Padawan Learner
I see, well the part "being direct neighbor of the US plays huge role" make sense and I guess the STS sacrifices also contribute to this karmic accumulation. Cool this is really interesting, thanks for replying @irjOI asked to the Cs something with a loosely connection about ancient Aztec origins with Atlantis back in 2023:
So, if your question is about any type of karma in Mexico, could be different reasons, Atlantean civilization had many colonies around the world or territories, so not sure if Atlantis part is directly involved in the ‘Mexican karma’, unless people from Atlantis who lived back then on the same area is reincarnating there again, but I think being direct neighbor of the US plays a huge role on this. Maybe if there is some karma related to the area could be to the huge killing conquerors did and society being erased in its majority. Aztecs had their sacrifices and STS type of rituals, but they weren’t as terrible as other tells they were, they actually were very civilized, had schools and they way more hygienic than any European back then. Maybe because of la conquista in general it’s why majority of Latin American countries haven’t had a peaceful history to put it that way… who knows!
But if modern society have it terrible now, I think who are paying most of the terrible karma since centuries ago are all the indigenous people of the Americas, and that specifically could be related to Atlantis.
I recently came across an interview with Guillermo Marín Ruiz, an independent Mexican writer and researcher. With over 40 years of experience studying Mexican and other cultures, he has authored numerous books. In the interview, he discusses the Spanish invasion and delves into the history of the Olmecs, who were the largest and most advanced civilization in Mexico at their peak. According to Guillermo Marín Ruiz, the Olmecs developed over a span of 5,800 years. He also explains the origins of the name "México" and how it was given by the Spanish.
I mean he says really interesting stuff that I did not know, particularly how history has been manipulated over time. His explanations shed light on why Mexican people are the way they are—or perhaps, the way we are, I'm Mexican too. He also talks about the origin of the words "latin"and "hispanic", anyways these 2 videos are gold, at least for me.
Here are the links to the videos if you're interested. You’ll need to turn on the subtitles, as the interview is in Spanish.