Theodore Illion: Darkness Over Tibet

The excerpts you posted above Benjamin, reminded me about the video Keith shared recently in our Reading workshop for Darkness over Tibet. It’s a fascinating video on the ties between underground cities in Tibet & Antarctica, & how information about this got to a Soviet spy & then (possibly) the Nazis too. It is in English, made by a Russian lady who had dug into this subject a fair bit. I think she has some other videos on the topic as well (I haven’t watched those yet).

From Tibet to Antarctica: Betrayal, Soviet spies & Nazi Secrets (video ~30 minutes)
Aaah shoot. I would have liked to have been in on the Darkness book discussion.

Good video. She goes into details that I also read in the book and expands on them. After watching it, a question popped up. Blumkin is a "sly fox" just as Illion is as elusive as a circus fun house so, like Illion, did Blumkin also not travel to Tibet?

Now, I thought the quote that was used in the substack article was all there was, but while looking for something else, I stumbled upon several other sections regarding Novosibirtsk and Urkutsk. I got it wrong. The line to be drawn was meant to give the approximate location of a secret magnetics lab between the two cities only. It was never meant to be extended beyond the cities. Did I just 'get lucky' with a misinterpretation with the chance location of Tyumen being on the same line? I re-did the map to be more clear. I also posted the Q&A sections related to the magnetics lab. The area in orange is for the Sayan Mountains where the lab is said to be located.

Possible Locations of Illion in Siberia (redux).jpg

Some duplication sessions also added.

Aug. 15, 1998
Q: (A) Okay, now I have a question that goes back to Marinov. When we were asking about him, and what it was that he knew, and the answer was that it was UFT and it was given in quotation marks. All other mentions of UFT were given without quote marks. What was this for? What more can be said about that in this case?

A: Watch, not spell out.

[Attempts made to draw something, but unsuccessfully.] Russian letter "b."

Q: (L) What next? I don't understand...

A: Cyrillic "S" - P - K - G - Y - S - K - A.

Q: (L) If that was in Cyrillic, what would it say? Were you trying to show us a diagram of something?

A: No. Place is near Urals.

Q: (A) It is a place?

A: Yes. Start at Novosibirtsk, draw a line to Irkutsk.

Q: (L) How does that relate to the question?

A: Site is lab at magnetic meridian.

Q: (L) What does that have to do with what Marinov was working on?

A: Everything.

Q: (L) But telling us where the site is doesn't tell us anything about it!

A: Presumptuous!

Q: (A) There is something at this site?

A: Yes, but your clue begins your discovery. Marinov saw light waves.

Q: (A) What does that mean?

A: Oscilliscope.

Q: (A) Is there anything we can or should do with an oscilliscope?

A: It is a clue.

Q: (A) Okay, we see waves on an oscilliscope...

A: What if it measures magnetic pulse?

Q: (A) Okay, I will follow this clue. Now, I was following another clue, Einstein's UFT, and I looked at 1936 and he published a paper then describing Einstein-Rosen Bridge.

A: Yes.

Q: (A) This is a bridge between two different realms, so to say.

A: Yes.

Sept. 5, 1998
Q: (A) ... Okay, next question: we have found this Novosibirtsk group. They apparently have some kind of detectors and some kinds of ideas according to this Russian guy Kozyrev, which enable them to measure instantaneous signals caused by some kind of irreversible events, such as when the comets hit Jupiter. I would like to know if the effect they have measured is a real, new effect?

A: Not "new" of course, but this is most interesting, because now we are dancing on the threshold of gravity waves, the very same thing we have been hinting at for so long, as you measure it in your linear perspective. The unusual condition that has arisen in Russia has created a bubble within the framework of the world power structure which has allowed some concussive "discoveries" to be occasionally leaked out into the open. This, of course, presents unique but potentially hazardous opportunities for you in your research.

Aug, 28, 1999
Q: (A) There is something funny. Before, they said that they can't disclose who is this woman channelling. (L) No, they didn't want to talk about the book because of the other issue. Now, Olga Kharatidi has some interesting experiences in a physics lab in Novosibirtsk, Russia, so she claims. She claims to have had some other interesting experiences with some shamans up in the Altai Mountains [Entering the Circle]. Then, I later read that there was archaeological evidence that the Altai Mountains had traces of civilization that were dated back 300,000 years. My question is: are the Altai Mountains the magnetic meridian you were pointing us to when you were talking about Novosibirtsk and Irkutsk, and did it have anything to do with the archaeological discoveries that were made there at about the time she was having here shamanic experiences....

