Third density repetition

The bolded parts sound like pure disinformation to me. I don't remember if Michael Newton defended or suggested such ideas. I hope not. Can you find and share anything he said on these? And what about the C's and Ra? Do you think they have omitted to warn us about such a serious danger? Or STS forces have somehow managed to prevent their transfer of such info and warnings to us in the sessions?

I’ve listened to all Journey of Souls Michael N books and read life between life … all participants went through the life review listened to their “elders” “guide” told they need to do this or that and guess where they end up…3D STS Earth.

Bob Monroe and the C’s talk about souls/humans being food for above loosh farm - B Monroe 4D STS needs bodies needs clients to keep going

The above is what I am pontificating on all the NDE or life between life info says… A leads to B and B leads to C and C leads to another lifetime here on earth….thus my surmising on the topic and discussion

Things like higher good STO STS and all that is arbitrary to me what I am trying to focus on is process and result and what I keep hearing is one process (with slight variations) leading to the same reincarnation result 3D STS Realm

So I guess my question is what is the 4D STS/STO process after dealth … any info resources for me to gather data I haven’t found any thus far only that you need to be STO candidate here on Earth but in between life 5D I’m sure there are entities that still would like you back here
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@Menna, I think you're being paranoid about "STS manipulations in the afterlife". If you have sufficient trust in what Ra and the C's (also various afterlife literature mentioned in this forum) said on the afterlife (5D), you should understand that STS don't have a control over "contemplation" zone activities.

Remember what the C's said about 5D STS:

Q: (T) Well, if the Black Hole is pure STS at level one through four, at level five through seven there is only pure STO. (SV) They said earlier that there was STS at level five and six. (T) But, that's reflection. (L) Thought form.

A: Encapsulated at five.

Q: If you guys were an STS 5th density source, obviously you would not tell us the truth about whether you were or not. But, I don't think you are because so many things you have said have been verified. But, on the other hand, you have said that the STS forces have the ability to create confirming synchronicities to validate their disinformation. So, having things validated is not necessarily proof of STO orientation. I know it is a silly question, but how can one identify a 5th density STS source?

A: Not often communicative.

Q: My thought was that a 5th density STS being would be so encapsulated, so contracted, that they would hardly bother to GIVE anything... "give" being the operative word here. I would think that such beings live only in thought and are simply not WILLING to communicate. Is that correct?

A: More or less.

STS and Afterlife:

(Adobe) In much of the NDE, and karmic studies, the STS path entities are under-represented. Can you help with understanding why?

(Adobe via Zoom) Am I still on? We've been discussing that on the Near Death Experience or Afterlife thread, and in reading through the books, we're going, "Hey, where's all the baddies?" You know, when you hear the near death experience and the karmic stuff, you always hear these great, wonderful stories. If someone dies and it's all wonderful and they come back and it's all wonderful and it's like, "Hey, is there any bad over there?" Where are the service to self people that are putting together a program for their next life where they're gonna do real bad stuff? They're coming down here to learn how to be baddies. So there's no stories of that. So why is the negative side of the other dimensions and densities unrepresented when we go to read about near death and karmic stuff? Well, some of the stuff does, like the recent movie, and I forget the name of it, the 'Astral City' and also Wicklands '30 years among Dead'. They do represent some negativity, but it's generally lost souls not far from us. So let's get back to the question. Okay. Why is the negativity less represented in the truth at 5D?

A: 5th density does not work that way. Negative entities are intensely entropic and sort of gravitationally enclosed so as to give them the opportunity to reflect on their choices. They may then decide to try again but it is rare for the truly negative to reincarnate. They are subsumed.

Ra says the same thing:

Ra: I am Ra. The fifth density is the density of light or wisdom. The so-called negative service-to-self entity in this density is at an high level of awareness and wisdom and has ceased activity except by thought. The fifth-density negative is extraordinarily compacted and separated from all else.
You seem to try to invest in your "transition to STO" by planning what you will or won't do in the afterlife? What about what you do "here and now"? What about work on self?

STO is about positivity. 51% STO is %51 positivity.

Remember what the C's told about positivity?

Q: (T) Do I have implants?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) These implants are what they use to control my emotions and amplify them so that they can feed off of them?

A: Not control, influence.

Q: (T) No, not to control; influence. But when, say, I get angry, then I'm angry for a short time but then I'm angry for a long time because they have used this technology to amplify and extend this; is this what they do?

A: Yes. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Q: (T) Can I feed back through their equipment what I choose?

A: Not necessary.

