Third density repetition

there is manipulation and influence after death to persuade entities to reincarnate down to an overtly STS realm
You almost make it sound like STO guides in the contemplation zone do not serve our highest good.

I think you are making the assumption that “The light” and 5D are synonymous
Yeah, you can say that. 5D is the "density of light", although the C's say the light seen upon death is the light of 7D. These are not mutually exclusive, I think.

From what I have read avoiding the light means “trying@ to avoid reincarnating back to a 3D STS real, not giving into the life review manipulation and guilt fear control matrix that pushes souls back down to 3D as these influences are also talked about in the NDE and Michael Newton, life between life resources
The bolded parts sound like pure disinformation to me. I don't remember if Michael Newton defended or suggested such ideas. I hope not. Can you find and share anything he said on these? And what about the C's and Ra? Do you think they have omitted to warn us about such a serious danger? Or STS forces have somehow managed to prevent their transfer of such info and warnings to us in the sessions?
I can be wrong but I sense a kind of pessimism or disappointment there? The cycle of existence seems like an eternal prison? Sometimes it appeared me like that, I must admit. And that thought was "unpleasant" to say the least, an "extremely traumatic" thought/belief to be more realistic. I don't claim you're experiencing the same thing I did, but I just wanted to mention this. Anyway, I later surmised that this was a heavy attack (heaviest, perhaps) by STS forces. I believe this is a projection based on our "prison hell" experience in world. They try to make us project our agonizing local experience to the entire existence. The "tunnel trap" thing mentioned on this thread is also closely related to this, I think.
You are correct that I have thought of this in a way that makes me seriously consider the point of it all and then even not want to bother making any real attempt at learning anything, even feeling suicidal.
Then it occurred to me if we have a One, then may be there’s are other ‘Ones’ out there and our experience with our One is just One of infinite Ones..
So self limiting to be in a place where it doesn’t matter and giving up is more desirable than making any efforts.

It took me a lot to accept the idea of reincarnation as a child because I didn’t want to think that I’ve existed before this life but couldn’t remember, so I rebuked anyone who suggested the idea for a long time.

Now I know that I just don’t know, and there is a real sense of adventure and excitement in trying to find out!!
You are correct that I have thought of this in a way that makes me seriously consider the point of it all and then even not want to bother making any real attempt at learning anything, even feeling suicidal.
Yes, the terrible "prison existence" sense made me suicidal as well, even if for a very short period of time (seconds). For the first time in my life, I really thought about killing myself due to the extreme "egregiousness" of the feeling/thought. But existence seemed so meaningless and so inescapable that killing oneself would resolve nothing. Entire existence seemed like an undescribable nightmare, from which one can never wake up as it is pure reality, the horrendous infinite torture. I think STS forces tried a golden shot with me. Was a near-miss, I believe.
Yes, the terrible "prison existence" sense made me suicidal as well, even if for a very short period of time (seconds). For the first time in my life, I really thought about killing myself due to the extreme "egregiousness" of the feeling/thought. But existence seemed so meaningless and so inescapable that killing oneself would resolve nothing. Entire existence seemed like an undescribable nightmare, from which one can never wake up as it is pure reality, the horrendous infinite torture. I think STS forces tried a golden shot with me. Was a near-miss, I think.
Wowsers, and they say there isn’t a hell, only the one we create for ourself, but I’ve seen it, and it’s loaded with lost souls who believe there is a hell, that’s where suicide and extreme denial takes us.. you can guess who the overseers of a place like that are.. what a wonderful place to dine!!

