The Situation In Germany

The fact alone that Merz clearly stated that he considers working with the greens, SPD and others after the election, clearly means, as Weidel keeps mentioning, that you can already see that Merz/CDU will basically create a government that will do the same things as before and the exact opposite of what CDU/Merz are now suddenly claiming and probably most of the population demands. It also means that exactly the same government that just collapsed because of their extremely bad performance will be back in power with exactly the same people leading it!

Weidel/AfD is right and smart in pointing out that simple fact over and over again. But is also means that even if you are programmed and have just half a brain left, that you can’t/shouldn’t vote for the CDU and instead either not vote at all, vote for a small party like BSW which can hardly make any changes, or for the AfD. That fact alone could make quite some difference in this election (if no frauds take place).
people in germany have concerns.
ignoring such concerns is equivalent to censor them.
we do not like to be ignored and censored.
the only solution is to vote for the only party which acknowledges such concerns and proposes actions.
if such actions are deemed "undemocratic", this is only a fake denomination which does NOT resolve the real problem.
comparing with hitler is stupid because h initially tried to rescue a germany EXCESSIVELY punished for having initiated ww1.
you punish a dog too much, it bites back.
a country ruined by woke and stupid AND INCOMPETENT greens, AND STUPID EU GREENS, MUST resist to be able to return to common sense living, as trump does in the usa, which are at the origin of all this wokeness for not explicitely stated reasons.
lies come back with a vengeance...
So, realistically speaking, you can’t really compare Germany with the spirit and way that ordinary people like in America fight and think.
It is also said that Germans are slow to change course, but once they do they do it thoroughly and completely (sometimes overdoing it).

One thing I do not understand about the AfD is why they keep people like Hoecke who make it easy to defame the whole party as "far-right extremists". Do they need people like that for their success?
[..] West-Germans have been brainwashed and guilt-tripped so hard since WWII by the US/the West that they would rather "deFeNd dEmoCraCy" than voting for what they actually believe and what's in their interests. The "Nazi cudgel", amazingly, still works in West Germany. There are even many super-conservative or libertarian people who agree with almost everything the AfD says yet don't support it because "muh Nazis" (I follow some of them on X).

The post-war resolve never to repeat the Nazi experience has over the decades been turned into an empty political ritual especially in Western Germany. The mainstream mass media are using it as a tool to quell dissent and free thinking..

As I understand it doesn't seem to be the case in the East where people feel free to vote as they want because the former communist regime had been telling them that all of the Nazis had left their jurisdiction for the West. The guilt ploy wouldn't have worked as they would have had to admit that they failed in eradicating fascism.

It's like vaccination time all over again. Especially Westerners receive their regular propaganda shots by the MSM immunizing them against the viruses of reality. The adverse reactions will probably have to become much stronger for those people to reject the ongoing 'vaccinations' and find a better treatment for their fears and problems.

All we can do is hope that it won't take a total collapse of society for them to wake up.
One thing I do not understand about the AfD is why they keep people like Hoecke who make it easy to defame the whole party as "far-right extremists". Do they need people like that for their success?

He's wildly successful and popular, and his state (Thuringia) is one of the strongest "Landesverbände" (state-level party organization), so it's not so easy to just get rid of him.

Also, if you listen to interviews with him, hard to disagree with anything he says. In fact he comes across as almost moderate, especially if you are primed to see him as this evil extremist. He just likes to stir up debate by using certain older words loosely associated with Nazism in the heads of the mainstream left, so he's a bit of a provocateur. He might have said a few spicier things many years ago, but even that is contested.

There have been attempts by some in the AfD to get rid of him, but thankfully, they haven't gained the upper hand and most of the party simply decided to not give a damn about how the mainstream media frames them and their candidates. Good for them. Even if some party members disagree with some of Höcke's views, cancelling him for wrongthink would set a precedent, and next thing you know half the party gets cancelled for saying something a little out there. They do purge literal neo-Nazis and the like, however.

(If you want to find out why they call Höcke evil, here's a Google translate of the German Wikipedia article about him, which collects all the dirt they have on him. It's basically a mix of pearl-clutching, guilt by association etc.: Björn Höcke – Wikipedia)
It is also said that Germans are slow to change course, but once they do they do it thoroughly and completely (sometimes overdoing it).

One thing I do not understand about the AfD is why they keep people like Hoecke who make it easy to defame the whole party as "far-right extremists". Do they need people like that for their success?

I haven’t followed the Hoecke thing all too closely. What is certain is that the current establishment stops at no defamation if you are even slightly critical towards how they do things. On the basis of this background and other realities I would never follow along with narratives that the mainstream is putting out about people especially if I don’t know the person or situation. Unfortunately many germans just follow along with pretty extreme defamations about people, even if they have done zero research on their own about any such cases.

