The Illuminati - what is real?

The 18th century "Order of the Illuminati" is probably at most an off-shoot of the real Illuminati, or at worst a red herring for cover up

You're not the only one to think along this line. Machine translation of a quote from Les agents de l'apocalypse by Anton Parks:

In 1797, Proofs of a Conspiracy was published in the UK by John Robison, a Scottish mathematician and Freemason. Robison explained that the Illuminati had penetrated European lodges to overthrow power and destroy the Christian religion. He accused Mirabeau and Talleyrand of having been Illuminati infiltrators to launch "Operation 1789". Shortly afterwards, another work by the Jesuit Augustin Barruel, entitled Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire du Jacobinisme (in four volumes), expressed the same ideas, emphasizing the bourgeoisie's plan to seize power. Of course, John Robison and Augustin Barruel were accused of being conspiracy theorists. Barruel was also accused of having an anti-Semitic background, because of his desire to demonstrate the existence, according to him, of secret societies headed by a "Judaic sect monopolizing the gold reserves".
To this day, attempts have been made to minimize the involvement of Freemasonry in the French Revolution, despite the fact that many historians and Freemasons themselves claim responsibility. For those who know how to read between the lines and understand where a form of conspiracy lies, it's important to distinguish between Illuminati and Illuminés. We saw above that, at the European Masonic Convent in Wilhelmsbad, two branches clashed: the "mystical, spiritualist, Martinist" branch of the Illuminati, embodied by the C.B.C.S. "Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte" high-grade system, and Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati branch, based on Enlightenment philosophy. History and then legend have pointed the finger at Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati, even though this Bavarian order had no structure and ceased to exist in 1784. Wasn't the "witch-hunt" of 1784, which aimed to bring down the Illuminati order and create the myth we know, ultimately there to divert our attention from the real protagonists of this story? Diverting attention by pointing to the wrong place: a tried-and-tested tactic used in magic and politics alike. Historian Ludwig Hammermayer gives us the beginnings of an answer: "The notion of Illuminati encompasses the followers of the Lyonnais Martinist system and the regular mystic-pietist and theosophical-Swedenborgian systems of high rank [ ... ]. Illuminati, on the other hand, is clearly limited to [Adam] Weishaupt's secret alliance of radical rationalist and even potentially pseudo-Masonic tendencies. At the Wilhelmsbad Convent, these two often hopelessly confused and interchanged notions of Illuminés and Illuminati became exemplarily distinct and definable. The result was a lasting place in the history of ideas and thought in Europe".
So the masons have existed for a very long time, the C's :

Session 16 October 1994

Q: (L) Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same?

A: 33rd degree, yes.

Q: (L) So, there is a continuing tradition for over 7 thousand years?

A: Yes.

yet further Session 23 March 2019 :

(Pierre) About the French Revolution: Behind it, was the main ideological force Frankish Cabalism?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Oh, Jesus. Did Frankish Cabalists infiltrate Weishaupt Illuminati and some Freemason lodges?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright, we'll say goodnight. I'm tired. Kissy kissy!

Session 14 April 2018

(Pierre) About revolutionary movements: They seem to me to be some high points in the Dionysian cycle. French Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution, even the Nazis, or what we're experiencing right now. It seems to be always the same template: you have a bunch of pathological individuals that spread a simplistic ideology centered on entitlement and victimhood that ends up with the destruction of everybody who opposed the [Gauss meter squeals] simplistic destructive movements. Ultimately, that also means the destruction of men and women of conscience. So, my question is: Is the ultimate goal of revolutionary movements the destruction of souled beings?

A: Quite often. But avoidance is possible with knowledge.

Q: (Joe) They mentioned the last one there about [Gauss meter squeals] how the STS forces [Gauss meter squeals] would become desperate as the change approaches. Is there a kind of, "as above, so below" thing going on where the US and its allies are basically becoming desperate as a change in the global power structure approaches, and that's what's driving them insane?

A: Yes. We told you that balance was coming.


(imo/ my 2x cents ) as per a long history of shenanigans of the masons it's not so easy to gauge the significance of the Weisaupt , event (?) , but i've considered it as more of an attempt of recuitment, of useful tools , and manipulation thereof for changes in France .
Kerth Barker argues satanists only recently overtook and corrupted the Illuminati. They remember they were cleaner and better pre-corruption. C's said the Perseid bloodline was thinned and destroyed with time. Łobaczewski & Co. argues that psychopaths feel animal urge to breed thus spread their sick genes. Causing always the pollution of bloodlines. I see a pattern emerging.

I think the real bloodlines - holy Perseid-class - are un-thinnable, indestructible. Look how they just pop back up throughout history. What we are really talking about here, I think, are not physical bloodlines, but a flowing line of evidence of Soul Tribes leaving their imprints on history. Instinctively everybody calls it blood-lines. Because blood holds consciousness, thus parts of the soul.

It may feel like an ancestral line, a 'blood line trail' for family tree researchers, but really what we are feeling here instinctively I think is a series of intermarriages between incoming souls and genetics in physical bodies throughout history.

When there are historical calamities - great suffering and cosmic imbalance - causing a heated discussion in Heaven and strong opinions forming, I think, those members of a Soul Tribe who have some strong things to say, incarnate into 3D Earth and through their career they say it!