Q: (T) In other words, if I get angry and realize that I am being more angry than I should be, and I change that to something positive, and feed that back to them while they have their amplifiers wide open, will that affect them? Sour their milk, so to speak?

A: Now you are "fighting fire with fire."

Q: (T) Well, is that something that we are supposed to be doing?

A: Open. But what does phrase imply?

Q: (L) If you feed it back at them, in other words, what they are saying is, I think, when you feel yourself getting angry, the only way to stop the whole thing is to stop being angry and be happy or at peace. When you are happy and at peace there is not in you the desire to send anything back.

A: Bingo.

Q: (J) Redirect the energy into something positive. (F) You can't fight fire with fire. (LM) Well, actually you can in reality. (T) What I am getting at is, is it possible to do that, to change the emotional state to something more positive than what they are expecting and feed that back to them. Is that a possibility?

A: Why.

Q: (T) Just to give them a taste of their own for a change. (J) Do you want to antagonize them? You are still feeding them your energy. (L) The only change you could really have would be the opposite emotion which would be peace and if you are truly feeling peace...

A: 4th density STSers feed off negative energy.

Q: (J) So, give them nothing. (T) But what I am thinking about is the energy... I have a natural... They are feeding off negative energy. They put something in me, some technological thing, because they come into 3rd density to mess with us...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) ...that will amplify this for them. Make it even stronger.

A: Analogy follows: How effective is a light socket without a plug in it?

Q: (T) Well, how effective is a light socket without a socket in it... I'm trying to learn here so you guys give me some latitude.

A: What?

Q: (T) If you take a light socket and pull the socket... pull the plug on the light socket you no longer have light. (L) Well, the Lizzies are the light bulb and you are the power source so you just pull out their plug. (J) Unplug yourself. (T) Am I the socket?

A: How effective is a motor that is never turned on?

Q: (J) Do not be their source. If they feed off negative energy, starve them.

A: Implants are ineffective if not used.

Q: (J) The power source has to be on for the implant to work for them to get the juice and the power is negative thoughts and emotions. (T) But I am still a 3rd density being. I have all the emotions of a 3rd density being, the whole gamut, and that is part of what makes me a 3rd density being. Therefore I can't turn one emotion off without upsetting the balance of the other emotions, emotions are almost an analogy to the light and the dark.

A: No.

Q: (T) I have positive emotions and I have negative emotions; they both make up who I am.

A: If you choose, you may have only positive emotions.

Q: (T) Now, if I have only positive emotions, which is a nice thing to have and I'd like to have that, what does that do to the sensor equipment of the Lizzies?

A: Cancels them.

Q: (T) So they are tuned to negative frequencies?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Having positive feelings cuts off the implants. If I cut off the sensors by having positive feelings, what will the Lizards do?

A: Go elsewhere.

Q: (L) Am I correct in my thought that when you first start turning this off that they may increase their efforts for a period and then finally they realize that you are really in charge here and then they go away?

A: Exactly.

A: (...) Once emotions have been used positively, progress to 4th density STO is possible.

Q: (T) Okay, and you said that the Lizzies feed on the negative energy?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Who feeds on the positive energy?

A: You do.

Q: (T) How do we feed on the positive energy?

A: Progression toward union with the one, I.E. level 7.
Q: (L) Now, the question has arisen that, since other dimensional beings have the ability to kidnap or abduct or forcibly extract souls, do they also have the capability of manipulating our soul essences after they have left our bodies during the transition to fifth density?

A: Not correct.

Q: (L) They do not?

A: No, you see when your physical body expires, and you enter fifth density, this is done one way and one way only: by passing through a conduit which opens specifically for the purpose of transference from third density to fifth density. Now, something often referred to in your terminology as a silver thread, is like a closed line which opens when this conduit is needed. That's rather awkward, but it's the only way to describe it. So that when the physical body terminates, this line is opened forming a conduit through which the soul passes naturally. However, part of the existence of this conduit is that it is absolutely impenetrable by any force from any density level. Therefore, souls in the process of transferring from third density to fifth density are not in any way able to be molested or tampered with. And it should be mentioned here, also, that the soul imprint of the physical body always has a connection to fifth density and that is through the so-called "silver thread." That always exists as the third density soul's doorway to fifth density. It can be opened at a moment's notice whenever needed. When it is opened it becomes a conduit. Through that conduit the soul passes. And it is not subject to interference by anything. This is not a deliberate construction, it is merely the natural process similar to what could be described as the protection mechanisms existing on second level density for creatures which are not capable of protecting themselves through their own conscious thought processes. For example, your turtle is contained within a shell that protects it. That shell is impenetrable by any natural forces, therefore nothing that is natural can harm that turtle. However, the same can exist for any creature when it is connected by the silver thread to fifth density. Once it is passing through the conduit produced by the opening of the silver thread, then, of course, it cannot be tampered with. Do you understand?
I've seen it, had a glance but didn't read. I feel I'm one but I really don't care about it.
I don’t place myself in the category of wanderer because it doesn’t change anything. Like Ra says, wanderers only have a bias towards light/love/knowledge/spirituality, essentially we spilled ones are all the same.