A: This is a good lead for you.

Q: Yes, this book has a quite different flavor from the others. (A) Is this story she tells about this Nuclear Physics Laboratory in Novosibirtsk a true story?

A: Pretty close.

Q: Has she disguised the names and specific place?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Was it in Novosibirtsk?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Was it the Institute of Nuclear Physics?

A: Name close, but there are 12 major facilities there.

Q: One of the things she did: they had her go into a tube, the interior of which was polished like a mirror, and it was in this tube that all of the visionary and hearing of voices stuff happened. It is sort of on the line of the psychomantium, with one exception, she wore earphones that blocked out all sound. My thought was, would it be useful or advisable for us to use the earphone and music technique too?

A: Okay.

Apr. 15, 2000: (At 5:32 of the video above, Nicholas Roerich is mentioned. It's funny that he's mentioned in this section along with a UFO. Do we know where the temple was in Siberia to where Roerich was returning the energized diamond?)
Q: (L) Off to the side, in examining the map along this line where you had us looking, from Novosibirtsk to Urkutsk, I discovered that there is a range of mountains there called "Sayan" or "Sayany." Is this the original Mount Zion and is this the area where there is a secret lab or something?

A: Yes, but not Mount Zion.

Q: (L) What was the original Mount Zion?

A: Sinai.

Q: (L) What is in these mountains between Novosibirtsk and Urkutsk?

A: Magnetics lab.

Q: (L) What stone was Nicholas Roerich returning to a temple when he made his trek into Siberia?

A: Stone was diamond from Persia.

Q: (L) What kind of UFO was it that he sighted at the time that he made the dedication of this temple; considering also that this was on the direct line of Tunguska?

A: UFO was a probe.

Q: (L) Was it there because they were there, or was it unrelated?

A: Related.

Q: (L) What was the significance of this diamond?

A: Energized.

Q: (L) By what?

A: Not by: for.

Q: (L) Energized for what?

A: Link.

Q: (L) Link to what?

A: Your move.

Q: (T) For the wave?

A: No, Terry, we are reminding Laura that this is not 20 questions.

Q: (T) Is this magnetics lab related to the one in Tallahassee? (L) I don't think so. I mean, it's so secret that even we can know about it yet! (T) There's one in Tallahassee - a high energy magnetics lab...

A: Different orientation.

Q: (L) It's my feeling or conjecture that this one we have been led to investigate, and I do mean led, is that it's a center of activity where the matrix is generated and maintained. I think it is also connected to ancient things simply by virtue of the timeless nature of time. (S) Do they generate "time" there? (L) Possibly.

A: Not "just Russians."

Q: (L) It's not just Russians. I think it is the center of the Consortium web - their home base. It is out in the middle of nowhere that there is nowhere near!

Oct. 31, 2001
Q:(A) I have a lot of questions about this pole shifting. Well go with your question. (L) That's probably where I was going. I was going off to Novosibirtsk. You once made the remark that the secret lies in a mountain pass in Russia and something about a line drawn between Novosibirtsk and Urkutsk. Is there a mountain pass in this area where something important is waiting for us to find it?
A: Yes.

May 4, 2002
Q: (Laughter from all) (L) I want to ask about this book I was reading about this guy - T. Illion who traveled to Tibet and found this underground city and interacted with these strange beings, was this an actual trip this guy made in a traditional 3rd density sense?

A: It is a disguise for conveying truths of a spiritual nature as well as a depiction of 4th Density realities.

Q: (L) Did he physically travel to Tibet?

A: No.

Q: (B) Sounds like he gained some inner awareness and used a story to convey it. (L) Did he travel anywhere?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Did he travel somewhere else and get this information and then accurately portray it as being centered in Tibet?

A: Yes.

Q: (B) Were his travels in 3rd density?

A: Yes.

Q: (B) Is it important where he traveled?

A: Yes.

Q: (B) Well you know what the next question is (laughter). What would be his destination? Where did he travel?

A: Siberia.

Q: (B) Does it have anything to do with the spot in Siberia or Russian mountains that has the electromagnetic labs or whatever it was that they were discussing before?

A: Close.

Q: (A) Well still the question is: in the book he said he knew the Tibetan language.

A: He did.

