Perfectly fits the PTB’s plan to ‘replace/utilize extra mouth’ and control the rest...💁‍♂️

China has announced its ambitious plans for the mass production of humanoid robots, which, according to statements, can become as "revolutionary" as smartphones once were.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China has presented a project in which the country intends to make significant changes in the world of robots.
According to the roadmap published by MIIT, by 2025 robots will reach an "advanced level" and will be "mass-produced". The authors consider this to be the same revolution as the appearance of smartphones and computers.
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i can already say i hate this stuff...
Bumped into that ‘prophetic’ then song from late 1980s. Did not find it on the forum, sorry if i missed it.

It well shows how the Universal law of free will works-the PTB has to warn the ‘herd’ of their plans. If humanity shows NO rejection-they continue to implement it.


An excellent link for establishing financial security by eliminating debt (by Dave Ramsey).

A faith-based perspective of common sense and honesty!

FR Sign in 3:34 / 16:52 END GAME: "It's INSANE How Much This Is Growing" - Mike Maloney & Alan Hibbard
RT 16:52
Join Mike Maloney and Alan Hibbard as they update some of the most important charts from Mike’s recent book. We think you will be blown away at how fast this data is changing, and what the ‘End Game’ is for the US economy. Brace yourself for this one.
Bumped into that ‘prophetic’ then song from late 1980s. Did not find it on the forum, sorry if i missed it.

It well shows how the Universal law of free will works-the PTB has to warn the ‘herd’ of their plans. If humanity shows NO rejection-they continue to implement it.

Waouh! Who was the singer? What happened to him...
I searched where to post this nice speech made by a woman named Laura Aboli from the conference "Better Way" in June this year.
Finally it goes well here, she well summarizes, in this 12m speech, all the threats our humanity is facing, or the surprises these psychos concocted for us. I found no reference to Laura Aboli on the forum, thus i think this was not posted yet.

Matt Ryan, CEO of America at Fox News, says that the WEF is a fascist organization that uses fear and manipulation.

"The WEF is a fanatical political organization that uses fear and manipulation, such as hysteria about Covid, as a global warming hoax, to really help people think that they are somehow saviors, but in fact all you are doing is helping them achieve their goal, which is in fact, it is a global public-private fascist movement, and the merger of big government, big technology [and] big money to create a technocratic ruling elite, which is convenient to be such."

"They want to create feudalism 2.0, in which we are serfs and they are lords ruling us… That's what they're aiming for."

Video in english:
From the article (Ellen Brown), here is David Webb's book that he offered to be freely read:
There is no individual link for the below information, but I found it useful to read overall as a summary of 'The Great Taking' book. I have the book in print and have finished the author's introduction about his past and experience, which I found interesting. Figure when I'm done with the book I may start a thread in the 'Books' section.

I was also already familiar with the idea that no one actually owns the stocks they purchased, the shadiness of the Deposit Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), and where customer funds were taken from people in the MF Global collapse, etc.

I figure if something like 'the great taking' was to be attempted, then it would be while they try this:

23 Sept 2023
(Ursus Minor) Will the PTB initiate a financial crash to enforce the abolition of cash?

A: Yes.
and this past comment by the C's from some time ago is relevant:

26 April 2014
Q: (Odyssey) On the money issue, would it be a good idea to invest in silver or gold?

A: Partly, but what about "needful things"?

Q: (KJN) So we should spend it on things we need now, versus spending it on gold or putting in a bank or that kind of thing?

A: Mostly. Money will soon be worthless, ownership will survive awhile longer.

Figure if you have a mortgage on your house (or even any kind of other loan for a personal property - like a car loan), then that might come to be a problem and the house or property being taking from you as described in the book and would not confer the ownership that the C's talk about above in terms of surviving.

We might have some time before actions are taken, probably thanks mostly to Russia and Putin causing problems for any such future plans, but figure the plug could be pulled on things at any time, as mentioned in the review.

Finally, this last C's session quote comes to mind in relation to all of this:

9 Aug 1997
Q: Did Isabella and Mortimer have a child while they were in hiding in France?

A: No. Here is something for you to digest: Why is it that your scientists have overlooked the obvious when they insist that alien beings cannot travel to earth from a distant system???

