"The Prayer of the Soul" Translations

Hello all!

I've made some changes to the Portuguese translation of POTS currently online:

Portuguese (before)

Oh Divina Mente Cósmica
Santa Consciencia em Toda a Criação
Transportada no coração
Soberana da mente
Salvadora da alma
Vive em mim hoje
Se o meu pão de cada dia
Assim como dou pão a outros
Ajuda-me a crescer em conhecimento
De Toda a Criação
Limpa meus olhos
Para que possa Ver
Limpa meus ouvidos
Para que possa escutar
Purifica meu coração
Para que possa conhecer e amar
A Santidade da Verdadeira Existencia
Divina Mente Cósmica

Portuguese (after)

Oração da Alma

Ó Divina Mente Cósmica
Sagrada Percepção em Toda a Criação
Trazida no coração
Soberana da mente
Salvadora da Alma
Viva em mim hoje
Seja meu Pão de cada dia
Assim como dou pão aos outros
Ajude-me a crescer no conhecimento
De toda a criação
Limpe meus olhos
Para que eu veja
Limpe minhas orelhas
Para que eu ouça
Desobstrua meu coração
Para que eu possa conhecer e amar
A Santidade da verdadeira existência
Divina mente cósmica

Some minor changes overall, but I believe it's more precise and closer to the original now.
The Prayer of The Soul in Jamtlandic

Hello! Because I'm very passionate about preserving my near extinct native language, Jamtlandic, a group of Old Norse dialects spoken in Jamtland, on the Scandinavian Peninsula, once a proper part of Norway but snatched away from Norway by the Swedes in the latter half of the 1600s. Ever since the influence from the conquering Swedish language has been devastating to Jamtlandic. It's nothing short of a miracle genuine Jamtlandic is alive at all. And of course, as a Newbie here in this forum, I'm delighted to share my translation of The Prayer of The Soul in Jamtlandic. There are several old pronunciation features still in use in the genuine language, and I've given them in this translation. Also added existing pronunciation alternatives written in a weaker colour.


Å Gudommela Allhtsinn
Heilage varleikjen at heile Skaparverskan
Böre ini hjarstan
[also: Böre ini hjartan]
Styrarn at sinnan
Frelsarn at Sjeln
Lev ini meg idag
Væ Dagjelabröye mett
Likeins jeg gi ænrom bröye
Hjalp kjennskapn menn te å grö seg te
Ti heile Skaparverskan
Lett auga mine skjekkjen
[also: Lett auga miin skjekkjen]
Fordi jeg gjett sjå
Fli öyra mine
[also: Fli öyra miin]
Fordi jeg gjett lye [also: Fördi jeg gjett lyy]
Fniss hjarste mett [also: Fniss hjarte mett]
Fordi jeg gjett kjenne å haugfell [also: Fördi jeg gjett kjeenn å haugfell]
Heilagskapn at pure Allheima
Gudommela Allhtsinn

Takk! Thank You!
I translated the Prayer of the Soul into Swiss German dialect quite a long time ago but had forgotten about it until recently. I use the English version but recognise that our mother tongue may strike a deeper chord in our being.


S Gebät vo de Seel

Oh göttlich kosmische Geischt
heiligs Bewusstsii vo de ganze Schöpfig
Treit im Härz
Gebieter vom Geischt
Erlöser vo de Seel
Bis hüt lebändig i mir
Bis mis tägliche Brot
Wie au ich anderne Brot gib
Hilf mer mit em Wüssenswachstum
Über die ganz Schöpfig
Klär mini Auge
Demit ich gseh
Klär mini Ohre
Demit ich ghör
Lüter mis Herz
Demit ich d Heiligkeit
vo de Wahre Exischtänz
erkänne und liebe mag.
Göttlich kosmische Geischt.
our mother tongue may strike a deeper chord in our being.
That seems to be so. The study below shows words in our mother tongue affects the brain differently than words of an acquired language.
Brain activity reveals mother tongue

The Associated Press
Mon, 26 May 2008 19:17 UTC

ROME: No one can read our thoughts, for now, but some scientists believe they can at least figure out in what language we do our thinking.

Before we utter a single word, experts can gauge our mother tongue and the level of proficiency in other languages by analyzing our brain activity while we read, scientists working with Italy's National Research Council say.

For more than a year, a team of scientists experimented on 15 interpreters, revealing what they say were surprising differences in brain activity when the subjects were shown words in their native language and in other languages they spoke.

The findings show how differently the brain absorbs and recalls languages learned in early childhood and later in life, said Alice Mado Proverbio, a professor of cognitive electrophysiology at the Milano-Bicocca University in Milan.

Proverbio, who led the study, said such research could help doctors communicate with patients suffering from amnesia or diseases that impair speech. It could also be of use one day in questioning refugee applicants or terror suspects to determine their origin, she said.

The interpreters who took part in the study were all Italians working for the European Union and translating in English and Italian.

"They were extremely fluent in English," Proverbio said in a telephone interview earlier this month. "We didn't expect a big difference in brain activity" when they switched from one language to another.

The subjects were asked to look at a screen that flashed words in Italian, English, German as well as nonsensical letter combinations. They were not aware of the purpose of the study and were simply tasked with pressing a button when they spotted a specific symbol, Proverbio said.

Meanwhile, researchers monitored them using an electroencephalograph, or EEG, which measures the brain's electrical activity through electrodes placed on the scalp. The EEG readout was fed into a computer program that pinpointed the time, intensity and location of the responses evoked in the subjects' brains by each word.

About 170 milliseconds after a word was shown, the researchers recorded a peak in electrical activity in the left side of the brain, in an area that recognizes letters as part of words before their meaning is interpreted.

