Third density repetition

The problem is that we live in a kind of machine which operates 7/24 in explicit and implicit ways to "exterminate any and all positivity". We call it "life". I think this is a "deadly illusion", as the C's say.

Of course, the Matrix doesn't cover or control our entire life experience but, nonetheless, it's extremely widespread in general.
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You seem to try to invest in your "transition to STO" by planning what you will or won't do in the afterlife? What about what you do "here and now"? What about work on self?

STO is about positivity. 51% STO is %51 positivity.

Remember what the C's told about positivity?

To tell alittle about myself…. I started the 4th Way Journey, work on thy self, esoteric journey in my late teens I read In Search Of the Miraculously in 2008 and other G/4th way material after that and now nearly 20 years later I would say I have a much better grasp on myself, although improvements, blind spots and sacred cows are always needed, there and waiting to be worked through thus I would have to say that I am somewhat proficient in The Work and have made great progress on Working on myself as this comes first. The after life info comes later this after I have put first things first over the last roughly 18 months I am learning about life between life and the 5th density more and more.

It took two decades to have a good grasp on The Work so I surmise it will take longer than 18 months to fully understand the 5D reincarnation life between life dynamic.

So this dialog with you is part of my learning process, networking and research so thank you. I want all the data so I can couple it with the control I have over my emotions, intellect and thus actions so while I am either indifferent or STO during my time here in reaction to life and its situations I can also do what’s necessary and try and “make sure” I transition to 4D and or a different 3D STS realm

Regarding positivity it’s a fine line as it is important to live as close to reality as possible snd see it for what it is thus when negativity arises if it’s not warranted I am able to quell the response or if it’s a just respond I respond without feeding into it and prolonging it but I must say transitioning to positivity when it’s an objective negative situation may leave one with blind spots in the situation and leave one open to attack here in reality.

And I can’t plan what I will do in the afterlife as I don’t have all the info hence commenting within this thread. It seems to follow the conduit is best and then “see what happens” when I arrive.

I am sure alot of us have and I have been put into situations or find our self in situations because of the rule set here for me I either make the STO decision to improve the situation or remove myself from the situation with as little hurt as possible to others even if it means breaking my own heart so I say that to say this - it doesn’t make sense it’s not logical to come back
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I thank you too @Menna, I'm also trying to improve my awareness, which is far from being complete. I'm certainly not in command of everything I say or suggest based on sessions. You see, I'm advocating positivity and also have to admit that I don't do it most of my time. I'm trying to observe and understand my contradictions to gradually overcome them.

I notice that you're emphasizing, "I don't want to come back (to STS)". And you're kind of "taking pains" to ensure this, which can very well be necessary and beneficial. What I want to add regarding this based on my observation of my experience and contradictions is that transitioning from STS to STO should essentially be "enjoyable" despite all the difficulties and complexities involved. The Work should not be "drudgery", although this suggestion is too simplifying.

Again, with another over-simplification, I'll speculate that increasing one's positivity is the only essential thing one is supposed to do. It's the most beautiful thing to do. Then, how come we often don't do it or often have great difficulty doing it? It is mainly because we live in a realm which is heavily equipped by higher STS so as to counteract positivity. We are often led to ignore this deliberate counteractions (rules of STS) as "ordinary quality of life" rather than as the manipulations and attacks of a perpetrator. This is what the C's call "deadly illusion", I suppose.

Under these conditions of severe pressure of negativity, the only way for one to be able to steadily increase one's positivity (and thus to advance towards STO) is to take this as one's life's primary goal and meaning. Failing this, I think, is the reason why the only thing to do becomes difficult or impossible to do.
Failing this, I think, is the reason why the only thing to do becomes difficult or impossible to do.
And as Ra says, identifying the "Love" of the moment is the difficult part.

It seems that we are helping another and in reality we are violating his free will.

It seems that we are not helping another and if we do it is because we respect his free will.

Turning the other cheek may not help, but other times it does.

The law of three.
I think it is more accurate to say that ghosts are still in third density. I would not really call the 3D astral world physical, it does not seem to be made of physical matter. Though it does seem to be closely connected to physicality, sort of like a mirror image or reflection maybe.
I don't agree.

