Jedi Master
Maori could be used as an example of preagricultural society and also very isolated one - Maori language has specific word for devoted partner of the same sex and there are historical records from early settlers that homosexuality amongst Maori wasn’t frowned upon.
Early Māori sexuality
Māori sexuality on European arrival When Europeans arrived in New Zealand they found that Māori views of sexuality were different from Western ideas of the time. Māori chiefs would often have more than one wife. Except for puhi (high-born women set aside for a political marriage...teara.govt.nz
Actually, even in this days and age, I'm sure you could find tiny village lost in Africa, Asia or some other continent where same-sex relationship aren't really frowned upon. I'll try to look it up, but I remember watching a documentary a long time ago where women would take wives, sometimes because they found this partnership easier then taking a husband, or because they had lost their husband and wanted a life partner...etc and it was just the way worked in this tiny village. The main difference between perhaps the case you mentioned and what we're seeing in the West is that there may not be fetishism in these union. It might be a more mature decision reached not because of hormone, but because of your brain. What I'm trying to say is that behaviour related to homosexuality for the most part in the West and elsewhere has been heavily corrupted.
From my point of view, the problem isn't homosexuality per see, but the way it has been presented over the years: cartoonish, excessive, and morally decadent. I'm talking about men taking on women's speech pattern and mannerism, promiscuity and multiple partners, over-zealousness. Nowadays, it's even worse because you have men putting on makeup and dresses and you have women who make themselves look like men. All of this has made homosexuality become a sad performance instead of simply an union of two people who like each other and happen to be of the same sex. The LGBT community is one group where the personal is political.
I think that's why many heterosexual are often repelled. For example, there is a homosexual couple near my home. They have weird pictures of men kissing/ in sexual position stuck on their windows. One in the couple is overtly girly while the other is mainly. It didn't need to be that way. And it is things like that, that creates tension and otherness. Obviously, if as we're discovering these behaviours might be influenced by outside forces, then...there really isn't a solution. But I think the interesting thing would be to discover, how many cases of homosexual are there without all these pathological attributes, if any, and why they are different. But we could still come back to genes. If let's say you come from a family of very rational people who have high pragmatism and intelligence or maybe you have high level of personal cleanliness or disgust, or any other relevant gene combination, then even if you're infected with the "homosexual germ", something in your make-up would prevent you would from pursuing reckless activities.