The Illuminati - what is real?

I have been studying bloodlines for a while and have come across some interesting information. So far, I can neither prove nor disprove this information...but have found much to corroborate it. I'm posting a link to a page that is full of graphs, names, family links (like Trump is a descendant of General Patton) and much about the Kennedy's. This is a quote from the page:

"Mary Lincoln and Prince Said H. Issa Kahlooni had two sons together, Joseph Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni Jr. (a.k.a. Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr.) born July 25, 1915 and John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. John Fitzgerald Kennedy) born May 29, 1917. John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni was kidnapped at an early age from Benghazi, Libya and surrendered to the Khazarian Mafia leader Joseph Kennedy in the USA."

The site is "Trump friendly/supportive" but definitely interesting if you have some time to check it out. This rabbit hole runs deep!
"nation of the third eye" - They were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.
In an early session that discusses Courtney Brown and his book "Cosmic Voyage", the Cs say that he is an "agent provocateur". When asked what his inspiration was for the book, the Cs say: 'Secret sources. Agents of the “nation of the third eye." - Terran civilization under the surface.' Later in the same session, there is:
Q: [...] (L) Okay, Third Eye. What is this?

A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.
The Nation of the third eye was an inspiration for the Illuminati, but the kind of interaction that may or may not remain is not clear.

The context for the above quote, followed by a note about agent provocateur is:
Session 23 October 1996
Q: (L) Okay, let's move on to Courtney Brown. (T) We all know who he is, and what he is writing about in regard to remote viewing... what is it all about?

A: Vague.

Q: (T) Is the book Courtney Brown wrote, "Cosmic Voyage," concerning the Martian population...

A: It is true that there are underground bases on Mars, but they are Orion STS.

Q: (T) Are there Martians as portrayed by Courtney Brown?

A: Not exactly. He is portraying the Orion STS as the Martians.

Q: (T) Is Courtney Brown a government disinformation agent?

A: More as an "agent provocateur."

Q: (T) Is he working for the government?

A: Not directly, and remember, the government is not one entity.

Q: (L) Who is primarily backing Courtney Brown?

A: Rockefeller group.

Q: (L) Is Mike Lindemann and company part of this Rockefeller group at this time?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Linda Howe?

A: No.

Q: (T) Did Courtney actually do remote viewing to obtain the information in the book?

A: Not really. Not needed.

Q: (T) Does this mean that the whole story is concocted on his part?

A: Semi. Elements of it are factual.

Q: (T) Yes. I could see that there were factual elements. I could also see that there was a LOT that was questionable. that conflicts with EVERYTHING else that has come out from other researchers. This is all totally twisted and different.

A: Close.

Q: (T) Is Courtney able to do remote viewing?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) But he did not use it with this book?

A: No.

Q: (T) So, the book was made up the way it is. It is a story. Some factual information, some invented information, some pure BS thrown in to fluff it out. So, the book is NOT an account of work that has come from remote viewing sessions?

A: No, but not needed.

Q: (L) You have said twice that remote viewing was not "needed." Where did he get his information?

A: Secret sources. Agents of the “nation of the third eye."

Q: (J) What or who - is the "Nation of the Third Eye?"

A: Terran civilization under the surface.

Q: (L) Now, wait a minute. I remember that when they said the Aryans were brought from Kantek, and that they were "sturdier," or something like that, and I remarked that it seemed that they would be less sturdy - and the C's answered "on the surface." Now, that has always bothered me. I don't think they meant "surface appearances." Have the Aryans been glorified as the "master race" because they are more suited to living underground?

A: Close. All types there are "Aryan."

Q: (L) Okay, is this a Terran underground civilization that has been 'managed' by Orions, or did it develop on its own?

A: One at a time.

Q: (L) Did the underground civilization develop on its own?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it managed or manipulated by Orions as well?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are these "managers" Orions from other densities?

A: Yes and no.

Q: (L) I don't understand. Are there some that are 4th and some that are 3rd?

A: The human types there are "bi-density."

Q: (L) Holy Shiite Moslems!

A: Grays and Lizards are 4th density. They can "visit" 3rd density, but they must keep returning to 4th in order to "regenerate."

Q: (T) Are you saying that the human/Aryan types can exist as long as they want in any density?

A: In 4th and 3rd.

Q: (L) They can move back and forth, existing with equal ease on either density?

