The Illuminati - what is real?

I'm not trying to derail the thread, or the information you have provided here (which is what I have read/remembered). But something is stuck in my head regarding one line, and I would like to discuss it.
"What seems to have occurred is that they fell from grace by mating with the daughters of men and were thus outcast—giving us the fallen angels we are familiar with today."

So are we to assume that these "Watchers", these "sons of god" raped the human women? I doubt they brought flowers and chocolates and wooed them first. They saw these beautiful creatures and just couldn't resist? (As a woman, I roll my eyes and think "the more things change, the more they stay the same".)

However my inner dude has a different perspective. He likens the situation to a modern day video and ensuing controversy. The "Blurred Lines" video by Robin Thicke shows mostly naked beautiful women dancing around and gyrating against him. One of them is now a well known model who accused Robin Thicke of 'inappropriate touching'. The words of the song include:
"But you're an animal
Baby, it's in your nature (meow)
Just let me liberate you (hey, hey, hey)"
and also:
"Good girl
I know you want it (hey)
I know you want it
I know you want it"

According to my inner dude, being gorgeous, naked and dancing/gyrating against a not perhaps 'asking for it' but maybe 'poking the bear'. So these 'Watchers', these 'sons of god' their perspective that they were tempted? This theme of women being blamed is perpetuated right back to the Bible, where Eve tempts Adam and it all goes to Hell in a hand basket afterwards.

Even Elvis sings about it:
"You look like an angel (look like an angel)
Walk like an angel (walk like an angel)
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise"

He's singing about a woman, but wait a minute! You look like an angel, walk like an angel, but you're the devil in disguise?? Couldn't that be the reaction of the women who were raped and impregnated by a 'son of god'...?? I mean, these chicks were literally just minding their own business, gathering berries, living in the now...when dudes from elsewhere swoop down and say, "Geez girl, you fine. Let's get physical and make some beautiful babies!!"

And women have been 'falling' for this line for millennea. As Vonnegut said, "So it goes".
February 24, 1996

Q: (L) I was reading some of the transcripts earlier today. One of the things I read was about the Nephilim and their interactions with human beings and about other planets and molecularization, etc. Then, I was reading about the planet Kantek. Are there any human beings, on Earth, at the present time, who carry in them the Nephilim genes?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) MM has a six foot tall daughter. I have a kid who is pretty tall. Could this be a manifestation of Nephilim genes?

A: Maybe, maybe not.

Q: (L) Is there any way one can tell?

A: Would you want to?

Q: (L) Yes.

A: No you wouldn't!

Q: (L) Would these Nephilim genetics be passed down in the natural way, or would they be the result of genetic manipulation by genetically altering a fetus and then putting it back?

A: No to latter. One clue: double Y chromosomes.

Q: (W) That's male...

A: Nephalim were.

Q: (L) They, were male. Women are a double X, men are XY.

A: Prisons are filled with double Y's with monstrous personality disorders, almost always Caucasian and over- sized. Also, "bikers" often carry the gene. We suggest you not share this in a general way on the net!!!

Q: (L) On TV they interviewed a serial killer. He was HUGE! He described killing. The shrink who was analyzing said he did it because he wanted to get caught. I did NOT get that feeling. I think he did it just because it was what he did. Bikers often carry the gene... and this is why they form 'gangs.' Nephalim. Bikers. Big. Caucasian. My, my, my. Is there any other clue you can give?

A: Nephalim are not currently on your world, just trace residuals
So are we to assume that these "Watchers", these "sons of god" raped the human women? I doubt they brought flowers and chocolates and wooed them first. They saw these beautiful creatures and just couldn't resist? (As a woman, I roll my eyes and think "the more things change, the more they stay the same".)
I’m going to attempt to give you a few bits of data, that if taken into account, may change your “assumptions”. There are also several well written books, that if your interested, might shed a different light on this touchy subject as well, and it’s been discussed in several threads over the years.

First of all, when making historical comparisons, the tendency to fall into a projection of our “time” the here and now, and assume THEN, was the same, well I beg to differ!

One must have a foundational basis of knowledge, before jumping to the conclusion that “all men were raping and ravishing those poor, innocent women”.

It’s a common mistake, and it’s called “presentisim”, or some are using the rather descriptive and humorous term ”flinstonian thinking”.

We simply can’t juxtaposition OUR twisted, aggressive battle of the “sexes” society and culture, onto ancient Cultures.
There are historians who HAVE studied and documented these societies and the socially accepted “norms” covering tens of thousands of years ago, but you gotta do the hard part...and read their work.

Please forgive me if you feel I’ve overstepped, heck I know nothing of your background education, you may well have a degree in women’s studies for all I know!
This is a research forum at the core.

Oh, here’s one to perhaps start with, if you’ve not read it:

The Chalice and the Blade​

Book by Riane Eisler
I’m going to attempt to give you a few bits of data, that if taken into account, may change your “assumptions”. There are also several well written books, that if your interested, might shed a different light on this touchy subject as well, and it’s been discussed in several threads over the years.

First of all, when making historical comparisons, the tendency to fall into a projection of our “time” the here and now, and assume THEN, was the same, well I beg to differ!

One must have a foundational basis of knowledge, before jumping to the conclusion that “all men were raping and ravishing those poor, innocent women”.

It’s a common mistake, and it’s called “presentisim”, or some are using the rather descriptive and humorous term ”flinstonian thinking”.

We simply can’t juxtaposition OUR twisted, aggressive battle of the “sexes” society and culture, onto ancient Cultures.
There are historians who HAVE studied and documented these societies and the socially accepted “norms” covering tens of thousands of years ago, but you gotta do the hard part...and read their work.

Please forgive me if you feel I’ve overstepped, heck I know nothing of your background education, you may well have a degree in women’s studies for all I know!
This is a research forum at the core.

Oh, here’s one to perhaps start with, if you’ve not read it:

The Chalice and the Blade​

Book by Riane Eisler
Thank you, and no worries at all. We don't know each other here so it's easy to get an early impression of somebody...and I do acknowledge and appreciate that you are merely making suggestions (which is appreciated).

I've been familiar with Laura and the C's material for a long time, and came back earlier this year. My life's circumstances left me with nothing but time, so I have been feverishly researching numerous topics, even some that I barely understand but I know are related (so I persevered). Reading, studying, researching 15-16 hours/day (insomnia was my ally, lol).

I procrastinated about actually joining here because I needed to make myself completely sure that I was aligning with the right people at the right time, and it was more of a commitment on my part. I am currently taking a break from my reading frenzy to get to know my way around here, find out what others are discussing, and participate if I feel I have something to say/add/ask.

I realize that my replies sound 'conversational' which is my style. I like it to feel like a conversation, so I write like I speak sometimes. I also write 'fiction/fantasy/sci-fi' stories (was working on a book), and my material is dialogue heavy because I love to portray realistic conversations between characters.

I apologize if this is lengthy and somewhat off topic, but I want to reassure you that my feelings are in no way hurt, I can take criticism and I really do appreciate your guidance.
I'm not trying to derail the thread, or the information you have provided here (which is what I have read/remembered). But something is stuck in my head regarding one line, and I would like to discuss it.
"What seems to have occurred is that they fell from grace by mating with the daughters of men and were thus outcast—giving us the fallen angels we are familiar with today."

So are we to assume that these "Watchers", these "sons of god" raped the human women? I doubt they brought flowers and chocolates and wooed them first. They saw these beautiful creatures and just couldn't resist? (As a woman, I roll my eyes and think "the more things change, the more they stay the same".)

However my inner dude has a different perspective. He likens the situation to a modern day video and ensuing controversy. The "Blurred Lines" video by Robin Thicke shows mostly naked beautiful women dancing around and gyrating against him. One of them is now a well known model who accused Robin Thicke of 'inappropriate touching'. The words of the song include:
"But you're an animal
Baby, it's in your nature (meow)
Just let me liberate you (hey, hey, hey)"
and also:
"Good girl
I know you want it (hey)
I know you want it
I know you want it"

According to my inner dude, being gorgeous, naked and dancing/gyrating against a not perhaps 'asking for it' but maybe 'poking the bear'. So these 'Watchers', these 'sons of god' their perspective that they were tempted? This theme of women being blamed is perpetuated right back to the Bible, where Eve tempts Adam and it all goes to Hell in a hand basket afterwards.

Even Elvis sings about it:
"You look like an angel (look like an angel)
Walk like an angel (walk like an angel)
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise"

He's singing about a woman, but wait a minute! You look like an angel, walk like an angel, but you're the devil in disguise?? Couldn't that be the reaction of the women who were raped and impregnated by a 'son of god'...?? I mean, these chicks were literally just minding their own business, gathering berries, living in the now...when dudes from elsewhere swoop down and say, "Geez girl, you fine. Let's get physical and make some beautiful babies!!"

And women have been 'falling' for this line for millennea. As Vonnegut said, "So it goes".
the Line is AFAIK " the daughters of mAn " ( but even otherwise ), this provides a clue as to what it means , OP's, not human women . And in this regard , can a machine even have it's will broken ?
What I want to address here is the idea that there is an "Illuminati Bloodline" which the Cs did reference in the most recent session. I was struck by them saying that there was only a relatively small group of such bloodline members. Did that make any sense?

