The Politics of Climate Change: Green New Deal And Other Madness

Sad but true:

Part of the 1982 Rio Earth Summit Agreement was the de-population of the planet (1992, Ted Turner, they plan to kill about 97% of the current population, the remaining people (aside from the Soverigns) will be trans-borg-genesis (not human, semi-synthetic slaves with no free will).

The 3/thee major keys left are:

1. CBDC, Central Bank Digital COUPONS, as in Soviet Union (USSR) ration coupons. It is NOT money, it is NOT currency - they are ration coupons.

2. WHO 2005 IHR amendments which got secretly voted on April 4/23 and/or the WHO pandemic treaty. The WHO is the military arm of the UN, much like how, public health was used by the NAZI's of ww2 to round up the handicapped, elderly, ill and anyone whom they didn't like or whom fought against them.

3. GREEN AGENDA, especially 15/20-minute cities which are digital gulags.

Absolute Zero PDF

Local Ways to Fight This Agenda

Local Councils So Scared They are Avoiding the Public, People are Now Aware (Essex County, Canada)

^-- pay attention to the chart on page # 05. You'll see this happening all over right now (150 cities this year, 350 cities next year) - they are DE-population centers. This was part of the 1982 RIO Earth Summit (Maurice Strong) and the re-wilding of the world after the population kill-off. 174 nations agreed to kill off their local populations by 2030.

For example, large malls are being closed all over the world and being 'redeveloped' into 15-minute prison gulags (prison camps). The fake CV-19 was used to kill of many small, local producers. Soon you see all international shipping stop and companies like Amazon stop shipping as well. All big box stores including Walmart will disappear.

In a 15-minute depopulation center you will only be allowed 3/three new items of clothing PER YEAR. Will it be shoes?, gloves?, a hat?, pants?, underwear? - only 3/three items per year.

There will be no jobs, no industry, no shipping, no stores.

Provided you had no wrong-think (they monitor your thoughts as part of pre-crime) and have enough carbon, social and mobility credits you MAY be allowed 1/one short haul flight under 1,500 km (including return) once ever 3/three years - at least until the last airports close shortly after 2030.

You will be confined to a DISTRICT of about 25,000 within a 15-minute gulag. That is for life, however short that may be. While you may apply to leave up to 100-times in the first year that will be reduced to 0/zero shortly thereafter. You will work, live in that area and you will not be allowed to leave without prior approval. Inside you can only leave your assigned place to live for up to 15-minutes, provided to follow the path provided exactly and only AFTER you have approval.

Listen to Swab's interviews (especially 1970s) - a person will only exist to serve the elite. Listen to the PRISON language used. Zero-Trust, Lockdowns, Districts and on and on - it is the lingo of the gulags.
i have opened the file "absolute zero pdf".

i am consterné by this paper. how can an association of presumed intelligent people write such horrible nonsense?

is it really so that the anglosaxon world is home of these most awful distopia???

absolute zero means absolute death.

it is contrary to the old testament "grow and multiply and fill the earth". the order comes from yaweh, a lizard, see my input about yaweh unmasked. it has always disturbed me, but even from a lizard it makes sense.

if you were to apply absolute zero to the chicken developing inside its eggshell, the only outcome possible for the chick is to die. the chicken's destiny is to grow inside its egg untill all resources are transformend into making the chicken strong enough to be able to break the external envelope, the egg eshell, and to emerge into the infinite of the external word, where it is greeted by its mother chick which has couvé it and introduces it to the infinite resources of the external world.

in the same manner, earth, a living planet with all resources necessary for the eclosion of life - vegetal, animal, mankind- must be consumed to allow the eclosion of the coming humanity.

carbon is the basis for life, together with all elements from the periodic table, for all life. to generate these elements, stars have sacrified their existence by sythesizing all elements and died by explosion at the end of their existence and dispersion of their elements. in the same manner, earth can be sacrificed to generate the new humanity, or it is strong enough to generate continusly as does the female of the vegetal, animal, or human.

