreme, I can say that sorcerers, by means of their discipline, push the predators away long enough to allow their
glowing coat of awareness to grow beyond the level of the toes. Once it goes beyond the level of the toes, it grows back to its natural size. The
sorcerers of ancient Mexico used to say that the glowing coat of awareness is like a tree. If it is not pruned, it grows to its natural size and
volume. As awareness reaches levels higher than the toes, tremendous maneuvers of perception become a matter of course.
Laura said:
Those of you familiar with the Cs material and with alchemy
will certainly have an "aha!" moment or two wile reading this.
We seem to be covering a lot of ground with what the Cs have said,
but few has talked about the alchemy part that Laura is hinting at?

Are we covering any grounds WRT alchemy? What is it's connection?

I have added my comments WRT mistletoe/oak/Fulcanelli, but I am not
sure if I am on track or off track?

Anyone have any thoughts?
Great book.
Sheldrake worked out his hypothesis of formative causation, which states that the forms of self-organizing living things — everything from molecules and organisms to societies and even entire galaxies — are shaped by morphic fields. These fields have a morphic resonance — a cumulative memory — of similar systems through cultures and time, so that species of animals and plants `remember' not only how to look but also how to act. Rupert Sheldrake uses the term `morphic fields' and an entire vocabulary of his own making to describe the self-organizing properties of biological systems, from molecules to bodies to societies. 'Morphic resonance', is, in his view, 'the influence of like upon like through space and time'. He believes these fields (and he thinks there are many of them) are different from electromagnetic fields because they reverberate across generations with an inherent memory of the correct shape and form.- The more we learn, the easier it is for others to follow in our footsteps.

for the first time I understood clearly these points

1. C's definition of Soul as 'Consciouness Period' and God( 7th Density ) as soul's soul.

2. Pledians explanation of existenance 100's miles of portal over middle east and its drama and its -ve energy is used to tune and control other STS worlds in this universe and using other universe's -ve energy to tune and maintain the STS in this world.

3. Pledians explanation of coming planetary changes to trigger and kick people out of their drowsiness to fight for their rights for the planetary ascention. That is why STS is coming up desperate fascist rules at a lightenting speed with out even sparing baby's and very old people.

4. light and darkness as a bridge of all densities
5. P's description of core material in the DNA acting like a super conducting fiber optic cable like structure which is capable of assimilating and reordering the scrambled prefall 12 strand DNA structure under the influence of wave's resonance to kick the prepared's to 4D STO.
6. True meaning of crossing over to Rainbow bridge.
7. the silent communication between two people by simply looking at each other. if I see a stranger , I can feel some thing what he is feeling etc. simple explanation can be photon transfer between the people interpreted by our internal programming.
8. How some strange UFO encounters where people are reported to have been exploded. simple communication jam ( or saturation with negativity ) of the cells can explode things like planet Kanek explosion to asteriod belt.
Lot of rewiring of understanding , I think. Thank you Laura for sharing them. No way we could have learned this with out your active guidance.
This concept stressed by hkoehli about

low light = high order = high energy efficiency (utilization of light/knowledge)
do fit with Don Juan's 'shutting off the internal dialogue' and M's and G's take on the about internal considering and the many I's.

It's funny to read also at the end of Castaneda's book "The Fire From Within" that odd passage about the 'black world'. And from Fulcanelli's 'Le Mystére des Cathédrales':

Black is the root and origin of the other colours; for every black matter may be reverberated for the time necessary to it, in such a way that the other three colours will appear in succession
And just think about DNA's biophoton emission and supernova light, it's like the Work is about turning off this 'internal light' in order to become more receptive to an 'external' light, and if a 'morphic resonance - the influence of like upon like through space and time' can be attained, perhaps we can do something with that light once it is shone on us.

Gurwitsch postulated that a field, rather than chemicals alone, was probably responsible for the structural formation of the body
Then obviously, we can BE nothing with a 'souped up' body alone ;-) but the 'body' that matters most is the one formed by 'molecules [that] begin to vibrate in unison, until they reach a high level of coherence.'

