Third density repetition

My name is not a directive or even resembling a guideline, whatever word you want to attach to it. At best a preference of how to view my current reality. Duality dissolves at some point, im just not there yet, or again. And that's how the game operates.
You are talking about a universal level of development in the same paragraph that contains 'does this sweater make me look fat?'
If this is something that enters your mind in a metaphysical discussion maybe you need to go back to the drawing board.
To me, the example used (do I look fat) is meant to show the personal motive behind answering 'yes' or 'no'. Are you feeding someone's ego or making an honest assessment? and in either case, why? Questioning your own motives and behavior are in line with "a universal level of development", but that is merely my opinion.
Well there are no shortcuts or free lunch, and I doubt you can "manage" your 5D experience to ensure your next incarnation is STO. You go where you fit based on your FRV and level of development. I think the best way to ensure you come back as STO is to just be more STO and all that that entails.
Yes, FRV and what we do here our free willed choices and work on ourselves is most important. Being more STO here and now is IMO the best way to increase the chances of reincarnating to 4D. I am researching and gaining info on the life in-between life 5thD reincarnation part of this whole equations thus communicating within this topic. Nuance and details are important to me and details that are in the margins or fringes when incorporated in the whole picture gives me a better understanding...What I do know is there is a life review in 5D and elders or guides communicate wth the soul/conciousness and there is a "right" "wrong" "should have" need to learn type of review and there is influencing for us to make a choice to come back

If it is as black and white as you either reach the threshold/frequency for 4D or you don't then we wouldn't have a choice or it wouldnt be set up to make us think we have choice....What I am doing here is commenting on facts from multiple sources and then pontificating

I think the truth is always positive to those who seek it. Knowledge protects - and protection and personal empowerment can never be a bad thing (except to those who prefer their sacred cows, but they're not being objective). I think your wife knows what she looks like pregnant because she can see herself in the mirror. She probably just wants reassurance that she's still beautiful or attractive to you, so she's asking for your subjective opinion. In essence, she's asking "do you find me gross like this"? And you could say "you don't look fat, you look pregnant, and it looks beautiful on you!" then make sure to give her a hug and a kiss or something so she doesn't doubt your sincerity. That way you aren't lying to her, but still giving her the reassurance she needs to be ok with what she sees in the mirror.

I understand what you are saying...

The truth is always positive for those that don't buffer and are ready for it and choose the truth and ask for help sincerely however there are many examples in my life and in literature where the truth can do more harm than good when considering different humans involved.
But if everyone is equal on the learning curve or far along enough or if a situation needs a nudge in a direction...yes the truth is the best course of action.
You are talking about a universal level of development in the same paragraph that contains 'does this sweater make me look fat?'
If this is something that enters your mind in a metaphysical discussion maybe you need to go back to the drawing board.
You are talking about drawing boards in a universal development discussion maybe you need

God forbid analogies or phrases are used to express communication between people that don't know each other. Pictures, symbolisms are used for thousands of years to pass down messages through the centuries. Communication takes on many forms...

I still don't believe that "The Truth" is the best course of action in EVERY situation.

After reading through the thread and getting hung up on an analogy and having that be the thing that makes you decide to post and communicate says alot more about you than it does the person trying to use the analogy and at the end of the day the analogy was understood and responded to...Please work on your intellectual and emotional center communication within yourself :-)
(imo ) lies carry lies , those lies carry more lies , the lies of those lies of those lies carry even more lies , (...) , and while one can choose to not "speak" truth , even while speaking a lie , truth is spoken , ( albeit perhaps not explicitly )
I still don't believe that "The Truth" is the best course of action in EVERY situation.
Well that sounds like we are supposed to bend the truth to be situational. How much do you bend it before it becomes ‘your truth, my truth’ and not the truth at all. Not telling the truth is akin to lying, but holding back truth because someone can’t deal with it is a more positive action because telling the truth would be unfitting for them is probably more in alignment with non interference of freewill. But it’s still the truth, it doesn’t matter if a person wants to believe lies to bolster up their existence, the truth will always be the truth and ‘their truth’ just a load of make believe lies to soothe to sleep. Believing lies is negative, seeking truth is positive, bending the truth to protect someone’s freewill must be a cancelling effect of both of these which would become a neutral.
Yes, FRV and what we do here our free willed choices and work on ourselves is most important. Being more STO here and now is IMO the best way to increase the chances of reincarnating to 4D. I am researching and gaining info on the life in-between life 5thD reincarnation part of this whole equations thus communicating within this topic. Nuance and details are important to me and details that are in the margins or fringes when incorporated in the whole picture gives me a better understanding...What I do know is there is a life review in 5D and elders or guides communicate wth the soul/conciousness and there is a "right" "wrong" "should have" need to learn type of review and there is influencing for us to make a choice to come back
I think it’s a free will universe, but at the same time just cuz you have the free will to do things that may not be conducive to your growth, others have the free will to advise against it, if you’re willing to listen, and especially if they are your friends. You can always just ignore all guides and advice and do your own thing. Are you suggesting that those guides may give you bad advice or force you to do something against your will?