you cannot save earth by being human, you must consume/take from it, to become more than human. if the hatching temperature of earth appears to increase, so be it, because heating is conditioned by the sun and orbital mechanics, not because of a trace gas necessary for life. keeping things stable is to condemn them to death by forbidding them to evolve. just think of the chicken in its shell being careful not to make use of its dwindling resourses: it will become mort-né.
humainity must face its destiny, not sacrifice its existence by not consuming the resources put at its disposal. oil?? it is generated continusly inside earth, it is replenishible, just use it, but be careful about the use of all earth resources. ev? utter nonsense, see other posts...

i am grateful to laura for her long duration work and endurance and having made the cass and this forum possible...
etc. i coud go on, but my message has been said: choose to live, and not to die. accept your destiny, but watch where you put your feet. we do not need billionaires, these are cancer to mankind... everyone has a brain. this has to be used.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, now wants to ban petrol- and diesel-driven cars:

Amsterdam brings in 'bizarre' plan to ban all but electric cars by 2030 -

The Green Deal is also marching on over here. Farmland is now used for solar panels and people will most likely be forced to spend thousands of euros on new heating equipment because the government wants to get rid of gas (heating systems). However, 'sustainable' fuel prices are still tied to gas and oil prices (at least that applies to wood chips), which means that no matter how well your house is insulated heating costs are still rising and you can't really win by saving energy because of all these flat rates that these new so-called sustainable energy companies charge. It really ticks me off. :curse:

Interestingly, all this coincides with court-cases against oil giant Shell.
Australia would like to introduce an insane climate policy, and PM-hopeful Bill Shorten has avoided the question (asked by the media 69+ times) of how much his plan would cost Australian taxpayers. They have a goal of half of the cars on the road being electric by 2030, but claim that they aren't going to force it, they'll just use encourage it with things like tax breaks and subsidies.

Meanwhile they're in the process of closing down the 6 remaining coal fire plants, while China is currently building over 1,000 more.

i cannot grasp how the dutch gov. can be SOOOO stupid.
President Putin at the recent International Arctic Forum told is that there is no solid proof that climate change is man-made ( see video below, 3.19 min)

He pointed out that Russia also has very different data than the Finnish president about the amount of CO2 that countries produce. Putin himself said that he had been to the Arctic, where he saw old ice layers with high CO2 concentrations. The ice layers were formed in the Middle Ages, or perhaps even earlier, he emphasized. "There was no industry then," said the Russian president. "Volcanic activity may therefore have more influence than all human consumption and the automobile industry." Niinisto asked Putin whether Russia is doing enough against ‘climate change’, to which he replied that Russia has signed the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement.

Russia did that because it can't hurt, he said. But, he continued that the cause of global warming is not clear: "Is it emissions, or is it something else?"

here is an intelligent leader who goes places, does not see a reason for alarmism, and quietly states his opinion
A couple more articles from those who wish for radical solutions.

Prominent German Economist Calls For 20-Hour Work Week, Less Housing, Real Role Models To Rescue Climate!
By P Gosselin on 24. July 2019

The online, center right Junge Freiheit of Germany here reports on how German award-winning economist Niko Paech is calling for a profound scaling back of industry in Germany, and a 20-hour workweek, in order to protect the climate.
The DLF article on the interview here summed it up: “If working hours and hence income were to fall, there would also be less need for mobility, consumption and housing. Unemployment would be overcome and everyone would have a livelihood based on a lower level of work.”
In the interview Paech spoke of rolling back the workweek to 30 or even 20 hours.

Communal living
So how would people spend all the extra free time?
Paech says the extra time could be used “to provide their own services, in addition to a less high income, for example cultivating food, the repair of goods and, thirdly, for communal use.”
This is how cars, lawnmowers or tools could be shared in the community, he suggests, which means “the demand form industrial production and transport would be decreased.”

