The Illuminati - what is real?

Okay, thanks, Konstantin. Yes, the illuminati are not mentioned nor the word "emperor". That's probably why I couldn't find anything, because those words in that context are not there.

Cs never said anything like that.

I believe the emperor reference (in what appears to be a Star Wars context) is here in Konstantin's post:

Maybe this, but the Illuminati are not mentioned

Session 29 July 2023


A: Science fiction is often inspired. Think of someone similar to the emperor, but far more virile.

Q: (Andromeda) Palpatine. From Star Wars.

A video appeared 3 weeks ago on YouTube allegedly about the Illuminati.

"The video dives into details of the Bilderberg group, who they are, what they seem to want, and where they obtain their money and power. It follows the account of an independent journalist as he tries to uncover the truth and survive while rejecting the new world pushed upon him and the community around him. It also touches on the very real possibility of a universal currency, social credit scores, surveillance and chipping."

The Romantic Illuminati

One day, the Jesuit professor of ecclesiastical law Adam Weishaupt awoke with the idea of bringing together the most prominent minds of his time and place. He gave this group the name of Association of the Perfectibilists (Bund der Perfektibilisten) but the name did not have the necessary punch and ended up calling it Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria because who doesn't want to belong to something mysterious or keep ancient secrets. The first name was very "academic" the second sounded mysterious and mystical. It was a necessary product positioning, marketing experts would say. So, Weishaupt did not name his group Illuminati but possibly people or members adopted that name to shorten things up, as instead of saying United States of America just say America or National Socialist Party and Nazi.

In fact there are several versions of how the final name of this secret society was arrived at, since it is also mentioned that Weishaupt proposed to rename it as the Order of the Bee, but Bund der Illuminaten (Union of the Illuminati) was preferred, which finally became Illuminatenorden, that is, Order of the Illuminati.

Whether Weishaupt named his Bavarian group Illuminati after the ancient Illuminati we do not know, but it is said that he was inspired by the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, given his closeness.

This Document mentions:​
Illuminati was founded on a mixture of:

● Masonic secrets (Luciferic Doctrine)
● Islamic Mysticism (Sufism)
● Jesuit mental discipline (Hatha Yoga)​

Most research suggests that the Illuminati are a branch of the Freemasons, which contradicts the comment that the Illuminati is at the highest levels of secret societies. Unless we are really talking about two different groups, some mystical and very ancient Illuminati in an esoteric relationship with the Quorum and other Illuminati coming out of the ideas of the Masons and the Jesuits.

The Islamic mysticism of the Illuminati was influenced by what the Knights Templar learned from the Order of the Assassins (and if we talk about Templars we need to talk about Rosicrucians) This suggests that Weishaupt acquired certain knowledge and perhaps documents that he mixed with what he learned from the Jesuits. The question then would be whether Weishaupt understood 100% of this information or just took from here and there to form his doctrine. This is the case of the Masons according to the Cs:​
Q: (L) Do the Rosicrucians have writings in their keeping that they, themselves, do not understand?

A: Yes. So do the Masons.

It is also noted in the document that Weishaupt's Illuminati used the knowledge of certain drugs such as hashish, to produce an "illuminated" state of mind which reminds me of the altered states of Adolf Hitler and his visions of the master race and what he called the Great Providence.

It seems that Hitler also tried to understand and take advantage and control the controllers.​
Q: And who created the Third Reich?

A: Illuminati.

Q: So Hitler thought he could find something that would enable him to take complete control...

A: Sort of like a termite trying to vanquish "Orkin."

This Document mentions that Adolph Freiherr Knigge was responsible for giving Weishaupt's Illuminati a more complex structure.​
Knigge imitated that of Freemasonry - let us remember that he was also a Freemason - on the basis of degrees with progressive ascending acquisition of greater knowledge, even though this other organization was seen above all as a recruiting ground.​

The Illuminati was divided into three classes:
● a previous one, for newcomers (that's why it was called The Nursery), graduated in preparatories, novices, minervals and minor illuminati.

● another lower (Masonic), in turn structured in peons, officers, masters and illuminated (major and regent)

●another high (The Mysteries) with the degrees of priest, prince, magician and king.

Weishaupt and Knigge were at the top, directing what they called the Areopagus.​
Likewise, initiatory rites and ceremonies were established, but it is not known what they were like because the short chronological history of the order prevented them from being written down.​
In addition, secrecy was greater than in Freemasonry, despite the fact that a third of the illuminati also belonged to it.

Indeed, the Illuminati had a short chronological history, because soon Weishaupt and Knigge had their differences and he was replaced by Count Stolberg-Roßlay in 1784 year in which the existence of the order was also revealed and 1 year later it became illegal to be part of secret organizations.