Souls of the holy bloodline, members of a Soul Tribe marry [picked] genes already present, then activate more genes, furnishing the body. So their Chosen body becomes a loudspeaker and The People the witness of their deeds.

Looking at history, its clear they are sharing key concepts of higher density STO thought, how humanity shall persevere and suffer, but in a livable environment. They are flocking around The Holy Spirit of The Christ, which is Immaterial and Eternal - to which Caesar belongs to.

The bloodline "getting destroyed" via terminated family trees in the physical realm thus appear only so, if you look with Darwin's eyes.

Some independent researchers popping up on social media appear as souls to have come from STO planets and they do tell us how things are done on STO planets.

Look at Putin nowadays. Trump, Tucker, Colonel Douglas Mcgregor, The Disinformation 12, Brian, St. Pierre, The Professor, The Kennedies, Gandhi, etc..

Bloodline-chasing factions in Illuminati and Masons, I think, simply want somebody powerful born, whom they can follow or peruse to get ultimate power.

I think the craving for, awaiting the resurrection of bloodlines of power are simply a human genetic memory. The bewailing of the ancient genes humanity lost.

The Garden of Eden Gene Pack. Lizzies maimed human DNA - clipped our chicken wings - because we were able to re-generate for 8000 years and levitate, fly, teleport, bi-locate, shamans could transform into water, animals and other biological forms, etc.. THUS ELUDE CONTROL.

This pervasive writing about of Messiahs throughout history, I think, this savior-complex is thus a simple withdrawal symptom. That Garden of Eden Gene Pack must have been a powerful drug. A fully upregulated human DNA that everybody on Earth is craving for.
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Are you sure he wasn't referring to Rothchilds?

None of the answers or ending points pass the smell test. There is something missing.

He probably was. The Rothchilds are also involved in private banking and given the anonymity of private banking, threads could be running in all different directions. On the surface of things, the Rothchilds seem to limit their banking activities to Europe and the UK. The overt companies are apparently what are called Closely Held Corporations, according to Investopedia, which basically means they probably only allow family members to hold shares.

One of the cons that Investopedia mentions about private banking is that there is usually a high turn-over of staff. I don't know for sure, but I imagine that where private banks are investing on behalf of their clients they probably use trusts to help maintain anonymity where the bankers themselves hold the positions of trustee either formally appointed or in an assumed role as part of their employment contract - meaning they carry the can both financially and legally if it is found that they acted as a trustee and there is litigation for a wrong or tort.

There are probably also different levels of benefit offered in private banking based on net worth.

One of the things that makes me think they may use trusts in private banking to protect anonymity is that where a bank writes mortgages, the mortgage securities are bundled up into tranches, put into a trust held by the bank and sold off as investment products. Tranches are based on different risk profiles, but one of the income yielding 'risk' profiles for investors is default or foreclosure on the mortgage. If you can't pay it's the bank doesn't get the full benefit of selling off the secured property, the investors in mortgage securities get a portion of that too.

In any case, I think that investors holding significant value in mortgage tranches could have just as much, if not more influence on financial markets as shareholders although the influence may not be as overt. Could be the reason why governments opt to bail banks out instead of letting them fail.

On the Rothchild family net worth estimation Investopedia gives a huge margin, anywhere between one billion and one trillion dollars, supposedly because of the difficulty of knowing exactly what they own.
Here is an article about a stone statue discovered in Ecuador in the 1980's. Mysterious Artifacts: Glowing Black Pyramid With The Third Eye -

I am struck by the following:

This UV fluorescent Third-Eye Pyramid has yet another fascinating detail in the form of the inlay in little gold plates showing the Orion star constellation and the five symbols placed on the pyramid's bottom.

A: You are all Orion manufacture.

It reminds me of the story Enoch tells us of the Watchers. Weren't they also called "the shining ones" or the "radiant ones" those who had children with human women?

Possibly it is apples and pears but it would be worthwhile to explore this path: Orions and Watchers.
If this statue is indeed older than 6000 years as the article suggests, how old are the Illuminati and Freemasons who use this symbol?

In the book I mentioned earlier, "Gold of the Gods" by Erich Von Daniken, there are photographs of some gold plates that were found in caves in Ecuador and which are attributed to the Inca culture. The gold plates have pyramids engraved on them. The curious thing is that the pyramids are reminiscent of the pyramid that appears on the $1 bill and is popularly associated with the Illuminati.

Engraved on the base of the pyramid are the Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI (1776), the date on which the United States became independent from Great Britain, but also the founding of Weishaupt's Illuminati.



It is also curious that this type of triangular pyramid is not common in Mesoamerica. The pre-Columbian pyramids were stepped, very different from the Egyptian ones. In the gold plate you can see that the top is crowned by a Sun. Both Aztecs and Incas believed they were "children of the Sun". There are also snakes not at the base of the pyramid but in "the sky".

Daniken also observed a writing at the base of the pyramid that no one had been able to decipher its meaning.

Daniken wondered "Why does the Dragon motif play such an important role in the representations and myths of ancient peoples such as the Chinese, Indians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Jews, Germanic and Mayan?.... Robert Charroux mentions that everywhere there were luminous serpents..."
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