Train derailments and explosions and chemical spills

Looks like a pattern of misfortunes - to say the least.

Truck Overturns in Arizona, Spills Nitric Acid, Triggers Shelter-in-Place Alert
An emergency shelter-in-place has been issued for nearby residents after a truck carrying hazardous materials overturned on Feb. 14 on a highway in Tucson, Arizona.

Following a crash, a commercial truck tanker overturned on the Interstate 10 highway eastbound between Rita and Kolb roads, according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

“The tanker involved in this collision was hauling nitric acid in liquid form,” the Arizona DPS announced on Twitter of the HAZMAT spill.
Liquid nitric acid is a highly corrosive substance. In vapor or mist form, it can cause burning sensations to the eyes, nose, skin, and lungs. Exposure to high concentrations of this can cause pneumonitis and pulmonary edema, which can be fatal.

When nitric acid is exposed to air or contacts organic matter, it decomposes to create various toxic oxides of nitrogen, which include nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide.

Shelter in Place Alert Issued

The Arizona Department of Transport (DOT) announced the crash around 3 p.m. local time. By 5:09 p.m., the Arizona DPS said the tanker was leaking hazardous material.
“Interstate 10 remains closed in both directions between Rita and Kolb roads in Tucson,” per the Arizona DPS. “Motorists should continue to avoid the area and seek an alternate route.” The DPS added in a Twitter post: “We anticipate an extensive closure. Please avoid the area.”

Meanwhile, the Arizona DOT said that there is “no estimated time to reopen the road

An emergency alert said that everyone within a one-mile radius of the crash should shelter in place. People are also advised to turn off heaters and air-conditioners that “bring in outside air.”
First responders were working to evacuate the area around where the truck overturned. The Arizona DPS Hazardous Materials Response Unit and multiple agencies were also working to respond to the incident. The other agencies include Tucson Fire Department, Tucson Police Department, Pima County Sheriff’s Department, and Marana Police Department.

I work in emergency management in the Houston area and I can assure you train derailments are a common thing.

The one on Monday was tame, the driver probably stalled or tried to run the yield, nothing was spilled or released from the railcars. The same night there was another derailment here that resulted in hundreds of gallons of a chemical being spilled which did not make any news coverage and no one seemed interested.

It’s strange to see this playing out. Thousands of pounds of deadly chemicals are released into the air on a daily basis here, all entirely legal. In the case of Ohio, vinyl chloride is known to be deadly. The reportable quantity for vinyl chloride (when to notify the government) is 1 pound. The fact that it’s allowed to be transported by rail shows the problem that environmental and health safety will always take the backseat to profits. If people really knew how many deadly chemicals are released into the air, water, or ground on a daily basis things would change quickly, even more so if the public knew how unprepared we are for disasters.

By GT staff reportersPublished: Feb 15, 2023 09:28 PM

Biden admin torched by anger as concerns over toxic train ferment

"Incident may be awakening moment for Americans to realize the govt's inability; US politics may become more toxic"

"Yet the US system and government, deeply poisoned by bipartisan struggles and too obsessed with fighting with "imaginary outside enemies," may continue to ignore its people's cries."

"an awakening moment for the Americans to realize that their government is unable to respond to their sufferings; thus voters will project their hope on extreme political figures in the next presidential election, who will inevitably lead the US politics to a far extreme end."

"Ohio Senator JD Vance also blasted the Biden administration for abandoning the people of Ohio. "We are ruled by unserious people who are worried about fake problems"

"The US president has so far hardly touched such a serious incident for the US people, and few in his administrations made comments, so far so much for Biden's so-called being responsible for its people, and valuing of human rights, Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times."

"Mistrust between the US government and the public is running deeper, so naturally voters will project hope on extreme political figures, whom some voters believe will change the status quo, said Li, noting that on the other hand, those figures will make the US political circle become more and more extreme, and more toxic."

Much more in the full article below:

I live approximately 51 miles from the site of the crash (west of it), I am glad to report that all winds (and since then) were moving east. However, this has affected all major water supplies (Ohio river and tributaries), this is a very rich Agriculture area that a lot of people in Ohio and Pennsylvania count on for living. It will affect many people’s lives, ability to have a natural source of fair priced farm food. It is also an area that produces a large amount of meat, chickens, eggs, all produced by a very large number of Amish and other farms. All gone now, it is almost inhabitable! This was not an accident, in my opinion, especially causing an explosion in order to “contain it”??? Not to mention…Water! The ultimate source of life in almost everything, including but not limited to all of us!
I live approximately 51 miles from the site of the crash (west of it), I am glad to report that all winds (and since then) were moving east. However, this has affected all major water supplies (Ohio river and tributaries), this is a very rich Agriculture area that a lot of people in Ohio and Pennsylvania count on for living. It will affect many people’s lives, ability to have a natural source of fair priced farm food. It is also an area that produces a large amount of meat, chickens, eggs, all produced by a very large number of Amish and other farms. All gone now, it is almost inhabitable! This was not an accident, in my opinion, especially causing an explosion in order to “contain it”??? Not to mention…Water! The ultimate source of life in almost everything, including but not limited to all of us!
Glad you mentioned the Amish. One of my posts stated 90% or so of the farms are family owned in Ohio. I read that the Ohio River Valley holds (that or areas affected) about 10% of the US population....I don't have that handy; got it from telegram and I'd have to search for it thru numerous acounts, all one running feed.