People need to be turned off about “holiday flights, meat consumption, housing”
In the DLF interview he also criticized the construction of new housing in Germany: “Here every child knows that every square meter of living space that we develop is an ecological disaster.”
He added that a CO2 tax would only be effective if it “turned us off about holiday flights, meat consumption, housing, driving and excessive consumption.”
He also told the DLF there’s a need to start disputes among fellow citizens, saying: “that I tell my neighbor, listen, why did you book a cruise, who gives you the right to drive an SUV, why do you have to make a flight to the ski vacation, too?”

2 tonnes of CO2 per year
He also tells the DLF that every child needs to understand that in order to rescue the planet, every person should have two to two and a half tons of CO2 at their disposal every year.
He sees no chance of policymaking and technology ushering in the needed course change.
So what is needed to get society to change? It won’t be easy telling people to profoundly go without, so Paech tells the DLF it will take “a minority of people in Germany who are willing and able to live like this” and thus demonstrate “that it is possible”.
There’s no indication from the interview that Paech himself is setting an example and emitting only 2 tonnes of CO2 annually. And when we see the lifestyles of other leading activists calling for the same, then it all looks awfully hopeless for the global warmists’ movement.


The call in the above article about radical changes mirrors Paul Masons manifesto above. Though I think reducing our consumer oriented society is a good idea in itself, I don't think it is done on the bases of lies and radical changes by a new virtue signalling elite. If Germany gets de-industrialised, then it will soon find itself on the level of a third world country, which will mean massive poverty and a reduction in life expectancy.

Another article is about a national German broadcaster which calls for people to be punished for sinning against the 'climate god'. Ok, that is my words to it, but they are not far from the original.

Overshoot Day: German ARD Public Television Calls For Consumers To Be Punished By “So Damn Expensive” Prices
By P Gosselin on 31. July 2019

Green hubris: ARD German public television commentary labels its audience “consumption addicts” – mentally ill – and pleads they be punished with “so damn expensive” prices.
Germany’s equivalent of the BBC, publicly (forced) funded ARD Broadcasting aired a commentary on Monday evening by journalist Lorenz Beckhardt. The commentary was to respond to the latest Earth Overshoot Day report. Beckhardt’s angry commentary was a scathing tirade against western society’s “addiction to consumerism” and an unveiled call for a collective punishment so harsh so as to lead to submission.
According to international sustainability organization Global Footprint Network, humanity has already used up nature’s resource budget for the entire year. According to the organization, this means that humanity needs almost 2 earths to satiate the human demand for her resources.
Over the years, Germany’s massive ARD public broadcasting network has increasingly moved to the left, and has since embraced extreme environmentalism and climate protection. And if anyone had any doubts about this, Beckhardt’s anti-free market tirade last Monday night puts these doubts to rest.

In his angry 1-min 41 sec. tirade, Beckhardt tells the audience how he’s fed up with hearing year after year how western societies are consuming way beyond the limits and that nothing is being done about it. He demands that policymakers take action to punish the ARD audience.

Consumption junkie
To drive home his point, Beckhardt admits how earlier in the evening he too had “a nice piece of meat on the grill” and that this is something he has “often”. He also tells the audience he often uses his car and flies all over the world because he loves coral reefs. He admits: “I’m a consumption junkie” and that he cannot help it.
He says he does it because “it’s fun, rewarding, enjoyment, lust and everyone else does it.” Next he indirectly calls the entire audience mentally ill, addicts who are in need of extremely harsh medicine.

Beckhardt’s “so damn expensive” medicine
Beckhardt then characterizes western consumption as a disease, telling the nationwide audience:

What’s astonishing is that the ARD is perfectly comfortable with airing such deranged commentaries that call for the draconian blanket punishment of its audience while harboring the delusion that we all want this punishment and that we would all vote for it.
Here’s what the ARD and the Greens really want to say: “Make meat, car driving and flying so damn expensive that you all get yourselves off it. Please! Quickly! Then only the very rich, the elite and me – the ARD journalist – will afford it. The rest of you will live as peasants in serfdom.”
And if that doesn’t take the cake:

So the journalist makes a public confession of 'sinning' by eating meat, going on holidays and consuming, and then he aks the governments for punishment.