If it is as black and white as you either reach the threshold/frequency for 4D or you don't then we wouldn't have a choice or it wouldnt be set up to make us think we have choice....What I am doing here is commenting on facts from multiple sources and then pontificating
Can you clarify what you mean by “then we wouldn’t have a choice”? Which choice are you referring to? Sorry if I missed it.
Shall I say, striving towards the truth is an act of positivity, but I do think the truth is always positive no matter how ugly that truth may be. You used an example of someone who is pregnant asking if they look fat, well they probably know they do, they’re just after reassurance and in that case lying to someone isn’t going to comfort them, but using the truth tactfully.
G would disagree the truth told to those that “buffer” can send one down the ladder of progress.

Do the C’s always tell us the “Truth” … No and I never said to lie in my post like you admitted tact is needed in situations

We have to look at each individual situation and take them one by one unfortunately the future is open and reality “renders” to us so going into every situation with the “truth” as one sees it (this is another topic) I do not think is the best option all the time.

Now if we just take objective truth/data/reslity/information and pack it away in a box alone … Yes I do believe that is always positive but we don’t exist in separate rooms soaking up truth information… reality, situations and humans can be complex…The truth added to everything everytime will not always be positive because it now becomes part of a human, situation

Now to break this down to split hairs

1) Is truth positive alone or given to one who is ready for it a situation ready for it…Yes I can say it is.

2) Is truth always positive when inserted to everyone, situation… No.
If I ask how I am going to die, and then get hit by a scorching hot asteroid, then the truth arrived in the form of an asteroid and this is perfectly fine, right? If so, then all I need to do to live a truthful life is to run into a burning building and experience the truth of fire. As flames are all around me: this is fine.

In a human context, as soon as you separate truth from the intent or needs of who is asking, it becomes irrelevant data, even if factually accurate. Just because people have imperfect judgement on what is a relevant truth and sometimes miss the mark does not mean that flippant factualism is adequate. Just because you can stun someone temporarily by giving them a useless factual response does not mean you "won" in any way or solved anything!

If you think only of words as truth then all factual responses, no matter how damaging, are equally valid. But if the question were nothing but words, we would not even respond. We would only walk past the poster on the wall without a second thought. We do not respond to words, we respond to situations. A truthful response to a person requires some understanding of their needs and intent.

In short, saying true words to someone is not the same as giving them the truth. The truth comes from an honest assessment of the current situation and what it demands. It is oh so convenient for narcissists that true words, when received, can become an injury.
Whether actively seeking truth or having truth thrust upon you is irrelevant, the act of ignoring and dismissing truth is a negative act as in the same when withholding the truth if it should be told. I think this is primarily why humans are negative oriented beings- lack of truth, which is knowledge.
Whether actively seeking truth or having truth thrust upon you is irrelevant, the act of ignoring and dismissing truth is a negative act as in the same when withholding the truth if it should be told. I think this is primarily why humans are negative oriented beings- lack of truth, which is knowledge.
But then one has to think about positive and negative and what one means when speaking those words. What do you mean by positive and negative?.

I concur that truth is probably one of those sacred things one should aim at, whenever possible, in most situations, particularly in one's relationship with oneself, one's choices, and behavior and so on. Lying to oneself is detrimental to so much. In one's relationship to another, I do think that one ought to strive for truth, first within oneself and yes, with others.

Having said that, the dispensation of truth is also very context specific, there are things that would be harmful or cause distress, if delivered at the wrong time, to the wrong person, in the wrong context. There are things about me, and my life that I will not share with my coworkers for instance, or things I wouldn't say to a young child, that I would to an adult for instance. Am I withholding truth? or living negatively because of that choice? I don't think so personally.

Rather, I think, it's another layer of truth, the truth about the relationship, the context and the dynamics that govern those specific relationships, and what those situations ask for as an appropriate level of interaction, not every interaction requires all the truth all the time, that doesn't mean one has to lie, but being 100% forthcoming with everything could end up in harm, which would land one in a negative situation.

So, I do think that striving for truth is positive, in as most situations as possible (which also includes admitting when one isn't ready to learn the truth, interestingly), the dispensation of truth.. or the level of truth about some things, isn't as black and white and could end up being actually quite negative and self centered. Not every honest word is delivered because of a love for truth, and not every lie is delivered with the intent to destroy. It's very context specific, OSIT
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