The "Mandela Effect"- Has my Bible changed? Or do I just have a bad memory like most people?

Yeah, the Mandela effect is strange and has great implications. I remember it being "Mirror, mirror on the wall." I don't know where the quote came from and I didn't see that movie 'Field of Dreams', but I remember the quote being, "If you build it, they will come." And I remember the books being Barenstein Bears. "Luke, I am your father." But I saw Star Wars in 1997 and they made changes to the VHS versions so I'm not sure on that one. And I recall, "Life is like a box of chocolates."

What don't we see that has changed? These little things are noticed because they are a part of pop culture. It's weird to have a memory that is not consistent with reality. It's like you're in this reality, but the surroundings don't match with your previous experiences. Like, am I the only one here, or where did I come from?! It would be traumatic to wake one day and someone is missing in your life. And of course the forum too. I mean, small changes to titles and quotes of books and movies are one thing. But if a person or group were missing, being so much a big part of your life, that would really be bad. It could make you a bit paranoid. Like, "Ok new day, is everything consistent?" But I suppose there could be some positives to the reality changes.

So I guess we are sort of seeing in front of our eyes reality splits and merges? Another hit for the C's?
Nienna said:
Tarri said:

Well, I an basing my memory of when the volcano went off on the fact that I was not at home when it happened. I missed the whole event. The only time I was not home was from June of 1978, I was in Kansas with my Grandmother, through the school year with my father September 1978-July 1979. I returned home August 1979. When I returned home my brothers were showing me all the mason jars they had filled with the volcanic ash and my Mom had a pair of ear rings with stones made out of the glass produced from the ash.

I was actually living in Woodland, WA when Mount St. Helens blew, it was May, 1980. :) So, maybe, you remember the years you were gone wrong? I'm not saying that this is the case, but I do know that St. Helens blew in 1980.

I have had times where I could totally believe that I was in a different "reality" while thinking that something that I just found out couldn't be true.

One, of several, such instances is that I "knew" that I had heard in the news, back in the '70s or '80s, that Jane Goodall had died being shot by a poacher. Then, a decade later, there she is alive and well (and still is, btw). So, either I heard/remembered it wrong, or I had jumped to another "reality" where she is still alive. It's most likely I heard/remembered it wrong, but sometimes you just can't help but wonder if maybe something else has happened.

Anyway, just a fwiw.

What? Jane Goodall is alive? Seriously I also remember that story. Now you're saying that she's alive?
This is what happens when you have computers writing news stories instead of people.

36 years ago is a long time for a human brain. I wouldn't put it past the powers that be to play the numbers games with recorded information. They do it with everything else, and I mean everything else. I don't know if it's a sick joke with them or what but they do change information and scrub information.

Are you people sure you got the right dates on the Krakatoa Northworst? Think very carefully. Can we cross reference the date somehow. A post card or something the FBI couldn't have laid it's hands on?

Volcano Eruption Mount St. Helens May 18, 1980 USGS.

You people realize that the "infamous they" actually went to every single library in America, probably the world, and replaced an entire dictionary with a bogus replica just to redefine the meaning of "Ground Zero."

Someone brought this switching dictionaries to another forum and it just so happens that I collected a few dictionaries. I have one for example from 1936 with the Swastika as the German Flag. It's about 12 inches thick and was a school library dictionary. So I also had a copy of the original dictionary that was being switched, and this is all verified by numerous people, so I check and it was all true. The dummy dictionary had an extended meaning for the term "ground zero," while the original merely says the precise point beneath an atomic blast.


This was all done after 9/11. So ya know....are ya really, really, really sure about the dates?
FWIW, LOTS of similar strange stories to be found here:

I wasn't even aware such events are that common, until i started reading these Reddit channels (these are 2 different, the first one being more reliable). Even if we discard half of the accounts as fabricated or possible to explain, that's still a lot. Good for a daily dose of "Forteana".

There's also a separate forum dedicated to Mandela effect:
3D Student said:
It could make you a bit paranoid. Like, "Ok new day, is everything consistent?"

I was a bit vigilant or creeped out when I posted that. In thinking about that last question, "Ok new day was anything changed?" When you see something and know it was different in your memory it kind of confirms the theory for yourself. But everyday life creeps in and that worry went away. I think things cannot go terribly wrong, I mean, the Universe has to maintain some kind of balance. Still, I recall the C's saying you may go shopping and end up in Moscow..

Anyways, I had written some notes after digesting and sort of confirming the theory back in November. It's interesting how, if memory is a record of perception, that the external world doesn't necessarily have to reflect that. It's an internal consistency, but of course from cognitive science we know it's fallible.

And this theory kind of enforces the idea that all is an illusion. Because if the outer world can be changed and all we have is our inner memories, which can be inaccurate, then everything seems sort of fluid. And it reminds me of the movie Edge of Tomorrow, where an alien force tinkers with time loops on Earth for its benefit.

