The Situation in Mexico

I asked to the Cs something with a loosely connection about ancient Aztec origins with Atlantis back in 2023:

So, if your question is about any type of karma in Mexico, could be different reasons, Atlantean civilization had many colonies around the world or territories, so not sure if Atlantis part is directly involved in the ‘Mexican karma’, unless people from Atlantis who lived back then on the same area is reincarnating there again, but I think being direct neighbor of the US plays a huge role on this. Maybe if there is some karma related to the area could be to the huge killing conquerors did and society being erased in its majority. Aztecs had their sacrifices and STS type of rituals, but they weren’t as terrible as other tells they were, they actually were very civilized, had schools and they way more hygienic than any European back then. Maybe because of la conquista in general it’s why majority of Latin American countries haven’t had a peaceful history to put it that way… who knows!

But if modern society have it terrible now, I think who are paying most of the terrible karma since centuries ago are all the indigenous people of the Americas, and that specifically could be related to Atlantis.
I see, well the part "being direct neighbor of the US plays huge role" make sense and I guess the STS sacrifices also contribute to this karmic accumulation. Cool this is really interesting, thanks for replying @irjO

I recently came across an interview with Guillermo Marín Ruiz, an independent Mexican writer and researcher. With over 40 years of experience studying Mexican and other cultures, he has authored numerous books. In the interview, he discusses the Spanish invasion and delves into the history of the Olmecs, who were the largest and most advanced civilization in Mexico at their peak. According to Guillermo Marín Ruiz, the Olmecs developed over a span of 5,800 years. He also explains the origins of the name "México" and how it was given by the Spanish.
I mean he says really interesting stuff that I did not know, particularly how history has been manipulated over time. His explanations shed light on why Mexican people are the way they are—or perhaps, the way we are, I'm Mexican too. He also talks about the origin of the words "latin"and "hispanic", anyways these 2 videos are gold, at least for me.

Here are the links to the videos if you're interested. You’ll need to turn on the subtitles, as the interview is in Spanish.

A journalist (I don’t remember her name) recently said that if the killings had happened to the children of wealthy and powerful families, the Mexican government would have immediately solved the case and provided a solution, but since only young people from poor families were killed, they tried to hide the fact and not investigate thoroughly. As mentioned, the authorities had knowledge of the extermination camps in Jalisco since September 2024 and of other similar ones since 2020 and others mention that much earlier. She tells the truth.

The National Guard (under the Federal Government) arrived in September 2024 at the Izaguirre ranch in Jalisco, found some bodies, kidnapped people and kidnappers and then handed over the ranch and evidence to the Jalisco State Attorney General's Office. The National Guard disassociated itself from the investigation. The Jalisco Attorney General's Office closed the case!

A group of activists made up of fathers and mothers looking for their disappeared children (in the face of the State's inability to search for the victims), discovered that the extermination site was still functioning and that the ranch had all the necessary infrastructure for the mass disappearance of people. No one knows for sure how many people were exterminated, the authorities say 200. However, this is a case of negligence and corruption on both sides, federal and state government.

Unlike the US where the problem is drug consumption, as far as I know, although there are also cases of violence; in Mexico the problem is the violence generated by the cartels in a never-ending war for control of territories and drug trafficking to the US. Also as mentioned, the main victims of this violence are the poorest.
Many very wealthy drug dealers help their families and even entire towns by remembering the poverty they once lived in

One of the best known cases is that of Chapo Guzmán and the town of Badiraguato where he was born. Badiraguato is a remote and impoverished municipality in the Sierra Madre mountains, has long been a hub for drug cultivation, particularly marijuana and opium poppies. Guzmán, born there in the 1950s, rose from this environment to lead the Sinaloa Cartel.

Locals and some reports suggest that during his active years, Guzmán and his associates provided economic benefits to the area, often framed as a "Robin Hood" narrative. For example, residents have claimed he distributed money, seeds, and resources to farmers and families, particularly those involved in the drug trade, which employs a significant portion of the population.

This was not done out of altruism, but because Guzmán incorporated them into the criminal "enterprise" and thus lifted the families out of poverty. This earned him strong loyalty from the inhabitants.
Are they unable, or unwilling, to see that people addicted to drugs end up the same way? Or do they not let the people in their vicinities take drugs? Can they not see that what they are doing with being drug cartels is the same thing as what corrupt governments do?

