To those who can hear the "Hum"

I don't know for how long, but the fact is that I also hear something like this in my ear once in my right ear and once in my left ear. I used to just not pay attention to it, but when I became more attentive, the concentrated sound turns on by itself for no apparent reason. I can't pinpoint it, but it looks to me like it occurs during irritation, impatient anticipation of something, which is the irritation or anxiety, or some other condition that triggers it. I won't undertake it to determine the frequency of this sound, but it clearly comes from inside the head with an indication of the ear area. In my opinion, it is unlikely to be due to some illness or disease of mine, but the sound seems to have a source other than my body and organs. When I recently managed to hear this sound while it was spontaneously , I concluded that it could be an implant or a monitoring device, but this is just my speculation and not any evidence. If this can help other people in anything I simply share my experiences and my own observations.
I have never been one of those who perceive, feel and see more than others I am rather a typical average person and that is how I perceive myself.

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IMO the hum is

* Non-local
* Everywhere/ ever present
* Both even/constant and vibrating
* When you know, you know

The C's said the hum is increased EM waves in preparation for oncoming wave. I see all the materials and work presented through this forum, the crew and Laura as preparations for the oncoming wave.
The EM-waves/hum can thus be seen as part of the overall preparation.

But as it is a distinct phenomenon, do it have a distinct purpose?
But as it is a distinct phenomenon, do it have a distinct purpose?

I guess I'm trying to understand what the purpose of some us being able to perceive it is. A warning ? A constant reminder of that which is imminent ?

It doesn't really serve a purpose as far as I can tell. All that happens when I tell non-perceivers about it is thier response is either "It must be tinnitus - you should see a doctor" or "That must drive you nuts"
Something I keep forgetting to mention was that while I was looking around and writing up those posts, there was a point where I started to get really warm to the point where I was sweating a bit and came with some sensation of 'light' (yes, brain chemistry and perception). After I finished posting, I felt different; lighter, 'clearer', more 'unburdened' if that makes any sense. Anyway, that night as I was letting sleep take over, a final thought popped into my head of the pineal gland. I thought the pineal gland had something to do with the psychic and electromagnetism. And then I forgot about it.

I just remembered to look into this and found that it was not the pineal gland but the pituitary gland that has the connection. I located this in the transcripts:

Q: (A) Which part of a human extends into 4th density?

A: That which is effected by pituitary gland.

Q: (L) And what is that?

A: Psychic.

Q: (A) Are there some particular DNA sequences that facilitate transmission between densities?

A: Addition of strands.

Q: (L) How do you get added strands?

A: You don't get, you receive.

Q: (L) Where are they received from?

A: Interaction with upcoming wave, if vibration is aligned.

Q: (L) How do you know if this is happening?

A: Psychophysiological changes manifest.

Now, and I'm just throwing this out there, that because this 'hum' doesn't have a location or a 'sound', since it's technically a vibration, could it be that the perception of 'sound' are these waves being received by the pituitary gland, instead of the ears, and causing it to 'vibrate'? If the 'sound' is coming from inside the head that would be the reason for the hum's non-local description.

As a side note, iodine seems to play a very important role with the pituitary gland. See this extensive thread.
A train of thought ran through a few stations during lunch and made me wonder if the hum is a realm boarder crossing or something like that?

I was too quick with that post because along with that question came a line from the transcripts which I have highlighted though I'm not sure how/if it relates. The general discussion of matter/antimatter leads me to think it matters.

Q: (L) You are saying that gravity is everywhere in balance and static, and then you say that utilization causes unstable gravity waves. And then you say that gravity is God, and that God is all creation, and we are a part of all creation, and, therefore, we are of God, and gravity. So, what I am trying to get at here is what is the thing, the event, the manifestation, the mode of utilization that takes gravity from a perfectly static state to an unstable state, if you are saying it is always perfectly balanced. That does not make sense to me.

A: Instability does not automatically mean non-static. Unstable waves can be static in their instability.

Q: (L) None of this makes a whole lot of sense. I thought I was beginning to understand it, and obviously I don't have a clue. Let's try a different direction. You said that the universe consists of equal amounts of matter and antimatter. Are the first three densities, densities of matter?

A: And antimatter.

Q: (L) Are there equal amounts of matter and antimatter at all densities?

A: Yes. Remember, density refers to one's conscious awareness only. Once one is aware, all [many spirals of the planchette] conforms to that awareness.

Q: (L) What is it about the oncoming wave that is going to make any given person aware?

A: Not yet... First: your prophets have always used 3rd density symbology to try to convey 4th density realities. You are attempting to gather 3rd density answers to explain 4th through 7th density principles. This is why you are getting frustrated, because it doesn't "mesh."

