Toulouse Shootings

I would like to suggest that everyone post their comments on the sott article by Joe, also, so that readers that don't come to the forum can read them.
Laura said:
I would like to suggest that everyone post their comments on the sott article by Joe, also, so that readers that don't come to the forum can read them.

Attempted to do this on several occasions. For some reason, I keep getting denied access. Will do my best to get in once again.

UPDATE: Signed up for an account, but I keep getting the message that my email account has already been taken. This is the only email I have for personal use. The rest are work-related.
I am afraid that there will be more situations like this in other European Countries and then Fascism will be installed pour de bon in the EU. You will see. (I hope I am wrong).

How sad I am, you can not imagine. And angry. :curse: even if I am able to look at this situation with interest because what is happening is very, very interesting. We are looking at History herself.

So now it will be dangerous to think differently, like in the USA, and think by ourselves. What an adventure! And then I suppose that the EU will impose to all Europe, a general law concerning all this: closing webs sites, closing free press, imprisoning freethinkers... Me too I recall the magnificent book of Sebastian Haffner that I read lately and that gave me the sensation that my future, as a human being, was in the book, like seeing through a mirror. Incredible. Thanks Laura for your excellent article about the book.

Well, well... Interesting times.
loreta said:
...How sad I am, you can not imagine. And angry. even if I am able to look at this situation with interest because what is happening is very, very interesting. We are looking at History herself...

Well, well... Interesting times.

Interesting times indeed.
Away With The Fairys said:
I just commented on the BS French terrorist story on yahooooo , revealing flaws in the repetitive official story which Ailén pointed out . Hope that´s Ok Ailén , never mentioned names , only "French friend" Posted it , then checked back.It had been removed within 2 to 3 minutes whilst all the racist comments remain.


My yahooooooo posting privileges have now been removed , or so it seems. :zzz:

I don't mind at all. Very interesting indeed. That was fast! Maybe better to take screenshots of those places where we leave comments, so that we can show how fast they disappear.

They've been changing the story every minute on the radio. It's pathetic.
From BBC (_

A police sniper shot and killed the gunman who carried out a spate of murders in southern France, prosecutors say, after a 32-hour siege in Toulouse.

Mohammed Merah, 23, who claimed to have al-Qaeda training, opened fire on police commandos after they stormed into his flat at 09:30 GMT.

Prosecutors said he was shot in the head as he tried to flee.

Merah carried out three separate attacks, killing four people at a Jewish school and three soldiers.

He had said he was acting to "avenge Palestinian children" and protest against French military interventions overseas.

A lot of French people will have assumed that if a known radical returns from the Afghan-Pakistani al-Qaeda-ruled badlands, then he will be more or less permanently tailed by the secret service.

But this did not happen. In fact Merah was able to stockpile a huge amount of weaponry, and even when they identified him as a suspect, the DCRI still had no idea of his whereabouts. [Yeah, right]

Interior Minister Claude Gueant's answer to this is that "it is impossible to arrest someone just because he has Salafist views. In France - and this is a good thing - holding a particular point of view is not a crime". [LOL!]

In other words intelligence agents had no particular reason to suspect that Merah's religious extremism would turn to violence.

Did France ignore the threat?

Prosecutor Francois Molins confirmed in a news conference that a police marksman had killed Merah as he tried to jump out of the bathroom window.

"The examination of the body shows that he was shot in the head and that he was wearing a bullet-proof vest," Mr Molins said, "and had a gun covered by a pair of jeans."

"Material to make Molotov cocktails were found on his balcony."

Mr Molins said a Colt 45 handgun was found next to his body, [would this be the same gun he tossed out of the window, perhaps?] and he estimated that Merah had fired 30 bullets as the commandos broke in.

The prosecutor also confirmed that Merah had filmed all three of the attacks that he carried out.

Earlier President Nicolas Sarkozy said in a televised address that everything had been done to try to bring Merah to justice, but it was decided that no more lives could be put at risk.

He also vowed a new crackdown on those who visited "hate or terrorism" web sites or travelled abroad to be indoctrinated in terrorism.

Arms cache

Interior Minister Claude Gueant said officers had thrown grenades and entered by the door and windows of the flat.

After surveying the scene and finding no sign of the suspect, they went towards the bathroom, moving slowly as they were wary of booby-traps.

