The Situation In Germany

Generally speaking I have little trust in polls even if I assume that no rigging takes place, especially if it is done by official sources through telephones. I most cases I don’t think you will get a true representation of what all germans would vote. Because, among other things, there are surely many people who would think/vote for AfD who simply wouldn’t take part in polls. And that factor alone means that is more likely that those that take part in such polls would favor establishment parties.

As for the results of the kids voting, firstly, I think that was mentioned on mainstream radio a couple of days ago as well, and they even mentioned explicitly that those results are not representative. Secondly, I would say that most young people naturally tend to be much more liberal/lefty and easier to manipulate than older more experienced people. I certainly think that most of us here (me included) can agree that that has been the case for us too when we were younger.
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Agree that the pools are not representative.

As for the kids being easier to manipulate, not sure if that´s the overall case today in the world of X, TikTok and other social media. Kids are much smarter today.

One example.
In my kid´s school, every class has a girl and a boy president; my kid is a male president of his class. All representatives have regular meetings with teachers to discuss situation in the school, how to improve it, etc.
Each grade has 6 classes, plus Oberstufe, so we are talking here of about 72 + 12 representative students. Not all of them come to those meetings as some are sick, but usually a big majority shows up.

Some teachers did videos for social media on their own, where they stand up and say that "they are for democracy", so the idea was that they all make the video for school´s Instagram, with all of them "standing up for democracy". They said to the kids that if they don´t want to do that or if their parents didn´t sign the paper where they allow that their kid being filmed for social media, they don´t have to do that.

So my kid and his friend stood aside, simply not wanting to participate, and when he turned around, he saw that 90% of the kids also stepped aside also not wanting to participate in the video.

The teachers and reminding few students were, of course, pissed off! All of the sudden, there is no democracy to choose if you want to be part of the video or not, neither the parent´s consent on the matter of their kids being on social media matter - all of them are "not democratic" and one kid even called them Nazis! 🤣

As the show and bashing went on, my kid in the meantime was pretending to tie his shoelace, so others don´t see him laughing at the scene in front of him. 🤣

In the end, the idea of a video failed as there were only a few of the kids left who wanted to do the video, which wouldn´t be as dramatic video to post online, right.

That´s just one example, there are many more especially from the time when the teacher was trying to "teach them inclusion" and majority of the kids made fun of the whole thing.

So, yeah, I think that many kids today see what is happening around them. Or at least they had many recent wake up calls with all the assaults all across Germany and the situation in general.
NATO, or, at the very least, remove their Troops from germany or stop funding Germany, if basic democratic values are not established again?

I wonder if the US has really been 'funding Germany' when the Federal Republic has been paying stationing costs to the Americans ever since NATO had been formed in 1955. Most of the war materials had to be bought from the US. You could say that Germany or Europe were funding the American projection of power in the 'European theater'.

Realistically, Germany and the EU have only Russia as a possible real opponent.

If NATO dissolves Russia may be a possible opponent for the EU which may actually dissolve quickly thereafter.

Then the quarreling Europeans may need Russia as a protection power to keep peace in Europe.

Who else would be able to protect Greece against the Turks? Who else could control the nuclear military
potential of Britain and France?

What about southeastern Europe where the 1919 border-lines had been drawn at will?

And lastly, who could help Denmark protecting Greenland against the US? :-D
I would say that most young people naturally tend to be much more liberal/lefty and easier to manipulate than older more experienced people. I certainly think that most of us here (me included) can agree that that has been the case for us too when we were younger.

If you're not a lefty when you are twenty you have no heart - if you are still a lefty when you are forty you have no reason.
Good explanation regarding another trickery they are preparing for the german elections, it's a french tweet from Florian Philippot, one of the rare french politic who is honest :

Here's the translation :

Huge manipulation in progress in Germany, check it out ⤵️
- A few weeks ago, a number of NGOs, which were soon revealed to be funded by #Soros, went to court in Berlin to obtain X's algorithms at the height of the election period (parliamentary elections in Germany this Sunday).
- The Berlin court ruled in favour of the Soros NGOs and ordered X, in particular, to hand over its algorithms. But X refused and resisted this dictatorial demand.
- The NGOs then pulled a ready-made study out of their hat (the lawsuit was obviously just a pretext): so-called ‘far-right’ content (meaning ‘anti-EU’, pro-free speech, pro-peace, etc.) would be ‘massively over-represented’ and this would be a ‘danger to democracy’! The AFD in particular is said to be over-represented. How odd, given that it is the only German party that wants to leave the EU and the euro... (see Allemagne : les contenus politiques de droite et d'extrême droite surreprésentés sur TikTok et X, selon l'étude d'une ONG qui appelle l'UE à enquêter)
- Last step: these Soros NGOs have just asked the European Commission to ‘intervene’!

And then the European regulation #DSA will be drawn to censor, or even the ‘European democratic shield’ if necessary, to cancel the election... It's all a whitewash and a repeat of the Romanian scenario. Globalist collusion to go against the will of the people. Soros - EU collusion to go against popular sovereignty.