Q: And what is this obvious thing?

A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not possible, and it is, of course, there is no reason why an alien race could not construct a space "ark," living for many generations on it. They could travel great distances through time and space, looking for a suitable world for conquest. Upon finding such, they could then install this ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable technological infrastructure. And then, after the instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming project, simply step in and take it over once the situation was suitable.

Q: Is this, in fact, what has happened, or is happening?

A: It could well be, and maybe now it is the time for you to learn about the details.

Q: Well, would such a race be 3rd or 4th density in orientation?

A: Why not elements of both?

Q: What is the most likely place that such a race would have originated from?

A: Oh, maybe Orion, for example?

Q: Okay. If such a race did, in fact, travel to this location in space/time, how many generations have come and gone on their space ark during this period of travel, assuming, of course, that such a thing has happened?

A: Maybe 12.

Q: Okay, that implies that they have rather extended life spans...

A: Yes...

Q: Assuming this to be the case, what are their lifespans?

A: 2,000 of your years.

Q: Okay, assuming such a bunch have traveled...

A: When in space, that is...

Q: And what is the span when on terra firma?

A: 800 years.

Q: Well, has it not occurred to them that staying in space might not be better?

A: No. Planets are much more "comfortable."

Q: Okay... imagining that such a group has traveled here...

A: We told you of upcoming conflicts... Maybe we meant the same as your Bible, and other references. Speak of... The "final" battle between "good and evil..." Sounds a bit cosmic, when you think of it, does it not?

Q: Does this mean that there is more than one group that has traveled here in their space arks?

A: Could well be another approaching, as well as "reinforcements" for either/or, as well as non-involved, but interested observers of various types who appreciate history from the sidelines.

Q: Well, SWELL! There goes my peaceful life!

A: You never had one!

Q: Well, I was planning on one! Is this one of those items we should NOT put on the net, or are you addressing it because you want it on the net?

A: We will leave that until a bit later.

Q: Any other comment?

A: You chose to be incarnated now, with some foreknowledge of what was to come. Reference your dreams of space attack.

Q: Okay, what racial types are we talking about relating to these hypothetical aliens?

A: Three basic constructs. Nordic, Reptilian, and Greys. Many variations of type 3, and 3 variations of type 1 and 2.

Q: Well, what racial types are the 'good guys?'

A: Nordics, in affiliation with 6th density "guides."

Q: And that's the only good guys?

A: That's all you need.

Q: Wonderful! So, if it is a Grey or Lizzie, you know they aren't the nice guys. But, if it is tall and blond, you need to ask questions!

A: All is subjective when it comes to nice and not nice. Some on 2nd density would think of you as "not nice," to say the least!!!

Q: That's for sure! Especially the roaches! Maybe we ought to get in touch with some of these good guys...

A: When the "time" is right.
I figure if the bolded part of the session quote is indeed part of the plan in terms of taking over the set up technological infrastructure of the earth then something like 'The Great Taking' trying to be implemented might be a way to try to displace people and also accelerate depopulation along the lines of those plans... not a future scenario anyone wants to contemplate...

Bill’s commentary: “We posted David Rogers Webb’s book “The Great Taking” several months back. For those who did not take the time to read it in full, here is a well done synopsis for you. This is NOT speculation as the laws are already on the books to LEGALLY take everything you have within the system from you. Please, take measures to protect yourselves!”