When officers tried to find out if there was anyone in the bathroom, the suspect came out firing several weapons.

Mr Gueant said the suspect was "shooting very violently. The bursts of gunfire were frequent and hard".

He said one of the officers involved told him "he had never seen such a violent assault".

Two officers were reported wounded in the attack.

Before police went in, officials had warned that Merah was armed with a Kalashnikov high-velocity rifle, a mini-Uzi 9mm machine pistol, several handguns and possibly grenades.

The authorities set off several explosions overnight to intimidate Merah.

Street lights were switched off in the vicinity of the building on Wednesday evening and surrounding areas evacuated.

In his TV address, Mr Sarkozy announced an investigation into whether Merah had accomplices and into possible Islamist indoctrination practices in prisons.

Claude Gueant: "Merah jumped through a window while shooting"

"The French should not give rein to anger," he said.

"Our Muslim compatriots have nothing to do with the crazy actions of a terrorist. We should not embark on any stigmatisation."

Merah, of Algerian descent, claimed to have received al-Qaeda training in Pakistan's Waziristan area, and also said he had been to Afghanistan.

Commentators have criticised the intelligence services for failing to track Merah closely enough.

But Mr Gueant defended their record, saying intelligence agencies track many extremists, but such isolated cases were very difficult to defend against.

"These so-called lone wolves are formidable opponents," he said.

France has seen an unprecedented security clampdown after a lone gunman killed seven people, including three children, in three separate attacks in the south-west of the country.

Police tracked down the main suspect after investigating the movements of a stolen scooter used by the killer to make his escape following shootings in Toulouse and nearby Montauban.

On 11 March, a soldier was shot and killed while waiting to see a man about selling his motorcycle.

Days later, two soldiers were shot and killed and a third was wounded while waiting at a cash machine.

Then earlier this week, three children and an adult were shot and killed outside a Jewish school.

Mr Molins said the authorities had recovered videos from Merah's apartment showing the attacks.

"These films are extremely explicit, as we were able to verify yesterday, in which evidently we see him during his encounter with a soldier who he shot twice, saying to him: 'You kill my brothers, I kill you'," said Mr Molins.

"Then we also see him killing the soldiers in Montauban in an extremely violent scene, fleeing on his scooter whilst shouting 'Allahu akbar' [God is great]."

Mr Molins said there was also footage of the school massacre, and added that all of Merah's conversations with negotiators during the siege had been recorded and would be used in the forthcoming inquiry.

That BBC article is just flabbergasting:
Approaching Infinity said:
The authorities set off several explosions overnight to intimidate Merah.

Street lights were switched off in the vicinity of the building on Wednesday evening and surrounding areas evacuated.
How convinient street lights off, so if anyone were to come in and say plant a certain amount of evidence, none would be the wiser.

Approaching Infinity said:
Claude Gueant: "Merah jumped through a window while shooting"
Calling up scenes from an action movie are we.

Approaching Infinity said:
"Our Muslim compatriots have nothing to do with the crazy actions of a terrorist. We should not embark on any stigmatisation."

Merah, of Algerian descent, claimed to have received al-Qaeda training in Pakistan's Waziristan area, and also said he had been to Afghanistan.
Never mind that you are the one who are stigmatizing, classic psychopathological manifestation, huh, accuse others of doing what you are doing.
Approaching Infinity said:
Commentators have criticised the intelligence services for failing to track Merah closely enough.
Gotta love those "commentators" huh:
Commentator: Why didn't you protect us oh dear and merciful big brother?" "You are too kind & gentle, you must institute measures to stem the tide."
Big Brother: OH, the pain, i do not want to restrict your freedoms, it is with a heavy heart that i institute these measures, rest assured that when the threat has passed, it will be as it once was.

Approaching Infinity said:
Mr Molins said the authorities had recovered videos from Merah's apartment showing the attacks.

"These films are extremely explicit, as we were able to verify yesterday, in which evidently we see him during his encounter with a soldier who he shot twice, saying to him: 'You kill my brothers, I kill you'," said Mr Molins.

"Then we also see him killing the soldiers in Montauban in an extremely violent scene, fleeing on his scooter whilst shouting 'Allahu akbar' [God is great]."

