Third density repetition

A: Has to do with atomic principles. These with gravity present the borderland for the material and the nonmaterial. Which theoretical atomic particulates would you think form the basis here?

Good news and good search, but I also believe that it speaks of the soul in its connection with the physical and how it stores information there.
The basic difference between STO and STS (as the paths) appears to be one of awareness. I think that the STS mentality involves a "fundamental distortion of truth". Duality. They perceive (and create, somehow) an absolute duality between them and all else. STO (positivity) perceives unity/oneness of all. Ra and the C's repeat again and again: "All is one", "You are all that there is".

Our negative or pessimistic thoughts and feelings, especially to the extent they are extreme and health-impairing, involves a "loss of knowledge/faith of the utmost truth (oneness)" probably. 51% STO appears to mean that the knowledge, awareness, or faith of the utmost truth is consolidated enough so as to be never diminished or lost again.
Hey someone mentioned my name ;)

I did, I think! 😄

Our status quo, our realm, our mundane reality dumps so much negativity on us continuously. I believe and I sense that true positivity is capable of balancing and overcoming all the degenerative effects of the negativity we are being bombarded with from inside and outside us. But true positivity is of a different realm, a different reality, very incompatible with the one we must be more-or-less compatible with now.

Truly committing to positivity (to being and awareness) requires radically reforming one's life, I believe. It's like religion. It's like one's relation to God/Goodness. Something must come before all else. Something that is worth it. I feel I face such a transformation.
Why would anything be gained or lost within the grand total of reality? - I keep going back to Anselm's ontology, and it makes sense no matter the shift in narrative/ new insights/ whatever the flick you want to call it. Reality is dually recursive from our vantage point, you can expand or contract it, fit it into a specific narrative whatever way you like, and a small hallway where that becomes the 'ultimate truth' for a while will instantiate. Add 20 more dimensions, unlock capabilities to re-design Norway and you have Michael Moorcock's 'Dancers at the end of time'. Now forget the whole entropy idea, or embrace it instead. Natural laws are local by nature because there are no limits. This is the game and it never ends, because if it ever did a new game would replace it instead and go on in a slightly different fashion.

The very untouchable baseline of philosophy; reality never ends.
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We got ill by believing in some falsities (ego based perception of an absolute duality) and all we need is to get well again by remembering and having enough and steadily increasing faith in the truth (oneness of all).

Positivity is of the "realm of light/truth/health" (STO) but we are living in a realm of darkness/lies/disease (STS).
We got ill by believing in some falsities (ego based perception of an absolute duality) and all we need is to get well again by remembering and having enough and steadily increasing faith in the truth (oneness of all).

Positivity is of the "realm of light/truth/health" (STO) but we are living in a realm of darkness/lies/disease (STS).
And on that note, I must say, I never repel the idea of STS, I completely accept its existence, the I AMness of it in the encounters we have in this whacky earth experience, for it is one mighty teacher and all that is cannot exist without it. Without negative how do we know positive? How do we know there is a choice?

I have on more than one occasion tipped my proverbial hat at 4D STS and commended them on a ‘nice play’ while laughing and say ‘oh but you can’t have me’ … I don’t see enemies, lovers, friends, colleagues…, I see teachers, I see myself being mirrored back at me in all of it, all of you, all of nature, all of everything man made, all of the information I read, the cosmos, my memories…. everything is a mirror so I can choose how I want to BE and where I go from here.
And on that note, I must say, I never repel the idea of STS, I completely accept its existence, the I AMness of it in the encounters we have in this whacky earth experience, for it is one mighty teacher and all that is cannot exist without it. Without negative how do we know positive? How do we know there is a choice?

Sure. Without the interaction between positivity and negativity, the engine of existence wouldn't run, I suppose :-)
Positivity is a state of being IMO no faking and wisdom is using knowledge gained in an application within life and then intent is also mixed in there somewhere…
I see it the same way. The 'ultimate truth' or knowledge is that we are divinity at the core of our being, which is pure positivity. And we are "in positivity" when we connect to the divinity within and learn to live from that place.

My mind is foggy on this matter. But I have the impression that our etheric body or bodies (our soul, in that sense) might also be composed of atoms in some way. You know, the deeper we go into an atom at quantum levels, the more non-physical it becomes, I suppose.
Any of the bodies we use (physical, etheric, astral, etc.) is not who we are. They are like vehicles that are used by a being who is pure spirit and eternal. It can be called soul, but it is really who we actually are.
Yes, I do not want to come back to STS and I don't want to be involved with people that do for the most part.
Well there are no shortcuts or free lunch, and I doubt you can "manage" your 5D experience to ensure your next incarnation is STO. You go where you fit based on your FRV and level of development. I think the best way to ensure you come back as STO is to just be more STO and all that that entails.
“ The Truth is always positive” … not so much…if my future wife is pregnant and asks if she looks fat I’ll be sure to use tact and not just truth under the guise of I’m being positive.
I think the truth is always positive to those who seek it. Knowledge protects - and protection and personal empowerment can never be a bad thing (except to those who prefer their sacred cows, but they're not being objective). I think your wife knows what she looks like pregnant because she can see herself in the mirror. She probably just wants reassurance that she's still beautiful or attractive to you, so she's asking for your subjective opinion. In essence, she's asking "do you find me gross like this"? And you could say "you don't look fat, you look pregnant, and it looks beautiful on you!" then make sure to give her a hug and a kiss or something so she doesn't doubt your sincerity. That way you aren't lying to her, but still giving her the reassurance she needs to be ok with what she sees in the mirror.
You are talking about a universal level of development in the same paragraph that contains 'does this sweater make me look fat?'
If this is something that enters your mind in a metaphysical discussion maybe you need to go back to the drawing board.
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