I do a lot of genealogy and have had to look into genetic genealogy a time or two and actually, that statement makes sense. The only way to keep any kind of bloodline going is to keep breeding back into it. Otherwise, within 7 or 8 generations, there will be nothing left of any original bloodline (so called). That's just the way it works.

The only two things that persist as 'lines' in DNA is the Y-DNA and the mitochondrial DNA and those mutate at a given rate also. So anybody talking about Illuminati bloodlines would have to, necessarily, be talking about a rapidly diminishing group if they are 3rd density.

Of course, if bloodlines are ignored and only 'membership' is considered, ANYBODY could be Illuminati.

Q: (L) He says underground cities are a different thing, and that's for if you make it into the Illuminati, that's where they'd live. Is that true?

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay. So the Illuminati do not live in the underground cities. Well, you've already described underground cities for us in the past, so... (They are for 4D STS activities.) Where do the Illuminati live?

A: All over the planet. But there are a very limited number of them.

Q: (Andromeda) Like how many? [laughter]

(L) Yeah, like how many?

(Andromeda) Rough estimate?

A: Less than 3300.

Q: (L) Why are there so few of them?

A: They keep their genes strictly to themselves. As a result, inbreeding has led to a decline in their numbers.

Well, the way the C's phrased this, doesn't sound to me like they are inbreeding because they are afraid that they will lose their power if they don't protect their bloodline. It sounds to me more like they are afraid that the rest of us will get their power if they mix their genes with us. I mean, I understand that genes are important, but 3300 people in a pool of 8 billion humans is a little too much protective in my opinion. And we also know that you can work on your genes, so even if you don't have perfect genes, you can still fix them. So I don't see a need for such level of inbreeding to have powerful genes. And, since we live on a surface of this planet, we are exposed to all kinds of positive influences from the universe, like supernovas or some beneficial viruses, so good genes would be replenished from time to time.

But, if you do have powerful genes, and you are STS oriented, you will not want to share your genes with others. So you will keep the number of the people in the family as little as absolutely necessary for successful reproduction.

Now, what would the STO version of Illuminati do? Well, for them the genes would also be important, and maintaining the bloodline would also be a part of the tradition, but I think that they would be more open to the outsiders who have interesting genes in their DNA. And over time I think that it would be possible to build powerful bloodlines from mild versions.
So are we to assume that these "Watchers", these "sons of god" raped the human women? I doubt they brought flowers and chocolates and wooed them first. They saw these beautiful creatures and just couldn't resist? (As a woman, I roll my eyes and think "the more things change, the more they stay the same".)
October 20, 1994

Q: I would like to go back to the subject of the Nephilim. Now you said the Nephilim were a group of humanoid types brought here to earth to be enforcers, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: When were they brought here?

A: 9046 B.C. one reference.

Q: They were giants, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: They were presented to the people as the representatives, or "Sons" of God, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: You say these dudes were 11 to 14 feet tall...

A: Yes.

Q: You and the ancient literature say that these sons of god intermarried with human women, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: Did they do that the same way it is done today, that is, sexual interaction?

A: No.

Q: How was it done?

A: Forced insemination.

Q: So, it was artificial insemination?

A: Close.
October 20, 1994

Q: I would like to go back to the subject of the Nephilim. Now you said the Nephilim were a group of humanoid types brought here to earth to be enforcers, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: When were they brought here?

A: 9046 B.C. one reference.

Q: They were giants, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: They were presented to the people as the representatives, or "Sons" of God, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: You say these dudes were 11 to 14 feet tall...

A: Yes.

Q: You and the ancient literature say that these sons of god intermarried with human women, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: Did they do that the same way it is done today, that is, sexual interaction?

A: No.

Q: How was it done?

A: Forced insemination.

Q: So, it was artificial insemination?

A: Close.
Thank you for that clarification, I've been searching and didn't find it.
"Forced insemination". *sigh*

Illuminati mostly Human, too human after all.​

So are we to assume that these "Watchers", these "sons of god" raped the human women?

I think that the central point is not that the women were raped but that these Watchers unlike Elohim were/are "human, all too human", as Nietzsche would say. Yahve himself succumbs to the voluptuousness of Lilith, for example, then both the Elohim and the Watchers have a morality, a vanity, an art, a religion and a metaphysics. Sex is something of this long cycle of 3D sts.

Thousands of years after the destruction of Kantek, the Atlantean civilization finally collapsed, but what happened to the Kantekkians who retreated underground? Surely they survived. It is possible that they did, so one can speculate that thousands of years after the cataclysms these returned to the surface and found the traumatized survivors recovering from an event now largely forgotten and what little is remembered has become myth. In the myths these were the civilizing gods.

In a lecture, published long ago on YouTube, Laura tells us about the creation of the giant city states

Laura, for example, tells us in this video that around 4000 BC mega structures arose that were actually temples. Before this there were only small houses and suddenly people began to fear the gods and build mega structures and things changed radically in every way and this was most evident in the form of production and economy.

The superstructures of the ancient world were temples. Someone came up with the idea that god was angry and needed food and a bureaucracy or priest caste was born to manage the god's needs to appease him. These were the ancient CEOs so to speak, they sought the maximization of resources and waged war on other "companies" for their assets.

This new economy was based on slavery and this meant a state of perpetual war where the loser lost not only his city but also the slaves that were the main asset that allowed them to produce and accumulate things and satisfy the gods. This economy also gave rise to a nomenclature that derived into other lists for different things such as the transit of the stars and the synchronicities that happened with this transit. These lists were passed down to the Jews for example. Laura mentions that from the Persian list the list of the Angels was derived.

It seems that these "angels" were really people of great power (the Illuminati) and that they were called "enlightened" because of their great knowledge and technology.

In The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive, Chapter 6, p. 174 Laura tells us:

“There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God lived with the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.” On the one hand, we could think that “giants” meant literally very large men. But considering the words that follow it: “mighty men, men of renown”, it could also mean men who were “giant” in their deeds. Since the passage is, overall, discussing the great and oppressive evil of the day, what we suspect about this symptom of the syndrome was that there were wars and evil deeds in high places, scandalous wickedness perpetrated by political “giants” who were directly responsible for the conditions of the time"

Philip Gardiner (Secret Societies book) mentions something similar​
In The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Julian Jaynes tells us something interesting about these governing gods: Throughout Mesopotamia, from the earliest times of Sumer and Akkad, all lands were owned by gods and men were their slaves. Of this, the cuneiform texts leave no doubt whatever. Each city-state had its principal god, and the king was described in the very earliest written documents that we have as "the tenant farmer of the god."

These gods/ELohim employed Watchers over the ordinary folk. Enoch gives us the names of these Watchers, most of these names use the prefix EL (Shining One): RaphaEL, RaguEL, MichaEl, SaraqaEL, GabriEL, RemiEL, etc.

Gardiner mentions:​
The Sumerian EL means simply bright or shining; the Old Irish Aillil means shining; Old Cornish EL means shining; Elf means shining—hence Elves as tall/mysterious angelic beings; Inca Illa is bright or to shine; Babylonian Ellu is to shine—to name just a few that have sprung up worldwide from the same Sumerian source.​

What if "EL" was a noble title, a product of the early nomenclature of the beginning of the mega temples?

And like every government, it requires not only a bureaucracy (Watchers) but also an army/ enforcers (Nephilim).
Why were the Aryan genetic types seen to be more desirable for creation of this Germanic 'master race?'

A: Both similarity and ancestral link most unblemished from Orion 3rd and 4th density stock.

Q: (L) So they were essentially trying to breed a group of people like themselves?

A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay. They were preparing this breeding ground, so to speak. Obviously this was for the introduction of some other genetic strain. What was this?

A: Nephalim.
Q: (L) Well, if the Nephilim are coming in ships, 36 million of them, why bother to create half-breeds here?

A: Yes, but having an "advance party" makes 3rd density conquest much easier.

Q: (L) So, this Master Race was supposed to get everything ready...

A: Yes.

The Sons of the Watchers with the human women were the Nephilim aka Pre-Adamic race or Organic Portals. Laura mentions in her book The Secret History of the World:

"It is extremely important to understand that the two races have been interbreeding for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years. It is impossible to look at the races on the earth today, the red, the white, the black, or the yellow, and argue that one or the other is this “pre-adamic” and soulless race. We cannot speak of groups, nations, tribes, or peoples who are members of the “soulless” race as a group. The DNA of the two races is completely mixed, and this is the real meaning of the pollution of the bloodline. Only those with the appropriate genetic makeup are actually able to accommodate a soul and therefore pursue esoteric work, which means that no color or ethnic group is either excluded or has a advantage.

Organic portals are generic vehicles or portals, in human form, open for use by a variety of forces, which is why they make excellent matrix puppets. It just so happens that they’re being used now by 4D STS to control 3D STS / 4D STO candidates through “clapper” and “vampire” functions - keeping us locked into a behavioral pattern matching the orchestrated norm, and being physically close to us to sap our energies and to keep us from having enough “escape velocity” to remove ourselves from the Matrix Control System’s tug, via development of our magnetic centers.