A: Well, not with "equal ease," because 4th density is easier, naturally.

Q: (T) So, the information Courtney Brown was given to write this quasi fiction book, is about the Aryans and not about the Martians?

A: "Martians" is easier to understand for the less well- informed, not to mention any discussion of the densities!

Q: (T) Absolutely. Martians are easier to accept. A lot easier to understand than densities! (L) Okay, Third Eye. What is this?

A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.

Q: (L) Does this "Third Eye" designation have a connotation of third eye abilities as we understand them?

A: Psychic.

Q: (T) Does Courtney know he has been had?

A: He has not been "had." He is under the employ of those who pull the levers, so to speak.

Q: (L) You said "pull the levers." Is Courtney Brown a robot, Greenbaumed, mind-controlled, implanted, or any or all of the above? (T) Or is he just foolish?

A: No. Not so foolish, he does not worry about paying the power bill. As Forest Gump said: "Stupid is as stupid does."

Q: (L) Are you implying that I am foolish or stupid because I DO worry about paying the power bill?

A: No, we are not implying that you are stupid, or foolish, for that matter... But, Courtney Brown is not either. Who is he hurting? And, he has hit the jackpot with this one. Knowledge can be procured by reading literature, then analyzing it.

Q: (T) Is the time-table that he has given correct?

A: Close.

Q: (T) So, the powers that be are going to follow this time table and present the Aryans as Martians?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are the Aryans going to present themselves as Martians?

A: Initially. In order for the Terrans to get used to the idea of EBEs.

Q: (T) But, they are not the good guys. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.

A: Some of the "good guys" are identical in appearance.

Q: (T) Is this a subterfuge on the part of the Aryans so that they can slide in quietly and take over?

A: No, they do not need that at all. It is a way for the "government" to introduce everyone to the new reality of the existence of intelligent life all over the place, not just here.

Q: (T) So, they have their own agenda, but it is not what Courtney presented in the book.

A: It does not matter. The book is a somewhat altered "New Reality 101."
Humans/humanoids from the underground - Usually acting as "handlers" or agents provocateur.
Courtney Brown was said to be backed by the Rockefeller group which connects him to a well known banking family. He was described in the session as an "agent provocateur" which is remarkable, because the Cs have so far only used agent provocateur in one other context, which also was about the undergrounders:
Session 29 July 2023
(L) Germans. They ask weird stuff like that. How many humans/humanoids from the underground? So, how many?

A: Varies with circumstances, but average is about 2 to 2.5 million.

Q: (Andromeda) Walking around up top.

(Joe) And do these people know who they are? I mean...

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) Okay. And do they have a mission that they're aware of? Do they know why they're walking around?

A: Indeed. Usually acting as "handlers" or agents provocateur.

Q: (Joe) So from our perspective, their mission, it would be nefarious?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them running that show over there in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them handling members of the US government?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling high-level members of other governments?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling leaders of different types of, like, media or whatever, like influencers and such?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) With large-follower channels?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Give us one name. [laughter]

A: No

Q: (Joe) Please. [laughter] Is part of their mission or agenda to prepare the global population for revelation of aliens?

A: Partly, but also involved with depopulation agenda.

Q: (Joe) So these people were born underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And raised underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And then appeared as adults on the surface, got a job...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And who made them?

A: Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions.

Q: (Joe) So these are human beings. They're functionally the same, as human as other human beings? Like biologically the same as other human beings, or not?

A: Some genetic tweaks. Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.

Q: (Gaby) So this is part of the hybridization program that some experiencers or abductees recall?

A: Yes

Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they know good and evil the same way as we would understand it?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Are they - from our perspective - very much like mind-controlled beings in that sense? They don't have much free will?

A: Yes. And much like very efficient psychopaths.

Q: (L) Well.

(Joe) 2.5 million. They pop up and down.

(L) That's friendly.

(Joe) Where do they live normally when they're not on the surface? Where did they grow up and stuff?

A: Underground bases.