These brain waves had a much higher amplitude when the word was in Italian, the language the interpreters had learned before age five.

"The research suggests the differences between the two languages are at a very fundamental level," said Joseph Dien, a psychology professor at the University of Kansas who was not involved in the study.

Proverbio attributed the differences to the fact the brain absorbs the mother tongue at a time when it is also storing early visual, acoustic, emotional and other nonlinguistic knowledge. This means that the native language triggers a series of associations within the brain that show up as increased electrical activity.

"Our mother tongue is the language we use to think, dream and feel emotion," Proverbio said.

Offering an example, she said that an English-speaking child would associate the word "knife" with a sharp, cold object that is dangerous and should only be used by adults, while these links would be much weaker and indirect once that person learned the same word in another language later in life.

The only exception would be for those bilingual individuals who learn an extra language before age five.

The findings by Proverbio's team were published earlier this year in the Biological Psychology journal and have surprised some scientists, particularly because the differences in brain activity show up at a point in the thought process when the brain hasn't yet interpreted the meaning of the words.

"I didn't expect such differences at the very beginning of the process," Dien said in a telephone interview.

"They emerge at a very early level of comprehension," he said. "It will take a lot more work to work out the implications of that."

Dien said further research in the area could help understand and treat learning disabilities like dyslexia.

The Italian study also showed links between brain activity and proficiency in other languages. The differences showed up when the translators were shown words in English and in German, a language they knew at a more basic level, Proverbio said.

In this case, the differences in intensity and duration of the brain's activity were seen some 250 milliseconds after a word was shown, and were traced to areas of the brain used to understand the meaning of words.

This phenomenon had been already discovered by previous studies which, however, had not spotted any difference between the mother tongue and other languages spoken with high proficiency. This had suggested that with some effort "we could all become perfectly bilingual," Proverbio said. "Unfortunately, that's not true."
The above was just one study, and it studied interpreters, but what if they had studied people who used the secondary language 24/7. These may not be so proficient and correct with grammar and vocabulary, but by using the secondary language in many different life situations, including those that involve the sensation of objects, the expression of emotional content and analytical reflection, perhaps the secondary language becomes associated with more areas of the brain. At least I have to object to the claim one can not dream in another language; it seems to me that internalization at a deep level is more important than knowing a language at the intellectual level of an interpreter.

When I do the meditation with a recording, I follow the English and often without thinking of the mother tongue. When I do it alone, I use my mother tongue. The calming effect is the same, but it is possible that the meaning level of the prayer is appreciated differently as the above study suggests. What experiences do others have?
our mother tongue may strike a deeper chord in our being.
In the article below there is another view of the mother tongue: Is It Possible To Forget Your Mother Tongue? An Introduction To Language Attrition.
Language attrition
is the progressive loss of a language due to lack of use. It’s a little known but relatively common phenomenon that can happen to people who have little or no contact with their language of origin, such as émigrés who leave their home country at a young age.
From this perspective there is no guarantee that the mother tongue in all cases would light up more areas in the brain.

Dear Admin is there a option do edit my first post ? or someone can edit it with up-to-date transcription ?
I agree with the replies above. From having taught the program for about a year now, I can tell you that hardly anybody finds it weird. People are used to "Be my Daily Bread". The rare ones who don't like it usually replace "Bread" with "energy" or "nourrishment". It provides with a good opportunity to discuss the meaning of that verse. The EE practitioners that are on the diet also joke about it and say "Be my Dialy Blinis" ;D
For me "daily bread" suits very well. Although I dont eat bread I feel the nurishing moment in these words.
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"Molitva Duse"
Here is Macedonian Translations:

О Божествен космички уму
Света Свесност во целото создавање
Носен во срцето
Господар на мислите
Спасител на душата
Живеј во мене денес
Биди мој дневен леб
Како што јас им давам леб на другите
Помогни ми да растам во знаењето
За севкупното создавање
Исчисти ми ги очите
За да можам да видам
Исчисти ми ги ушите
За да можам да слушнам
Исчисти ми го срцето
За да можам да знам и да сакам
Светост на вистинското постоење
Божествен космички уму
"Молитва на Душата"
Bonjour, voici une autre version française de la Prière de l'âme, que j'avais traduite pour moi-même, avant de découvrir ce fil de discussion. Elle est un peu différente de la version sur ce fil. J'ai pensé que je pourrais la publier ici, au cas où quelqu'un la trouverait intéressante. Vos commentaires sont appréciés.

Hello, this is the French version of the Prayer of the Soul that I had translated for myself, before I found this thread. It's somehow different from the version on this thread. Just thought I could post it here in case someone finds it usefull. Your feedback is welcome.

La prière de l'âme

Oh Conscience Cosmique Divine
Intelligence bénie de toute la Création
Portée dans le cœur
Toi qui guide l'Esprit et
Sauve les Âmes
Vis en moi maintenant
Sois mon pain quotidien
Comme je partage le pain avec autrui
Aide-moi à grandir dans la Connaissance
De toute la création
Purifie mes yeux
Que je puisse voir
Purifie mes oreilles
Que je puisse entendre
Purifie mon cœur
Que je puisse connaitre et aimer
La Perfection de l'Existence véritable
Conscience Cosmique Divine
Oh Divine Cosmic Mind
Holy Awareness in All Creation
Carried in the heart
Ruler of the mind
Savior of the Soul
Live in me today
Be my Daily Bread
As I give bread to others
Help me grow in knowledge
Of All Creation
Clear my eyes
That I may See
Clear my ears
That I may hear
Cleanse my heart
That I may know and love
The Holiness of True Existence
Divine Cosmic Mind
Awesome to see it spelled out so clearly right here in all these different languages. 🙏
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