As I said before, these books were written for the vast majority of sleeping mechanical people, and not necessarily for forumites. That does not mean that there aren't useful bits of information that could potentially help us here.
There is a lot of room here to fall into black and white thinking in several directions. What I mean is that when we say, "Well, this may not necessarily apply to forumites," that doesn't mean it doesn't apply to you (generic "you" here) simply because you don't think it does - or because you don't want it to.
As we know from all of our psychology reading, the #1 thing that silly humans do is invent creative and dramatic rationalizations for why we do the things we do.
Of all the elements of Life on 3d Earth, relationships are probably the area where this tendency is the strongest.
IOW, we can think that we're so spiritual now, all that stuff is so base and beneath us, etc. And yet the reality may be that - as usual - we're lying to ourselves in the sense that we ignore any mention of the "base" stuff because we're trying very hard to ignore the fact that we're still strongly affected by it.
In addition to throwing the baby out with the bathwater and going all "Red Pill" and anti-women after reading these types of books, there is also a flip side: Throwing the baby out with the bathwater by insisting that no no that's not me, I'm above that now, etc. Neither is very productive in terms of learning about ourselves and others.
While topics like polar opposites and more spiritual relationships are nice to talk about, what I would call the successful relationships in our extended group are those where, at a very practical level, there is far more thinking and considering and HARD WORK to make it actually go (and stay) well.
You might say that's not very exciting or spiritual, but as we understand things now, getting a grip on oneself and understanding the machine IS the spiritual work. Ergo, most likely our high and mighty and sparkly ideas of relationships are just as distorted and corrupted as hardcore Redpillers' ideas of being a Macho Man who just uses women or the rabid feminists' ideas of being, doing, and having everything and to heck with Evil Men.
If you want to understand how crazy feminists think, you need to dive in. If you want to understand how MRA and MGTOW and Red Pillers think, you need to dive in.
In neither case do you need to embrace every single thing you find. In fact, you shouldn't!
I agree with many things that feminists say. I disagree with many things that rabid feminists say. Sometimes, I can't even tell if a person is a normal feminist or a rabid one. One person may say different things at different times! Why? I dunno. That doesn't change the fact that I still may agree with
some things they say.
In this age of absolute hysteria about darn near everything, context is EVERYTHING. Nuances are everything.
It isn't enough to simply add up the "good" and "bad" and then make a decision. The context of the "good" and "bad" need to be understood.
It's like: "Russia fired missiles in Syria! They're an evil dictatorship that wants to rule the world!" Well, what about the missiles you fired in 3000 other countries? Why did they fire their missiles? Why did you fire your missiles? What was happening in those locations at those times? What else have they done besides firing missiles?
And even then, reserve the right to change and expand your understanding as time progresses and new information roles in.