Again from Fulcanelli's:

I shall content myself with stating that the process of the stone, that is to say its coction, includes several others, meaning several repetitions of the same method of operation. Reflect, make use of analogy, and, above all, do not desert the simple principles of nature
This is a wonderful and inspiring thread!

I was surprised to see this and having a time keeping up, (I’m a little overworked presently osit).

Here are a few words in relation to the topic from Lynne McTaggart’s continuation of this book into the next entitled, “The Intention Experiment”. Notice the reference to “light pipes”. This is from the chapter “The Human Antenna”.

Scientists believed that a form of Einstein and Bose’s theory could account for some of the strange properties they had begun to observe in the subatomic world: superfluidity, a condition in which certain fluids can flow without losing energy, or even spontaneously work themselves out of their containers; or superconduction, a similar property of electrons in a circuit. In superfluid or superconductor states, liquid or electricity could theoretically flow at the same pace forever.

Ketterle [Wolfgang] had discovered another amazing property of atoms or molecules in this state. All the atoms were oscillating in a perfect harmony, like photons in a laser, which behave light one giant photon, vibrating in perfect rhythm. This organization makes for an extraordinary efficiency of energy. Instead of sending a light about 3 meters, the laser emits a wave 300 million times that far.

Scientists were convinced that a Bose-Einstein condensate was a peculiar property of atoms and molecules slowing down so much that they are almost at rest, when exposed to temperatures only a fraction above the coldest temperatures in the universe. But then Fritz-Albert Popp and the scientists working with him made the astonishing discovery that a similar property existed in the weak light emanating from organisms. This was not supposed to happen in the boiling inner world of living things. What is more, the biophotons he measured from plants, animals, and humans were highly coherent. They acted like a single superpowerful frequency, a phenomenon also referred to as “superradiance”. The German biophysicist Herbert Fröhlich had first described a model in which this type of order could be present and play a central role in biological systems. His model showed that with complex dynamic systems like human beings, the energy within creates all sorts of subtle relationships, so that it is no longer discordant [22]. Living energy is able to organize to one giant coherent state with the highest form of quantum order known to nature. When subatomic particles are said to be “coherent”, or “ordered”, the become highly interlinked by bands of common electromagnetic fields, and resonate like a multitude of tuning forks all attuned to the same frequency. They stop behaving like anarchic individuals and begin operating like one well-rehearsed marching band.

As one scientist put it, coherence is like comparing the photons of a single 6-watt lightbulb to the sun. Ordinarily, light is extraordinarily inefficient. The intensity of light from a bulb is only about 1 watt per square centimeter of light - because many of the waves made by the photons destructively interfere with and cancel out each other. The light generated per square centimeter by the sun is about 6,000 times stronger. But if you could get all the photons of this one small lightbulb to become coherent and resonate in harmony with each other, the energy density of the single lightbulb would be thousands to millions of time higher that that of the surface of the sun. [23]

After Popp made his discoveries about coherent light in living organisms, other scientists postulated that mental processes also create Bose-Einstein condensates. British physicist Roger Penrose and his partner, American anesthetist Stuart Hameroff from the University of Arizona, were in the vanguard of frontier scientists who proposed that the microtubules in cells, which create the basic structure of the cells, were “light pipes” through which disordered wave signals were transformed into highly-coherent photons and pulsed through the rest of the body.[24] Gary Schwartz had witnessed just this coherent photon stream emanating from the hands of healers. After studying the work of scientists like Popp and Hameroff, he finally had his answer about the source of healing; if thoughts are generated as frequencies, healing intention is well-ordered light.

[22]H Fröhlich, “Long range coherence and energy storage in biological systems,” Int. J. Quantum Chem., 1968; II:641-9.
[23] For this entire example, Tiller, Science and Human transformation, 196
[24] M Jibu et al., “Quantum optical coherence in cytoskeletal microtubules: implication for brain function,” Biosystems 1994;32:195-209; S.R. Hameroff, “Cytoplasmic gel states and ordered water: possible roles in biological quantum coherence,” Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Advanced Water Sciences Symposium, Dallas Texas, 1996.
So much I found strange and interesting, I've no clue where to begin, and will certainly be rereading this. It's hard to separate some random thoughts and those which seem to go along in a factual manner.

