Traits of Confident People

A few concerns came to my mind as I read through this thread... the first was that of course, the results will be skewed based on how you feel at the time -- and how your body and environment influences your thinking. Still, better than nothing, and an interesting experiment. So as I answered the questions, the difficulty came in trying to tease out "who I want to be" from "who I was" to come to a comfortable judgement of "who I am". These are my results:

DOMAIN/Facet Score
..Friendliness 10
..Gregariousness 48
..Assertiveness 13
..Activity Level 52
..Excitement-Seeking 46
..Cheerfulness 1

Your score on Extraversion is low, indicating you are introverted, reserved, and quiet. You enjoy solitude and solitary activities. Your socializing tends to be restricted to a few close friends.
-- Okay, so this is quite true. However, at this time, I seem to be opening myself up to the outside world through my daily activities and responsibilities. It has forced me into many uncomfortable but frequently enjoyable social situations. So I'm guessing that this is still a work in progress. When younger, I was a bit more friendly than I currently am, as I have learnt the value of discernment and not showing all cards at once. It really doesn't hurt to take your time to get a feel for someone when meeting people for the first time. It's probably mandatory to learn to trust your own senses when it comes to dealing with others. Assertiveness has never been my strong suit as I seem to lack trust in my own feelings and judgments, though this also varies with the subjective health situation.

..Trust 10
..Morality 75
..Altruism 68
..Cooperation 94
..Modesty 67
..Sympathy 93

Your high level of Agreeableness indicates a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative.
I think these traits I've mostly inherited from my father, who is a very moral and compromising type of person -- to a fault. I think genuine modesty may be something to work on. Seems like this category is dominated by mostly automatic behavior. For example, sympathy needs to be tempered with empathy, where one is able to feel for another without being swept away by strong surges of feeling. It's hard to be helpful when one is in that state, it's like being lost in the maze together with them.

..Self-Efficacy 5
..Orderliness 83
..Dutifulness 75
..Achievement-Striving 15
..Self-Discipline 52
..Cautiousness 80
Your score on Conscientiousness is average. This means you are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.
About the Self-Efficacy, this is very much related to the whole confidence/competence thing mentioned earlier:
"Low scorers do not feel effective, and may have a sense that they are not in control of their lives. Your level of self-efficacy is low."
Yes. It's true that with time this is the general feeling that I often get. Not that there's no progress, but the build up of toxins and stress gets to me and I need to find ways of flushing them out. Coffee enemas seem to help a lot with giving the mind a rest from the incessant problems it seems intent on solving.
Achievement-striving: "Individuals who score high on this scale strive hard to achieve excellence."
I guess disillusionment about the perceived rewards of life activities make Achievement-Striving hard to justify. Though I assume later the sun will start shining again and I will doggedly pursue some task or other in the hopes of achieving something or other. I think I might write about my work situation in a Swamp thread.

..Anxiety 99
..Anger 42
..Depression 91
..Self-Consciousness 84
..Immoderation 26
..Vulnerability 79
Your score on Neuroticism is high, indicating that you are easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional.
I topped the charts on anxiety like a few other friends here. It wasn't really a big surprise. Like the trait description says, the sympathetic part of the brain is trigger happy, especially when the body is fed lots of juicy stress and toxins and is sleep-deprived. I think this section is strongly influenced by my sleep, etc. I have been staying up late because I seemed to have found new enthusiasm for reading and intellectual discovery ... but I think that has gotten to me. It was fun while it lasted but I think I have to stick to early bedtimes. Self-consciousness is something that can be worked on further, for sure, I wonder if getting to know more people could help with reducing this score?

..Imagination 23
..Artistic Interests 48
..Emotionality 47
..Adventurousness 20
..Intellect 34
..Liberalism 76

Your score on Openness to Experience is average, indicating you enjoy tradition but are willing to try new things. Your thinking is neither simple nor complex. To others you appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellectual.
I think this is something that I have also been steadily working on. This forum has been my safe haven since I joined, even if it seems like I don't really post much. However, I have now found that there is a lot more out there that is of interest and I have a little more courage to explore and discover new things. It's interesting to see the progression in this light. This doesn't at all mean that I'm not grateful for the help and information provided here.

Thanks to all who posted.
Divide By Zero said:
I see there's a deeper point to this thread- to separate what is narcissism from healthy narcissism which Laura was originally posting this to make a point about. CONFIDENCE IN WHO WE ARE, TO FIGHT/STAND GROUND IF/WHEN THE TIME COMES. Remember in the Nuremberg trials, many were just "following orders" because they lacked a feeling that they were right. Authoritarian followers.... sorry, but they sicken me in how much harm was done with "good intentions".