Q: (A) In Siberia they don't use Tibetan language. (L) He didn't have to be using the Tibetan language. (A) What language is he using in Siberia, probably Russian. (L) I don't know. I've never been there. Well they didn't say he didn't know Russian. (A) That's true. (L) Was the place that he really traveled to a place that was positive that was telling about a place that was negative?

A: Yes.

Q: (B) When you answered 'close' to my question about the electromagnetic thing did you mean close physically or close in concept?

A: Both.

Q: (B) Both are linked then, are you saying there is a link between the two?

A: Vague.

Q: (B) I was thinking why Stone {word indecipherable} Does it have anything to do with the grid?

A: Partly.

Along with Keit's thread Georgy Sidorov: Traces of an ancient civilization in Russia, and who are the Illuminati, the area between the Ural mountains and the Sayan/Altai mountains, there is a lot of strange activity. The 'secret magnetics lab' with a "different orientation" possibly being "a centre of activity where the matrix is generated and maintained" sitting in the Sayan mountains on the one hand, and Illion at the western edges of the Siberian boarder "travelled to a place that was positive that was telling about a place that was negative" on the other. And seemingly somewhere in there are the Old Believers known as 'Wanderers'.

This description of the Old Believers reminded me of something that has stuck with me since I read it years ago. I don't know why and I don't know if it applies.

Q: (L) Where was Venus originally from?

A: Ancient wanderer from near Arcturus.

Q: (L) Are the 6th density Orions known as Transient Passengers?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So there are Transient Passengers that are STO as well as STS?

A: TP is "wanderer".

Q: (L) And what is a wanderer?

A: TP.

Q: (L) Well, the idea of the Wanderers, according to the Ra Material, is 4th or 5th density beings that have chosen to come back into 3rd density to help us. Would that be the same kind of Wanderer?

A: 5th or 6th density.

Q: (L) Is Frank a Wanderer?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Am I or V__?

A: Open.

Q: (V) What if we felt like we were?

A: Check it out.

Q: (L) How?

A: How would you think?

Q: (V) Faith, I guess, and how I feel. What else do you have to go on?

A: Not answer, try again.

Q: (L) Would hypnosis be the solution?

A: Bingo!

Q: (L) Okay. Now, I would like to know, for the sake of all the Theosophists around the world, what was the source of the information in the book "Isis Unveiled" by Helena Blavatsky?

A: Orions STS and STO. 6th Density.

Q: (L) So, her information was from both sides? And it is up to the reader to figure out which is which?

A: Good idea.

Now, as a side note, for more on Nicholas Roerich, check out this video by Mr. Mythos from 3 years ago. I thought it was intriguing. It talks about the stone he was carrying and the ufo. It certainly makes me hesitate if Shambhala is a place I would actually like to visit, if it exists. (25:54)

And seemingly somewhere in there are the Old Believers known as 'Wanderers'.

This is not an ancient look at the Old Believers, yet you may be interested in this National Film Board (NFP) of newer generational Old Believers who settled in northern Alberta. It was said they came in 1972 after looking for a place in the world that they could be alone to live as they deemed fit. This area attracted them.

Their particular history related to this narrative, looks to no further back than 500-years ago (they don't go look past this, which does not mean they don't know). They do say, that well back in time when the church/state tried to change the meaning of Christianity (from 2 fingers to 3 fingers - sign of the cross), this lead to the persecutions of the old believes. There was said to be a great many who defied the authorities and 2 fingers was their defiance gesture.

As for northern Alberta, it is not a particularly temperate place, so carving out a living was not easy. The film looks a little more deeply into the nuance of life for them in the West (for instance raising their children and then their schooling, which they had to do by law, although to a minimum).

This extraordinary film introduces us to the Reutov family, part of an isolated northern Alberta community called the Old Believers. Adhering to the original Orthodox Christian dogma and rituals introduced to ancient Rus (present-day Ukraine, Byelorussia and Russia) by the Greeks of Byzantium, the Old Believers see themselves as the last Christians left on the face of the Earth. Here in North America, for the first time in their history, they are threatened not by persecution, but by economic bounty and the western notion of personal freedom. Shot over the four seasons, the film is both a beautiful rendering of timeless rituals and a fascinating exploration of the Old Believers' turbulent history.
This is not an ancient look at the Old Believers, yet you may be interested in this National Film Board (NFP) of newer generational Old Believers who settled in
Tank you Voyageur for a glimpse into some of the Old Believers ways and traditions. Very moving really even if a bit dated. Now, they will be able to return to Russia, if so desired. No more religious persecution there.
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