Aragorn said:
Inspired by the supermoon today (where I live it's actually too cloudy to see it ) I came up with a Finnish translation of the POTS. It goes like this:
"Sielun Rukous
Oi Jumalainen Kosminen Mieli
Koko Luomakunnan Pyhä Tietoisuus
Sydämessä kannettu
Mielen hallitsija
Sielun pelastaja
Asu minussa tänään
Ole jokapäiväinen leipäni
Niin kuin minä annan leipää muille
Auta kasvattamaan tietämystäni
Koko Luomakunnasta
Selvennä silmäni
Voidakseni Nähdä
Selvennä korvani
Voidakseni kuulla
Puhdista sydämeni
Jotta voin koskettaa ja rakastaa
Oikean Olemassaolon Pyhyyttä
Jumalainen Kosminen Mieli"
Happy supermoon everyone! :)
EDIT: Changed the word 'ymmärtää' to 'koskettaa'. I'd like to use the word 'tuntea', but then the word 'Pyhyyttä' would have to be 'Pyhyyden', and since the word 'rakastaa' requires 'Pyhyyttä' there's no way around it except with changing the word to this one. The word 'koskettaa' means to touch or to feel. I'll have to think about this and see if I come up with another solution.
In my opinion this is a clear and well done translation. My mother tongue is English but I've been told that my Finnish is close to a native (although I don't feel that way, myself, although I think in Finnish when I speak it).
Interesting use of "koskettaa" - my question how close is that to tietää, ymmärtää, to really know? If one can touch something, can you really
know something? "Koskettaa" in my mind evokes the connotation of emotion, as in "touching", for example
"it touches me <emotionally>" but also the fact the root word is "touch" it has that concrete, practical sense to it - so I can see why you would consider that word.
The word "pelastaja", which is a direct translation of "saviour", is the only word in the whole POTS that sticks out for me, at least as first, as my religious programming would get stirred by this word. As for all of my life, "pelastaja" = "saviour" =Jesus via atoning blood shed to the ground. It stands out even more for me in Finnish as I have heard loads of conservative-lutheran sermons in Finnish while I have lived here, until I gave up that conservative christian belief system completely some time at the end of 2009, even though I probably didn't believe with my heart in that kind of Christianity since probably 2006.
I have always meant to go the thread (among many intentions coming up short) about the POTS and ask for my clarity around that word "Saviour" . I have always thought of it as more as "developer" of the soul but that sounds too impersonal and business-corporate like. :)
These are just some initial thoughts, and I will try and and get back to this some time (read: huge procrastination program set in place :) )