Supposedly the Illuminati went underground and from there continued with their plans for global conquest. Thus, from 1776 to date, about 8 generations have passed.​
A generation is all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively. It also is "the average period, generally considered to be about 20–⁠30 years, during which children are born and grow up, become adults, and begin to have children. Wikipedia

So if we look at the following table of the article Ancestral DNA Percentages – How Much of Them is in You? we observe that a young member of the Illuminati would have less than 0.78% of the DNA of his Illuminati ancestor​


From How much of your genome do you inherit from a particular ancestor?

"...nine generations ago the autosomes you receive from (say) your mum are broke, on average, into 286 large chunks, and these are spread across your 256 ancestors. Thus on average each of ancestors has contributed only a single block to you, and by chance it is possibly that they contribute zero. This gets worse the further we go back in time, your genome is broken up into more and more chunks, but this does not grow as fast as your number of ancestors. This makes it increasingly likely that you inherit no autosomal material from a particular ancestor."

I don't know much about genetics and even here I hit a wall trying to understand the Illuminati bloodline unless the genetics of the Kantekian's whose lifespan reached in some cases about 2500 years and in other cases up to 8000 years is involved in the equation.

Something truly special must be in that bloodline for these 3300 to keep their genes strictly to themselves as the Cs told us. And I think the knowledge of bloodlines leads some of us to our true origin and the understanding of why we are the way we are, why it doesn't matter where we are (or skin color) but who we are and what we see.
Q: What is it in this bloodline that makes it so important to cover it up?

A: It would lead directly to verity on a scale never before seen on earth while at 3rd density STS.

Q: And what would be the result of this verity?

A: The truth shall set you free... as you are imprisoned!

Possibly the fall from Eden meant for some the fall from 4th density to 3rd density and remembering the origin and the why would allow them to return to that state, home.
That's why it's important to know yourself and work on yourself.

You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.
The Wizard of Oz

The 18th century "Order of the Illuminati" is probably at most an off-shoot of the real Illuminati, or at worst a red herring for cover up.

One thing to consider is how the real Illuminati exercise their power or what this power is based on. In purely 3D terms, the generational banking families and maybe some of the royalty bloodlines seem to be good candidates for the Illuminati.

The central banks and those who own and control them seem to have the most power. So members of the Illuminati are either among the owners of that system, or maybe they control it indirectly through various 'secret societies' to stay more anonymous.
I suspect that the Illuminati are quite old as a group, the evidence for this stems from the use of ancient Egyptian content in their rituals and symbology. The eye of Horus and its use by hollywood celebrities being one example.

Here is some information regarding the eye of Horus and its spiritual meaning. Egypt | Northern Orthodox Church

Here are some Hollywood celebrities. America | Northern Orthodox Church

Here is an explanation of the number 33 (or the 2Trinity) and how it relates to the spiritual fundamentals, This is seen in Illuminati and Freemasonry symbology. 2Trinity | Northern Orthodox Church

Here is an Illuminati symbol with two keys and how it relates to the number 33. freemason | Northern Orthodox Church
Who owns BlackRock

They say that to find the truth in certain events you must follow the money, events such as wars, where it is said that they are all bankers' wars.

I remember the session where Laura recounted a vision or "pre-sleep state" where someone told her about an economic crisis after Christmas. (With the US election and the prevailing human cosmic environment I wouldn't put it past this Christmas and 2025) She asked about it and the Cs said:​

A: This is a long and complicated subject, but we will do our best to explain it. What you were seeing was one possible future. The economy of our 3rd density world is entirely manufactured. The forces that control it are both 3rd density and 4th density. There are conflicting opinions in the 3rd density sector right now as to when, where, and how to institute an economic depression. This has been "in the works" for quite some "time" as you measure it. So far, the forces arguing against institution of a collapse have prevailed. How long this condition will be maintained is open to many outcomes. Also, please be aware that the state of the economy is entirely an illusion. In other words, the world economy performs solely based upon what the population is told to believe.

3rd and 4th density forces controlling this financial and economic illusion also remind us that the Quorum, made up mostly of aliens and the Illuminati made up mostly of humans are the highest level.

Keep in mind that as controllers they are not interested in billions of dollars, nor in your savings, nor in your pension, but in how to control you through these, because in the high spheres is possible that the most valuable thing is knowledge/information on the one hand and on the other, their means of nutrition or energy.

It is evident that the control of money and material things are in charge of the second level to which the illuminati bloodlines belong. I found this graphic on the Internet that illustrates how this organization of power over the rest of humanity is shaped. (Annotations in red made by me)

Novus ordo mundi

As can be seen, the author places secret societies, such as the Freemasons, not above the Illuminati bloodline but below it. In turn, he places the Intelligence Agencies below the secret societies and even lower the network of Corporations, Banking Institutions and mass media that together create this illusion or "the world that has been placed over our eyes to blind us from the truth..." in the words of Morpheus (Matrix)

In this sense the following mentioned by the Cs proves that we are only serving the Antichrist.
Q: (L) Are you saying that money is only "saved" if it is multiplied?