➡️ This old rotten world is collapsing! This world of manipulation, censorship, stolen elections, corruption, this world of the EU and the globalists! 2025 will be the end of it!
Yesterday evening happened another knife attack at the Holocaust memorial in Berlin. It is a 19-year-old Syrian refugee who was the attacker. He stabbed a 30-year-old Spanish man, who was visiting Berlin. Luckily, he is stable now.

Found it rather strange that the current chancellor (Scholz) and the leading opposition leader (Merz), who, by the official narrative “will very likely become the next chancellor“ both weren’t present at the last mainstream TV debate before the election:

The moderator explains this at the beginning by saying “both have urgent campaign trail appointments“. Even if that is true, what campaign trail appointment could be more urgent or important then the last TV Debate?!

What could be the real reason?

Do they (the PTB and or Merz/Scholz) think they have the win already in their pockets and that’s why they don’t bother to show up? Or is there something else going on such as doing that on purpose for some reason? And how likely is it that both supposedly opposed people suddenly can’t make it to the debate. How does that come across to ordinary people watching?

I noted in this debate also that the moderators were quite a bit more civil towards the AfD and even quite critical towards the greens for example.

At the same time I can’t help to notice that over the last months right up until now one very bad news after the other was stated on mainstream radio, pretty much daily, about many of germanys economy pillars seriously going southward, while the “illegal immigrant“ attacks have become notoriously frequent and violent as well.

So, could it be that at least some parts of the PTB are actually priming people to vote for the AfD?
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Yesterday evening happened another knife attack at the Holocaust memorial in Berlin. It is a 19-year-old Syrian refugee who was the attacker. He stabbed a 30-year-old Spanish man, who was visiting Berlin. Luckily, he is stable now.

While it could be that Syrian and Afghan (and one Saudi - the guy who mowed down a crowd at the Christmas market in Magdeburg) migrants just recently 'went a bit crazy' - maybe they're 'feeling the pressure' of increasing public sentiment against mass immigration? - I can't shake the impression that a hidden hand is behind the spate of 'stabby-jihadi' attacks, and that it's trying to help the AFD get elected.
While it could be that Syrian and Afghan (and one Saudi - the guy who mowed down a crowd at the Christmas market in Magdeburg) migrants just recently 'went a bit crazy' - maybe they're 'feeling the pressure' of increasing public sentiment against mass immigration? - I can't shake the impression that a hidden hand is behind the spate of 'stabby-jihadi' attacks, and that it's trying to help the AFD get elected.

That is my impression too. Of course, according to some MSM folks, it's Russia :lol: The only thing that comes to mind why the "Deeper State" would do that is something like this: the end of the liberal order, and with it the end of the EU as we know it, is pretty much a done deal. But given the inertia in Europe, it might take a while till this plays out, and may cause all kinds of unpredictable chaos in the meantime. So, maybe someone (or something) wants to accelerate the timeline to achieve certain outcomes in that regard, like sort of a controlled demolition where they think they can "fix" the result of such a process? Certainly strange.
That is my impression too. Of course, according to some MSM folks, it's Russia :lol: The only thing that comes to mind why the "Deeper State" would do that is something like this: the end of the liberal order, and with it the end of the EU as we know it, is pretty much a done deal. But given the inertia in Europe, it might take a while till this plays out, and may cause all kinds of unpredictable chaos in the meantime. So, maybe someone (or something) wants to accelerate the timeline to achieve certain outcomes in that regard, like sort of a controlled demolition where they think they can "fix" the result of such a process? Certainly strange.

Interesting idea. So maybe “the PTB“ want to assure to be ahead and/or in control of the game later because they know that they can’t interfere with a more or less natural process that is going right now? In others words: They see and/or know that a change is happening that they can’t control and they assume if they stay ahead of the game by aiding the Prozess that they can control it to their liking?
There was another stabbing, this time not in Germany, but close enough in the French border town of Mulhouse. Supposedly a man from Algeria who shouted beforehand “Allahu Akbar”. Definitely something in the air.

While it could be that Syrian and Afghan (and one Saudi - the guy who mowed down a crowd at the Christmas market in Magdeburg) migrants just recently 'went a bit crazy' - maybe they're 'feeling the pressure' of increasing public sentiment against mass immigration? - I can't shake the impression that a hidden hand is behind the spate of 'stabby-jihadi' attacks, and that it's trying to help the AFD get elected.
I get the same feeling too. Think their have been a few discussions (did the C's confirm it?) that they want the 'far-right' to win, so they can collapse the economy etc blaming it on those parties and then pull the 'see - you need us!' card?
Think their have been a few discussions (did the C's confirm it?) that they want the 'far-right' to win, so they can collapse the economy etc blaming it on those parties and then pull the 'see - you need us!' card?
Considering all the revelations about their wrongdoings (hopefully more to come), it is very doubtful that economic problems under nationalist governments will win the globalists any sympathies.
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