Q: (L) And they've described those.
Is it possible that some of the undergrounder agents are raised or appear in Illuminati families? However, if there are 2-2.5 million of them on the surface at any given time, a few of those among the Illuminati would be nothing special, would it?
I always got the impression that when the Cs used the word "Illuminati" they were just using it as a shorthand for "the secret controllers that people call by various names." Kind of like when Alex Jones rants about the "globalists" and the "NWO." Several times the Cs equated the Illuminati with various other named groups:

11/19/94: "Brotherhood/ consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ "Antichrist"/ Lizards."
11/25/95: "Brotherhood AKA Illuminati AKA Antichrist"

If I remember correctly, Reed made a pretty good case that the Weishaupt's Illuminati didn't disappear and were involved in the French Revolution. But I wouldn't be surprised if the use of the word is an anachronism when used today. That is, they probably don't call themselves by that name, and perhaps never did.
If I remember correctly, Reed made a pretty good case that the Weishaupt's Illuminati didn't disappear and were involved in the French Revolution. But I wouldn't be surprised if the use of the word is an anachronism when used today. That is, they probably don't call themselves by that name, and perhaps never did.

Maybe at the beginning they were referring Illuminati only as the consortium. But I think they (Illuminati) themselves perhaps declared and keep declaring their existence through desinfo too. Maybe like creating and letting everyone know about their existence but through “conspiracies” or as a “not serious” subject, so people know but doesn’t really know at the same time? If that’s makes sense. And since last couple of years you can see their signature all over the place and they now just don’t care if they are way more open than before.

At the beginning the Cs used many terms and conveyed things differently for an easy comprehension of subjects, but after decades they have corrected many of them, and clarified others, what I’m getting at is, if the Cs haven’t corrected the term and they keep mentioning the Illuminati in the sessions, without any correction or suggestion of otherwise, it means they are real.
Archaeologists dig and dig to find the remains of a civilization or the bones of those who inhabited it. In the same way one can dig through the sessions to discover "the bones" that the Cs left behind to put together a puzzle.

I am more interested in the esoteric aspect of the group we call Illuminati. The more I search through the sessions the more I am convinced that the Illuminati are much older than the 250+ years of existence officially attributed to them. Possibly the group that Adam Weishaupt founded only took the name Illuminati to position itself as a collective of human beings enlightened by knowledge.

From "9 questions about the Illuminati you were too afraid to ask" we learn:​
Weishaupt wanted to educate Illuminati members in reason, philanthropy, and other secular values so that they could influence political decisions when they came to power.​

What kind of person who has love for the human being, which is philanthropy, is given to the task of conquering the world even going over the heads of whomever. Possibly we are talking about two groups and one of them was created to divert the attention of the other and wrap it in mystery. Is this possible? One group that can even be studied by university academics and whose members are in the limelight (In well-known families and even members of the show business world) while another truly secret group lies in the annals of human history in the shadows and pulling the strings.

What would a university academic think of the information presented by the Cs or that the Illuminati were the source of the information prophesied by Daniel for example?
Q: (L) Who, or what was the source of that information as prophesied by Daniel?

A: Illuminati.

Possibly the scholar would say: "no way, the Illuminati date from the 18th century AD and the prophet Daniel probably lived in the 7th century BC. It can't beeeee!."

I would like to follow the hypothesis that the real Illuminati have been in existence for thousands of years.
What if..

When I was a child I read Erich von Däniken's book "The gold of the gods" (Aussaat und Kosmos original title) and was fascinated by a theory he mentioned regarding ancient civilizations that were hidden in underground caves.

Daniken speculated that in the distant past there was a war that caused members of a civilization, in another system, to escape from their planet and find refuge on Earth. Daniken believed that these man-like beings sought refuge in caves for two reasons, one was that the Earth's atmosphere was tolerable but not ideal and the other as Hindu mythology tells, the caves served as a refuge from "a threat looming from the sky". Daniken speculated that this threat from the sky had to do with the enemies of the exiles, they were looking for them throughout the solar system. Daniken also believed that a cataclysm wiped out the fifth planet because it was used as bait by the exiles and their enemies blew it up hoping to have ended the exiles for good.

So, time passed and I learned about Kantek's history from Laura's work and the Cs' responses. Much of human history was veiled and Daniken was not far off in his speculation. Of course, there were exiles.

The Cs told us that the fifth planet of the solar system. Kantek was destroyed by its own inhabitants and millions of them were transferred to planet Earth where a civilization already existed. Later they confirm to us that the Kantekians were the Sons of Belial in Atlantis. It seems that there was an ideological schism, while one group decided to merge with the existing humanity (to become celts, druids etc), another group decided to remain pure and abandon the surface of the planet.