I had several moments where killing my self was a perceived only viable option. It was always a cry for help though, the first time the help came from above.I was shown the silver cord all frayed like a rope that only had one tiny thread holding it together, was told if I didn’t stop what I was doing I’d cut myself off from home (they called it soul, I didn’t know about 5D then, only knew it existed in a memory of a knowing) and be earth bound for eternity.. the second time I had rope burns for a week, yeah I kicked out the chair right after sending a message detailing what I was about to do, this was pure and utter desperation to be heard… I was willing to hand over my life to make a point. Ironically it didn’t work, they just got more abusive and took many more years before that person listened to me.. my approach was all wrong. But in among it all there were many severe depressions that dying sounded like nothing but a relief, yet I had no intentions to lull myself, wallowings that literally caused unbearable pain, sadness so profound it cause fully conscious catatonic states (it that even makes sense) but the worst of them all, nothingness, a big fat empty nothing.. being soul crushingly sad is one thing but being nothing is just indescribable.

When a person goes through things like that and recovers using faith and knowledge there’s pretty much nothing the universe can throw at you that can break you to pieces anymore…. I think!?!
Well, I guess we will see about that.
Then it occurred to me if we have a One, then may be there’s are other ‘Ones’ out there and our experience with our One is just One of infinite Ones..
So self limiting to be in a place where it doesn’t matter and giving up is more desirable than making any efforts.

It took me a lot to accept the idea of reincarnation as a child because I didn’t want to think that I’ve existed before this life but couldn’t remember, so I rebuked anyone who suggested the idea for a long time.

Now I know that I just don’t know, and there is a real sense of adventure and excitement in trying to find out!!

I have no conscious memory, thought, or feeling of a past life but I don't doubt about its reality. And I'm not willing to remember anything about a past life. I feel it holds many tragedies, unsurprisingly in such a world. My subconscious might be processing things from past lives but I'm not willing to be consciously aware of it for now, at least until I manage to stop "3D-thinking".
I had several moments where killing my self was a perceived only viable option.
Wow, you are much more experiencied than me about committing suicide :-)

It seems that yours were closely related to your relations with others. I believe what was probably lacking in my relations with family and others was also probably influential on my near-miss in some way but since I'm a certified loner in most matters, it didn't ever occur to me that my predicaments had anything to do with what is lacking or wrong in my relations. I'm inclined to self-blame.
I have no conscious memory, thought, or feeling of a past life but I don't doubt about its reality. And I'm not willing to remember anything about a past life. I feel it holds many tragedies, unsurprisingly in such a world. My subconscious might be processing things from past lives but I'm not willing to be consciously aware of it for now, at least until I manage to stop "3D-thinking".
I have had a few involuntary memories, and you’re correct in saying that they’re things we’d really rather not remember. To be honest I don’t even know if they were my past lives or a screen memory or someone else that I was tapping into for whatever reason, though since I really started working on myself and increasing my here and now I do find that I have to cleanse some thoughts and emotions which means living them out in real-time and making peace with them.
I relived a scenario about 8 years ago where I was a newborn baby being disemboweled, raped and sacrificed in what would only be described as a satanic ritual while my mother was forced to watch. I had all the feelings and emotions, the inexplicable pain, the tremendous fear of both the baby and the mother.
i actually stopped wanting to engage in any kind of self work for a long while after that. I became addicted to working out and developed a severe eating disorder.
What was the title of this thread.. third density repetition…. Yeah- no thanks!!!
What I consider an advantage in my situation is that I don't feel I belong to this world, to people, etc. The world and what is experienced on it should not be the criterion when deciding on whether existence is fair and meaningful. Ra and the C's material have helped me remember what existence was really like, more or less. The world is too small. A few hundred thousand years is too short in view of infinity. STS try to limit our perception of existence to the world. "Pleasures" help falling asleep to the sweet dream of world. And one has to wake up from painful nightmares.
Wow, you are much more experiencied than me about committing suicide :-)