So I think with this possibility in mind it should inspire more responsibility of ourselves to the Universe. To maintain an inner consistency and truly use our free will. Because I recall that free will cannot be abridged, unless you're duped like in the bidding process described my Michael Topper. And so our choices really do count and make a difference. The better we do and more efforts we make, the more balance and co-linear our reality might become. Kind of like, "Be the change you want to see in the world."

I also had some thoughts tied in with the new Star Wars movie. Every time I watched the trailer where Han says, "The Jedi, the Force, they're real... all of it, etc." And I thought about in real life that the timeline splitting could be real. And it then reinforced the reality of good vs. evil, hyperdimensions, etc. So my excitement for the movie and pondering splitting timelines helped solidify some other aspects of reality that are kind of behind the veil, so to say. A bit of unification and connecting the dots. And movies contain a bit of reality, as that's where they're pulled from.

Hope this wasn't too confusing. I'm going off of brief disjointed notes from my thoughts over two months ago. FWIW.
I can't say I've ever experienced a strong, persistent sense of, "Waaaaait a minute! This is different!"

I do, however, not infrequently trip over items which don't correspond correctly to my memories. -And with great excitement think, "Oh boy! I wonder if this is one of those reality splittings?" -And I set about examining and running through my memories, comparing them to the extant facts.

And I always come up with a reasonable explanation for the divergence.

Like with the Mirror Mirror/Magic Mirror thing, my emotional mind says, "Yeah! I remember it being Mirror Mirror!" but my rational mind is really good at filling in smart-sounding explanations and even supplying suitable memories. -In this case I think, "Mirror Mirror is how the old fairy tale went, how we told it to each other as kids. We just expected the movie to get it "right". Except Disney did NOT get it right. In fact.., now that I think of it, I seem to recall as a kid noticing that Disney got it wrong. -I bet most people just found their own memory of the common fairy tale phrase to be so strong that they just auto-corrected for Disney and remembered it that way."

Done. Smart-sounding explanation. Thank-you internal Scully.

-Which is totally infuriating, because I think, "Well, if reality DID split, then obviously in this new version I occupy, I'll have a time line recorded in memory where everything fits as should be expected. With the Google version." -So the simple act of closely examining memory pulls up the correct time line for the current reality; you HAD to have lived through it otherwise you wouldn't be here -thus the examination process automatically spackles over any cracks in reality. Even the thought that something was amiss fades away like a dream.

Studying the phenomenon makes the phenomenon vanish.

Which leads to the question...

Where are true "timeless" memories stored and where are changeable "current-reality" memories stored, and how do they relate to each other?
Avala said:
Argo said:
davey72 said:
Angela said:
I was just thinking about Dejavu the other day. 8-10 years ago I would have it all the time. It hasn't happened in years...interesting
I had recently stated this in another thread as well. I wonder if there is any signifigance to not having had deja vu for a number of years?
I also wonder how many others may have experienced a wane in deja vu?

I haven't experienced deja vu for few years now. Maybe the current timeline really has been sufficiently 'set' for the "end time"?
Very interesting.

Happened to me few days ago. Also the strange thing is that actor Richard Dreyfuss came to Belgrade’s film festival ‘FEST’. Nothing strange, but he died couple of years ago.

OMG - I too remember Richard Dreyfuss having died. My boyfriend also remembers as we talked about it because it happened just a few weeks after the series finale of Weeds. We talked about how sad especially cause we loved his character in that show... I was shocked just the other day when it was announced his role in the new abc series Madoff. So crazy... Glad someone else remembers it. Also I always check to make sure a reported death isn't a hoax and i remember checking and it was not a hoax.
davidcarswell said:
Avala said:
Argo said:
davey72 said:
Angela said:
I was just thinking about Dejavu the other day. 8-10 years ago I would have it all the time. It hasn't happened in years...interesting
I had recently stated this in another thread as well. I wonder if there is any signifigance to not having had deja vu for a number of years?
I also wonder how many others may have experienced a wane in deja vu?

I haven't experienced deja vu for few years now. Maybe the current timeline really has been sufficiently 'set' for the "end time"?
Very interesting.

Happened to me few days ago. Also the strange thing is that actor Richard Dreyfuss came to Belgrade’s film festival ‘FEST’. Nothing strange, but he died couple of years ago.

OMG - I too remember Richard Dreyfuss having died. My boyfriend also remembers as we talked about it because it happened just a few weeks after the series finale of Weeds. We talked about how sad especially cause we loved his character in that show... I was shocked just the other day when it was announced his role in the new abc series Madoff. So crazy... Glad someone else remembers it. Also I always check to make sure a reported death isn't a hoax and i remember checking and it was not a hoax.