In near-death experiences there is a boundary that is said to be beyond which there is no way back.

As long as there are atoms involved, it will be something physical in my opinion.
What I want to add regarding this based on my observation of my experience and contradictions is that transitioning from STS to STO should essentially be "enjoyable" despite all the difficulties and complexities involved. The Work should not be "drudgery", although this suggestion is too simplifying.
Well, there is a kind of fine line between facing the negativity (within oneself and the world) and also staying connected to the love and joy that is at the core of our being.

Focusing just on negativity is a trap, just like avoiding to face the negativity is a trap.

As long as there are atoms involved, it will be something physical in my opinion.
People like Robert Monroe and quite a few others explored the astral world extensively. And while there is quite a bit of connection and sometimes interaction between the astral and the physical, they are also very different.

The astral body is not physical (no atoms), but a type of subtle energy (not electrons) that has not been discovered by the current 'official science' yet.
I notice that you're emphasizing, "I don't want to come back (to STS)". And you're kind of "taking pains" to ensure this, which can very well be necessary and beneficial. What I want to add regarding this based on my observation of my experience and contradictions is that transitioning from STS to STO should essentially be "enjoyable" despite all the difficulties and complexities involved. The Work should not be "drudgery", although this suggestion is too simplifying.
Yes, I do not want to come back to STS and I don't want to be involved with people that do for the most part. Yes, the result is enjoyable and or benaficial meaning that after you get past a sacred cow or overcome your machine to act in an STO way in an STS situation the RESULT is enjoyable meaning you are better off now and in the future than you were in the past but the process of doing so is arduous as to me its a a form of "shedding" like a snake sheds its skin to develop a new I am sure the after result is great but the during not so much.

So yes the results are enjoyable and worth it but the during is/can be drudgery as there is no driver manual and depending on a persons network there may be no in person guides or mentors so I say that to say this The Work is a case by case basis and if one is "alone" in this meaning not many around doing The Work then there can be mistakes, mishaps', going down the wrong road and needing to course correct all while balancing 3D life responsibilities.

I am trying to build an STO being or an analogy an STO house putting up the walls and excavating and roofing all requires work and yes at times pain staking work but the RESULT is enjoyable or beneficial the during not so much.

Also, to give feedback on becoming more positive, I think having something objectively negative happens in life seeing it for what it is not dwelling or wallowing in the negativity and moving on some might not see as positive but I believe it is or at least is an improvement in the right direction. Again like a said in the face of danger/negativity to just "act" positive may not be beneficial after all we do have to protect ourselves and see the 3D STS reality that we chose to be in...Nature, grass, trees flowers, water, the sky, stars are part of 3D STS realm and I enjoy all of those features so 3D STS is not all bad however we do have to play in the sandbox of other humans free will decisions this is where things get dicey at times....
Yes, I do not want to come back to STS and I don't want to be involved with people that do for the most part. Yes, the result is enjoyable and or benaficial meaning that after you get past a sacred cow or overcome your machine to act in an STO way in an STS situation the RESULT is enjoyable meaning you are better off now and in the future than you were in the past but the process of doing so is arduous as to me its a a form of "shedding" like a snake sheds its skin to develop a new I am sure the after result is great but the during not so much.

So yes the results are enjoyable and worth it but the during is/can be drudgery as there is no driver manual and depending on a persons network there may be no in person guides or mentors so I say that to say this The Work is a case by case basis and if one is "alone" in this meaning not many around doing The Work then there can be mistakes, mishaps', going down the wrong road and needing to course correct all while balancing 3D life responsibilities.

I am trying to build an STO being or an analogy an STO house putting up the walls and excavating and roofing all requires work and yes at times pain staking work but the RESULT is enjoyable or beneficial the during not so much.

