What's the gist ? (If you would be so kind..)

[Youtube diet]
hope all well for you -🙏

a sobering overview of globalist plans for the WHO that would establish a dangerous “One Health” tyranny in the world. it is crucial to forward this material to all elected representatives at all levels in your nation and to other persons of influence. Nothing can overstate the severity of this threat to democracy and your way of life. It cannot be ignored.


  • The World Health Organization is seeking to cement its control over global health through amendments to the international health regulations (IHR) and its pandemic treaty.
  • The pandemic treaty will grant the WHO power over far more than pandemic responses. It emphasizes the “One Health” agenda, which combines human health, animal health, and environmental concerns into one.
  • Under the One Health agenda, the WHO would have power to make decisions relating to diet, agriculture and livestock farming, environmental pollution, movement of populations, and much more.
  • Private interests wield immense power over the WHO, and a majority of the funding is “specified,” meaning it’s earmarked for particular programs. The WHO cannot allocate those funds wherever they’re needed most. This too massively influences what the WHO does and how it does it. So, the WHO is an organization that does whatever its funders tell it to do.
  • The globalist takeover hinges on the successful creation of a feedback loop of surveillance for virus variants, declaration of potential risk followed by lockdowns and restrictions, followed by mass vaccinating populations to “end” the pandemic restrictions, followed by more surveillance and so on. The funding for this scheme comes primarily from taxpayers, while the profits go to corporations and their investors.
hope all well for you -🙏

a sobering overview of globalist plans for the WHO that would establish a dangerous “One Health” tyranny in the world. it is crucial to forward this material to all elected representatives at all levels in your nation and to other persons of influence. Nothing can overstate the severity of this threat to democracy and your way of life. It cannot be ignored.


  • The World Health Organization is seeking to cement its control over global health through amendments to the international health regulations (IHR) and its pandemic treaty.
  • The pandemic treaty will grant the WHO power over far more than pandemic responses. It emphasizes the “One Health” agenda, which combines human health, animal health, and environmental concerns into one.
  • Under the One Health agenda, the WHO would have power to make decisions relating to diet, agriculture and livestock farming, environmental pollution, movement of populations, and much more.
  • Private interests wield immense power over the WHO, and a majority of the funding is “specified,” meaning it’s earmarked for particular programs. The WHO cannot allocate those funds wherever they’re needed most. This too massively influences what the WHO does and how it does it. So, the WHO is an organization that does whatever its funders tell it to do.
  • The globalist takeover hinges on the successful creation of a feedback loop of surveillance for virus variants, declaration of potential risk followed by lockdowns and restrictions, followed by mass vaccinating populations to “end” the pandemic restrictions, followed by more surveillance and so on. The funding for this scheme comes primarily from taxpayers, while the profits go to corporations and their investors.
Thank you Emerald Rob !

And thank you for the amazing description 🍀
I asked myself multiple times how they plan to achieve:
"You will own nothing......" (as the part: ....and be happy: by chemical, electro-magnetic means, IMO)

The bellow SOTT article gave me the answer and blew my mind!!!!

After I watched this short interview of the author who uncovered this:

Now in retrospect I understand why in Romania I observed a push 5 years ago to increase the participation in stock market of common people (for aprox 1 year I participated also).
The dire situation will be when the music will stop!!!

As in the article and interview is asking: to distribute to as many people (especially to high net worth one-as they think they will have the means to ride it out).
Cynism & Irony
made in Germany

I didn't know where to put these slogans, because they both are jokes as well bitter serious, and of course cynical, plus with overlapping themes (climate change, great reset, plandemic, war, politics) - which i thought fit well under the "great" theme of "The Great Reset", so I put it here.

There is a company in Germany, "Harlekin" - which makes a lot of clothes (etc) with slogans on it. The latest iterations, are unusual cynical and direct.

World Enslavement c**ts

Bion Death

Heard show
(referring to Germany's TV channel ZDF)

Public Service Round F**k
(referring to Germany's TV & Radio channels)

(Green Party)
Since Belgrade 1999, the warmongers

(Green Party)
It exists - the man-made climate swindle

Votes for Green - Votes for War

No mask in the world can hide the face, that has come to light in many

[it rhythms in german)
The rich supply the weapons, the poor supply the corpses
Cynism & Irony
made in Germany

I didn't know where to put these slogans, because they both are jokes as well bitter serious, and of course cynical, plus with overlapping themes (climate change, great reset, plandemic, war, politics) - which i thought fit well under the "great" theme of "The Great Reset", so I put it here.

There is a company in Germany, "Harlekin" - which makes a lot of clothes (etc) with slogans on it. The latest iterations, are unusual cynical and direct.

View attachment 83932
World Enslavement c**ts

View attachment 83933
Bion Death

View attachment 83934
Heard show
(referring to Germany's TV channel ZDF)

View attachment 83936
Public Service Round F**k
(referring to Germany's TV & Radio channels)

View attachment 83937
(Green Party)
Since Belgrade 1999, the warmongers

View attachment 83938
(Green Party)
It exists - the man-made climate swindle

View attachment 83939
Votes for Green - Votes for War

View attachment 83940
No mask in the world can hide the face, that has come to light in many

View attachment 83941
[it rhythms in german)
The rich supply the weapons, the poor supply the corpses
XPan, does this company, or does Germany at large, use sunflower imagery in tandem with public messaging? Or is this directly aimed at Ukraine?

That one about masks is very impressive. They are all very impressive, really.
Robert F. Kennedy, voicing the topic about megacorporations and their true goals 💵💰

So, there are three giant corporations:
They own each other as a single corporation.
Directors of companies are actively buying up land through subsidiaries, embodying the plan of the "great reset".
According to this plan, by 2030 people will own nothing, and they should be happy.

That is part of the Agenda 2030- deprive people of jobs and means of livelihood🤦‍♂️

Reuters: Germany began to replace people with robots due to an acute shortage of workers
In Europe, robots began to replace the generation of the post-war baby boom. Dirty and dangerous manual work began to be automated due to an acute shortage in the labor market in Germany, Reuters reports.

According to the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), about 1.7 million jobs were unoccupied in the country in June. More than half of companies are struggling to fill vacancies, which costs the growth of Europe's largest economy almost 100 billion euros ($109 billion) a year. An increase in the number of working women and a sharp increase in immigration partially helped to compensate for the shortage of workers. However, due to the retirement of baby boomers by 2035, the number of employees may decrease by seven million people.

Companies are increasingly using robots due to the aging of the German population. Robots ensure the survival of companies that see their future at risk due to a shortage of staff, explained Ralph Winkelmann, managing director of FANUC, which supplies robots to enterprises. The use of machine labor is not carried out to quickly reduce costs, but to make work "healthier, more interesting and safer," explained a representative of the German trade union IG Metall.

Perfectly fits the PTB’s plan to ‘replace/utilize extra mouth’ and control the rest...💁‍♂️

China has announced its ambitious plans for the mass production of humanoid robots, which, according to statements, can become as "revolutionary" as smartphones once were.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China has presented a project in which the country intends to make significant changes in the world of robots.
According to the roadmap published by MIIT, by 2025 robots will reach an "advanced level" and will be "mass-produced". The authors consider this to be the same revolution as the appearance of smartphones and computers.
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