The group in the underground is known as the Nation of the third Eye and the Cs tell us that they inspired the Illuminati.
(L) Okay, Third Eye. What is this?

A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.

When these ancient Illuminati were founded is a mystery, but there seems to be no doubt that from the Kantekians of the Nation of the third Eye they got this idea of racial purity or continuity of the bloodline.
Q: Well, let me get to some of these other questions. Previously you said that the central thing about the Nordic Covenant was that there were bloodlines that extend off the planet. From what I understand, all humans on the planet have bloodlines that extend off the planet. In what sense did you mean this about the Nordic Covenant; that the bloodlines extend off the planet?

A: Not all so recent, not all so “pure.”

"Not so recent and not so pure" again makes me think of the Kantekians. If I remember correctly it was less than 100,000 years ago that they were present in the history of planet Earth or during the first stage of what we know as Atlantis. And what is 100,000 years for a higher density being but something recent, a blink of an eye?

I think that possibly these ancient Illuminati emerged during the last incarnation of Atlantis and survived the cataclysm that completely destroyed that civilization. They appointed themselves guardians of the secrets and subsequently made a pact with the Third Eye Nation and the 4D sts in order to keep the rest of humanity ignorant of their history. This pact was possibly called the Nordic Covenant because of the different branches that grew from a common trunk that was the Illuminati and the Kantekians.
Okay, we know that the bloodline is important by virtue of being of the Nordic or Celtic heritage. In going through the transcripts, I came across numerous instances where a "sect" was mysteriously mentioned over and over again. I am thinking that this sect, as you call it, is this organization that we refer to as the "Quorum."​

A: What is "sect" the root word of?

Q: Sector, section, (T) sectarian... (A) A branch...

I imagine that the Nordic Covenant included the promise, on the part of the hyperdimensional 4D STS, of global power to those branches such as the Brotherhood of the Serpent, the Illuminati, the Rosicrucians or the Masons.
Q: Is the Nordic Covenant in any sense similar to any of the things I have read here?

A: It is a mystical thing, not related to theology in a direct sense.

Q: How long has the Nordic Covenant been in existence?

A: 5129 years.
Q: What is the central issue of the Nordic Covenant?

A: Bloodline extends off the planet.

Q: Is this Nordic Covenant a group that is in place on the planet for the purpose of guarding or propagating a particular bloodline?

A: To guard secrets.
Q: What secrets are they guarding?

A: Your origins; the nature of your being.

Q: So, this Nordic Covenant is that which wishes to maintain the darkness of our realm, the time loops, the replays, and all that sort of thing?

A: One of the players, yes.

The Brotherhood/ consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ Antichrist/ Lizards all of them are in the covenant and possibly within the Quorum.

Archaeologists dig and dig to find the remains of a civilization or the bones of those who inhabited it. In the same way one can dig through the sessions to discover "the bones" that the Cs left behind to put together a puzzle.

I am more interested in the esoteric aspect of the group we call Illuminati. The more I search through the sessions the more I am convinced that the Illuminati are much older than the 250+ years of existence officially attributed to them. Possibly the group that Adam Weishaupt founded only took the name Illuminati to position itself as a collective of human beings enlightened by knowledge.

From "9 questions about the Illuminati you were too afraid to ask" we learn:

What kind of person who has love for the human being, which is philanthropy, is given to the task of conquering the world even going over the heads of whomever. Possibly we are talking about two groups and one of them was created to divert the attention of the other and wrap it in mystery. Is this possible? One group that can even be studied by university academics and whose members are in the limelight (In well-known families and even members of the show business world) while another truly secret group lies in the annals of human history in the shadows and pulling the strings.

What would a university academic think of the information presented by the Cs or that the Illuminati were the source of the information prophesied by Daniel for example?

Possibly the scholar would say: "no way, the Illuminati date from the 18th century AD and the prophet Daniel probably lived in the 7th century BC. It can't beeeee!."

I would like to follow the hypothesis that the real Illuminati have been in existence for thousands of years.
What if..

When I was a child I read Erich von Däniken's book "The gold of the gods" (Aussaat und Kosmos original title) and was fascinated by a theory he mentioned regarding ancient civilizations that were hidden in underground caves.