In the many myths and legends, it was the offspring of these unions mentioned above that brought destruction on the Earth. On the one hand, we can suppose that this was commentary on the intermixing of the two races: Organic Portals and Souled humans."

Now, the Cs told us that the Elohim were originally human but no longer thanks to a pact with the Lizards. This makes me think of bidensity or why they were not considered humans but gods.
Q: (L) Well, okay. Who were the Elohim of the Bible?

A: Transdefinitive.

Q: (L) What does that mean? Transcends definition?

A: And variable entities.
Q: (L) Were the Elohim 'good guys?'

A: First manifestation was human, then non-human.
Q: (L) Well, what brought about their transformation from huma to non-human?

A: Pact or covenant.
Q: (L) They made a pact or covenant with each other?

A: No, with 4th density STS.

Laura wonders about the events described in the Book of Enoch, a question similar to the one that started this thread, "was any of this real?" It seems that it is not necessary to try to find out what happened thousands of years ago but to turn to our reality and examine it because we are living the days that are like in the days of Noah. The Illuminati are among us. Laura mentions in the video above:

"So, was any of this real? I think to some extent it was. And of course, the scary part of it was, that it talks about how bad it gets and how they started and got into cannibalism and the Nephilim were taking all the product and the result of the labor of human beings and consuming it and using it up".

"And then humans were turning against each other and being killed in mass numbers by the greed and rapaciousness of the Nephilim."

And I think we could probably compare that to what's going on in our world today, because I don't know how many of you have read about it. There are some of the lefties, libtards types associated with Soros, Schwab and Bill Gates and all those people who have suggested that we may just have to go to cannibalism if we're going to have food to eat.

They are already suggesting these things. They are already taking all the fruits of the labor of the masses of humanity and putting it in their pockets and putting it in their banks. And you could say that, metaphorically speaking, everything that was described about the rule of the Watchers is happening in our world today."

Just digesting all the interesting info in this thread. What I'm concluding so far:

  • Illuminati bloodline is not related to Nephalim offspring.
  • The Illuminati is also known as the Brotherhood of the Serpent or Snake.
  • Had a role in writing the Bible
  • Are somehow related to the Quorum/4D STS
  • The Masons are a "low-level branch"
  • Created the Third Reich
  • A: Find it in order to supercede the very power structure that created him.

    Q: What power structure was this?

    A: The "Third Reich."

    Q: And who created the Third Reich?

    A: Illuminati.
    I guess you could say they run things!

From Session 7 March 1995:
Q: (L) We have some questions tonight. We were discussing earlier this evening the 'abomination of desolation' as written about by the prophet Daniel and also spoken of by Jesus. What is this?

A: Disinformation.

Q: (L) Are you saying that the abomination of desolation IS disinformation, or that the writing about it is disinformation?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Can you tell us anything to clarify this point?

A: In what way?

Q: (L) Who, or what was the source of that information as prophesied by Daniel?

A: Illuminati.

Q: (L) The prophecies given to Daniel were disinformation?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is there an 'abomination of desolation?'

A: There is anything, if the definitions are unrestricted.

Q: (L) Well, okay. Who were the Elohim of the Bible?

A: Transdefinitive.

Q: (L) What does that mean? Transcends definition?

A: And variable entities.

Q: (L) Were the Elohim 'good guys?'

A: First manifestation was human, then non-human.

Q: (L) Are they light beings as some people say?

A: Vague.

Q: (L) Well, what brought about their transformation from huma to non-human?

A: Pact or covenant.

Q: (L) They made a pact or covenant with each other?

A: No, with 4th density STS.

Q: (L) Well, that is not good! Are you saying that the Elohim are STS? Who were these STS beings they made a pact with?

A: Rosteem, now manifests as Rosicrucians.

Q: (L) What is their purpose?

A: As yet unrevealable to you.

Q: (L) As we say, "I love a sixth density light being with a sense of humor!" Now, the main thing I wanted to ask about is the references I come across in tons of reading, that the number 33 is somehow significant. Could you tell us the significance, in esoteric terms, or in terms of secret societies, of the number 33. There is the cipher of Roger Bacon, based on the number 33, the 33rd degree masons...

A: As usual, we do not just give you the answers, we help you to teach yourself!! Now, take 11 and contemplate...

Q: (L) Well, three times eleven is thirty-three.

A: Yes, but what about 11?

Q: (L) Well, eleven is supposed to be one of the prime, or divine power numbers. In Kaballah, 11 is the power number...

A: Yes...

Q: (L) Eleven is 10 plus 1; it is divisible only by itself and by 1. I can't think of anything else. I am an 11 in numerology... I am also a 22. What else is there to the number 11?

A: Astrology.

Q: (L) Well, in astrology, the eleventh sign is Aquarius, my name is an eleven, my birthday is a 22 which is twice eleven, and I am an Aquarian. The eleventh house is friends, hopes, dreams and wishes, and also adopted children. Aquarius the Waterbearer, the dispenser of knowledge. Does 11 have something to do with dispensing of knowledge?

A: Now, 3rd house.

Q: (L) Gemini. Okay. Gemini and Aquarius. Third house is how the mind works, communication, relations with neighbors and siblings, education, local travel, how one speaks. Gemini is known as the "consummate man." Somewhat shallow and interested in the things of material life. It is also the divine number of creation. So, what's the connection here?

A: Matrix.

Q: (L) Is there something about this in the Matrix material?

A: No.

Q: (L) This IS a matrix. The third house and the eleventh house create a matrix?

A: Foundation.

Q: (L) In terms of cosmic things, Gemini is in June, Aquarius is in February... (S) Isn't the third house also about teaching? And, we are friends here and we are being taught...

A: This is not about you.

Q: (L) Okay. This is not about us. I am just trying to relate it. Gemini is in June, Aquarius is in February. Gemini is the physical man, and Aquarius is the spiritual man?

A: Yin Yang.

Q: (L) So Gemini is the physical man and Aquarius is the spiritual man... yin yang... is that the...

A: Yes...

Q: (L) So 33 could represent the transformation of the physical man to the divine man through the action of secret or hidden teachings... and those who have gone through this process represent themselves with the number 33, which means that they started out oriented to the flesh and then became...

A: Medusa 11.

Q: (L) Medusa 11? What does Medusa have to do with it? (S) What about spinning 33 times? (L) Please tell me how Medusa relates here?

A: Heads.

Q: (L) Heads. Medusa. 11. Were there eleven snakes on the head of Medusa or eleven heads? This is really obscure... you need to help me out here.

A: We are.

Q: (L) Do I need to read the Medusa legend to understand?

A: No.

Q: (L) Medusa. Heads. 11. Is there something about the mythical Medusa that we need to see here?

A: 11 squared divided by phi.

Q: (L) By pi. 11 squared divided by pi. What does this result bring us to?

[Laura’s note: Above, I assumed that the Cs meant ‘pi’ no ‘phi’ since I really wasn’t all that familiar with phi as a mathematical idea so this is the point where things get frustrating. I’m operating on wrong assumptions.]

A: 33.infinity.

Q: (L) Well, we don't get 33 out of this... we get 3.3166 etc if we divide the square root of 11 by pi. Divided by phi... what in the heck is phi? Okay, if we divide pi into 11, we get 3.5 infinity, but not 33.

A: 1 times 1

Q: (L) Oh. You weren't saying 11 times 11, you were saying 1 times 1.

A: No.

Q: (L) 1 times 1 is what? 1.

A: 5 minus 3.

Q: (L) Okay, that's 2.

A: 2 minus 1.

Q: (L) Okay, that's 1. I don't get it. A math genius I am NOT. What is the concept here?

A: Look: 3 5 3 5 3 5.

Q: (L) What is the 3 5 sequence?

A: 5 minus 3.

Q: (L) Okay, we have strange math. But, you can do anything with numbers because they correspond to the universe at deep levels...

A: Is code.

Q: (L) What does this code relate to? Is it letters or some written work?

A: Infinite power.

[Laura’s note: It is obvious now that the Cs were talking about a phi spiral, Fibonacci Sequence, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc., Golden Ratio: The ratio between two consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci Series tends to the Golden Number Φ: 0.618… or 1.618; The ratio of each successive pair of numbers in the sequence approximates phi (1.618. . .), as 5 divided by 3 is 1.666…, and 8 divided by 5 is 1.60. but I was ignorant of all that at the time. Poor Cs were SOO frustrated I think.]

Q: (L) How is infinite power acquired by knowing this code? If you don't know the correspondences, how can you use a numerical code?

A: Lord of Serpent promises its followers infinite power which they must seek infinite knowledge to gain, for which they pledge allegiance infinitely, for which they possess for all eternity, so long as they find infinite wisdom, for which they search for all infinity.

Q: (L) Well, that is a round robin... a circle you can't get out of!

A: And therein you have the deception! Remember, those who seek to serve self with supreme power, are doomed only to serve others who seek to serve self, and can only see that which they want to see.