Mr. Scott: "And then there is the push for the ridiculous use of sunscreen all the time. Ignoring the fact that sunlight on the skin is the human body's primary source of vitamin D, maybe there's another reason for the sunscreen push."

Just before you wrote (I read) that I was already thinking of some sunblocker like commercial humor to post/link to. Then HAARP concepts. Then of course the nearby power grid(s) they practically have strung atop our heads, with nearby relays and nodes. Toss in some chemtrails.. frightening. Outside the sinister there seems to be some hope, health and nutrition, water, cleansing, harmony.. reading some of the posts I'd a couple double take thoughts on love and light.

Slipping into some more subjective states and imaginings..

About those creatures at prior densities that we eat and/or interact with I've some wonders. For example since it (finally) started getting cold here in the Pacific Northwest the family pets have attracted an awful lot of fleas. Of all the persons in our home my daughter is the only one being attacked besides family pets. Is this due to her highlevel of light and these little creatures to some degree eat it away while defecating (giving hystamine) in her blood?

This is a real eye opener that is providing quite a bit of shock currently. The quote(s) from "The Field" book has helped me (intellectually) grasp some concepts quite a bit more. Thanks All very much for the posts, very interesting data. Some of the quote's from the C's and the correlation(s) really stuck out, some of which I'd never read. This led to some odd thoughts which I'd like to share: (please note the following is likely totally subjective and imaginative, so far as I Know and should be taken with a healthy grain of salt. :)

Pyr, Pyramid, benzo(a)pyrene, Pyrenees

Dant: "Seems that benzo(a)pyrene is "everywhere" in nature is is produced by burning?
Is this "stuff" bad for us? Seems that the by products of smoking is "bad" or is
it actually "good" because it "hides our light"?"

The thought of actually using the tobacco to heal, gain light from, came to mind.

(Medical Dictionary ) pyr
1. <abbreviation> Pyrimidine, pyroglutamic acid.
2. <chemistry, prefix> Combining forms designating fire or heat; specifically, used to imply an actual or theoretical derivative by the action of heat; as in pyrophosphoric, pyrosulphuric, pyrotartaric, pyrotungstic, etc.
"Combining forms designating fire or heat" - Had some thoughts about smoke but also of Ark and Laura. Alchemical fire, fusion, electric.

I decided to toss out an idea by sound (Peer)
a person of the same legal status.
a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status.
something of equal worth or quality.
Archaic. a companion.
Again, kind of stuck thinking about Laura and Ark. Rereading I also thought of a kind of marriage between Mysticism (so speak.. maybe 4th way or Alchemy would be a better term) and Science.

Pyramid, Pyrenees made me think of: Peak, the tip, crystallization (like a pyramid illuminated) or the Led Zeppelin guy on top of the mountain , a beacon, a light house..
noise said:
Mr. Scott: "And then there is the push for the ridiculous use of sunscreen all the time. Ignoring the fact that sunlight on the skin is the human body's primary source of vitamin D, maybe there's another reason for the sunscreen push."

Just before you wrote (I read) that I was already thinking of some sunblocker like commercial humor to post/link to.
And this reminded me of the recent article in the British Independent
which begins:
It may not be the first supplement to be called a "wonder vitamin", but it is one of the few to have lived up to the name. Last week, the biggest review of the role of vitamin D in health found that people who took supplements of the vitamin for six years reduced their risk of dying from all causes.

Overall mortality

It was the proof that researchers had been waiting for. Earlier studies had suggested that vitamin D played a key role in protecting against cancer, heart disease and diabetes – conditions that account for 60 to 70 per cent of all deaths in the West. The new study, by scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon and the European Institute of Oncology in Milan and published in Archives of Internal Medicine, shows that it does. The review of 18 trials involving 57,000 people found that those who took the supplements had an 7 per cent lower risk of death overall during the six-year period of the study.
Enter the URL for complete article.
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