Daniken speculated that in the distant past there was a war that caused members of a civilization, in another system, to escape from their planet and find refuge on Earth. Daniken believed that these man-like beings sought refuge in caves for two reasons, one was that the Earth's atmosphere was tolerable but not ideal and the other as Hindu mythology tells, the caves served as a refuge from "a threat looming from the sky". Daniken speculated that this threat from the sky had to do with the enemies of the exiles, they were looking for them throughout the solar system. Daniken also believed that a cataclysm wiped out the fifth planet because it was used as bait by the exiles and their enemies blew it up hoping to have ended the exiles for good.

So, time passed and I learned about Kantek's history from Laura's work and the Cs' responses. Much of human history was veiled and Daniken was not far off in his speculation. Of course, there were exiles.

The Cs told us that the fifth planet of the solar system. Kantek was destroyed by its own inhabitants and millions of them were transferred to planet Earth where a civilization already existed. Later they confirm to us that the Kantekians were the Sons of Belial in Atlantis. It seems that there was an ideological schism, while one group decided to merge with the existing humanity (to become celts, druids etc), another group decided to remain pure and abandon the surface of the planet.

The group in the underground is known as the Nation of the third Eye and the Cs tell us that they inspired the Illuminati.

When these ancient Illuminati were founded is a mystery, but there seems to be no doubt that from the Kantekians of the Nation of the third Eye they got this idea of racial purity or continuity of the bloodline.

"Not so recent and not so pure" again makes me think of the Kantekians. If I remember correctly it was less than 100,000 years ago that they were present in the history of planet Earth or during the first stage of what we know as Atlantis. And what is 100,000 years for a higher density being but something recent, a blink of an eye?

I think that possibly these ancient Illuminati emerged during the last incarnation of Atlantis and survived the cataclysm that completely destroyed that civilization. They appointed themselves guardians of the secrets and subsequently made a pact with the Third Eye Nation and the 4D sts in order to keep the rest of humanity ignorant of their history. This pact was possibly called the Nordic Covenant because of the different branches that grew from a common trunk that was the Illuminati and the Kantekians.

I imagine that the Nordic Covenant included the promise, on the part of the hyperdimensional 4D STS, of global power to those branches such as the Brotherhood of the Serpent, the Illuminati, the Rosicrucians or the Masons.

The Brotherhood/ consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ Antichrist/ Lizards all of them are in the covenant and possibly within the Quorum.

Many years ago I dreamed of some tall blonde guys, they seemed like the nice type, everything happened in a cabin, a chase for Laura was also present in the appearance of that dream. The thing is that it seemed that I had control of certain powers until I ran into those 2 tall, young blonde guys with angelic features. I approached where they were, we sat down and the conversation was going very well (I don't remember what) until I told them. I asked about the figure of Jesus to which they changed their face in a mocking tone, one of them suggested that I approach him and opened his mouth as if trying to kiss me, then I teleported away from his presence and shouted at them, you are the Illuminati! They just kept their distance (because it seemed like the three of us would have a confrontation) so since he could have powers they kept their distance and avoided the fight. I looked ready to fight but I woke up and it seems that Laura also had some kind of conflict with those guys.
Of course, if bloodlines are ignored and only 'membership' is considered, ANYBODY could be Illuminati.
Exactly. From what I read from his Illuminati book, - he tells his life story - his marriage was planned to another young man - this one too even more childhood-abused than the author and made hysterical by his rich Illuminati parents, entire family sick. Only thing holding them together is 'Old Money' aristocracy. There were the twin lesbian Evil Sisters - self-proclaimed "priestesses" worshiping Egyptian gods ('satanic princes') and they had no husbands.
Then the writer's handler was a rich aristocrat, the "Black Duke" - a hobbyist satanist as most Illuminati aristocrats are, true satanists among them are a minority, so they "wear it" rather as a fashion clothing line -, no wife of his is mentioned. Then the big honcho boss of them all 'The Dark Mother' has sex with the (then) teenager boy book author.

Inversion of all Christian Tradition is rife, so gay couples are encouraged. Newly wed (soon to be) influential politicians, attorney generals, congress people, etc.. are initiated as a fresh young wife and husband at baby-eating dinners, where they are not told the source of meat.

I thought Illuminati was super clever and work like some kind of Breakaway Black Alchemist Super Civilization, but nothing could be further from the truth:-oo
They are described as divided, super hostile to each other. They come from various aristocrat families all over the world with different traditions and family trees disagreeing in religious matters. The satanists among them are so stupid, they continually attack, bite, betray, imprison and kill each other. Like Mafia revenge plotting. More like imitating the Lizzie Pecking Order.