David Rogers Webb is an ex-investment-banker who wrote “THE GREAT TAKING”, a book you can download for free here:
  1. As of Nov 2022, the full list of G-SIBs (globally systemically important banks) is “officially” defined as: JP Morgan Chase; Bank of America; Citigroup; HSBC; Bank of China; Barclays; BNP Paribas; Deutsche Bank; Goldman Sachs; Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; Mitsubishi UFJ FG; Agricultural Bank of China; Bank of New York Mellon; China Construction Bank; Credit Suisse; Groupe BPCE; Groupe Crédit Agricole; ING; Mizuho FG; Morgan Stanley; Royal Bank of Canada; Santander; Société Générale; Standard Chartered; State Street; Sumitomo Mitsui FG; Toronto Dominion; UBS; UniCredit; Wells Fargo;
  2. These G-SIBs are the “real enemy”. The whole “legal” framework is already in place whereby the G-SIBs have “legal” recourse to take all your investments in brokerage accounts, since these investments are not as protected as you may have assumed (even crypto coins held in brokerage accounts may be in danger);
  3. Securities used to be considered property, but now they are “legally” viewed as “Security Entitlements”;
  4. The GREAT TAKING has precedence. In 1933, the Federal Reserve held a “bank holiday” after which only Fed-approved banks got reopened but no independents. Meanwhile, the US Regime confiscated gold from US citizens. The Great Taking is likely imminent. It will not be country-specific but will take place worldwide;
  5. Today’s WORLD SYSTEM is centered on the Bank for International Settlements in Basel-Switzerland, and it is ultimately the collection of all central banks and the owners of those central banks. Unfortunately, says Webb, the owners are largely kept secret so the first step is to ascertain exactly who these owners are. Even the “usual suspects”, such as Rothschilds and Rockefellers, may be fronts for other “real” owners;
  6. Webb says that the G-SIBs will prosecute an ENORMOUS ASSET CONFISCATION for this WORLD FIN-SYSTEM, by which everything will be taken from formerly-free individuals, such as YOU. Webb says that the WORLD SYSTEM may well soon take all the “deposits” you have in any bank, all of your investments, anything that you own with credit, and that this is all “legal and above board” under the “law” (now in place);
  7. The WORLD SYSTEM will go after any asset that you THINK is yours but has debt attached to it, or any asset that you have in the stock market, or in real estate, or in pension schemes, the bond market, or ETFs;
  8. Webb says that today is MUCH DIFFERENT from 1933 because, nowadays, the whole world has been “harmonized” and, also, most assets are “financialized”, such that most folks are somehow “in the market”, although often unwittingly so. Furthermore, most assets have been “dematerialized”, meaning that they only exist electronically on a computer, and that even stock certificates no longer exist physically on paper;
  9. Webb says that not even segregated accounts have any protection anymore under the “law”;
  10. Webb says that the “Derivatives Time Bomb” was probably built deliberately, as a subterfuge to serve as the trigger to confiscate the assets of most people in the world. In order to cover the alleged “losses” arising from the “Derivatives Time Bomb”, the G-SIBs are now permitted by “law” to seize all your investments to cover any losses incurred by them, the same G-SIBs, arising from that intentional “Derivatives Time Bomb”;
  11. Webb says that the WORLD SYSTEM might even confiscate any gold or silver held outside the system, so it is very important to buy bullion anonymously and to keep it out of sight;
  12. Webb acknowledges current inflationary and hyperinflationary tendencies, but he feels that a huge deflation will come that will dwarf the Great Depression of 1929-54 [which was of course yet another fake “crisis” that the “Illuminati” created artificially]. Effectively the WORLD SYSTEM does not want you in a position where you can sell your own assets so that you can get back on your feet. Thus, in order to enslave you more effectively, they will favor an EXCEEDINGLY DEFLATIONARY ENVIRONMENT for at least two decades;
  13. Webb thinks that even very wealthy people who have their assets in the G-SIBs (which are supposedly TBTF) are going to be robbed by way of the pre-designed subterfuge called the “Derivatives Time Bomb”;
  14. Webb thinks that only those who are MEMBERS OF “THE CLUB” will be saved, including the owners of the G-SIBs, the owners of the central banks, the big funds like BlackRock, and so-called Systemically Important Financial Market Utilities (SIFMUs) which are the clearinghouses for derivatives, as well as some others;
  15. The WORLD SYSTEM will “legally” take your whole house if it has any tiny mortgage whatsoever, so you should try and pay back and remove every single, even small, mortgage in time;
  16. Webb does not know when all this might take place, and concedes that the WORLD SYSTEM can keep the “Everything Bubble” going for much longer before pulling the plug, or else it can pull the plug tomorrow;
  17. The DTCC was set up by members of the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA) and has sole “legal” ownership of 99 percent of all the securities in the USA, which it registers in the name of “Cede & Co”;
  18. This “legal” framework, that got cemented in place worldwide after 2008, was effectively a communist coup d’état because it abolished most property rights. Hence, we are already living in world communism today;
  19. Do not blithely assume that, just because the central banksters turned on the money spigots in the past that they will do the exact same thing in the future. It is even possible that the central banksters might commit yet another deliberate “blunder” by continuing to increase rates even in the face of a deflationary collapse. The WORLD SYSTEM can grab any instrument types listed here:;
  20. The skill and subterfuge of this new “legal” framework will mean that you may even lose your entire house due to a tiny residual mortgage (although no one knows), and that the new owner might become, say, the BlackRock Real Estate Fund that might then agree to lease it back to you out of the “kindness” of its heart;
  21. Note: In reality, BlackRock and Vanguard do not own a single stock or bond. Instead, they have custody over the “Security Entitlements” of all the Goyim “Livestock” on Earth. What an “amazing” “coincidence”!