Just watched this from loretta...The people have been abandoned by their federal government and the EPA.
From Redacted about this American Chernobyl
Ok, I did find this from one telegram accout:


The deliberate situation in East Palestine, Ohio is going to negatively effect around 30 Million Americans and poison their water ways with Vinyl Chloride - Google & The CDC will say "Nothing can remove Vinyl Chloride from water" for obvious reasons however that is a complete lie. Per a 1979 Study of the Neutralization of Vinyl Chloride from H2o it has been proven that Activated Carbon Filtration (Heated Charcoal made from Wood, Coconut Core or Peat Moss) will completely remove/neutralize any such trace of Vinyl Chloride, amongst other toxins in your tap water

If you are within the 200 Mile Radius of East Palestine, Ohio or if your local water ways connect to the Ohio River then I highly suggest you purchase an Activated Carbon Water Filter immediately- These filters can be bought at any local store or through the internet. Don't wait on this, the amount of Vinyl Chloride they allowed into the river systems is enough to cause severe nerve damage or kill you

From Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Health Defender:

Brenda Baletti Ph.D. is a reporter for The Defender. She wrote and taught about capitalism and politics for 10 years in the writing program at Duke University. She holds a Ph.D. in human geography from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master's from the University of Texas at Austin.

It's looking more and more like an intentional act particularly to take out livestock and food producing land and farmers. Another extra is that a radical increase in cancer can be attributed to the chem cloud carried on the wind and the poison dispersed into the water - so not connected to any vax! And if that's not enough conspiracy speculation -


Vanguard is a common denominator in the East Palestine, Ohio vinyl chloride poisoning disaster

Vinyl chloride is a flammable gas that has a sweet odor and is carcinogenic (causes cancer)

Data Centers in Chicago are tied to Earthlink and Enlite Internet fiber cables* that run along the train right of way through the center of East Palestine, Ohio

These cables help connect Chicago with Washington, D.C. and New York

Vanguard controls all the Earthlink and Enlite Fiber Internet trunk line cables running through East Palestine, Ohio.

Vanguard also controls the Norfolk Southern Railroad that derailed 52 cars in East Palestine, Ohio, releasing toxic vinyl chloride into the air and water.








FWIW - a comment regarding train wheels/brakes:

The DogCat 13plus2

A Railroad Company’s #1 maintenance priority is the wheels/axles of it’s RR cars.
-The Roundness of the wheels- metal wheels WILL develop Flat-Spots if you hit the brakes too hard.
-Brake systems- RR car Brakes are KEPT DISENGAGED by the high-pressure air in hoses that link every car in the train w/the Engines.
-Lubrication of wheels & axles.
If you’re a gearhead, like I am, & have ever spent some time checking out the various types of RR cars & their undercarriages – w/an Engineer explaining non-obvious details –
you will quickly see that, over 200yrs, RR car carriages have evolved into a modular/ dead-simple/ fail-safe/ easy to maintain – easy to swap-out & fix design!
20 MILES of a car’s wheel/axle “Sparking & On-Fire” And, the Engineer didn’t notice? Didn’t stop the train?
Then they drain the Hazmat tanker cars, mixing dangerous/toxic chemicals in a ditch AND SET THEM ON FIRE?
Chemicals, that when burned, give off PHOSGENE?
Q – In World War I – What was the Lethal-Agent used in the first Poison Gases used on The Western Front?
A – Phosgene.

Accidental De-Railment?
Not bloody likely!

Vangard + BlackRock
Good job Jeep.

Another person to look at is Gates.

He has some land in Ohio but as luck would have it, it is not in the way of this plum of deadly chemical mix. Bill is just a Lucky Garage Tinker who dreamed up the personal computer.

The central Ohio county west of Columbus has been fertile ground for solar farms, including the possible development of 6,300 acres owned by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Local leaders largely back the projects, which could raise as much as $3.9 million annually for a rural school district over the next 20 or even 40 years.

And why is Bill Gates the largest private owner of farmland in the United States?

If you are within the 200 Mile Radius of East Palestine, Ohio or if your local water ways connect to the Ohio River then I highly suggest you purchase an Activated Carbon Water Filter immediately- These filters can be bought at any local store or through the internet. Don't wait on this, the amount of Vinyl Chloride they allowed into the river systems is enough to cause severe nerve damage or kill you
Lucky for me I have a whole house carbon filtration system followed by a no salt (coconut) water softener. Any water used for drinking goes through another three stage system under my sink. Never trusted municipal water systems so I take precaution. The whole house system is a large one (four foot tall, two tanks). I do believe this is the best route as even taking showers in contaminated water could make you very sick.

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