3 months ago the man I love and had lived with for 4 years left me, and not a day has gone by that I didn't blame myself.
I was blinded by how this person went about this and focused on
that, seeing myself as the victim yet again and partially blaming an other instead of being able to take full responsibility for the position I was in.
What has been a constant on waking each day was a jolt of pain, of loss - and that knowledge that it was I , who was responsible for what had happened.
But there was always conflict I still saw myself as the victim as this is a very deep rooted programme, and I didn't heal, I felt the knife within me at all times.
In the past year I had lulled myself into believing that if I could change my external situation, that my internal situation would be resolved. If I was able to move away from N's environment - from the financial control I found myself in and could take on my own path that I would be free of him and responsible for myself. My energy was spent on this and all the time I was becoming weaker and weaker. I was drained and believed this to be due to the length of time this financial settlement had taken, not to the underlying fact that I was not seeing myself. I again was perceiving myself as the injured party, the victim and blamed N for the tortuous delays.
Thank you Ailen for the passage from Martha Stout’s book, The Myth of Sanity . I read this book last year but I was not looking at myself whilst reading it. At the time I felt, yes sympathy(cringe) for others that were affected and damaged , I distanced myself and denied that any of this was in my life.
Also, whether or not a particular person is willing, after a time, to relinquish the status of victim is important information for a helper, because it tends to predict who will and who will not recover. In this regard, I sometimes gently point out to a patient that if she will reflect for a moment, she will probably realize that extreme victim identification and self-pity were, truth to tell, prominent characteristics of her abuser. And is this really how she wants to live her whole life, too?
I most definitely don't want to live my whole life long in this way, and will work on this as the imperative.
The desire to race through books so that I could catch up has been futile, I was hell bent on reading but did not allow and understand the relevance of each of these special books from the recommended QFS list for me. Many of the books I wrote notes on , thinking that I was engaging and part of me was. But not at a really deep level.
Taking time and being patient and knowing that in my case this is what was needed, has been a lesson and one that I will have to go back over. It seems to be the classic story of the Hare and the Tortoise.
Posting this thread has been hard and painful . I heard that voice within me that stopped me from networking as I was so full of ego or programmes, I could do this on my own I had the books, the threads on books as a resource and all the time I was also dragging down an innocent party.
I have not eaten or slept sometimes for days on end in recent months, this is not said to garner pity for me. This is obviously detrimental and I would eventually force myself to eat, but sleep has been elusive. This is something I have never done or felt like in my life, I eat with pleasure, I like the diet my body is so much healthier and clearer without the wheat, dairy, coffee, alcohol etc. I really don't miss a thing and here I was not even wanting to eat at all. This is said for others to hear, so that if this comes up, to network. This is 100% my responsibility but I felt no hunger or sleep deprivation, and I wanted to shut down.
At the last UKFOTCM meeting I discussed my resistant to the BAHA portion of the EE programme. I felt within 8 to 10 minutes of BAHA that I was going to not be able to breath, my airways were too narrow, lungs to small, my excuses. But it was more than that I felt like BAHA was mechanical, that a kind of engine was being switched on inside me and that it ran too fast . The EE programme is about unblocking emotional trauma of past programmes I know what it's there for and yet I resisted. I know that I am opening myself up by saying this as it is so fundamental and I am sure if I take all the advise offered on the EE thread I will understand that this is how it is for many until you can work on your past.
Last year I found the POTS breathing and meditation incredibly beneficial, but since March all I do is cry and cry.
I think what both Alada and Lilou have to say is valuable but seeing that I was not taking responsibility for myself. I am narcissistic and have blamed others. I've passed the buck for too long and this can not continue.
I am going to be away for the next week, but thank you all for your time and what you have offered me.