It seems that yours were closely related to your relations with others. I believe what was probably lacking in my relations with family and others was also probably influential on my near-miss in some way but since I'm a certified loner in most matters, it didn't ever occur to me that my predicaments had anything to do with what is lacking or wrong in my relations. I'm inclined to self-blame.
Sorry I had to laugh, I actually laughed out loud. an experienced suicide threatener :lol2:
It was when I stopped blaming others and started taking responsibility for myself that the depressions and deep sadness abated… I wanted it to be someone else’s fault so I didn’t have to step up and own it… but there’s a fine balance there too, taking too much blame is a slippery slope. Relationships in 3D STS are beyond tricky, sitting under a tree meditating by myself for 27 hours a day sounded so much more appealing…. But I think the big gems, mirrors and lessons are always through relationships with others.
What I consider an advantage in my situation is that I don't feel I belong to this world, to people, etc. The world and what is experienced on it should not be the criterion when deciding on whether existence is fair and meaningful. Ra and the C's material have helped me remember what existence was really like, more or less. The world is too small. A few hundred thousand years is too short in view of infinity. STS try to limit our perception of existence to the world. "Pleasures" help falling asleep to the sweet dream of world. And one has to wake up from painful nightmares.
I agree with this sentiment, though it’s not an advantage per say for me because I am 44 and still haven’t adjusted very well.
When I read Ra before the C’s it was like lightening bolts striking me with recognition, I could barely keep myself on the planet. Have you read a wanderers handbook by any chance?
We are about the same age. I'm 46, I think (June, 78).

Before familiarizing with Ra and the C's, it was like someone's universe, someone's existence, not mine, for sure. I was like a detested tenant or fugitive in the universe and even in entire existence. I felt I was supposed to find a "meaning/value" which some transcendental force had created and enacted. No such thing I now begin to conclude. Life doesn't belong to someone. No meaning was created by some high force to be found and affirmed by others. All is here and now. One is free and supposed to decide for oneself.

When one is positive somehow, no problem remains of meaninglessness. Positivity contains all the necessary basic information/awareness of all that there is. It takes one beyond "time"s grip.
What I consider an advantage in my situation is that I don't feel I belong to this world, to people, etc. The world and what is experienced on it should not be the criterion when deciding on whether existence is fair and meaningful. Ra and the C's material have helped me remember what existence was really like, more or less. The world is too small. A few hundred thousand years is too short in view of infinity. STS try to limit our perception of existence to the world. "Pleasures" help falling asleep to the sweet dream of world. And one has to wake up from painful nightmares.
However, since you are here, I see nothing wrong with eating a good steak with a glass of good red wine.:-D
I can be wrong but I sense a kind of pessimism or disappointment there? The cycle of existence seems like an eternal prison? Sometimes it appeared me like that, I must admit. And that thought was "unpleasant" to say the least, an "extremely traumatic" thought/belief to be more realistic. I don't claim you're experiencing the same thing I did, but I just wanted to mention this. Anyway, I later surmised that this was a heavy attack (heaviest, perhaps) by STS forces. I believe this is a projection based on our "prison hell" experience in world. They try to make us project our agonizing local experience to the entire existence. The "tunnel trap" thing mentioned on this thread is also closely related to this, I think.

I think it’s healthy to see reality as close as possible and the “rule set” and things that are possible here in 3D STS would lead one to not want to come back or lead to pessimism.

Sure there is positivity here and good times but IMO the negative possibilities the depth of Trauma is not worth being here….if there are other options which I hear there are.

Its like enjoying ice cream but then it hurts your stomach and you have an allergic reaction sure the taste and there are moments of enjoyment but the aftermath doesn’t make it worth it so not wanting to cycle back here forever or avoiding manipulation to come back here is important IMO
You almost make it sound like STO guides in the contemplation zone do not serve our highest good.
What I know about STO is they appear after the work is done and or if sincerely asked for help but if the STS forces influence and control first?

I am not saying that STO serve or do not serve what I am saying is maybe they need the opportunity to serve us we need to allow them to we need to know what and where to side step and go.

What I am saying is I don’t think it’s easy and I think there is nuance in 5D with who you engage with, where you go
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