French forumites, is it true?

Here's another way to make people tremble with fear without going outside, and justify spraying chemicals on city streets:

"Mosquito invasion in Paris: roads are closed, people should stay at home."

"Paris is taking decisive measures to combat the spread of tiger mosquitoes: entire streets are closed, and the population is being asked to stay in their homes."

Please note that climate change is also interwoven here.

"This may soon become the new norm even in Germany. In Paris, a large area was cleared and cordoned off for the systematic fumigation of streets with poisonous insecticides. The health authorities are trying to stop the spread of the dangerous tiger mosquito, whose population is rapidly increasing in Bavaria as well - the process is accelerating due to climate change."


Clothing’ Under Guise of ‘Better Health Monitoring’​

According to the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, “SMART ePANTS could revolutionize the Internet of Things by collecting data to help intelligence, medical and sports commmunities.”

Just have a look what food is being served at the top level already (no meat, fish and even chicken). As now India (Bharat) is being promoted by western capital (instead of China) as a leader of the developing world.
P.s Bet the next summit a menu will include insects
Maybe these G20 dudes are not as high up the food chain as they like to think of themselves? I’m sure the bazillionaires are still eating steak and lobster.

Launch of a New Doorway to Freedom​

Story at a glance:
  • The World Health Organization is laying the foundation to take control over all aspects of everyone’s lives, across the world, under the auspice of “biosecurity”
  • A new organization called Door to Freedom is being set up as a one-stop shop where everyone can learn what the plan is and what we can do to stop it. Door to Freedom also hopes to align freedom organizations around the world to act in concert to get the word out more widely
  • The global cabal that is trying to seize control over the world have access to loads of capital, but they’re also using our tax dollars. The U.S. government has spent some $5 trillion on the pandemic response. Much of that money went to bribe media, hospitals, influencers, churches, medical groups and other social organizations to push the official narrative
  • Current laws give immunity to a lot of bad actors, including the Federal Reserve, the Bank of International Settlements, everybody who works for the WHO and the UN, federal government employees as well as many private organizations. Vaccines and their manufacturers are also indemnified
  • We need to pass new laws that eliminate all of these indemnifications, so that we can retroactively take them to court for the crimes they’ve committed


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mRNA Vaccines Now Headed for Shrimp
Story at a glance:
  • ViAqua Therapeutics, an Israeli-based biotechnology startup, has secured $8.25 million in funding for its oral RNA-based shrimp vaccine
  • The vaccine targets white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), which leads to a 15% reduction in global shrimp production each year
  • ViAqua plans to administer its RNA-based product via coated feed; the RNA molecules can inhibit gene expression, silencing disease-affected genes
  • Shrimp lack an adaptive immune system, the type that “remembers” exposures to infectious agents, so it’s long been assumed that shrimp cannot be vaccinated; now it’s becoming clear that shrimp do have some defense against viruses, which is only beginning to be understood
  • The risks of tinkering with shrimp genetics, and using mRNA shots in pigs, cattle and other animals intended for food, are completely unknown


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All Eyes Are on the WHO as They try to Take Over the World
Story at a glance:
  • In May 2022, the World Health Organization adopted Amendments to International Health Regulations, time for individual countries to turn around and reject them is running out
  • A whole new set of potentially dangerous Amendments is in the works, the latest draft is not available to the public, the available drafts are nefarious
  • On September 20, 2023, the UN plans to adopt a “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response” promoting the need to spend an additional 30 billion every year on “global health emergency preparedness”
  • In May 2024, the 300+ new amendments and the WHO CA+ Framework Convention (formerly known as “Pandemic Treaty”) are scheduled to be adopted
  • Time to let our opinions heard and say no to neofeudalism is now


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Whitney Webb: Well done presentation on bitcoin, crypto, CBDC and more. (25 minutes)

A few take away points:

Connections between alphabet agencies, and the central banks.

They have stated that, they plan on breaking the law.

They plan on bringing down bitcoin.

The next event? A "catastrophic mutating event" to take place before 2025. Will be global. (AKA catastrophic cyber event)

Choose a side.

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