Q: (L) Are manifestations in 3rd density loci of collection of gravity?

A: In part. But, so are manifestations on all densities.

Q: (L) Okay. So, if...

A: What do you suppose the opposite of gravity is?

Q: (L) Antigravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, if all that exists were like a blown up balloon, and the surface of the balloon represents the static state of gravity, 7th density maybe... and it begins to bump out in different places... and all these little bumps are loci of manifestation of various densities - and this is very simplified, I am just trying to get an image - is this getting, even very simplistically, an idea that I can work with?

A: As long as you have an "anti-balloon" too.

Q: (L) So, can we make the outer surface of the balloon a balloon, and the inner surface or the air the "anti-balloon?"

A: No.

Q: (L) Two balloons next to one another?

A: No. A non-balloon.
@Benjamin So going by what the C's were saying there, regarding the duality of existence and non-existence, there must be a non-wave. Is that what you're suggesting ?

After thinking about it, I think I was applying this idea to the hum that was actually meant for something else.

But, in the most recent session, seeker2seer asked a question that made me think in a different direction:

Q: (L) It's gonna be bad. It's gonna be bad... Alright people, I gotta quit. Let me see if there's anything that I really can't resist...

(seeker2seer) On Oct. 9, 2022 Earth-orbiting satellites detected the strongest gamma-ray burst (GRB) in modern history: GRB221009A. It caused electrical currents to flow through the surface of our planet. Is this event related to what the Cs mean when the "current begins to flow" disrupting TPTB electronic control system?

A: Yes part of it.

Have you ever heard the 'hum' from an electrical transformer? Could the 'hum' that some of us hear be these gamma-rays hitting the earth? The louder the hum, the stronger the flow of gamma-rays?
I went looking for why transformers make a buzzing sound and the main point that comes up is magnetostriction. I did a search for this here but nothing came up.

From the magnetostriction wiki:

Magnetostriction (cf. electrostriction) is a property of magnetic materials that causes them to change their shape or dimensions during the process of magnetization. The variation of materials' magnetization due to the applied magnetic field changes the magnetostrictive strain until reaching its saturation value, λ. The effect was first identified in 1842 by James Joule when observing a sample of iron.[1]

This effect causes energy loss due to frictional heating in susceptible ferromagnetic cores. The effect is also responsible for the low-pitched humming sound that can be heard coming from transformers, where oscillating AC currents produce a changing magnetic field.[2]

Here's the basic operation of a transformer:

Principle of operation

In school years, physics classes gave us the concept of magnetostriction. Not everyone, however, then it was interesting. Let us try now to return to the topic and briefly outline the essence of the process. First, let's recall how a transformer works.

Principal device of the transformer

The figure shows the simplest device consisting of a primary winding (A), a secondary winding (B) and a core (C) - a magnetic core assembled from metal plates or from a material having ferromagnetic properties.

When an alternating voltage is applied to the primary winding (A), a current begins to flow in it, under the influence of which a magnetic flux (Ф) is formed in the core (C), which induces a current in the secondary coil (B), to which the load is connected. A voltage conversion takes place, the value of which at the output will depend on the ratio of the number of turns of the primary and secondary windings. The frequency will remain unchanged.

Magnetostriction is a physical process of changing the volume and size of a body under the influence of a magnetic flux passing through this body. Subject to change are materials with pronounced magnetic properties, from which cores for transformers are produced.

Change the linear dimensions of the core in one cycle of work

The figure shows the frequency of the process of compression and extension of the core per cycle of magnetic flux change. Changes in the size of the magnetic circuit lead to air vibrations. Waves are formed having a frequency in the sound range (50 Hz). This is the very buzz that accompanies the normal operation of power transformers. In IIP (switching power supplies), such noise is absent, since the frequency of waves generated in the process of oscillations is not included in the range audible by a person.

Factors Affecting the Level of Hum​

How much the transformer is noisy depends on:
  • degree of workload;
  • overall dimensions;
  • physical characteristics of the material of which the magnetic circuit is made.
An overloaded transformer will buzz louder than operating at rated load. And the characteristic noise arising from the operation of large power converters in substations is normal.

Causes of side sounds in the transformer:
  1. When the winding of the coil is loose, under the influence of magnetic flux, which tends to shift the windings of the device relative to the core, vibration occurs, accompanied by a hum.
  2. In the process, with poor fitting of the core plates and the formation of gaps between them, vibration occurs, accompanied by a metallic ringing, subsequently noise.
  3. In case of violation of the integrity of the wires of the winding coil can spark. The process is accompanied by claps. With powerful discharges, the sound is more intense.
  4. A loose transformer and its parts also vibrate and hum.
Have you ever heard the 'hum' from an electrical transformer? Could the 'hum' that some of us hear be these gamma-rays hitting the earth? The louder the hum, the stronger the flow of gamma-rays?