But the book itself would be good for anyone trying to increase their positivity and attitude towards service to others.
I don’t place myself in the category of wanderer because it doesn’t change anything. Like Ra says, wanderers only have a bias towards light/love/knowledge/spirituality, essentially we spilled ones are all the same.

But the book itself would be good for anyone trying to increase their positivity and attitude towards service to others.
Soulled, not spilled, … autocorrect :mad::nuts:
. So i'm not sure if STS, once made as a choice is always bound to to transition to STO eventually.
Say I’m an STS candidate and operate that way for a while based on revenge for imagined affronts, desire to see others fail and suffer and then some bigger creep kicks my butt and I realize I suck at STS and am never going to make it and have the metanoia moment. (LOL, I could be describing the teen years!)
So possibly, if we choose the Yin-Yang symbol as a fairly accurate description of the universal balance, on the black side there is a small white circle and on the white side there is a small black circle
And the dualistic representation is surrounded by…? Nothing? limitless possibility? Silence? A benign observer? Fill in the blank.
I can be wrong but I sense a kind of pessimism or disappointment there? The cycle of existence seems like an eternal prison?
Just remove the word “prison” which is a term loaded with judgement (ha ha) and I think it gets more accurate. And go with: The cycle of existence is eternal. It cuts out a lot of the crap.
Positivity contains all the necessary basic information/awareness of all that there is.
I’m curious about investigating this more. How should positivity, in this sense, be defined?

I don’t think it means to slap a smiley face on your soul when your dog dies: there is value in processing through grief (which hardly FEELS positive, but can be thought of in a positive way). And if we give to everything what is due, then, the death of a loved one certainly asks for an honest emotional response and is an opportunity to tap into and release some of the sorrow of those buried past and present life traumas. Again, it can be viewed positively (it’s for the best, I’m learning, I’m able to actually feel what I’m feeling).

Being philosophically detached about stuff that sucks from a personal perspective will only get one so far. I can attest to that.
I think, another big factor that hasn’t been discussed enough is the idea of energy conserving for oneself to be able to ride the wave. This would apply to both STS and STO. Clearly STS takes energy without giving anything in return and STO gives and takes freely among each other.
So how do we stop the drain of energy. Well of course knowledge and awareness of the types of ways a soulled being can be drained is first and foremost but beyond that I think there are some caveats.

Firstly, and the only one I can think of right now- to believe nothing, never assume we know a thing of the workings of how this density operates or how we function in it. Assuming anything much about higher densities can only ever be conjecture. We can gather ideas and information, do experiments, study til our eyeballs fall out but the point of knowing anything with 100% accuracy is far from obtainable. We can only pierce the veil with tiny little pricks. A triple veil at that. What even does that mean? Veiled from the 3 higher centres?
How often do we drain ourselves from life force by thinking incorrect thoughts or going off on useless tangents? Wasting time doing unnecessary tasks?

It seems like we hardly need others to help us waste our energy, and I’m even considering this thread as a possible waste of energy if we don’t have a functional consensus on what it could mean to repeat 3D .. or how to not repeat it. Or does it even matter if we do?

So what have we come up with so far?
My take home from it all is about harnessing positivity, which is also a positive charge of energy and a shield against negativity. If nothing else then that’s a pretty excellent reminder. So thank you to everyone who had participated in this thread. I don’t know what else I could add from here. But I’m inspired to work harder at my attitude.
I’m curious about investigating this more. How should positivity, in this sense, be defined?

I don’t think it means to slap a smiley face on your soul when your dog dies: there is value in processing through grief (which hardly FEELS positive, but can be thought of in a positive way). And if we give to everything what is due, then, the death of a loved one certainly asks for an honest emotional response and is an opportunity to tap into and release some of the sorrow of those buried past and present life traumas. Again, it can be viewed positively (it’s for the best, I’m learning, I’m able to actually feel what I’m feeling).