A: Yes. When you store it in the bank, you are helping the Brotherhood AKA Illuminati AKA Antichrist multiply it for itself, all you get is the "crumbs" left over. And, the Antichrist can "call it in" anytime it wants to!

One of these institutions mentioned in the graph is BlackStone Group. The story goes that one Larry Fink sought financing for the creation of a venture asset management firm. He went to Pete Peterson CEO of BlackStone Group and voila! Blackstone gave Fink and his team a $5 million line of credit and Blackstone Financial Management was created. The venture was successful and when Fink became the largest shareholder he decided to change the name of the company without abandoning the symbol that speaks of its origin, the black cube (Saturn/Chronos). Thus BlackRock was born in 1992

So 32 years have passed and today BlackRock is not a group of individuals as in the beginning but a mixture of people and institutions that in turn belong to others and so on. Circles within circles...

So, in the video it is mentioned that Bank of America is the owner of Merrill Lynch and in turn ML has a stake in BlackRock, but that's not all, Black Rock has a stake in Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway which in turn has a stake in Bank of America... you get the picture?

(In fact this morning Berkshire Hathaway sold another $1 billion of Bank of America stock, but still owns nearly 12% of the bank's shares.)
Berkshire Hathaway is a diverse holding company with well-known subsidiaries like GEICO and Dairy Queen. The company's top three individual shareholders are Warren Buffett, Susan Buffett, and Ronald Olson. The three main institutional shareholders are Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street. Top Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders

List of Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio Companies 2024
●Apple Inc. (AAPL)
●Bank of America Corp. (BAC)
●American Express Co. (AXP)
●Coca-Cola Co. (KO)
●Chevron Corp. (CVX)
●Occidental Petroleum Corp. (OXY)
●Kraft Heinz Co. (KHC)
●Moody’s Corporation (MCO)
●DaVita Inc. (DVA)
●HP Inc. (HPQ)
●Berkshire has a significant position in the global payments giant VISA Inc.

BlackRock’s largest institutional shareholders are Vanguard Group, BlackRock itself, State Street Global Advisors, Temasek Holdings, and Bank of America.
The company’s largest individual shareholders include original BlackRock owners and founders Larry Fink and Susan L. Wagner, Robert S. Kapito, as well as its top executives Richard Kushel and Murry S. Gerber. Largest BlackRock Shareholders: Who Owns the Most BLK Stock in 2024?

Who Owns BlackRock? 5 Largest Institutional Shareholders.
View attachment Top-BlackRock-Institutional-Shareholders-768x528.jpg.webp

It's amazing this Warren Buffett guy, he's 93 years old and completely lucid, he continues to be a financial strategist, nothing like Biden for example. Remember the last Black Monday? Warren took advantage of

Buffett has spent most of his life transforming Berkshire Hathaway from a struggling textile manufacturer into an expanding business empire.
Just saw this on X. Might be some clues there:

The branch of history behind the Bank of America that he didn't want to address is that of the Bank of Boston that traces it's roots back to the The Massachusetts Bank, and is now known as BankBoston. BankBoston is also now a subsidary of the Bank of America, but it is an International Private Bank. According to Investopedia, one of the benefits of private banking for high net worth individuals is that anonymity is protected, other benefits include:

  • One-stop shopping for financial affairs
  • Concierge services and dedicated employees
  • Favorable rates, discounted charges
  • Perks and privileges
The branch of history behind the Bank of America that he didn't want to address is that of the Bank of Boston that traces it's roots back to the The Massachusetts Bank, and is now known as BankBoston.

Are you sure he wasn't referring to Rothchilds?

None of the answers or ending points pass the smell test. There is something missing.
I was looking more into the research by others on who the Illuminati families may be. The "usual suspects" such as Rothschilds and Rockefellers may be a part of it, but are way too much in the limelight.

Many of the researchers focus on the Vatican/Jesuits and the bloodlines of the "Black and Grey Popes", eg. the Orsini family. Others point to less obvious families in the US, such as Payseur.

One thing that does stand out is that the "money nobility" did intermarry with the European royalty, so that now many royals are actually descendants of the Medici, for example.

I also looked at "who owns Blackrock and Vanguard" and the answer is basically, nobody knows. These companies own each other to some extent and are also owned by the companies they own to some extent, such as Apple. At the end of the day, it is probably the hundreds of investment firms owning shares in Blackrock and Vanguard where the actual owners are hiding. Those records are not available to the public.
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