Mr Molins said there was also footage of the school massacre, and added that all of Merah's conversations with negotiators during the siege had been recorded and would be used in the forthcoming inquiry.
Wasn't the recording device that the shooter supposedly had, very conveniently worn around his neck, so that all you would see is arms with gun(s), shooting and reloading, with the victims screaming and writhing in pain. Then all you have to do is plant the tape on whomever, and voila you have your killer. Just like the passports on 911.
That's pretty much the story.

What I don't get is how he came out of the bathroom door, guns blazing, and then, somehow, fell out the bathroom window???
Approaching Infinity said:
From BBC (_

Mr Molins said a Colt 45 handgun was found next to his body, [would this be the same gun he tossed out of the window, perhaps?] and he estimated that Merah had fired 30 bullets as the commandos broke in.

He also vowed a new crackdown on those who visited "hate or terrorism" web sites or travelled abroad to be indoctrinated in terrorism.

Arms cache

Interior Minister Claude Gueant said officers had thrown grenades and entered by the door and windows of the flat.

After surveying the scene and finding no sign of the suspect, they went towards the bathroom, moving slowly as they were wary of booby-traps.

When officers tried to find out if there was anyone in the bathroom, the suspect came out firing several weapons.

Mr Gueant said the suspect was "shooting very violently. The bursts of gunfire were frequent and hard".

He said one of the officers involved told him "he had never seen such a violent assault".

Two officers were reported wounded in the attack.

Boy this this story is like Swiss cheese, and full of hole's. :umm:

The Colt 45. Model 1911, military issue hand gun, only has capacity of 8 rounds, and that is with one in the chamber, with the clip holding 7 more rounds, locked and loaded.

Further, this gun is a very hard to control with a violant recoil, and was meant for close quarters hand to hand combat, and being less affective at long range.

Also to speed load by dropping a clip, inserting another to be ready, find a target, aim, and to continue shooting, would take year's of range practice to master the ability of that of law enforcement, or military. And is no way possible firing to two gun's at once.

1911 Dual Wield Rapid Fire

Dual wielding 1911s, super slow motion 600 frames/second, Colt & Springfield .45s

3ds max animation Colt .45 model 1911 Fully working model. Afterburn & vray
c.a. said:
Boy this this story is like Swiss cheese, and full of hole's. :umm:

Oh, they'll tighten up the story within 24 hours and most of the inconsistencies will fade into the ether.

That's why it's so important we document all we can before the myth is turned to stone and accepted by the ignorant masses. It's the least those who can see can do at this point...until they and their websites are accused of being terrorist supporters by the fascist scum who perpetrate these evil dramas.
Laura said:
That's pretty much the story.

What I don't get is how he came out of the bathroom door, guns blazing, and then, somehow, fell out the bathroom window???

And how he kept shooting while he was falling, although he had just received a gunshot in his head??

Oh wait, "turrerists" have Super-Powers, of course. Now, that explains it! :curse:
bngenoh said:
Approaching Infinity said:
"Our Muslim compatriots have nothing to do with the crazy actions of a terrorist. We should not embark on any stigmatisation."

Merah, of Algerian descent, claimed to have received al-Qaeda training in Pakistan's Waziristan area, and also said he had been to Afghanistan.

Never mind that you are the one who are stigmatizing, classic psychopathological manifestation, huh, accuse others of doing what you are doing.

No stigmatization, no "amalgam" between Muslims and terrorist. Very well. But then, how come you allow and encourage the system and the media to call a person "anti-semitic" when they are only telling the truth about Sionists, and only Sionists? Oh, that's not a problem for Sarko... He conveniently ignores that one, eh?
I can't believe that they waited so long to arrest execute him.
Was he even alive when they stormed in ? couldn't it be a whole show from the start, shootings and all ?
I guess I'll never know.
Tigersoap said:
I can't believe that they waited so long to arrest execute him.
Was he even alive when they stormed in ? couldn't it be a whole show from the start, shootings and all ?
I guess I'll never know.
That's a good question Tigersoap, seeing as they turned off the street lights and evacuated the area around his apartment. All manner of cloak and dagger stuff could have went on. It's much easier to handle a body without an occupant, than one with an occupant. Just saying.....
I do think the whole thing was a show, start to finish. And certainly MOSSAD was involved in helping out because I don't think the French police/gov is on top of those kinds of things; their science is still waaaaaay backward.
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