Being philosophically detached about stuff that sucks from a personal perspective will only get one so far. I can attest to that.
I just came up with the realisation that this thread has moved into the direction of ‘what is positivity’

Is it trust or faith in the universe? Is it allowing ourselves to feel without fettering the feeling but observing and staying objective? Is it correcting past mistakes by learning what went wrong and doing it different next time, or learning how to be better at …? Is it freewill- exerting your own and minimising impacting another’s (tricky when it comes to lizzies wanting our soul juice for soup). Is it seeing the bright side of any situation? (I like this one, I try to glance at life with lofty points of view as if I was higher than myself). Is it taking care of the physical body? Giving thanks and praise, praying for good outcomes? Is it acquiring knowledge on anything that help you interact better with others? Is it non judgemental and loving things just the way they are without them needing to be different to be worthy of love and acceptance?

I think smiling and having a gentle touch with others comes into it somewhere too.

What is positivity?? Hmm🤔
I think, another big factor that hasn’t been discussed enough is the idea of energy conserving for oneself to be able to ride the wave. This would apply to both STS and STO. Clearly STS takes energy without giving anything in return and STO gives and takes freely among each other.
So how do we stop the drain of energy. Well of course knowledge and awareness of the types of ways a soulled being can be drained is first and foremost but beyond that I think there are some caveats.

Firstly, and the only one I can think of right now- to believe nothing, never assume we know a thing of the workings of how this density operates or how we function in it. Assuming anything much about higher densities can only ever be conjecture. We can gather ideas and information, do experiments, study til our eyeballs fall out but the point of knowing anything with 100% accuracy is far from obtainable. We can only pierce the veil with tiny little pricks. A triple veil at that. What even does that mean? Veiled from the 3 higher centres?
How often do we drain ourselves from life force by thinking incorrect thoughts or going off on useless tangents? Wasting time doing unnecessary tasks?

It seems like we hardly need others to help us waste our energy, and I’m even considering this thread as a possible waste of energy if we don’t have a functional consensus on what it could mean to repeat 3D .. or how to not repeat it. Or does it even matter if we do?

So what have we come up with so far?
My take home from it all is about harnessing positivity, which is also a positive charge of energy and a shield against negativity. If nothing else then that’s a pretty excellent reminder. So thank you to everyone who had participated in this thread. I don’t know what else I could add from here. But I’m inspired to work harder at my attitude.
My first hint of this, "stealing", was from Wilhelm Reich ( whose books were burned by feds in the us ) , would take me many years to perceive it and feel it as such though ( AND understanding ) , but there's plenty of exercises to control and direct your own , however , best be armed with self-knowledge, thus later comes into awareness with freedom of choice, and far less a chance to be misdirected by " well meaning fools ".
A ghost is still physical, for example.

It remains in the electromagnetic environment of third density, otherwise it could not be perceived occasionally.

Non-physical is from fifth density onwards.
I think it is more accurate to say that ghosts are still in third density. I would not really call the 3D astral world physical, it does not seem to be made of physical matter. Though it does seem to be closely connected to physicality, sort of like a mirror image or reflection maybe.
My first hint of this, "stealing", was from Wilhelm Reich ( whose books were burned by feds in the us ) , would take me many years to perceive it and feel it as such though ( AND understanding ) , but there's plenty of exercises to control and direct your own , however , best be armed with self-knowledge, thus later comes into awareness with freedom of choice, and far less a chance to be misdirected by " well meaning fools ".
(cont.) Session ) September 1995 :

Q: (L) Is it also correct that emotion can be used to mislead, that is emotions that are twisted and generated strictly from the flesh or false programming?

A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density.
I would say it is anything that increases our FRV (frequency resonance vibration), which includes the physical, emotional, mental and energetic levels. Or in other words, anything that brings us closer to the divine, soul, higher self. This requires clarity of perception and knowledge of both the inner and outer worlds.

I agree. Positivity and negativity are closely related to, almost synonymous with, STO and STS. Both Ra and the C's use them interchangibly at many points. STO (+) is about "being", and STS (-) "non-being". STO leads to absolute being (being all/one), while STS leads to "absolute non-being" (blackhole, non-existence). Past 4D, which is the last density that contains blackholes, both STO and STS beings will gradually increase their STO polarization and decrease their STS polarization to get closer and closer to the core of existence, 7D, which is 100% positivity/being, at least in big bang phase, I suppose.

Any positivity is a bridge or connection to/from 7D. I think that's why the C's repeated so many times "Mirth is good!" And remember that Ra repeats this at the end of each session, I think:

Ra said:
I leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator.
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