If I may answer

I dare to answer that the Cartels and associated families don't give a damn what happens to others (americans or mexicans) because business comes first, guns from the US or drugs from Mexico business comes first. There is an urban legend that one of the objectives of the Cartels is revenge against the US. "La Raza" is taking revenge by destroying the youth of the US with drugs.
According to Guillermo Marín Ruiz, the Olmecs developed over a span of 5,800 years. He also explains the origins of the name "México" and how it was given by the Spanish.

Let’s have in mind also that the Olmecs weren’t the only civilization back in that area in that region, the Olmec es were discovered by accident since not many archeological structures were found from them, but here is another extract that implies more than an advanced civilization that perhaps was living at the same time as the olmecs or preludes the olmecs:

Session January 13 2024
Q: (irjO) In a previous session, the C’s answered "close" when I asked if Teotihuacan was built by the Olmecs. What would make it closer, or what detail is missing? Who built it?

A: Group you wouldn't recognize even if named. The previous answer is as close as you can get.

So there is so much that we might ignore about Mexico history, there is also the civilization related to giants found in myths and legends, so, it could be complex.
Let’s have in mind also that the Olmecs weren’t the only civilization back in that area in that region, the Olmec es were discovered by accident since not many archeological structures were found from them, but here is another extract that implies more than an advanced civilization that perhaps was living at the same time as the olmecs or preludes the olmecs:

Session January 13 2024

So there is so much that we might ignore about Mexico history, there is also the civilization related to giants found in myths and legends, so, it could be complex.
Oh wow!!! :shock: You're totally right—I completely forgot about that session. Geez! I recently started reading the session transcripts and taking notes, but there's so much information to process. I'm also diving into various other sources, so I'm taking it all in little by little.

This part absolutely blew my mind:
A: A group you wouldn't recognize even if named. The previous answer is as close as you can get.

Can you imagine living in that era and witnessing these dudes building the pyramids and all those buldings, using sound focusing to do so? It's mind blowing!

Well, I guess maybe someone from this community lived there I don't know. It might sound silly, but it could be possible, right?
Anyways, there's just so much to discover and ponder about.
Thanks for the feedback! 🆒

The other version of events.​

On March 18, 2025, alleged members of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) spoke out about the case of the Izaguirre Ranch in Teuchitlán, Jalisco. In the recording, a hooded man, accompanied by more than 30 armed and hooded individuals, read a statement in which the CJNG rejected accusations that the ranch had been used as a clandestine killing center, forced recruitment or crematorium.

Transcript of CJNG communiqué.

"Good afternoon, I am an active member of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. The reason for the video is to clarify the facts based on reality in time and form.

On September 18, 2024, Rancho Izaguirre is secured after a chase where two kidnapped people were released. Authorities secured the property but found no evidence that it was an extermination camp, closing the case at that time.

On March 8, 2025, a group of "searching mothers", backed by no one knows who and with information of dubious origin, contradicted 100% of the evidence found six months earlier by federal elements. They notify the discovery of an extermination and forced recruitment camp where they had more than 250 kidnapped people and other kidnappers. What did they find, how much did they find? They found nothing!

The truth is that the property was always secured by the Federal Government, by ground and air patrols, and they themselves assure that there was no presence of organized crime during that period of time.
There is a file, arrests and an undetermined number of authorities who can answer the questions.

For the media, they should choose more carefully the testimonies of those who accuse the CJNG and verify the veracity of what is said because the cartel had no presence in the area mentioned in 2012.

With what authority or on what grounds did the group of searching mothers enter a secured property, their duty was to communicate to a competent authority and what they did was to sow and devise a horror movie to cause a furor in social networks. What are they hiding, who is behind them, why are they trying to harm the CJNG with lies and fabricated and unfounded stories?

We certainly belong to organized crime, but we are governed by codes. I am a father, son, brother and husband and I understand the pain and anguish you are going through, but this is not the way to do it and distort reality. What are you looking for?

Jalisco is calm, look at the statistics, there are no kidnappings, zero homicides in rural communities and it can be presumed that the people are at peace and calm. What do they want, another Sinaloa, where social peace was broken, kidnappings, homicides and having to migrate to another state or country to be able to be calm?