Rank is holding them together. Wrathful obedience to their chiefs, out of fear. Indeed it appears that influence and wealth is an entry ticket into Illuminati. Because they hold financial power all over the world and nobody is allowed to get rich and influential without their express approval. So blackmail is instantaneous with the promotion / initiation dinner. Like the Clintons, for example.

Look at any UN leader, CEO, congressman, supreme judge, famous TV person and the suspected continuity-of-government Deep State members and you will find the Illuminati. Membership, I think, is stratified. So the three thousand must be old hardcore members and the expanded circle rest are blackmailed hires / employees.

Most UN members are and allegedly they love to smuggle in - well cooked slices of - human meat onto the plates of UN dinners, without the knowledge of the non-initiated rest of the members.

So any mega supermarket / burger meat chain is suspect. Anything from pigs wholesale, online, like collagen, is suspect.
Instagram users rumored to have found child teeth in a famous meat distributors meat pack (ordered on-line to make burgers at home, etc..). Here as well. There is an instagram-woman (medium length blonde hair) on YT reporting ghosts and she goes into a large number of reported teeth found everywhere. She mentions meat products..
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'Here as well. correct link. Adult teeth from meat factory workers would be understandable. But child teeth? That's Illuminati dinner course specialty.
The Twin Sisters - what they don't eat - they grind it up in a blender - is usually throwaway parts, bones, skin, hair, etc.. and use it as fertilizer in their vegetable garden. According to them they have great size vegetables!
But after reading the book, I think, these ground up, "throwaway parts" are finding their way into the Global Corporate Food Chain.
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Exactamente. De lo que leí su libro Illuminati, - cuenta la historia de su vida - su matrimonio fue planeado con otro joven - éste también sufrió aún más abusos infantiles que el autor y se puso histérico por sus ricos padres Illuminati, toda la familia enferma. Lo único que los mantiene unidos es la aristocracia del "Viejo Dinero. Estaban las hermanas malvadas lesbianas gemelas, autoproclamadas "sacerdotisas" que adoraban a los dioses egipcios ('príncipes satánicos') y no tenían maridos.
Entonces el guía del escritor era un aristócrata rico, el "Duque Negro" - un satanista aficionado como lo son la mayoría de los aristócratas Illuminati, los verdaderos satanistas entre ellos son una minoría, por lo que "lo usan" más bien como una línea de ropa de moda -, ninguna esposa suya se menciona. Luego, el gran jefe de todos ellos, 'La Madre Oscura', tiene relaciones sexuales con el (entonces) adolescente autor del libro.

La inversión de toda tradición cristiana está muy extendida, por lo que se anima a las parejas homosexuales. Los políticos, fiscales generales, congresistas, etc. recién casados (que pronto serán) influyentes.. son iniciados como una joven esposa y esposo en cenas de comida para bebés, donde no se les dice el origen de la carne.

Pensé que Illuminati era súper inteligente y trabajaba como una especie de Super Civilización de Alquimistas Negros Escapada, pero nada podía estar más lejos de la verdad:-oo
Se los describe como divididos, súper hostiles entre sí. Provienen de varias familias aristócratas de todo el mundo con diferentes tradiciones y árboles genealógicos que no están de acuerdo en cuestiones religiosas. Los satanistas entre ellos son tan estúpidos que continuamente se atacan, muerden, traicionan, encarcelan y matan entre sí. Como la conspiración de venganza de la mafia. Más bien como imitar la orden de Lizzie Pecking.

Rank los mantiene unidos. Obediencia iracunda a sus jefes, por miedo. De hecho, parece que la influencia y la riqueza son un billete de entrada a los Illuminati. Porque tienen poder financiero en todo el mundo y a nadie se le permite hacerse rico e influyente sin su aprobación expresa. Entonces el chantaje es instantáneo con la cena de promoción/iniciación. Como los Clinton, por ejemplo.

Mire a cualquier líder de la ONU, director ejecutivo, congresista, juez supremo, personaje famoso de la televisión y el presuntos miembros del Estado Profundo de continuidad del gobierno y encontrarás a los Illuminati. Creo que la membresía está estratificada. Por lo tanto, los tres mil deben ser antiguos miembros incondicionales y el resto del círculo ampliado son contrataciones/empleados chantajeados.