Again, globalisation and massive wars by the hegemon and its lackies is not even questioned. Instead, the call is to punish the little people so the rich and those who promote their views, such as Beckhardt can continue to live their current lifestyle of luxury while the rest of humanity is relegated to death, starvation and poverty, which will be the result of such radical action.
Another article from the "Let them eat cake" department:

Let them sail yachts: Why Greta Thunberg and the environmental elite hate you
Published time: 31 Jul, 2019 18:04

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg will sail across the Atlantic by boat to attend two climate conferences. But the teenager’s carbon-neutral odyssey reveals the disregard – even contempt – the elite have for the rest of us.

Thunberg shot to fame for organizing school walkouts against climate change last year. A series of talks lamenting her generation’s impending doom have since made her the poster child for a strange, apocalyptic brand of environmentalism, with British lawmakers nodding along to her declaration that “we probably don’t even have a future anymore” in April, and the world’s power-brokers listening intently to her exhortation that they should “feel the fear I feel every day,” made at the World Economic Forum in Davos several months earlier.
She offers only one path to salvation: an immediate halt to all carbon emissions – there can be no compromise.

6,654 people are talking about this

Thunberg practices what she preaches, though, and eschews all forms of internal combustion while she treks from climate conference to parliamentary speech. Rather than fly to the UN Climate Action Summit in New York next month, Thunberg will sail, a journey expected to take two weeks.

However, the young proselytizer will not cobble together a boat from upcycled oil drums and driftwood. Instead she’ll be traveling on the Malizia II, a 60-foot racing yacht. The Malizia II is loaded with eco-friendly innovations, like a lightened hull and an array of solar panels powering a backup turbine.

Its crew are also a far cry from the ragtag band of crusties you might imagine. The Malizia II will be captained by renowned yachtsman Boris Herrmann and Pierre Casiraghi, grandson of Monaco’s late Prince Ranier III and actress Grace Kelly. The boat, too, was once named the Edmond de Rothschild, after the financial baron and founder of a fleet of racing yachts. Its construction cost upwards of €4 million.
Despite the cheers of bourgeois bugmen, Greta’s trip of a lifetime reveals the feckless elitism at the heart of her activism. Sailing across the Atlantic on a multimillion dollar racing yacht is a wonderful stand against climate change when you’re Greta Thunberg. But to dock in New York and demand the miserable masses give up car and air travel is the ultimate in anti-humanitarianism.
Us common folk don’t have access to vessels like the Malizia II. In Thunberg’s utopia, we’d have to row. And even if we did, how many of us can take two weeks’ annual vacation just to get to America to see our friends? Or hire actual Monegasque royalty to get us there in one piece?

ALSO ON RT.COMFrench MPs call for boycott of address by environmentalist ‘apocalyptic guru’ Greta Thunberg

The airplane and the automobile have democratized travel, and Thunberg wants to take that away from us. Troublingly, Thunberg is not a lone crusader. As she addressed the British parliament in April, the streets of London were thronged with ‘Extinction Rebellion’ climate protesters. Holding placards demanding an end to fossil fuels, meat eating and, seemingly, modernity itself, these activists visibly and forcefully demanded the government strong-arm them into being green. “Please tread on me,” they may as well have cried.

Extinction Rebellion protesters occupy London's Waterloo Bridge in April © Reuters / Simon Dawson

In the US, 104 members of Congress have co-sponsored the ‘Green New Deal,’ an ambitious piece of legislation that calls for a complete abolition of fossil fuel consumption by 2050, alongside government-mandated wealth redistribution programs. An earlier draft of the Green New Deal also called for the immediate elimination of air travel and “farting cows,”and for the dismantling of industry.
The green fervor preached by Thunberg et al. has two potential outcomes. In one scenario, the political elite will listen to her sermons, clap politely, pose for selfies and then go back to doing nothing: case in point, her meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, who rode to power promising environmental reforms, but found his cities almost razed by protesters when he tried so much as a fuel tax hike last year.