I would like to apologize on behalf of myself and my colleagues for presenting myself with weapons for the exclusive use of the army. At no time was this done with the intention of threatening or intimidating anyone, it is to demonstrate and disprove the false testimonies of which we are accused.

So at the time, I and my colleagues were kidnapped? What person in his right mind would give a weapon to a kidnapped person to take care of him? This is illogical and makes no sense whatsoever. We are here and we are still here because I, as well as my comrades, share the same ideals as our leader.

Let us recognize as a society that we have lost every value and every principle. We are organized crime, but you pretend to cause astonishment and panic of something that happens every day, corrupting the testimonies and altering them in only one direction. You think it is the right thing to do. No one is obligated to the impossible. We are the people, we serve the people and we are with the people. Thank you, good afternoon."

End of CJNG communiqué

This statement leaves many doubts as to what was intended. For some it is a farce due to the professional production of the video, the narrative, how the communicator expresses himself, which to Mexicans will remind us of a military man, someone with training not a sicario; for others the video is legitimate. Personally, it seems to me that the Government of Jalisco, headed by Jesús Pablo Lemus Navarro, wanted or wants to divert attention from its ineptitude and the corruption of his predecessor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez.

Someone wants to place the blame exclusively on the Federal Government. Someone also wants people to believe that Sheinbaum's federal government produced the video and thus link it to the narrative that there is a narco-state in order to facilitate U.S. intervention in Mexican territory.

The CJNG wants the public to think of them as moral and honorable people. They are not.


The other version of events.​

On March 18, 2025, alleged members of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) spoke out about the case of the Izaguirre Ranch in Teuchitlán, Jalisco. In the recording, a hooded man, accompanied by more than 30 armed and hooded individuals, read a statement in which the CJNG rejected accusations that the ranch had been used as a clandestine killing center, forced recruitment or crematorium.

Transcript of CJNG communiqué.

"Good afternoon, I am an active member of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. The reason for the video is to clarify the facts based on reality in time and form.

On September 18, 2024, Rancho Izaguirre is secured after a chase where two kidnapped people were released. Authorities secured the property but found no evidence that it was an extermination camp, closing the case at that time.

On March 8, 2025, a group of "searching mothers", backed by no one knows who and with information of dubious origin, contradicted 100% of the evidence found six months earlier by federal elements. They notify the discovery of an extermination and forced recruitment camp where they had more than 250 kidnapped people and other kidnappers. What did they find, how much did they find? They found nothing!

The truth is that the property was always secured by the Federal Government, by ground and air patrols, and they themselves assure that there was no presence of organized crime during that period of time.
There is a file, arrests and an undetermined number of authorities who can answer the questions.

For the media, they should choose more carefully the testimonies of those who accuse the CJNG and verify the veracity of what is said because the cartel had no presence in the area mentioned in 2012.

With what authority or on what grounds did the group of searching mothers enter a secured property, their duty was to communicate to a competent authority and what they did was to sow and devise a horror movie to cause a furor in social networks. What are they hiding, who is behind them, why are they trying to harm the CJNG with lies and fabricated and unfounded stories?

We certainly belong to organized crime, but we are governed by codes. I am a father, son, brother and husband and I understand the pain and anguish you are going through, but this is not the way to do it and distort reality. What are you looking for?

Jalisco is calm, look at the statistics, there are no kidnappings, zero homicides in rural communities and it can be presumed that the people are at peace and calm. What do they want, another Sinaloa, where social peace was broken, kidnappings, homicides and having to migrate to another state or country to be able to be calm?

I would like to apologize on behalf of myself and my colleagues for presenting myself with weapons for the exclusive use of the army. At no time was this done with the intention of threatening or intimidating anyone, it is to demonstrate and disprove the false testimonies of which we are accused.

So at the time, I and my colleagues were kidnapped? What person in his right mind would give a weapon to a kidnapped person to take care of him? This is illogical and makes no sense whatsoever. We are here and we are still here because I, as well as my comrades, share the same ideals as our leader.

Let us recognize as a society that we have lost every value and every principle. We are organized crime, but you pretend to cause astonishment and panic of something that happens every day, corrupting the testimonies and altering them in only one direction. You think it is the right thing to do. No one is obligated to the impossible. We are the people, we serve the people and we are with the people. Thank you, good afternoon."

