Thank you, Laura, for bringng this up. This is mind boggling and caught me with a question: Do you think that the germs alone can do this, or do you think that an aware person, infested with these germs, can counter that draught to homosexuality, promiscuity whatsoever. Through awareness. And that this person could take action and get rid of the germs and be "normal" again. Or do you think that if you have these germs then there is no getting out of this? Does that sound stupid? I hope not.
Well, that is going where the data leads, isn't it?
And that's pretty much what the Cs said.
Your comment seems to reflect a shocking degree of homophobia and inconsideration for gay members of this forum (i.e. "homo plague thingy," "strong homo force"), which is hard to excuse even if you were born that way: "Worse still, homophobia (or homoaversion, as it should properly called, according to Greg Cochran) is itself heritable, at least 54% so. Yes, homophobes were much more “born that way” than homosexuals themselves!"
Why curing the person if he/she is happy in his/her homosexual couple?
Thank you, Laura, for bringng this up. This is mind boggling and caught me with a question: Do you think that the germs alone can do this, or do you think that an aware person, infested with these germs, can counter that draught to homosexuality, promiscuity whatsoever. Through awareness. And that this person could take action and get rid of the germs and be "normal" again. Or do you think that if you have these germs then there is no getting out of this? Does that sound stupid? I hope not.
and also How do genes affect same-sex behavior? (the paper is open access)Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.
I think, ultimately it boils down to how much control do we have as human beings and how much of our lives is decided by outside forces. Then, I suppose the next question would be whether we can be rid of these outside forces if they are truly here or if we cannot hope to be more than what we are and simply need to wait for death. It's fascinating, but utterly depressing too.
Q: (L) And I would say it has been from the beginning. We're talking about long, slow, patient manipulation. The C's said it years ago. It's to get everybody programmed to be the way they want them to be when they come to take over so that we'll all be "worthy" subjects. It's creepy.
(Joe) Is that in any way connected to homosexuality?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is homosexuality a deliberate tinkering with humanity that is a reflection of a 4D STS mindset?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Is 4D STS gay?
A: No. It is about power not sex.
Even the term "homofobia" seems to be coined with some hidden agenda - like somebody is vewy vewy afwaid of gays, instead just being not so enthusiastic about there ways... Maybe homocritic could be better term instead...
I can't be sure of course, but I'd say the vast majority of of heterosexual men (at least in Western countries) are not homophobic (in the way that term is used i.e. some kind of militant and overt anti-gay attitude) but have a biologically-instantiated aversion to homosexuality that they keep under control out of respect for others. A strict reading of the word homophobia is a fair enough from this point of view, it's a similar instinctive aversion to arachnaphobia for example. It's should not to be condemned or 'shamed' out of people any more than other natural phobias. The issue is one of respect for other people while drawing a line at certain personal boundaries.