Webb asks “How might it come to pass that you will OWN NOTHING, as so boldly predicted by the WEF?” but he has already answered that question. Webb showed exactly how the Talmudists intend to achieve this.

Webb lists the following “key facts” regarding the new “legal” framework that the WORLD SYSTEM set up:

  1. Ownership of securities as property has been replaced by a new “legal” concept of a “security entitlement”, which is a contractual claim assuring a very weak position if the account-provider becomes insolvent;
  2. All securities are held in un-segregated, pooled form. Securities used as collateral, and those restricted from such use, are held in the same pool;
  3. All account-holders, including those who have prohibited use of their securities as collateral, must, by law, receive only a pro-rata share of residual assets;
  4. “Re-vindication”, i.e. taking back one’s own securities in the event of insolvency, is absolutely prohibited;
  5. Account-providers may “legally” borrow pooled securities to collateralize proprietary trading and financing;
  6. “Safe Harbor” assures secured creditors priority-claim to pooled securities ahead of account-holders;
  7. The absolute priority-claim of secured creditors to pooled client securities has been upheld by the courts.

By “law”, the concept of “your stocks” no longer even exists anymore today. You cannot sue to “reacquire” what you THOUGHT was your property because the “legal” framework already succeeded in making it NOT YOURS to begin with. When the system goes, the elite seek to ensure that they are safe but at your expense.

The account-provider has already borrowed against your shares.

These “laws” have ALREADY been fought out in “law”-courts, but this “legal” framework already won all cases.

It took several decades to establish this “legal” framework and to install it in every nation and every trade bloc.

This is likely the expropriation and confiscation decreed by the Talmud in favor of your new Talmudic owners.

This is the “Own Nothing Be Happy”, that the Talmudists enslaving you already notified you would soon be here.

Furthermore, all major economic blocs (US, EU, GB, JP, CH) already confirmed that these “legal” rules apply pretty-much everywhere because the Talmudists really mean business in expropriating most Goyim “Livestock”.

Webb adds:

“It is now assured that in the implosion of ‘The Everything Bubble’, collateral will be swept up on a vast scale. The plumbing to do this is in place. Legal certainty has been established that the collateral can be taken immediately and without judicial review, by entities described in court documents as ‘the protected class’ [Webb estimates that this ‘protected class’ comprises perhaps the 0.01 percent of the total population]. Even sophisticated professional investors, who were assured that their securities are “segregated”, will not be protected”.

So BE HAPPY, because the only thing you will OWN (nothing) will be a claim against your now-bankrupt broker. The “new” owners will be those who own the G-SIBs, the central banks, and everything beyond.


It APPEARS that the top Talmudists have successfully set up a “legal” framework to confiscate most assets from most Goyim “Livestock”, but no one knows whether this will happen, or when. Financial experts expect the central-banksters to keep printing money (“until they run out of zeroes”). But that would be damaging because it would lead ultimately to COLLAPSE BY HYPERINFLATION.

But if the central-banksters keep up their current nasty behavior, as they also did when they engineered the Great Depression of 1929-54, then that second possible outcome would be COLLAPSE BY DEFLATION.

Either way, and most unfortunately, some form of collapse appears to be imminent.

Do you really trust the central-banksters to do the right thing by you?

And bear in bind how obedience may well come with poverty or hunger.

There is no individual link for the below information, but I found it useful to read overall as a summary of 'The Great Taking' book. I have the book in print and have finished the author's introduction about his past and experience, which I found interesting. Figure when I'm done with the book I may start a thread in the 'Books' section.