Interestingly Weidel recently made it pretty clear that she thinks it was a mistake from her personally and/or her party to treat Hoecke in that way and she considers him a decent man. Despite that, this must surely look very bad for many of the brainwashed people, shortly before the election. She even went as far as saying that she would consider Hoecke to play a minister role in her government. One could speculate that this is just a foolish or even “dangerous“ thing to do from Alice but one could also speculate that this is quite a courageous thing to do.
So, it is hard to tell. And as Gawan said, even if AfD gets most votes, our strange “democratic“ system could create a government that excludes the AfD! At least that is how I understand it.
That's what happened in Austria right now. We had elections in September and the FPÖ had the majority - but only about 29%. The normal way would have been that the - not my president Van der Bellen - should have given order to them to establish a government. He did not do so but gave order to the other parties, SPÖ, ÖVP and Neos (if I remember correctly) . After weeks of useless talkings they failed. So the president gave finally orders to the FPÖ. The FPÖ negotiated with the ÖVP to form a government, but it was quite obvious from the beginning that the ÖVP did not want to do this kind of coalition and Herbert Kickl, chairman of the FPÖ had to quit these talkings and gave back his order to the president.
Now we will have a government made by ÖVP and SPÖ - obviously the wish from Brussels. The FPÖ is the most dangerous party to them.)
(ÖVP might be compared with CDU/CSU, SPÖ are the socialists, Neos are some kind of liberal party).
Herbert Kickl, the chairman of the FPÖ made a statement about the failure of the coalition talks where everyone could see and hear about the wickedness of this ÖVP (and all the powers that are behind this party). He is an honest man and has tried to get Austria out of the disastrous situation it now finds itself in. Well, maybe next time - IF there is a next election ..
In terms of what Alice Weidel (head of the AfD) is doing, she is IMO basically doing everything I hoped Wagenknecht (head of BSW) would do and dismally failed to do:

- While still engaging in mainstream discourse on all the fake news channels she is also actively bypassing the legacy media/power by talking and engaging with alternative people and new media sources.

- She is saying something (and not seldomly “controversial“ and daring stuff by mainstream standards) and instead of giving into the propaganda pressure, she holds the line.

- She is willing to make compromises in order that the AfD could really actively change things in Germany and not just be a passive opposition party with nothing to say.

- She refuses to defame and betray people, even if she is put under enormous propaganda pressure to do so.

- She dares to make bold and even risky steps and not just play things safely.

- She generally seems to possess quite some courage and integrity.
And by the way, even though Wagenknecht made it rather clear already that she wouldn’t work with the AfD, I would personally consider it a rather extreme betrayal of her voters if she would refuse to work with the AfD, in case they would ask her to do so after the election. At least on paper the AfD and BSW policies/ideas are very close to eachother, so I would consider Wagenknecht refusing to do so because of “they are Nazi propaganda“ another pretty bad sign of her integrity and truthfulness that she wants things to change for the better in Germany.
This whole talk is a bit schizo , yankee troops on Germany to defend .... from invasion ? from who ? muricans ? wait a min. ....

( Charlie Kirk is playing on words methinks , " Germany's entire defense is subsidized (...) " should read as " Germany's entire occupation" ? )
JD Vance elaborating further on the core problem in Germany:

An indication that America could opt out of NATO, or, at the very least, remove their Troops from germany or stop funding Germany, if basic democratic values are not established again?

Maybe that is one reason why Vance said what he said in Munich in the first place?

And it looks like Germany will keep the AfD out of government even if they get the most votes. So something like that could happen rather soon?
The current poll from The participation is not really overwhelming, with about 1,300 people asked. The CDU lost again 1 point and the AfD got one point stronger. Amazingly, the Greens still get a stable 14 % and even the SPD is still high up, considering what they are responsible for. Many commentators are questioning the results in general and also in the past polls, and are wondering the same.

Here are U18 (under 18) results; that organization organises "fake" election for kids to see how the children would vote, as it is one of the constant topic in Germany to lower the voting age to 16. I wonder why... :rolleyes:

I´m not sure how this elections were done, but I have a feeling that it is simply priming kids on how to vote, with wokeism leading on the board.
The Left Party received the most votes from young people, with 20.8 percent of the total. This was followed by the SPD with 17.9 percent, the CDU/CSU with 15.7 percent, the AfD with 15.5 percent and Alliance 90/The Greens with 12.5 percent. The Animal Protection Party received 3.8 percent, the FDP 3.4 percent and the BSW 3.4 percent. 7 percent also went to other parties.

The schools around the Germany had another "official" voting this Monday, where the kids from the 9th grade onward were voting on voluntary bases. Those results will be announced after the real elections and I think that those results will give better picture on how the kids (or better, how their parent´s) think.

Listening to my kid (9th grade) telling me stories what various teachers are telling the kids, the amount of propaganda in secondary schools is staggering and mind-blowing, with the teachers telling kids about the "evil" parties and so on.
Realistically, Germany and the EU have only Russia as a possible real opponent. In that regard, Trump's demand that they increase their defense spending to 5% (or half of the total government expenses) makes no sense, unless he wants to pressure them into giving up NATO on their own.

I am also glad that JD Vance keeps bringing up the stolen election in Romania (EU country), so that this ridiculous and blatant hypocrisy does not get memory-holed in the EU.

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