Q: (L) The thought that occurs to me, as we are talking here, is that the STS pathway consists of an individual who wants to serve themselves - they are selfish and egocentric -they want to impel others to serve them; they want to enslave others; and they find ways to manipulate others to serve them. But, they end up being impelled by some higher being than they are. Because they have been tricked into believing that by so doing, they are actually drawing power to themselves through the teachings, including the popular religions which promote being "saved" by simply believing and giving up your power. And, then, you have a whole pyramid of people TAKING by trickery and deception, from others. The taker gets taken from in the end. A pyramid where all those on the bottom, the majority, have no one to take from, so they get absorbed into the next level higher, until you get to the apex and everything disappears. In the STO mode, you have those who only give. And, if they are involved with other STO persons, everyone has and no one is at the bottom or at the top, in a void. In the end, it seems like everyone ends up serving someone else anyway, and the principle is the INTENT. But in STO, it is more like a circle, a balance, no one is left without.

A: Balance, yin-yang.

Q: (L) Obviously the 33 represents the Serpent, the Medusa, and so forth...

A: You mentioned pyramid, interesting... And what is the geometric one-dimensional figure that corresponds?

Q: (L) Well, the triangle. And, if you have a triangle point up you have 3, joined to a triangle pointing down, you have 3, you have a 33. Is that something like what we are getting at here?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is there a connection between the number 33 and the Great Pyramid in Egypt?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And what is that connection? Is it that the builders of the pyramid participated in this secret society activity?

A: Yes. And what symbol did you see in "Matrix," for Serpents and Grays?

Q: (L) You are talking about the triangle with the Serpent's head in it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are we talking in terms of this 33 relating to a group of "aliens," or a group of humans with advanced knowledge and abilities?

A: Either/or.

Q: (L) Is this what has been referred to in the Bramley book [Gods of Eden] as the Brotherhood of the Serpent or Snake?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this also what you have referred to as the Quorum?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, we have a bunch of people who are playing with mathematics, and playing with higher knowledge, basically as a keep busy activity to distract them at the human level from the fact that they are being manipulated at a higher level. Is this what is going on? Or, do they consciously know what they are doing? Is it a distraction or a conscious choice?

A: Both.

Q: (L) If I were to name some names, could you identify if named individuals were involved in this secret group?

A: It would not be in your best interests.

Q: (L) Is there anything more on this 33 number that I should look at now?

A: No. You need to contemplate.
Q: (L) The illuminati has been described as being behind or with the brotherhood which has been described as being in connection with the Lizard beings...

A: Close. But not that simple.

Q: (L) Well, if the quorum is the good guys and the illuminati is the bad guys, and they both are at the high levels of Freemasonry, what is the story here?

A: Picture a circle or cycle first now then contemplate for a moment before follow up.

Q: (L) Okay, I am contemplating a cycling circle.

A: Now, two halves representing positive and negative. Two halves.

Q: (L) Well, what I am getting out of that is the two halves and both sides are playing with the human race. Is that it?

A: No. This is complicated but if you can learn and understand, it will be a super revelation.

Q: (L) Well, go ahead and explain.

A: Ask step by step.

Q: (L) Why do we so often have to ask things step by step?

A: In order to absorb the information.

Q: (L) The quorum is described as the good guys. The illuminati is described as bad guys. And yet, they are both Masonic. When a person in the Masonic organization reaches the higher levels, are there individuals at the higher levels recruiting masons to one side or the other?

A: First, not exactly one side or another.

Q: (L) I am beginning to not understand something here because if the Lizzies...

A: Unblock.

Q: (L) I don't have a block here. If the brotherhood AKA illuminati AKA Lizzies AKA beast are the ones who are going to do detrimental things to this planet, how are they related or connected to the quorum which is in touch with...

A: This will take time to explain be patient it will be worth it.

Q: (L) Well, are you going to explain it right now?

A: Ask step by step.

Q: (L) Okay. What is the nature of evil?

A: Blend.

Q: (L) Are the Lizzies what we would consider to be evil?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are the Cassiopaeans what we would consider to be good?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Yet, do the Cassiopaeans use and manipulate the Lizzies to accomplish certain things?

A: No.

Q: (L) The Lizzies work independently and in opposition to the Cassiopaeans?

A: Independently, not in opposition.

Q: (L) Well then, is there somebody over and above this whole project...

A: We serve others therefore there is no opposition. Careful now. Step by step. If you do not fully understand answer ask another.

Q: (L) Part of a whole. Part of a circle.

A: Blend.

Q: (L) Does this mean...

A: Picture a blending colored circle image.

Q: (L) Are you saying that at some levels the two halves overlap?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that some of the Quorum are good guys and bad guys and the same for the Illuminati because the two are on opposing sides of the circle but at the point of blending one is weighted more to one side and the other to the other side? And these organizations are where the interactions come together?

A: Closer.

Q: (L) Let's leave it for the time being.

A: No. Now please.

Q: (L) Okay. So it is a blending. Does it have something to do with ... in your case service to others means that you even serve those who serve self, is that correct?

A: Yes; we serve you and the Lizards have programed your race to self service remember.

Q: (L) Well, I am down a notch or two. So, I am still a service to self individual to some extent, is that correct?

A: But moving slowly toward service to others. Not all humans are.

Q: (L) Does this mean that when people who are members of the quorum or illuminati call for information or help, that you, because of your service to others orientation are obliged to answer whoever calls?

A: Yes and no.

Q: (L) What is the no part.

A: If vibrational frequencies are out of pattern we do not connect.

Q: (L) Is the work of the Lizzies part of an overall grand plan or design?

A: All is.

Q: (L) Let's go on. I am depressed because you guys told me I was a bad person.

A: You are not a bad person.

Q: (L) Well, I am feeling pretty crummy right now.

A: Lizzies induced.

Q: (L) You mean my crummy feelings are Lizzie induced?

A: As always.

Q: (L) Well I am feeling crummy because you guys let me know that I am in the same sinking boat as the rest of the poor slobs on this miserable planet. I was working pretty hard to get out of the boat.

A: Silliness; you're in your own boat.

Q: (L) I would like to know where Dr. Usui got the Reiki symbols?

A: Must answer question.

Q: (L) What question? The quorum and illuminati question?

A: You will feel ecstasy once answered.

Q: (L) Okay. A blending. Yet two halves.

A: Of a circle.

Q: (L) Who designed this circle?

A: Natural frequency wave. Some near conjunction blend both service patterns and each "camp" to create perfect balance.

Q: (L) Okay, so the Illuminati are the higher level on the pathway of service to self and somehow, by reaching these higher levels may have come to realizations or frequencies which have caused their position to be modified or blended to where service to self becomes or incorporates or moves them to service to others realizations, is this correct?

A: Continue.

Q: (L) Okay, the ones in the quorum are those who are focused on service to others and they, in their pathway of service to others begin to understand that some service to self is service to others.

A: Close.

Q: (L) And the whole idea is to blend both pathways no matter which direction you come to it from?

A: Service to others provides the perfect balance of those two realities; service to self is the diametrical opposite closing the grand cycle in perfect balance.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have a pathway of service to self in order for the pathway of service to others to exist?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And those who are in the quorum and the illuminati ...

A: Blends in middle.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have the darkness in order to have the light...

A: Yes.

How does the Illuminati relate to the Consortium? the Nordic Covenant? the Elohim? the Rosteem? the Alchemists?
My guess is that many are strongly STS but are any STO?

A: Bloodlines reveal destiny. Why do you think they have been covered up so thoroughly?
Q: What is it in this bloodline that makes it so important to cover it up?

A: It would lead directly to verity on a scale never before seen on earth while at 3rd density STS.

Q: And what would be the result of this verity?

A: The truth shall set you free... as you are imprisoned!

Q: {Question lost because of tape malfunction.}

A: There are many possibilities.

Q: {Question lost because of tape malfunction.}

A: The "main danger" is when on reveals too much before one has enough stature or notoriety, on web pages, for example. [Discussion of repercussions of 'Diana' material on web pages after Diana's death]

Q: So, I should be more careful of what I say in regards to the discoveries I have made about the bloodline of Jesus on the 'Jesus' pages on the web?

A: Tread lightly.

Q: Alright, I will. Where did these bloodlines originate?

A: Orion region.

Q: For how long were they maintained with any semblance of purity?

A: Indefinite.

Q: Are you saying that they are still maintaining them and manipulating them from other densities?

A: That is for you to discover.

Q: Are these bloodlines carrying a specific codon that is designed to activate at a certain period of time or in response to a certain frequency?

A: Possibly, but why should not that apply to everyone?

Q: Okay, so we have got ticking time bombs in our DNA, all of us!

A: Maybe.

Q: Alright, bizarro... (A) It is not necessarily time bombs, these are bombs which could be ignited by something else, like knowledge. (L) Is that the case, that knowledge could unlock these codons?

A: Yes.

Q: Certain activities such as meditating?

A: Yes. Or... channeling.

Q: So, channeling can actually unlock these potentials...