I was also already familiar with the idea that no one actually owns the stocks they purchased, the shadiness of the Deposit Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), and where customer funds were taken from people in the MF Global collapse, etc.

I figure if something like 'the great taking' was to be attempted, then it would be while they try this:

23 Sept 2023

and this past comment by the C's from some time ago is relevant:

26 April 2014

Figure if you have a mortgage on your house (or even any kind of other loan for a personal property - like a car loan), then that might come to be a problem and the house or property being taking from you as described in the book and would not confer the ownership that the C's talk about above in terms of surviving.

We might have some time before actions are taken, probably thanks mostly to Russia and Putin causing problems for any such future plans, but figure the plug could be pulled on things at any time, as mentioned in the review.

Finally, this last C's session quote comes to mind in relation to all of this:

9 Aug 1997

I figure if the bolded part of the session quote is indeed part of the plan in terms of taking over the set up technological infrastructure of the earth then something like 'The Great Taking' trying to be implemented might be a way to try to displace people and also accelerate depopulation along the lines of those plans... not a future scenario anyone wants to contemplate...

Here it shows, imo, that PTB are getting close to a ‘low start’ point...

The IMF’s “Central Bank Digital Currency Virtual Handbook” published last weekpointed out that the increased use of CBDCs can “reduce dollarization” of the global economy—a situation where countries move away from relying on the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency. De-dollarization would push up borrowing costs in the United States, making loans expensive for businesses and individuals, thus affecting economic growth. Stock market values can also crash, reducing the savings and investments of Americans.

In addition to de-dollarization, a CBDC “could increase risks of flight to safety from retail bank deposits in periods of market stress.” During times of market volatility, customers withdraw their deposits and move it into safe assets to avoid losing money in scenarios like bank collapses.

If CBDCs were available, pulling out funds from a bank and putting them in such assets will come across as a safe option for many people, thus triggering a bank run.

The organization pointed out that CBDCs could offer “a safe store of value and efficient means of payment, which can increase competition for deposit funding, raise banks’ share of wholesale funding, and lower bank profits.”

The IMF handbook was published as the organization’s Director Kristalina Georgieva promoted the use of CBDCs during the Singapore FinTech Festival on Nov. 15, arguing that such digital currencies could bring an end to the cash-based economy.

CBDCs can replace cash, which is costly to distribute in island economies,” she said during a speech. “CBDCs would offer a safe and low-cost alternative to cash. They would also offer a bridge to go between private monies and a yardstick to measure their value, just like cash today, which we can withdraw from our banks.”
That disgusting and ‘deadly’ initiative is being promoted everywhere🤦‍♂️
"The story of the permission to eat food from larvae in Russia directly contradicts our propaganda, which in recent years has been making thesis that "the West has gone crazy, but our God-saved fatherland is an island of normality." It turns out that there is not. We are also in this trend. As with a number of other Western initiatives, such as the notorious ESG rating, actively implemented by Sberbank or following the policy of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which the leadership of our country has not abandoned.

Let me remind you that eating insects "the world association of people of good will" offers us not just like that, but within the framework of the global environmental agenda. With its scale and faith in unproven (and sometimes directly refuted) arguments, it resembles a global quasi-religion, where climate scientists and eco-activists, backed by multinational corporations, act instead of the clergy.

The largest of them is Black Rock, which manages almost $9 trillion of capital. Who owns this company is unknown, even its officials are not famous for publicity. But these people, whom no one has ever elected, clearly believe that money gives them unlimited power over humanity. It was this company that came up with the ESG agenda, because of which it is impossible to watch modern cinema. It is this company, being a significant shareholder of a multinational business, that promotes the entire modern agenda, part of which is the idea of eating insects.

Now, by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, conditions are being created for the promotion of insect food. The list of agricultural products includes fats, mashed potatoes and flour from the black lion fly and its larvae. All this is served under the sauce of the fact that Russia must keep up with the whole of humanity and adopt progressive practices.

in Russia, 80 million hectares of empty farmland — almost half of their total number. But instead of returning them to circulation, someone is concerned about fulfilling the will of globalists who want to drive us into megacities so that we live in concrete boxes and eat worms and beetles.