La mayoría de los miembros de la ONU lo son y supuestamente les encanta introducir de contrabando - rodajas bien cocidas - de carne humana en los platos de las cenas de la ONU, sin el conocimiento del resto de los miembros no iniciados.

Por lo tanto, cualquier mega supermercado o cadena de hamburguesas es sospechoso. Cualquier cosa proveniente de cerdos al por mayor, en línea, como el colágeno, es sospechosa.
Se rumorea que los usuarios de Instagram haber encontrado dientes de niño en un pack de carne de un famoso distribuidor de carne (pedido online para hacer hamburguesas en casa, etc..). Aquí también.
Exactly. From what I read from his Illuminati book, - he tells his life story - his marriage was planned to another young man - this one too even more childhood-abused than the author and made hysterical by his rich Illuminati parents, entire family sick. Only thing holding them together is 'Old Money' aristocracy. There were the twin lesbian Evil Sisters - self-proclaimed "priestesses" worshiping Egyptian gods ('satanic princes') and they had no husbands.
Then the writer's handler was a rich aristocrat, the "Black Duke" - a hobbyist satanist as most Illuminati aristocrats are, true satanists among them are a minority, so they "wear it" rather as a fashion clothing line -, no wife of his is mentioned. Then the big honcho boss of them all 'The Dark Mother' has sex with the (then) teenager boy book author.

Inversion of all Christian Tradition is rife, so gay couples are encouraged. Newly wed (soon to be) influential politicians, attorney generals, congress people, etc.. are initiated as a fresh young wife and husband at baby-eating dinners, where they are not told the source of meat.

I thought Illuminati was super clever and work like some kind of Breakaway Black Alchemist Super Civilization, but nothing could be further from the truth:-oo
They are described as divided, super hostile to each other. They come from various aristocrat families all over the world with different traditions and family trees disagreeing in religious matters. The satanists among them are so stupid, they continually attack, bite, betray, imprison and kill each other. Like Mafia revenge plotting. More like imitating the Lizzie Pecking Order.

Rank is holding them together. Wrathful obedience to their chiefs, out of fear. Indeed it appears that influence and wealth is an entry ticket into Illuminati. Because they hold financial power all over the world and nobody is allowed to get rich and influential without their express approval. So blackmail is instantaneous with the promotion / initiation dinner. Like the Clintons, for example.

Mire a cualquier líder de la ONU, director ejecutivo, congresista, juez supremo, personaje famoso de la televisión y el suspected continuity-of-government Deep State members y encontrarás a los Illuminati. Creo que la membresía está estratificada. Por lo tanto, los tres mil deben ser antiguos miembros incondicionales y el resto del círculo ampliado son contrataciones/empleados chantajeados.

La mayoría de los miembros de la ONU lo son y supuestamente les encanta introducir de contrabando - rodajas bien cocidas - de carne humana en los platos de las cenas de la ONU, sin el conocimiento del resto de los miembros no iniciados.

Por lo tanto, cualquier mega supermercado o cadena de hamburguesas es sospechoso. Cualquier cosa proveniente de cerdos al por mayor, en línea, como el colágeno, es sospechosa.
Se rumorea que los usuarios de Instagram haber encontrado dientes de niño en un pack de carne de un famoso distribuidor de carne (pedido online para hacer hamburguesas en casa, etc..). Aquí también. Hay una mujer de Instagram (cabello rubio de longitud media) en YT que informa fantasmas y se mete en una gran cantidad de dientes reportados que se encuentran por todas partes. Ella menciona productos cárnicos..

Hay una mujer de Instagram (cabello rubio de longitud media) en YT que informa fantasmas y se mete en una gran cantidad de dientes reportados que se encuentran por todas partes. ella menciona productos cárnicos..
Surely all those who are openly linked to the Illuminati or have all the background of money, satanism, rituals, families and lineages, those would be the useful psychopath fools with inflated egos.
Then there would be a small group, a minority that would really be from the big leagues and above these just a few who really have that title that honors them as true "illuminati."
The Cs mentioned that there is one similar to an emperor, the question in question would be, would the latter really have mystical powers, supernatural abilities and mastery in the domain of physical matter?
Exactly. From what I read from his Illuminati book, - he tells his life story - his marriage was planned to another young man - this one too even more childhood-abused than the author and made hysterical by his rich Illuminati parents, entire family sick. Only thing holding them together is 'Old Money' aristocracy. There were the twin lesbian Evil Sisters - self-proclaimed "priestesses" worshiping Egyptian gods ('satanic princes') and they had no husbands.
Then the writer's handler was a rich aristocrat, the "Black Duke" - a hobbyist satanist as most Illuminati aristocrats are, true satanists among them are a minority, so they "wear it" rather as a fashion clothing line -, no wife of his is mentioned. Then the big honcho boss of them all 'The Dark Mother' has sex with the (then) teenager boy book author.