A: Enough on your plate for tonight... Good Night.
Interesting confusion.
"What seems to have occurred is that they fell from grace by mating with the daughters of men and were thus outcast—giving us the fallen angels we are familiar with today."
  • Fallen angels concept is related to 'Lucifer' over soul decided to have physicality and fell to 3D from higher level. This is set at last wave arrival 309K years ago (YA)
  • Gods craving for human woman is a concept came from Book of Enoch whose initial portion written in Sanskrit between ( 80K to 50K YA). At least I far as I know, Lucifer/Fallen Angel concept is not related to Gods lusting for woman.
  • What is the source of this concept? I am not sure, but I assumed some time during early Atlantean period as it is written in Book of Enoch. It could be later addition too as we are looking at these books from present as if nothing is added/edited.
So are we to assume that these "Watchers", these "sons of god" raped the human women? I doubt they brought flowers and chocolates and wooed them first. They saw these beautiful creatures and just couldn't resist? (As a woman, I roll my eyes and think "the more things change, the more they stay the same".)
  • C's did say watchers are 4D STS. They also said these Elohim guys are initially human and pact made them non-human( probably 4D STS). This pact is more of recent times - Post -Atlantean times.
  • There is another concept Nephilim (11 to 14 ft) Nephilim guys who were brought to earth many times particularly when ever some comets disrupt earth to enforce some "order" for their benefit. It is natural to have attractions.
  • The Nephilim guys ( aka sons of Gods- Gods are 4D STS) are enforcers for 4D STS can live both in 3D and 4D more like today's under grounders but with big bodies.

So this theme of Sons of Gods lusting over human woman is later day addition ( post-Atlantean period) to the Book of Enoch?

4D STS abduct woman and rape them to control as it is written in Wave series. I am not convinced that they will 'Fall' due to it. If it is the case, it might have happened when lizards lived among human during Atlantean period for 2 thousands years. I thought that is during Atlantean period
Q: (L) You said that the Lizzies lived among humans for a thousand years. When, in our illusion of time, did this occur?

A: During peak of Atlantis.
As per Cayce( atleast in my interpretation), the peak of Atlantis is after first destruction (48K or 50K BCE) before second destruction ( 28K BCE).
What seems obvious to me (now, at least), from these many years of in depth digging into history from many angles, is that there IS a 4D STS conspiracy behind the events of our world. This conspiracy has operated in unbroken continuity from very far back in history and the evidence of that history demonstrates that it is of "supernatural origin and direction." Nothing conceived by human minds could be so perfect in execution, so long-lasting, so titanic in its scope, and so diabolically destructive.

At various times it has been blamed on Jews, Masons, Communists, Nazis, Zionism, Capitalists, Catholics, Federalists, Bilderbergers, etc etc. What seems pretty clear from following all those kinds of threads is that the top echelon have always succeeded in throwing this or that group under the bus to give victims to the outraged feelings of decent leaders and humanity at large, but these have only been substitutes. They use any and all movements to further their secret plans and ambitions, often without the knowledge of even the top leaders in such groups. That is to say, the Secrets are hidden even from the veterans of Secret Societies. The 4 D STS directors do not permit even those they use to suspect that they are just tools, to be discarded if and when convenient or necessary. Public attention is kept focused on "red herrings", so to say.

Based on what the Cs have revealed, we can speculate that the plan is that when the STS totalitarian system is finally in place, there may very well be a top level dictator fully "inhabited" by a 4 D STS consciousness and that he will be directly served by a FEW billionaires/millionaires, economists, scientists etc, who have proven by their services to be devoted to the STS cause. There will be sufficient soldiers to enforce the will of the Dictator on what may be left of humanity. Humanity will have been turned into a conglomerate, having weeded out the resistors and people of principle, and will be used as breeding stock for various purposes: either to replenish their own numbers, or to keep a stock of servile people. Obviously, they don't need many males, so the numbers of men will be severely reduced. But they need women to carry babies, so they will retain more of them.

That is the plan, I think.

What we know as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion seems to me to be this 4D STS plan laid out though it certainly had nothing to do with "the Elders of Zion" except, possibly, if/when any of those groups were selected to be the executor of the STS will at some point in space/time. The Protocols are very old, I think, and have been modernized repeatedly to take advantage of changing systems. I do think that there are SOME individuals on the planet who are in on the full secrets.

Sex is at the core of the will to take over humanity. This is because even humans who are masters of themselves in any other realm of life can almost always be induced to compromise themselves or their principles via illicit relationships and perversions. Once they have "fallen", they are subject to sex-bribery or blackmail and can be used to further the plans of STS. It seems that, for higher human beings, sex is an expression of love and a means of creating a soul receptacle, and the energies surrounding that act/event can be highly determinative as to what kind of soul can 'seat'.

Our observations and experiences are that, on top of brain/mind glitches as are described by Raine, Samenow, Fallon and others, there are spiritual/energetic/morphic resonance influences on the human mind. That is to say, 4D STS, either directly or through agents (discarnates and more) can and does influence the thinking of individuals and masses of individuals in order to produce evil mass results such as wars and revolutions. This is ultimately aimed (according to their plans) to bring about a One World Government and One World Religion. The plan at this point appears to be to generate conflict between Christians and Muslims particularly. It appears that the effort is to destroy one or the other or both. We could say that this is sort of the semi-final stage. The 4D STS conspirators have used every form of guile and cunning and lies and murder to set groups of human beings against one another, dividing them into opposing camps, arming them to the teeth, and triggering them to fight via propaganda and false flag attacks.

But here is something else: because there are still elections and those in government are selected by the people (and we saw from the Trump election that there can be upsets even in a rigged system), we can say that until the people are completely subjugated and deprived of even that semblance of democracy, it is still possible for an enlightened public to create a force of public opinion that could change the outcome. Such a force could challenge and even overthrow even those who occupy the very highest political offices.

The Cs have said "help is on the way" and that there are higher density helpers. But, it seems to me that the necessary 4D STO energy that could augment the efforts of human beings cannot be channeled into this world without RECEIVERS. That is, at least, the first step. What one does then is a function of receiving. When you know more, you can SEE more, and only when you can SEE do you know what, then, to do or not do.

In other words, if we want help, we have to show ourselves worthy and that means WORK.

I always thought that Mossad was at the tippy top of the STS human pyramid but perhaps the Illuminati are above? How long has this bloodline been in existence and what makes them "special"?

From October 22 2022:
Pierre) As a group today, what percentage of knowledge do we hold compared to the average entry-level 4D entity?

(L) The average entry-level 4D entity? [laughter]

(Pierre) It's specific! [laughter]

A: 63 percent.

Q: (L) And that's as a group.

(Pierre) And it's not bad! Do you remember you asked years ago what knowledge do you hold compared to the illuminati. And it was 2 percent.

(L) Yeah, but that was individual - I wasn't asking for the group.

(Pierre) Yeah, but I'm pleased with this answer.

Are Illuminati "Satanic ritual families" engaged in pedophilia and ritual abuse or do they use this as control of lower echelons? How do Cabalists relate to the Illuminati?
From 23 March 2019:
(Pierre) About the French Revolution: Behind it, was the main ideological force Frankish Cabalism?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Oh, Jesus. Did Frankish Cabalists infiltrate Weishaupt Illuminati and some Freemason lodges?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright, we'll say goodnight. I'm tired. Kissy kissy!

(Artemis) Alright, if you have anything to say... and if not, then goodnight and thank you!

A: Be aware that a new world will dawn! Be not oppressed by the death throes of the old world. Goodbye.
From 16 August 1997:

: Which reminds me: who REALLY burned the library at Alexandria, since I have heard two stories, one that the Christians did it and the other that the Arabs did it. Which?

A: Neither.

Q: Who DID burn it?

A: Sword keepers of "the lock."

Q: Who are the Sword Keepers of the Lock?

A: Has to do with Illuminati.

Q: What was their purpose in burning this library?

A: What is the purpose in burning ANY library?

Q: To destroy knowledge. Prevent other people from having access to it. Why was the high priest of the Egyptian rites called "Chief of the Observers?"
To me "the lock" feels like a "time lock" or lock into STS 3D.

From 21 December 1996:
Q: (L) I dug around about the Templars and have, more or less, come to the conclusion that they were just a smoke screen, and that something else was going on at the time that WAS important. I also think that they have been resurrected from time to time and dusted off and blamed for all this secret knowledge that is supposedly lost... am I on to something here?

A: Close.

Q: Who or what brought about the end of the Knights of the Temple?

A: Rosicrucians move as a "thief in the night."

Q: (L) But, as I understand it, the Rosicrucians did not come into being until after the end of the Templars...

A: No.

Q: (L) Do you mean that the information that came out, that pamphlet about "Christian Rosenkreutz," that is a purported fable, might be correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, goodness sake! The Rosicrucians advertise in magazines!!! Is this worldwide organization that promotes itself so blatantly...

A: Well, the "world-wide" order is not all inclusive.

Q: (L) Is there an inner circle of this order that is unknown?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are the Rosicrucians connected to the Masons?

A: In a roundabout away.

Q: (L) Are the Illuminati connected to the Rosicrucians in any way?