Also, to give feedback on becoming more positive, I think having something objectively negative happens in life seeing it for what it is not dwelling or wallowing in the negativity and moving on some might not see as positive but I believe it is or at least is an improvement in the right direction. Again like a said in the face of danger/negativity to just "act" positive may not be beneficial after all we do have to protect ourselves and see the 3D STS reality that we chose to be in...Nature, grass, trees flowers, water, the sky, stars are part of 3D STS realm and I enjoy all of those features so 3D STS is not all bad however we do have to play in the sandbox of other humans free will decisions this is where things get dicey at times....
I think, to act appropriately in the face of danger and negative experiences, drawing on knowledge and awareness of how to respond, is an act of positivity. It’s putting the greater good of things we’ve learned and acquired into action for the best outcome for the situation.
I could give a tonne of examples of how acting in negative situations can have a positive outcome.
One simple one- you catch a cold and you’re sick, so you stay away from other people til you are better all the while taking care of yourself to minimise the effects of the illness. And because of knowledge and awareness you are prepared with medicines and supplement to help you recover, and also because of knowledge and awareness you have been looking after your general health and well being in the event you might need to fight off an infection. The infection induced a negative state and could have negative consequences to someone who is ill prepared to deal with it but because of positive action being taken before, during and after the infection the negative effects are mitigated.
Positivity is not about a projection of a good mood or being nice, but those things have their place in the right right circumstance. Positivity might even be perceived as negativity to people who don’t understand that the truth, no matter how ugly or undesirable it seems, is always positive. For example, my partner used to tell me I’m being negative for talking about a world that was being controlled by hidden hands and that we must learn about it to know how to protect ourselves. He wanted to place his head deep in his butt about it and ignore the truth- which is a negative reaction out of fear of the truth.
I think, to act appropriately in the face of danger and negative experiences, drawing on knowledge and awareness of how to respond, is an act of positivity. It’s putting the greater good of things we’ve learned and acquired into action for the best outcome for the situation.

Hopefully for the best outcome we are not in control of the outcome. What you call positivity in this situation I call Wisdom. It’s always prudent to apply wisdom gained thus far to each and everything … hopefully with all that’s going on in the situation and in the moment one can call on all wisdom/knowledge and act.
Positivity is not about a projection of a good mood or being nice, but those things have their place in the right right circumstance. Positivity might even be perceived as negativity to people who don’t understand that the truth, no matter how ugly or undesirable it seems, is always positive. For example, my partner used to tell me I’m being negative for talking about a world that was being controlled by hidden hands and that we must learn about it to know how to protect ourselves. He wanted to place his head deep in his butt about it and ignore the truth- which is a negative reaction out of fear of the truth.

I know you quoted my post but I don’t know if you have comprehended it or maybe because we don’t know each other you are responding to words or taking them in a certain way that is not close with what I intend the words to mean.

I hope I didn’t give the impression with what I wrote that positivity IS about good moods and “acting” being nice. It’s about a State of being thoughts emotions that lead to action or none action.

“ The Truth is always positive” … not so much…if my future wife is pregnant and asks if she looks fat I’ll be sure to use tact and not just truth under the guise of I’m being positive.

Situation is very important there is no positivity blanket that apply to all situations and if we use the phrase “The truth is always positive” well in this life it’s very tough to have all the data/info in every situation thus it’s very tough to know the truth in EVERY situation.

Positivity is a state of being IMO no faking and wisdom is using knowledge gained in an application within life and then intent is also mixed in there somewhere… I’m still figuring out if it matters as much as people say it does…
Hopefully for the best outcome we are not in control of the outcome. What you call positivity in this situation I call Wisdom. It’s always prudent to apply wisdom gained thus far to each and everything … hopefully with all that’s going on in the situation and in the moment one can call on all wisdom/knowledge and act.
I would call wisdom positive
I know you quoted my post but I don’t know if you have comprehended it or maybe because we don’t know each other you are responding to words or taking them in a certain way that is not close with what I intend the words to mean.

I hope I didn’t give the impression with what I wrote that positivity IS about good moods and “acting” being nice. It’s about a State of being thoughts emotions that lead to action or none action.

“ The Truth is always positive” … not so much…if my future wife is pregnant and asks if she looks fat I’ll be sure to use tact and not just truth under the guise of I’m being positive.