I've heard the transformer hum. I'm not sure that it's gamma-rays though. It seems like it's a bleed though from somewhere.

Maybe The Hum has no location or direction here because where it originates from has no direction or location as such constructs ?
I've heard the transformer hum. I'm not sure that it's gamma-rays though. It seems like it's a bleed though from somewhere.

Maybe The Hum has no location or direction here because where it originates from has no direction or location as such constructs ?

After letting this sit and thinking about it, once again, I might be finding evidence to a different 'question' that I keep attributing to the hum.

That being said- and I'm just letting my creative side run here- the 'bleed-through' idea makes me think of some kind of 'leak', like a sheet of fabric being soaked with water and drips forming on the other side. Are you picturing something sort of like Near and Far Field, only with bleed-through from 4D (or higher?) as opposed to a specific 3D source 'beamed' in our general direction?

Near-Far Field.jpg
I wonder if one was on the Moon or Mercury or Pluto- or a different galaxy or just somewhere in space even- if the hum could be 'heard' there?

Or perhaps like how the C's are transmitting through a 3D source?

Going in a different direction, the C's said the source of the hum is increased EM waves that are 'cosmic'.

  1. Of or relating to the regions of the universe distinct from Earth.
  2. Infinitely or inconceivably extended; vast.

Hmm. That's a pretty 'cosmic' answer.

So I searched for "do EM waves make a sound", and found this answer:

The waves themselves don't usually produce sound, but their effect on other objects (particularly ferromagnetic ones) can be audible. This is similar to how speakers work (except they use magnetic fields, not waves). Maybe what you are hearing is the vibration caused when the radiation hits another object, ...

If the cosmic EM waves are causing something to vibrate, and that 3D object is the source of the sound we hear but can't locate, are the EM waves exciting the actual molecules or atoms everywhere causing them to produce a 'hum'?
That's closest explanation so far, I think.

I had a thought this morning that the hum is emitting or generated from a quantum level. I did a quick search and found Quantum Noise:

Quantum noise is noise arising from the indeterminate state of matter in accordance with fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, specifically the uncertainty principle and via zero-point energy fluctuations. Quantum noise is due to the apparently discrete nature of the small quantum constituents such as electrons, as well as the discrete nature of quantum effects, such as photocurrents.

Shot Noise:
Shot noise or Poisson noise is a type of noise which can be modeled by a Poisson process.

In electronics shot noise originates from the discrete nature of electric charge. Shot noise also occurs in photon counting in optical devices, where shot noise is associated with the particle nature of light.

Quantum Harmonic Oscillator:
The quantum harmonic oscillator is the quantum-mechanical analog of the classical harmonic oscillator. Because an arbitrary smooth potential can usually be approximated as a harmonic potential at the vicinity of a stable equilibrium point, it is one of the most important model systems in quantum mechanics. Furthermore, it is one of the few quantum-mechanical systems for which an exact, analytical solution is known.

... and I will need an interpreter to explain this in layman's terms, or at least confirm if I'm on the right track, because I am lost. Quantum is beyond me.

I'm not sure what configuration that those of us that can perceive it is, but somehow I think it's a warning.

Hmm. You mentioned this before so I better ask why you think this is a warning? What is this warning us of?
Hmm. You mentioned this before so I better ask why you think this is a warning? What is this warning us of?
Maybe this ?
A: Times will get increasingly chaotic because the forces at play are becoming even more desperate for control as the changes draw nigh. It will be more important than ever to hold together during this transitional period. Do not get tired or discouraged. You have learned enough of lasting value to recognize this source as positive and valid. Please hold to that knowledge in darker times. Remember: Change IS coming!!!! Goodbye.
Or this
A: Be aware that you are currently under attack by forces that wish to silence you and end your exertions on behalf of your group in specific and the planet in general. These forces are getting desperate and will attempt to use any inroad possible. Be awake and alert at all times. Any disputes or disagreements can be easily blown out of proportion to your destruction. And then, when the negative energy is withdrawn, the devastation left will be amplified by the knowledge that it was all a deception. [Planchette swirls around and around for about 45 seconds] You have been warned. Do not take this lightly. Communicate and listen. It will take all of you together to navigate these dangers!!! Goodbye.
And most likely this
A: Please be very aware that these times are crucial not only to the development of your souls, but also to the future of your realm and your place within it. Be AWARE, support each other, and most important, NETWORK!!! Goodbye.
All are the final messages from recent various transcripts.
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