A: Same.

Q: (L) Of the three I have named, which would be considered the one that is closest to the inner circle?

A: Not the correct concept.

Q: (L) Do the Rosicrucians have writings in their keeping that they, themselves, do not understand?

A: Yes. So do the Masons.

Q: Would you say that the writings of Albert Pike might be interesting to decode?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is there any particular number sequence that could be used?

A: 353535...

Q: (L) Is this also a genetic code?

A: Much is missing between "point A and point B."

Q: (L) You mean by jumping from documents to DNA?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) The Priory of Zion, that has been purported to be the progenitor or inheritor of the Templar tradition, is that a mystical organization of great secrecy and import?

A: It is a cover for.

Q: (L) Another smoke-screen.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Getting back to the 353535 code: can you tell me more that will help me get to...

A: Better turn it over to Ark.

Q: (L) So, I should leave it alone for now?

A: Good idea.

Q: (L) I will. I wanted to get to this other subject anyway. We know that you have said that time is an illusion in 3rd density reality - that it is the 3rd density illusion - and it is involved with our DNA, which determines how we perceive it. So, it is an illusion. Yet, somehow, this illusion converts at some point into a solid reality via some mode or operation. I would like to know, at what point it converts and how?

A: You are off base. Who said it converts?

Q: (L) Well, we perceive a damn solid reality! There is STUFF that if you kick it, it hurts!

A: That perception is part of the illusion.

Q: (L) But, that is obviously not the TOTAL illusion. What else is a part of this illusion? If our perception is part, then there must also be something there to be perceived, correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, what is it that we are perceiving?

A: That which you are programmed to perceive.

Q: (L) Is not this perception, these things we perceive as outside ourselves, are they not substance of some sort? Are they not there in some form, even if we perceive them the way we do?

A: Of course, but what does this have to do with "time?"

Q: (L) I am getting to that! We perceive a world "out there." Trees, cars, trucks, houses, bricks, boards, blocks, people, dogs etc etc etc.

A: You left out backyard barbecues!

Q: [laughter] (L) Very funny! We perceive things out there. Of what are they composed?

A: Matter.

Q: (L) Of what is matter composed?

A: Atomic structure.

Q: (L) Of what are atoms composed?

A: Thoughts.

Q: (L) Whose thoughts?

A: Yours.

Q: (L) Everything?

A: Everything.

Q: (L) If I perceive something, and everything I perceive is composed of my thoughts, and V_ is perceiving, is everything her thoughts?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is the difference between her thoughts and my thoughts?

A: That is what binds you. You see, it is merely a program.

Q: (L) Is it merely a program that we think we are separate individuals?

A: Not the point.

Q: (L) What is the point? What binds us together? Where does the program come from?

A: Where do your programs come from?

Q: (L) 7th density? Ourselves? The Lizzies?

A: We are asking about the programs in your computer.

Q: (L) In my computer? Different places. I get them and load them in. Are programs made - do they exist like 'thought centers' - and do we just load them in ourselves?

A: Why have you forgotten? 309,000...

Q: (L) Oh. You are talking about the "takeover" by 4th density STS. But, still, the point I am trying to get to is - yes we have DNA - but you can't reprogram DNA if there is not DNA there to begin with. If there is not something to load the program into. What is the substance of this reality that we exist in?

A: You just answered.

Q: (L) I don't understand.

A: You can't load it into something if there isn't something there to begin with.

Q: (L) Fine! What is this something that is there to begin with?

A: Your previous DNA structure.

Q: (L) Where did the previous DNA structure come from?

A: The previous program.

Q: (L) Where did that program come from?

A: Review.

Q: (L) Well, you once said that it was necessary to be on a planet that had a star that was getting ready to go supernova in order to molecularize physical bodies. What I want to know is: what is this process whereby thought becomes manifest as matter?

A: This is too complicated for this medium. You need another method. Something that allows for greater word usage.

Q: (L) But, just a clue: how does thought become matter?

A: Bilaterally.

Q: (L) What do you mean by "bilaterally?"

A: Dual emergence.

Q: (L) Emergence into what and what?

A: Not "into what and what," but rather, "from what and to what."

Q: (L) What emerges from what?

A: The beginning emerges from the end, and vice versa.

Q: (L) And what is the beginning and what is the end?

A: Union with the One.

Q: (L) What is the One?

A: 7th density, i.e.: all that is, and is not.

Q: (L) Now, we have managed to dance around the whole thing, and I still do not know how matter comes to be or how time...

A: No.

Q: (L) How can I get where I want to go?

A: You have the basics.

Q: (L) Can you give me a couple more basics?

A: There are no more.

Q: (L) I once asked you if time was gravity?

A: Is a fence the ground?

Q: (L) Is gravity God?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is gravity 7th density?

A: No.

Q: (L) Where does gravity emanate from?

A: Thought center.

Q: (L) You have mentioned thought centers of many occasions. Is there more than one?

A: All are one and all.

Q: (L) If you have a thought center, how do thought centers related to 7th density, the One?

A: Exactly!

Q: (L) Are thought centers 7th density?

A: All is.

Q: (L) All is thought centers?

A: No. All is 7th density.

Q: (L) I think you know where I am trying to go with this and I wish you would help me out just a little...

A: We are.

Q: (L) Okay. Time is an illusion. Wonderful! You have compared time to a fence...

A: No. We compared your allusion to ours.

Q: (L) Let's work with this allusion. Let us say that the ground is 7th density. How would we picture time in relation to this ground?

A: As the soil.

Q: (L) Related to the soil, how do WE relate?

A: Too vague.

Q: (L) How do created beings get painted into this picture?

A: Time is your illusion.

Q: (L) Yet, on one other occasion, you said that time does exist at other densities, only that it is "selective," you can pick the time. Is that correct?

A: If you want to call it time, but it would not be the same, would it?

Q: (L) Okay. I am stumped. I can't go any further now. On another subject, Ark read that phosphorus is in DNA structure. Could you comment?

A: How about if you comment on the relationship of phosphorous to you?

Q: (L) I don't know. Is there some relationship between phosphorous and carbon?

A: Well, that is not where we were leading.

Q: (L) Well, phosphorous is an essential element for the brain.

A: Okay.

Q: (L) That is about all I know about it. I don't know enough about phosphorous.

A: So, then why not save this until later?

Q: (L) Next question: if there were a sufficient number of people who were working on learning how to create an alternate reality or universe, would it seem to them that there was no real "shift" between the former one and the new one, except an internal shift of thought?

A: That is one possibility.

Q: (L) If we decided that we wanted a different world, could we, as even a small group, create that kind of world and have it seem that we hadn't...

A: We have told you thus.

Q: (L) Is it possible that there are persons on the planet, here for some purpose, and that purpose is - say the negativity on the planet increases to such an extent that many people will become so sick of it that they are ready to exercise their free will and make a change and they will then be open to learn from those who have come with this intent to help and teach?

A: Okay.

Q: (L) Well, when this WAVE hits, is that going to increase the potential for the creation of a new reality, or realm?

A: Better review.

Q: (L) I am trying to get somewhere in particular and am trying to build the questions step by step...

A: Ask Ark.

Q: (L) What do you want me to ask Ark?

A: Some of these questions, to see what he thinks.

Q: (L) Tell me why he is going to know these answers?

A: It is more fun to ponder the answers, rather than the whys and wherefores.

Q: (L) You guys are making me a little crazy tonight.

A: Do you want to invite Ark to the discussion?

Q: (L) Of course. (A) What is the function of DNA, other than coding protein production?

A: Conductor of electricity.

Q: (L) Is that the only other function?

A: Well, as you know, electrical energy can have nearly endless applications. Examples... radio waves, neuro-transceiver for thought pattern programs facilitated through electromagnetic wave transmission, etc. Method used for creation and maintenance of program illusions, such as the perception of linear time as reality.
Wait, so the Illuminati are the Rosicrucians???!!! And the Rosicrucians seem very much connected to the Alchemists, Egypt, Akhenaten, Francis Bacon, Napoleon Bonaparte...and more,United%20States%20having%20become%20dormant.
From February 1 1997:
A: You don't know anything about Illuminati? Or secret government? Or future plans to institute changes?

Q: (T) Yep, that's what we were talking about...

A: Or, how this may, let us make that WILL, affect you?!? It would be wise to learn, discuss, and network quite a bit about this, for your own good!! Especially since we have noticed a distinct change in your "tone" since Arkadiusz came into your life... you have become somewhat "euphoric" about this turn of events, and your perspective on the prospects for your future. But it would be most decidedly unwise to let your temporary feelings obstruct the bigger picture, especially since the addition of Arkadiusz will have a stunningly profound effect on the course of events and all that implies with regards to the coming of the wave and the turmoil that will precede it!!!

From 19 June 1999:
Q: Next: I’m not going to read this whole thing here; it’s a statement by Arizona Wilder who claims that she conducted human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades. These included the British Royal Family, George Bush, Henry Kissenger, and a stream of world famous names revealed in “The Biggest Secret” and the video “Revelations of a Mother Goddess,” available through this web site, which is David Icke’s. Since she escaped from her mind-controlled confinement she has dedicated herself to exposing what is happening. First question: did Arizona Wilder conduct human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades?