:welcome: davidcarswell! Actually, seeing as this is your second post on the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.
I just saw some videos on this "Mandela Effect".

One was plain crazy, the woman was claiming that the store JcPenney was JcPenny. So easy to disprove, I have old clothes bags from them saying Penney.

Well, it could be true, but what does this prove?

I think the rash of stories that are ridiculously easily dis proven makes me wonder if people are slowly losing their minds.

I can say that in my commute, people are definitely being less aware. I've avoided so many crashes from people who just don't see what's around them. One time a guy blew up on me, saying that I appeared out of nowhere. Sure, it happens to all of us, but we can go- oh crap, I wasn't paying attention. But a lot of times they give YOU the finger for their mistake. My favorite are the people who are behind you, honk for you to go faster. But then, when they go past you, they drive slow?! Many face palm moments for me where I get frustrated at how illogical people are- and forgive me if my memory is wrong, but I have not noticed it this much! It's especially crazy the day BEFORE a storm. Go figure, but then, dogs and cats go weird before a storm. So is it some sort of animal reactive sense that drives them directly without awareness to check it? I mean we all feel weird, but I'm sure most of us on this forum wouldn't take the feeling or reaction as FACT!

So, it kind of makes you wonder- are people losing it? Are they becoming less connected to reality?
Would this explain the discord in memory? Are people filling in the blanks on things that they haven't really remembered in the first place?
Divide By Zero said:
I just saw some videos on this "Mandela Effect".

One was plain crazy, the woman was claiming that the store JcPenney was JcPenny. So easy to disprove, I have old clothes bags from them saying Penney.

Well, it could be true, but what does this prove?

I think the rash of stories that are ridiculously easily dis proven makes me wonder if people are slowly losing their minds.

I can say that in my commute, people are definitely being less aware. I've avoided so many crashes from people who just don't see what's around them. One time a guy blew up on me, saying that I appeared out of nowhere. Sure, it happens to all of us, but we can go- oh crap, I wasn't paying attention. But a lot of times they give YOU the finger for their mistake. My favorite are the people who are behind you, honk for you to go faster. But then, when they go past you, they drive slow?! Many face palm moments for me where I get frustrated at how illogical people are- and forgive me if my memory is wrong, but I have not noticed it this much! It's especially crazy the day BEFORE a storm. Go figure, but then, dogs and cats go weird before a storm. So is it some sort of animal reactive sense that drives them directly without awareness to check it? I mean we all feel weird, but I'm sure most of us on this forum wouldn't take the feeling or reaction as FACT!

So, it kind of makes you wonder- are people losing it? Are they becoming less connected to reality?
Would this explain the discord in memory? Are people filling in the blanks on things that they haven't really remembered in the first place?

Yes that is pretty weird. But I suppose it depends on where these people are living, i.e. have they been subjected to toxins, propaganda and/or mind programming? That would send many people completely bonkers, right?
I work in an outer area of New York City.
I would think any large city is pretty much full of toxins.
Not so much the chemical kind, but all of these cellphone/wifi signals, and constant hustle and bustle.
That's another thing that I wonder... if people are needing music all the time, are they constantly in a semi-dream suggestive state?
I think society bombarding us with emotional manipulation is much more harmful than even the chemicals. It's straight up programming!

I'm reminded of what the C's were saying about going through the darkness in these times.
Separation of the wheat and the chaff.
Dear Members,

I have come across some startling information that has stunned me. It seem that some kind of profound change has ocurred to our reality.
Please listen to this link as an intro to the subject, and let me know what you think.

The Mandela Effect
SevenFeathers said:
When I went to the video link, it said video unavailable. What are the main points?

Indeed. Please be explicit and helpful, ankhepiphan. I don't have a lot of time and I read a lot faster than I can watch a video. List the points and also make it clear why you created the title of the thread. Has YOUR bible changed? If so, how did you notice it? When? Exact details.
FWIW, The Mandela Effect was discussed here. It's still something that interests me, but I wonder whether it's something that you can focus too much on and lead to paranoia. Reality seems to be stable enough merit not worrying too much about it. Having said that, maybe a week ago a co-worker was talking about Berensta/ein Bears during lunch and I couldn't help but briskly walk over and say, "It's Berenstein!" And then we discussed the Mandela Effect with another co-worker.

Like others have said, what parts of your Bible seem to be different? I never read the whole thing, but if you let us know, we could see if there is any discrepancy in our memories.
I think it's mostly nonsense due to people misremembering things or wire crossing in the brain. In the example of Mandela having died in another timeline in prison, I thinks that's simply people confusing Steven Biko with Mandela. In other words our brains have a category for famous imprisoned anti-apartheid freedom fighters. People vaguely remember hearing about Biko dying in prison, a wire gets crossed, and voilà.
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