Situation is very important there is no positivity blanket that apply to all situations and if we use the phrase “The truth is always positive” well in this life it’s very tough to have all the data/info in every situation thus it’s very tough to know the truth in EVERY situation.

Positivity is a state of being IMO no faking and wisdom is using knowledge gained in an application within life and then intent is also mixed in there somewhere… I’m still figuring out if it matters as much as people say it does…
Shall I say, striving towards the truth is an act of positivity, but I do think the truth is always positive no matter how ugly that truth may be. You used an example of someone who is pregnant asking if they look fat, well they probably know they do, they’re just after reassurance and in that case lying to someone isn’t going to comfort them, but using the truth tactfully.
As long as there are atoms involved, it will be something physical in my opinion.
My mind is foggy on this matter. But I have the impression that our etheric body or bodies (our soul, in that sense) might also be composed of atoms in some way. You know, the deeper we go into an atom at quantum levels, the more non-physical it becomes, I suppose.

Probably there are much more direct and relevant dialogs in the sessions regarding this but the following is currently the first that pops up in my mind.

(L) Moving along to the next question: we have been discussing memories and how memories of, say, past lives are stored, and that leads to the question of what is the structure and composition of the soul? How does the soul remember? How does it carry its memories from lifetime to lifetime, from body to body, whether simultaneous or sequential? How does the soul "store" them?

A: Has to do with atomic principles. These with gravity present the borderland for the material and the nonmaterial. Which theoretical atomic particulates would you think form the basis here?

Q: (L) How about tachyons?

A: Maybe neutrons?

Q: (A) Neutrons? Or neutrinos?

A: Neutrinos.

Q: (A) Well, first they say neutrons, then neutrinos. Or "maybe neutrons." I say "neutrinos" and they say "yes." So a "maybe" is only a pointer. Neutrinos are funny particles because they are massless. But, some people don't believe that neutrinos exist. My guess would be neutrinos. Do they exist?

A: Okay, we are going to throw caution to the "winds," and say yes. [Laughter.]

Q: (L) In terms of these neutrinos and soul composition, how are memories formed or held or patterned with these neutrinos?

A: Contained within for release when and if suitable.

Q: (L) Memories are contained within the neutrinos?

A: Sort of.

Q: (L) Are they contained within patterns formed by the neutrinos?

A: Closer.

Q: (L) So, that means that if one "consciousness unit," or soul, has more memories or experiences than another consciousness unit, it would have more neutrinos?

A: No.

Q: (B) Different patterns?

A: No.

Q: (L) What's the difference?

A: More data per unit, sort of.

Q: (L) Does that mean that an individual neutrino can be, in and of itself, more "dense" in data, so to speak?

A: So to speak.

Q: (L) Does this increased density of data change the nature or function of the individual neutrino?

A: Maybe it changes the function of the awareness, thus the environs.

Q: (L) Is there a specific number of neutrinos that constitutes a consciousness unit, or soul?

A: Number is not quite the right concept. Orientation is closer.

Q: (L) What are the orientational options?

A: Vibrational frequencies.

Q: (L) Do the vibrational frequencies increase or decrease with density of data?

A: Change; better not to quantify.

Q: (A) We are talking about soul. Soul is what density, in concept?

A: Ark, are neutrinos related to the concept of a bridge into pure energy in some way?

Q: (A) Yes. I was going in that direction. I was wondering why you speak about neutrinos and not photons, because photons are also a bridge to pure energy, I would say. The difference between photons and neutrinos is that photons are bosons and neutrinos are fermions. Neutrinos have to dance so that they don't touch each other. Bosons are like pairs of neutrinos and photons, as bosons, are free to move in space any way they want.

A: We would mention photons in terms of this discussion, but for the tendency of some reading the WebPages to misinterpret in terms of the "love and light" fantastic.

Q: (L) Well, the "light fantastic" was a dance around the turn of the century, so that refers back to the remark about "dancing." (A) Are neutrinos the fundamental building blocks of everything? The most fundamental particle, so to speak?

A: More like a midpoint with spherical outward expansive quality. Tetrahedron, pentagon, hexagon.
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