A: Is Henry Kissinger a royal bloodline?

Q: I don’t think so. George Bush is distantly related to the Queen of England. I think that what she means is “for” the royal family, AND George Bush AND Henry Kissinger. Is this woman what she claims to be and did she do what she claimed to do?

A: Better “hold the mustard” on that one.

Q: What does “hold the mustard” mean?

A: Be careful before swallowing whole.

Q: I see. Well, she also says the Illuminati, the clique which controls the world, are genetic hybrids, a result of interbreeding between human beings and the reptilian aliens many thousands of years ago. The center of power is not even in this dimension, it is in the fourth dimension, the lower astral as many people call it, the realm of demons of folklore. She obviously doesn’t have a CLUE!

A: Either that or all humans have some reptilian genes …

Q: She says that every presidential election has been won by the candidate with the most European Royal Genes. Of the 42 presidents up to Bill Clinton, 32 have been related to Alfred the Great …

A: John Kennedy???

Q: Well …

A: No, answer please.

Q: Did Kennedy have royal blood? I think Nixon had more than Kennedy.

A: So then, need we say more???

{The “speeded up” recording of side two of tape one caused this to be the end of the tape. The following is reconstructed as best as possible from memory.}

Q: All right, we have two pictures of the interior of the pyramid here. One is supposedly taken from a drawing in a book published in 1861 and I would like to know if this is what the interior of the pyramid looked like then?

A: Close.

Q: Does this mean that those guys over there working in the pyramid are hiding the true map of the interior?

A: Close.

Q: Well, why are they doing this?

A: Why do you think?

Q: Well, I just can’t understand how they could get away with a deception like this!

A: The point is you have been deceived about the pyramid in so many ways. Why should this surprise/matter.

Q: Okay, I have been invited to talk on the radio. Is it in our best interests for me to do this?

A: If you are careful not to get “carried away,” and reveal too much.

Q: How will I know what to say and what not to say?

A: Instincts.

Q: Eve Lorgen {author of a book about “alien lovebites”} had a question as to how one can go about deactivating the programs of the Lizzies and their human cohorts such as have been described by yourselves and others?

A: In order to “deprogram,” one must first be aware of the programming.

Q: How does one become aware of the programs?

A: Knowledge, knowledge does what …?

Q: Are you saying that simply knowing about them is the key?

A: Once you have the knowledge, you have broken open the veil! How does one get the knowledge?

Q: I don’t know … how?

A: When those most intimately familiar effectively telegraph.

Q: Telegraph as in some sort of electronic signal or simply communicate the information?

A: Latter.

Q: What kind of information specifically?

A: Triggers.

Q: It will trigger something?

A: Programming keywords.

Q: Oh, you mean learning about the trigger words will open up the knowledge of the program so that a person can then deactivate it?

A: Close.

From Session 18 2003:
Q: (A) I am puzzled about G and P. They seem to be so neutral and disinclined to be "followers," yet they give us so much financial support that seems to be the best help we get when we need it. How can it be that they are agents?

A: Would you not expect such a clever ruse?

Q: (A) Well, they certainly haven't asked for or gotten anything from us for their help.

A: Not yet. Don't you think it odd that they are selling everything to move to Europe, especially after expressing such reluctance about the idea?

Q: What do G and P expect to get from us?

A: Whatever you find there.

Q: Who is behind them?

A: Just think of it as "Illuminati" and that will get you close enough.

Q: Why is it that we have attracted so much interest from the "spy vs. spy" types? After all, if there is something out there they are after, why do they need us?

A: They cannot "see" or "draw the "sword from the stone."

Q: (A) It means they have some kind of knowledge, but they really can't make anything of it? Well, then there is the question. They are helping us, and they want to get something. Shall we continue and pretend that it doesn't bother us?

A: Absolutely. All eyes open, however.
Creepy! There was reference to the Illuminati to the "Sword Keepers of the Lock." Perhaps "eyes" could refer to the Nation of the Third Eye?
Q: (A) Now, you say "no. 318" monitor. Does that suggest that there are at least that many monitors in our house? Is this because they are small? I theorized that when they brought the truck to blow the insulation in the attic, that this would have been a perfect way to install listening devices. But they would have to be small and numerous. (TK) Yes. How many monitors are in this house?
A: 85.
Q: (BT) Is this correlated to the cars that were regularly stopping out front?
A: No.
Q: (TK) They don't really have to get close for that kind of work. Do they have to get close to access these monitors?
A: No.
Q: (BT) Are they being monitored by 3D or 4D?
A: 4th.

Q: (L) Did these cars stopping in front of the house have something to do with us, even if not related to the monitors?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What were they up to? What about the people who came to the door? Were they sent for monitoring purposes?
A: Yes. Moles team.
Q: (BT) As in covert or undercover?
A: Yes. Motor handled.
Q: (L) Does this mean they are machines? They did a really good imitation of Sammy Davis Jr. (A) I want to go back to who is responsible for placing these monitors.
A: Illuminati Nacionale knights.
Q: (A) That sounds Italian. Hmmm. (L) Does Tom have some of these fun things in his house? (TK) Yeah!
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) How many?
A: 85.
Q: (TK) Boy, they sure like that number! (A) What do they monitor?
A: Voice.
Q: (TK) Are they sound activated?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Maybe we should encourage the children to play weird music upstairs. (TK) They record whatever sound activates them, and then are later downloaded?
A: Yes. Often.
Q: (L) Aside from recording whatever we say, what is the objective of these monitors?
A: Control.
Q: (L) Do these monitors also emit anything? (B) Are they active as well as passive?
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) All of them, or is it a combination of different types of monitors that are interactive or linked?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does Barry have some in his house, too?
A: Yes.
Q: (BT) Did that have anything to do with triggering the doorbell?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Well, the fact that they are monitors, I can live with this. But the fact that they are not just passive, but also are active, makes me a little bit upset. If they are active, they probably produce some kind of vibration which acts on us continuously, so to say.
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) It is sound - or vibrations? (A) What kind of action is it?
A: Psychic.
Q: (L) That's a pretty broad field. (A) Now, what is important for us, I think, is to know whether we can counteract this control by para-psychic means, by being aware, in a certain state or another, or if there is a physical action and we cannot control it because it acts on our genes, or our cells directly - our body chemicals - and messes up what we are doing. In that case, some kind of action would be reasonable. (TK) Okay, if these things are frequency emitters, and they affect us psychically, is there some way to counteract it, to neutralize it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this something physical or psychic?
A: Physical.
Q: (TK) Would it be a counter-vibration to cancel this out?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So we need a device that produces a certain frequency?
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) Is such a thing available commercially?
A: Other.
Q: (L) It has to be built. (TK) Are crystals involved in this?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Well, we've got a problem here because we have these 85 monitors. They monitor sound. This means that they are monitoring now.
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) So, if we discover what we have to build or do to counteract this, then the whole thing will be a waste of time because they will come along and install new ones or act to cancel out what we have done. Is this true?
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) Is this a no win situation?
A: No.
Q: (L) So, there IS a way to figure it out. (TK) Can we have some sort of idea as to how to go about counteracting this? (L) Yeah, gasoline and a match. [Laughter.] (TK) For instance, discuss it at a session held somewhere else?
A: Maybe.
Q: (TK) That says that it would not necessarily help. It wouldn't be a long term cure.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, we could just sell the house and let them monitor someone else.
A: No.
Q: (TK) Is there a way to shield this room? At least temporarily.
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) But that doesn't help between the sessions. We would still be bombarded by these frequencies between the sessions. But, if the area were shielded while getting the information... Do we have to make or build some kind of personal device that people can carry or wear to shield themselves from this type of manipulation? Is that a viable option?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Well, these things must be getting energy from somewhere. Well, they could be getting energy from the electromagnetic field which is everywhere. (TK) Do crystals have anything to do with the proposed device - the shielding device?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) They have mentioned that crystals with energy fields are helpful in this way. Apparently the sun's energy is helpful also. (TK) Okay, if we were to figure out how to fabricate such devices, can such a thing be modified to counteract changes in the attack frequency?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) I had a thought about those metal sheds. Run some electrical current to it, go inside and fire it up. (BT) Isn't that something like a Faraday Cage. (TK) Well, that would provide an area that would shield the sessions. But it wouldn't help between the sessions. Would this be some kind of big, huge thingy... (L) As in really expensive and difficult to make?
A: No.
Q: (L) Now, waves are things. You can make waves... (TK) And you can cancel them. Like white noise or something along that line. (L) Well, maybe we ought to get one of those white noise machines. Would that help?
A: Some.
Q: (TK) How would you know what to set it to? It has to be super low or super high frequency... (A) There is a different possibility. Now, when we wear these zappers, we have a current going through us. Can something along this line cancel activation of physical changes generated by these monitors?
A: Yes. To a point.
Q: (BT) Is this no 318 monitoring commonplace, or is it reserved for "special" people? That is, it common to the populace at large?
A: No.
Q: (A) What does 318 stand for? Is it a model number?
A: Number of monitor.
Q: (A) So, it's like our user number. We are location 318. So they must have a map.
A: Big log.
Q: [Laughter.] (L) Not a map, just a big log. Well heck, if we are only number 318, who is number 1? (TK) Is the number related to the order of importance?
A: No.
A: (BT) Just a locator number for identification. (A) I guess they have a certain number of places and they assign numbers. If there is a successful "monitoring" and the people die, then they can assign the number to someone else. (L) Right, like social security numbers. Back to the problem. Would lining the room with metal (aluminum foil) help?
A: No.
Q: (L) Would lining the room with foil and electrifying it help?
A: No.
Q: (TK) How about copper mesh?
A: Better.
Q: (TK) When we were running tests onboard the ship, they loaded some trailers on the hangar deck and they contained real sophisticated and classified equipment in there. To protect it from radar sweeps, they covered the trailers with copper mesh. It didn't have to be activated by any current, but it did have to be grounded. What it did was absorb the radar and shunted it to ground instead of allowing it to "read." Then, there is something else called "RAM," or Radar Absorbent Material.
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) That stuff is expensive. (L) What about silk?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) The alchemists say that to protect the body from outside frequencies, one should wear silk. I know that sounds crazy, but that's what they said and did. Silk is a heck of an insulator. (TK) If we shielded the area with a silk tent, or wear silk clothing... (A) Silk by itself might not work, or it probably only works when in contact with the body. (TK) A copper mesh around the area would help.
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) RAM would help?
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) Silk would help?
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) Would all three in combination be necessary?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, you are talking some big bux there. (TK) Is there another way to do this that isn't quite so involved? Does it require this degree of protection?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What we have figured out is that if we produce a canceling frequency, all they will do is change the frequency. That could go on, tit for tat, endlessly. (A) They have standard monitors. They can tune it a little bit differently, but they cannot do much without continuously planting new devices. There is a limit to the changing of frequencies, perhaps. So, if we know how to tune our device to their device, we can do it. (TK) I don't know if what we are needing is so complicated a device. Probably just a frequency generator. A simple device hooked to a crystal. Is that going in the right direction?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Our zapper, for instance, is a very simple device. It operates on a single integrated circuit. (TK) A frequency generator can be cheap. You hook it to a crystal for amplification.
A: Plot many frequencies.
Q: (A) We need to know the range. (TK) Can you tell us what frequency range?
A: Yes. 549 hz to 832 hz.