ALSO ON RT.COMIf Greta Thunberg worries about end of the world, why does she pose with status quo politicians?

The second, more terrifying outcome, is that Thunberg’s pontification will become policy. And, if the world’s governments decide to commit civilizational hara-kiri like this, they already have a propaganda department working overtime to bludgeon the masses with their message.
The elite don’t just want to regulate how you travel and how you heat your home. They want to control what you eat and how you breed, too. Open the pages of any mainstream magazine; turn on your television; scroll through any mainstream news site and you’ll see headlines like “To feed the world, why not eat bugs?,” “Eating insects is good for you – and the planet!,” “To Confront Climate Change, the Modern Automobile Must Die,” and “Want to fight climate change? Have fewer children.”
Thunberg, her elite backers, and their court scribes – if they’re to be taken at their word – want you alone, immobile and, literally, eating insects in the name of environmentalism.
By Graham Dockery
Graham Dockery is an Irish journalist working for RT since March 2018

It is obvious for anyone with eyes to see that she has strong backers and is being used for the religion of climate change.

how can germans be so utterly stupid ???
how can germans be so utterly stupid ???
As everyone else which follow and create the climate policies...
New York Becomes 1st State to Ban Gas Stoves (in new buildings so far)
New York has become the first state in the country to ban natural gas stoves after the state Legislature approved a new state budget that includes a prohibition on fossil fuel combustion in most new buildings starting in 2026.
The final vote followed weeks of what Gov. Kathy Hochul called “very intense” negotiations that led to the May 2 passage of the $229 billion state budget, which includes a ban on gas stoves, furnaces, and propane heating in favor of appliances such as heat pumps and electric stoves.

Republican leaders in the state Senate criticized the measure, saying it would drive up utility bills and housing costs.

Hochul said in an appearance on FOX 5’s “Good Day New York” on May 2 that the passage of the budget caps—a weeks-long process of closed-door talks—involved “a lot of give and take, a lot of strong feelings, a lot of emotion” around topics that included the natural gas ban.
The measure prohibits the installation of fossil fuel equipment in new buildings under seven stories by 2026 and by 2029 in taller ones, effectively requiring all-electric heating and cooking.

There are exemptions for places such as hospitals, manufacturing facilities, and restaurants. Existing buildings are also exempt from the ban. YET?
The provisions of the new budget deal will help meet the goals of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), state Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie said in a statement.

The spending plan will establish a “climate action fund” that will gather revenues generated from CLCPA regulations and channel that to various projects related to climate change.
As everyone else which follow and create the climate policies...
New York Becomes 1st State to Ban Gas Stoves (in new buildings so far)
So, here’s something I have been meaning to share, related to this-- We purchased a new electric stove not long ago, and carefully followed all the instructions for “breaking it in”, etc. But very soon, we noticed that it took an extremely long time to boil a tea kettle on any of the top burners. We thought it was defective, but then I searched online to discover others complaining of the same problem. Here, we discovered the underlying issue:

Starting in 2018, UL (Underwriter's Laboratory) regulations require all electric coil top ranges to have temperature limiting capabilities to reduce the risk of cooktop oil and grease fires.

So everytime the water starts to get hot enough to start boiling, the heating coil cycles off and back on! This means it can take longer than 10 minutes just to boil a kettle. Our work-around now is using an electric kettle, which takes 3 minutes to heat up the same volume of water. So, given increasing regulations protecting us from ourselves and saving the environment(!), it seems we will be “enjoying“ more of these types of problems...
So everytime the water starts to get hot enough to start boiling, the heating coil cycles off and back on! This means it can take longer than 10 minutes just to boil a kettle. Our work-around now is using an electric kettle, which takes 3 minutes to heat up the same volume of water. So, given increasing regulations protecting us from ourselves and saving the environment(!), it seems we will be “enjoying“ more of these types of problems...