Let me remind you that a year ago this Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Industry, called for working with mentality and evaluating insect meat.

I also have little faith that this is someone's project for mastering budgets. No, an insect food market is being created. And demand will be created for this market, as it was with the same fan-id or the "HONEST sign" marking system. And taking into account the approaches of the state to the introduction of certain things, I do not exclude that residents of megacities will not be persuaded to forcibly eat food from the larvae of flies and beetles."
There is no individual link for the below information, but I found it useful to read overall as a summary of 'The Great Taking' book. I have the book in print and have finished the author's introduction about his past and experience, which I found interesting. Figure when I'm done with the book I may start a thread in the 'Books' section.

I was also already familiar with the idea that no one actually owns the stocks they purchased, the shadiness of the Deposit Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), and where customer funds were taken from people in the MF Global collapse, etc.

I figure if something like 'the great taking' was to be attempted, then it would be while they try this:

23 Sept 2023

and this past comment by the C's from some time ago is relevant:

26 April 2014

Figure if you have a mortgage on your house (or even any kind of other loan for a personal property - like a car loan), then that might come to be a problem and the house or property being taking from you as described in the book and would not confer the ownership that the C's talk about above in terms of surviving.

We might have some time before actions are taken, probably thanks mostly to Russia and Putin causing problems for any such future plans, but figure the plug could be pulled on things at any time, as mentioned in the review.

Finally, this last C's session quote comes to mind in relation to all of this:

9 Aug 1997

I figure if the bolded part of the session quote is indeed part of the plan in terms of taking over the set up technological infrastructure of the earth then something like 'The Great Taking' trying to be implemented might be a way to try to displace people and also accelerate depopulation along the lines of those plans... not a future scenario anyone wants to contemplate...

This site The Great Taking has the book where David Rogers Webb explains the previous process to the great reset. The book can be download as a PDF document.
This vídeo in Youtube for spanish people is about this book also. I follow this channel (Llinares) and, IMO, he can be trusted when they talk about economy and health.
More repudiation of the dollar? (US Treasury Bonds)

From Tom Luongo
In the investing world, the best expression of sovereignty comes from Japan.

Japan is getting ready to fully repudiate Globalism for its markets.

And the pundits wedded to their bad models all have it completely wrong.

Japan’s bond markets will fall, but Japan will not die.

If changes in BOJ policy lead to higher real yields and yen appreciation, Japan's net capital outflows could turn into sizeable inflows. For decades, Japanese institutional and individual investors have borrowed at low rates in Japan to invest at higher rates elsewhere, in what is called the yen carry trade. In addition, Japanese investors are the biggest non-U.S. investors in U.S. Treasuries and among the top five in ownership of non-Japanese stocks. Decades of current account surpluses have accumulated, giving Japan the world's largest net international investment position (even more than China) with $3.3 trillion of investments held abroad according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Although the U.S. has the largest economic influence in the world, Japan may have the largest influence in the asset markets due to these account surpluses. Should the BOJ begin to substantially tighten monetary policy, the potential for a reversal of decades of outward flow of capital may be felt by investors worldwide.
More about Tech wearables, marketed as being wonderful, convenient but also a way of them monitoring all you see & do. I’d posted about Ray Ban glasses & sunglasses having a camera embedded in them last year.
You might not be that far off the mark. RayBan have teamed up with Meta/Facebook to create RayBan Stories- basically smart glasses with a camera & speakers to capture audio & video (without anyone knowing) and can be directly uploaded to Facebook.

View attachment 63162

Meta has now used AI to enhance the experience of smart eyewear.
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman: Unelected globalist central banks are trying to use CBDC in combination with digital identifiers and artificial intelligence to build an electronic concentration camp.

"They want to completely abandon cash and force everyone to use CBDC so that everything can be tracked [and] everything can be controlled... These currencies can be programmed, so if you've already exceeded your carbon footprint, you won't be allowed to buy another steak, or a plane ticket, or fill up your car with gasoline, or maybe even heat your house."

"And then when you combine that with digital identity, surveillance [and] artificial intelligence, which is being developed now, you realize that they are building a prison planet, and we are prisoners.

Interview in English:
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