{Typical voice frequencies might range from around 90 hertz for a low-pitched male voice to about 300 hertz for a high-pitched child's voice. The audible bands start at about 10Hertz. 1035 Hertz is that of Cosmic Rays. Wireless communications varies from about 3KHz, which is still in the audible range, up to the visible light range at about 1015 Hertz where some laser-based systems operate. These frequencies all vary in their propagation characteristics and susceptibility to interference, which determines their value for a particular purpose. For most applications the usable spectrum stops about 300GHz, at the beginning of the infrared band. A normal human can hear between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz.}

Q: (A) So it's sound. Standard sound. Okay, white noise would be a partial solution. These numbers mean we would have to produce quite a range of frequencies. (TK) I was under the impression that it would be a very low frequency or a very high frequency, something beyond the range of hearing. (L) Well, this could relate to the fact that they are sound monitors. (TK) Where do they download from?
A: Ship.
Q: (BT) They said it was 4th density, didn't they? (TK) Spaceship?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Can these little things send information directly to a spaceship? (L) Well, considering that it is supposed to be 4th density technology... (TK) Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) I want to argue. If we can counteract with 3rd density technology... (L) Then there must be some element of 3rd density tech involved. (A) Right. (L) Well, there probably has to be. They may have some super-duper humdinger of a chip that we haven't even dreamed of yet. They may be using nanotech for all we know. We may have these kinds of monitors in our bodies based on nanotechnology. (TK) How can we determine what kind of personal device we can build or make to protect ourselves?
A: More silk.
Q: (L) Is most of this activity designed to interact with the glandular system or with neuropeptides?
A: Label meier.
Q: (BT) A garment manufacturer with the label of Meier? (L) What about Billy Meier? (TK) Is it a garment manufacturer?
A: Label Meier.
I think that possibly these ancient Illuminati emerged during the last incarnation of Atlantis and survived the cataclysm that completely destroyed that civilization. They appointed themselves guardians of the secrets and subsequently made a pact with the Third Eye Nation and the 4D sts in order to keep the rest of humanity ignorant of their history. This pact was possibly called the Nordic Covenant because of the different branches that grew from a common trunk that was the Illuminati and the Kantekians.​
I asked the C's about whether the undergrounders had created the Illuminati and other human secret societies:

C's Session 29th July 2023 said:
Q: [..] (Ryan) Are the underground psychos responsible for all the historically high-level STS secret societies?
A: No
There may be some parallelism happening, with the Freemasons possibly emerging from the Atlantean survivors that founded Egypt, deep-level punctuators such as Sargon doing extra 'civilisational founding work', and the later "Rosicrucians" infiltrating the Masons, although we also have this question of "bloodlines":

Wait, so the Illuminati are the Rosicrucians???!!! And the Rosicrucians seem very much connected to the Alchemists, Egypt, Akhenaten, Francis Bacon, Napoleon Bonaparte...and more
This, plus the the other excerpts you quoted, suggest to me that the name "Illuminati" is fairly recent, the name perhaps coined by Weishaupt, although it may have been infiltrated and used as a new 'front' for a Rosicrucian secret cabal that has changed names many times throughout the last few thousand years of history. So, I tend to agree with Approaching Infinity:

If I remember correctly, Reed made a pretty good case that the Weishaupt's Illuminati didn't disappear and were involved in the French Revolution. But I wouldn't be surprised if the use of the word is an anachronism when used today. That is, they probably don't call themselves by that name, and perhaps never did.
Regarding the origin of Bramley's "Brotherhood of the Serpent", Pierre's question about "Frankish cabalists" is interesting. One wonders what the relationship between said cabalists and the Rosicrucians is?

Laura wrote about the Franks in The Wave, Chapter 31:

Laura said:
The Merovingian dynasty issued from the Sicambrians, a tribe of the Germanic people collectively known as the Franks. Between the fifth and seventh centuries the Merovingians ruled large parts of what are now France and Germany. The period of their ascendancy coincides with the period of King Arthur — a period that constitutes the setting for the romances of the Holy Grail. It is probably the most impenetrable period of what are now called the Dark Ages. But the Dark Ages, we discovered, had not been truly dark. On the contrary, it quickly became apparent to us that someone had deliberately obscured them. To the extent that the Roman Church exercised a veritable monopoly on learning, and especially on writing, the records that survived represent certain vested interests. Almost everything else has been lost — or censored. (Baigent et al. 2005, 269)
Lincoln, Leigh and Baigent (LL&B) say that there are enigmas surrounding the origins of the Merovingians because they did not find any abrupt transition or usurpation — that they seemed already to rule over the Franks; that they were duly-acknowledged kings. Not only that, it seems that there was something special about the one who gave the name to the dynasty, Mérovée/Merovech/Meroveus. They state that he was a semi-supernatural figure.

LL&B say that according to both the leading Frankish chronicler and subsequent tradition, Meroveus was born of two fathers. When already pregnant by her husband, King Clodio, Mérovée’s mother supposedly went swimming in the ocean. In the water she is said to have been seduced or raped by a “Quinotaur.” What a Quinotaur is, we have no clue. Nevertheless, this creature impregnated her a second time and when Mérovée was born, he had a dual bloodline.

Yes, it is true that very often, behind a facade of legend lays a truth. And here LL&B suggest that the seed of truth behind this one is that there was intermarriage of some sort, a pedigree transmitted through the mother, as in Judaism, for instance. The idea is bruited that this might indicate an alliance with someone from “beyond the sea.”

The first thing we want to look at is the tradition of the origins of the Merovingians. The History of the Franks, by their chronicler, Gregory of Tours, is, in the words of translator Lewis Thorpe, “spattered with blood and festers with pus, it re-echoes with the animal screams of men and women being tortured unto death: yet Gregory never once questions this effective method of exacting confession, implicating confederates, or simply satisfying the bloodlust of Queens and Kings. … Time and time again, usually at the conclusion of some most serious passage, of some stomach-turning description, he adds an amusing comment, often a sly quip at himself” (Gregory 1974, 15).

I can assure you myself that this is not a book for the highly-imaginative or the squeamish. It’s a great read, however, and what may happen to you by the time you finish reading it is that you will think: good riddance! What person in their right mind would want those lunatics back in power? There is definitely something about the Merovingian blood — it is tainted with madness.
Interesting that the whole "Priory of Sion" scam was set up to get the Holy Blood, Holy Grail book written and try to create the association between the Merovingians and the "bloodline of Jesus". Were the 'Illuminati' behind this effort? How inbred are the Merovingian genes at present, I wonder? 🤔

There are a number of interesting threads to pull on here, but I'll leave it at that for the moment.
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