This whole situation of the greenwash agenda is utterly laughable, but also infuriating!
And... as if the elites will go without gas - or power, for that matter, even when there are cuts for everyone else.

I guess the only thing you can do with the stove is start warming up another element so you can switch to that part way through the process to actually boil your water. How ridiculous.

Maybe using a portable gas stove is an option to boil water (and to cook your meal quickly before you end up with botulism!)
Ugh... Are they going to outlaw gas BBQ's as well? :lol2:

And then breathing...? :ohboy:
i cannot grasp how the dutch gov. can be SOOOO stupid.
Oh well, his wont bode well either. Europe Union surpass the barrier of stupidity, what is called beyond that?

Commission approves €1.47 billion Dutch schemes to -close their production of livestock farmers capacity, and that they will not start the same breeding activity elsewhere in the Netherlands or within the EU

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, two Dutch schemes with a total budget of around €1.47 billion to reduce nitrogen deposition on nature conservation areas. The measures will contribute to the EU's strategic objectives relating to the European Green Deal.
The Dutch measures

The Netherlands notified the Commission of its plans to adopt two schemes, called LBV and LBV plus, to compensate livestock farmers for the voluntary definitive closure of livestock husbandry sites in the overburdened Natura 2000 areas, as defined in the national legislation.
Voluntarily by force ? As we know it can happen. The authorities will do everything they can to make life difficult for them.
The schemes, which can run until 27 February 2028, are open to small and medium-sized livestock farmers in the Netherlands that voluntary close their breeding sites, provided that their current nitrogen deposition load exceed certain minimum levels.
Under the €500 million LBV scheme, the aid will take the form of direct grants to compensate up to 100% of the losses incurred by farmers who decide to close their dairy cattle, pig and poultry breeding sites, in particular relating to the loss of production capacity and of production rights. Depending on the area where the breeding site is situated, to be eligible under the LBV scheme, the breeding site concerned has to have certain minimum levels of nitrogen deposition load per year.
The €975 million LBV plus scheme will be open to so-called peak-load emitting breeding sites who emit a high level of nitrogen per year, fixed as a minimum level. As the LBV scheme, it will also be open to farmers breeding dairy cattle, pigs and poultry and, in addition, to farmers breeding veal calves. Also under this measure, the aid will take the form of direct grants to compensate up to 100% of the losses incurred by farmers who decide to close their breeding sites, in particular in relation to the loss of production rights as well as to demolition costs. As regards the loss of production capacity, under the LBV plus scheme, the farmers concerned may receive up to 120% as compensation.
Under the schemes, the beneficiaries guarantee that the closure of their production capacity is definitive and irreversible, and that they will not start the same breeding activity elsewhere in the Netherlands or within the EU.
The Commission's assessment

The Commission assessed the schemes under EU State aid rules, in particular Article 107(3)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘TFEU') and under the 2023 Guidelines for State aid in the agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areas. The Commission found that:
The aid facilitates the closure of certain sites, in favour of the sustainable and environmentally friendly development of livestock farming. At the same time, it supports the objectives of key EU policy initiatives such as the European Green Deal.
Bug farms I guess.
The schemes are necessary and appropriate to improve the environmental conditions of the targeted areas and to allow a high quality, sustainable and environmentally friendly production. In addition, the aid is proportionate, as it is limited to the minimum necessary.
Proportionate, minimum?
"you will own nothing, and will be happy"
The aid brings about positive effects that outweigh any potential distortion of competition and trade in the EU. Moreover, the beneficiaries commit to the definitive closure of their livestock production. This commitment also binds any future purchaser or user of the livestock site concerned.
I am speechless at such idiocy.
Hope all farmers, dutch and EU ones give these psychopaths a lot of fight.
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