Inversion of all Christian Tradition is rife, so gay couples are encouraged. Newly wed (soon to be) influential politicians, attorney generals, congress people, etc.. are initiated as a fresh young wife and husband at baby-eating dinners, where they are not told the source of meat.

I thought Illuminati was super clever and work like some kind of Breakaway Black Alchemist Super Civilization, but nothing could be further from the truth:-oo
They are described as divided, super hostile to each other. They come from various aristocrat families all over the world with different traditions and family trees disagreeing in religious matters. The satanists among them are so stupid, they continually attack, bite, betray, imprison and kill each other. Like Mafia revenge plotting. More like imitating the Lizzie Pecking Order.

Rank is holding them together. Wrathful obedience to their chiefs, out of fear. Indeed it appears that influence and wealth is an entry ticket into Illuminati. Because they hold financial power all over the world and nobody is allowed to get rich and influential without their express approval. So blackmail is instantaneous with the promotion / initiation dinner. Like the Clintons, for example.

Look at any UN leader, CEO, congressman, supreme judge, famous TV person and the suspected continuity-of-government Deep State members and you will find the Illuminati. Membership, I think, is stratified. So the three thousand must be old hardcore members and the expanded circle rest are blackmailed hires / employees.

Most UN members are and allegedly they love to smuggle in - well cooked slices of - human meat onto the plates of UN dinners, without the knowledge of the non-initiated rest of the members.

So any mega supermarket / burger meat chain is suspect. Anything from pigs wholesale, online, like collagen, is suspect.
Instagram users rumored to have found child teeth in a famous meat distributors meat pack (ordered on-line to make burgers at home, etc..). Here as well. There is an instagram-woman (medium length blonde hair) on YT reporting ghosts and she goes into a large number of reported teeth found everywhere. She mentions meat products..
Seems to mirror what is publicly know about about groups like the Skull and bones
Then there would be a small group, a minority that would really be from the big leagues and above these just a few who really have that title that honors them as true "illuminati."
The Cs mentioned that there is one similar to an emperor,
Would someone be able to find that in the sessions? I haven't found anything like that being said by the Cs.
Would someone be able to find that in the sessions? I haven't found anything like that being said by the Cs.
Maybe this, but the Illuminati are not mentioned

Session 29 July 2023
(Ze Germans) Are there any conflicting 4D STS groups or races operating on the Earth at the moment or all of them are more or less cooperating with each other?

A: Not cooperating with each other. That is the wrong concept. They operate under the control of an hierarchical system with an overlord pulling the strings or levers as the case may be.

Q: (L) So they don't play nicely with each other unless they're overseen by a dictatorial being who commands their obedience. Is that it more or less?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And who's the overlord?

(L) Who's the overlord? Oh...

(Andromeda) Slip that one in...

A: You don't want to know!

Q: (Possibility of Being) I want to know.

(Joe) I don't want to know, but PoB does. [laughter]

(L) You think that's gonna fly?

(Joe) I'll cover my ears...

A: Science fiction is often inspired. Think of someone similar to the emperor, but far more virile.

(Andromeda) Palpatine. From Star Wars.

(Joe) But not as old and decrepit. Does this person say "Mwahaha!" quite a lot? [laughter]

(L) I'm not gonna...

(Joe) I'm joking. I’m just gonna assume he does.

(L) Far more virile.

(Andromeda) I guess he sucks a lot of energy, huh?

(L) Sucks a lot of energy. Yeah. 'cause that emperor looks like he's starving. I mean, ugh... Okay.
Okay, thanks, Konstantin. Yes, the illuminati are not mentioned nor the word "emperor". That's probably why I couldn't find anything, because those words in that context are not there.
In the search engine if you put the word (emperor) there is another person on the forum who also mentioned it in his research on the Rosicruzes and Alton Towers.
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