End of CJNG communiqué

This statement leaves many doubts as to what was intended. For some it is a farce due to the professional production of the video, the narrative, how the communicator expresses himself, which to Mexicans will remind us of a military man, someone with training not a sicario; for others the video is legitimate. Personally, it seems to me that the Government of Jalisco, headed by Jesús Pablo Lemus Navarro, wanted or wants to divert attention from its ineptitude and the corruption of his predecessor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez.

Someone wants to place the blame exclusively on the Federal Government. Someone also wants people to believe that Sheinbaum's federal government produced the video and thus link it to the narrative that there is a narco-state in order to facilitate U.S. intervention in Mexican territory.

The CJNG wants the public to think of them as moral and honorable people. They are not.

"With what authority or on what grounds did the group of searching mothers enter a secured property"

Well, that's because:

"We are organized crime"

He seems conflating the idea of being a criminal and deserving access to normal people's benefits:

Let us recognize as a society
I am a father, son, brother and husband

That's an odd video.
Puma said:
Personally, it seems to me that the Government of Jalisco, headed by Jesús Pablo Lemus Navarro, wanted or wants to divert attention from its ineptitude and the corruption of his predecessor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez.
You are Right.
Niena said:

Can they not see that what they are doing with being drug cartels is the same thing as what corrupt governments do?


I don't quite understand what you meant in your reply. I thought I had explained this difficult issue very well, although I understood that your last sentence referred to "contradiction."

And it's because you can't know the real situation regarding Mexico. There are many aspects involved in this whole matter and the origins of this entire nightmare. You could only know what the very corrupt national and foreign media, most of which are money launderers for drug traffickers, and, on the other hand, in some X accounts, especially regarding Mexico, is a true infodemic created by three political opposition parties (PRI-PAN, MC). This is one of the many contradictions that people don't see in this chaotic world full of contradictions.

I tell you, the key word is to help. When someone asks for HELP to solve the population's problems, especially due to the lack of work, and if you have it, it's a very low-paying job.


It's not just about filling your stomach with whatever or whatever is available, or working at whatever it takes to survive, but doing it properly and earning a decent wage, speaking of poverty in places where the drug trafficking business involves sectors of the population.

Babies, during their developmental stage, should receive the best possible nutrition so that their brains and other organs develop as best as possible, but it seems that governments around the world—I don't want to generalize—don't understand this, don't want to understand it, or simply and selfishly don't care about the present or the healthy future of their constituents. This pettiness brings consequences, reactions/demonstrations among the affected populations, and they try to repress them violently, which further worsens the situation and anger. Then the population seeks to solve their problems by any means possible, even if it means entering the lucrative business of selling illegal substances.

I don't want to act as a judge in this; I'm just seeing a sad reality. It seems to me that this drug trafficking issue is a huge problem and a super business, both very, very difficult to solve.

Perhaps you have another perspective on the matter and could explain it.

If I didn't answer your question, let me know.

I didn't mean to be repetitive, but sometimes you have to be.

By the way: although it's very natural to want to know, understand, or explain about drug trafficking, I don't want to address this issue any further.
Enough has been said on the forum, and members are already capable of drawing their own conclusions. Period.
This is Jalisco according to CJNG
View attachment 106906
Yeah the guy pushes a little bit.

I would like to tell the guy: yeah, there his criminality, it exists, people take drugs etc etc. But look at the place, it's saturated, going everywhere and we know it's bound to "the new boss", endlessly. From an outside perspective, we just want it wiped. But well, this place has been the locator for durg, for a long long time and I understand. It's the result of decades of stagnation of it, there, and I perfectly understand that such statements can take place.

There is as well the fact that the Planet moves, and that even higly saturated places like that will not last forever. We should tell them how our politicians are super corrupted, and how we simply don't care for them. In Europe, the situation is not pretty. The "gangster" model is valued, and people are definitely not happy. There is corruption everywhere. This guy ought to know about that, he is part of a common problem.

I mean, give me the red-button machine and I will happily press it - things have become a general absurd corruption.
The CJNG recruiter was apprehended, confirming what the media, mainly independent or non-legacy, had stated days ago: Rancho Izaguirre in Teuchitlán, Jalisco, never operated as a death camp, but as a training camp for the CJNG.

The recruiter, identified as José Gregorio "N" a.k.a. "El Lastra" (that is, a person who is a burden or thing that hinders or stops something, like a parasite) stated that the Ranch never operated as a killing field and that it was only used for the training of new Sicarios, he explained that they were paid between four thousand to 12 thousand pesos a week and that the training lasted a month to then be incorporated as a Sicario of the CJNG.

In order to measure why the job of sicario (hired assassin) is attractive, it can be said that the average salary of a worker without technical skills in Mexico is $6260 pesos per month (about $313 dollars per month). So with a job as a sicario at least one person earned $16,000 pesos per month or $800 dollars per month. This is one of the reasons why drug trafficking attracts young people from poor families.

The clothes and shoes found at the ranch belonged to the recruits. The cartel equipped them with clothes and boots, so the aspiring Sicarios left their belongings there because they were not useful for drug trafficking activities and the rough terrain.

Independent media, including influencers invited to visit the Ranch, attested to the fact that there is no cremation oven at the Ranch.

Mexico's Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Omar García Harfuch, reported this morning via X:​
Following up on the National Security Strategy, in an action led by @Defensamx1, José Gregorio "N", alias "El Lastra", leader of the CJNG cell in charge of recruiting people through false job offers on social networks and also the mastermind of the illegal deprivation of liberty of two university students in July 2024, was arrested in CDMX.​

The detainee was in charge of a training center in Teuchitlán and was responsible for recruiting through social networks. The recruits were transferred, their cell phones were taken away, they were held incommunicado, indoctrinated and assigned to different states to increase the organization's strength.

Independent media have pointed out that the news of the extermination camp was basically a propaganda campaign paid for by oligarch groups and opposition politicians, to hit the government of President Claudia Sheinbaum.

It is worth mentioning that some of these power groups in Mexico received resources from USAID through the U.S. embassy in order to attack the Mexican government. One of these groups, for example, is the organization Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI), whose president, María Amparo Casar, declared to have received one million dollars from USAID in 2023.

irjO said: reply198.
Q: (irjO) In a previous session, C’s answered "close" when I asked if Teotihuacan was built by the Olmecs. What would make it closer, or what detail is missing? Who built it?

A: Group you wouldn't recognize even if named. The previous answer is as close as you can get.
This is very interesting because some historians have claimed that this region of Mexico is much older than it appears, even older than the Sumerian civilization, but no one has been found to provide accurate data.
By the way, much of what is said about the conquest of this region of Mexico by the invaders is a pack of lies, and Wikipedia is one of those sources of misinformation.

And I affirm/assure what I am saying.
Old, old old civilizations in Mexico. 270,000 years old according to Steen-McIntyre, Virginia, who lost her professorship for discovering it. Search her name and there's quite a story about it. I once saw a video documentary on her work and controversy, and it may still be out there somewhere. Here's an article on the subject, but first a few quotes:

Hueyatlaco Archaeological Site in Mexico uncovers 250,000 Year Old Settlement

"One of its early excavators Virginia Steen-McIntyre writes “Hueyátlaco is a dangerous site. To even publicly mention the geological evidence for its great age is to jeopardize one’s professional career. Three of us geologists can testify to that. It’s very existence is blasphemous because it questions a basic dogma of Darwinism, the ruling philosophy (or religion, if you will) of the western scientific world for the past 150 years."

"The Hueyatlaco Archeological Site is situated on the Tetela Peninsula, along the north shore of the Valsequillo reservoir in the State of Puebla, Mexico, approximately 100 km southeast of Mexico City and 10 km south of the City of Puebla."

"After excavations in the 1960s, the site became notorious due to geochronologists’ analyses that indicated human habitation at Hueyatlaco was dated to ca. 250,000 years before the present."

Lots more in the article below:

I just did a cursory check on YT and found "mucho" videos still on Steen-McIntyre, Virginia and Hueyatlaco. Im posting the one below. Although it is 1.5 hours long it's really interesting. Shows how the scientific community rallied to sabotage both her, and the site, kind of a "who done it" novel. It also has Virginia McIntyer being interviewed. btw: videos in Spanish also.

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