This time I kept in mind that the averages are including many authoritarian followers who do things because they're taught to, not because of inner morality, but external morality. Forgive me if it sounds narcissistic, but how else can we be ourselves but to judge them and see it as weakness to be part of a "hive mind"?

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I think that it is important to see the difference between that "false confidence" that some mentioned before and the confidence that this thread is about. Where would the few great leaders and persons of the past and present be if they didn't have this sort of confidence in who they are and what they stand for? Can you imagine Putin or Caesar without confidence? No! These are/were people who have/had the courage to do what they do/did because they are/were confident in what they thought was the right thing, so they were confident in themselves in a healthy way.

Also, in the lines of what you say, DBZ, the people without a healthy confidence in themselves would be more prone to search for external influences to determine right and wrong, to determine what should be done. This might leave them vulnerable to manipulation and to do things just because everyone is doing so, or because a strong character says so, OSIT.

The discussion before, about these being traits of psychopaths as well is something I've been thinking about, it's like in the stories of heroes and villains, sometimes, the hero and the villain are similar in traits and power, but what's important is what they actually do. But another thing that I was thinking is that this reminds me of the idea of the caricature of love. That is almost as if the psychopath does a caricature of all that is important for the normal human being, and they take these ideals or concepts and almost turn them upside down in subtle ways. In this case, they make a caricature of successful and influential people, they use it as their way to "win", and thus they distort the image of great people by using these traits to pursue their agenda. I don't know if I expressed myself correctly... it's just something I have in mind, fwiw...
Yas said:
Divide By Zero said:
I see there's a deeper point to this thread- to separate what is narcissism from healthy narcissism which Laura was originally posting this to make a point about. CONFIDENCE IN WHO WE ARE, TO FIGHT/STAND GROUND IF/WHEN THE TIME COMES. Remember in the Nuremberg trials, many were just "following orders" because they lacked a feeling that they were right. Authoritarian followers.... sorry, but they sicken me in how much harm was done with "good intentions".

This time I kept in mind that the averages are including many authoritarian followers who do things because they're taught to, not because of inner morality, but external morality. Forgive me if it sounds narcissistic, but how else can we be ourselves but to judge them and see it as weakness to be part of a "hive mind"?

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I think that it is important to see the difference between that "false confidence" that some mentioned before and the confidence that this thread is about. Where would the few great leaders and persons of the past and present be if they didn't have this sort of confidence in who they are and what they stand for? Can you imagine Putin or Caesar without confidence? No! These are/were people who have/had the courage to do what they do/did because they are/were confident in what they thought was the right thing, so they were confident in themselves in a healthy way.

Also, in the lines of what you say, DBZ, the people without a healthy confidence in themselves would be more prone to search for external influences to determine right and wrong, to determine what should be done. This might leave them vulnerable to manipulation and to do things just because everyone is doing so, or because a strong character says so, OSIT.

The discussion before, about these being traits of psychopaths as well is something I've been thinking about, it's like in the stories of heroes and villains, sometimes, the hero and the villain are similar in traits and power, but what's important is what they actually do. But another thing that I was thinking is that this reminds me of the idea of the caricature of love. That is almost as if the psychopath does a caricature of all that is important for the normal human being, and they take these ideals or concepts and almost turn them upside down in subtle ways. In this case, they make a caricature of successful and influential people, they use it as their way to "win", and thus they distort the image of great people by using these traits to pursue their agenda. I don't know if I expressed myself correctly... it's just something I have in mind, fwiw...

Yeah, it's also funny how we're told that we should be shamed for our anger. When it comes to justice and fairness I'm a hot head. If I was in nazi germany and was told to do something horrible, without a proper means to hide or escape- I think I would be killed fighting.

I'm a product of many things, born in the 80s, my myths are from comic books and sci-fi. Although I am not an obsessive fan boy, I am a nerd when it comes to comic and sci-fi archetypes. Just a warning here :)

I was talking to a friend yesterday about the problem with heroes in our culture. He is big into comics and the Marvel/DC movies. DC has gone down the tubes, while Marvel seems to be doing much better. DC's main director Zack Snyder, is an ignorant fool- who contradicts himself and makes Superman/Batman into neurotic contradictory fake heroes. Meanwhile Marvel has been following a more human aspect of heroes, yes- even Deadpool who is pretty extreme.

Now what do we take from these heroes is similar to what Caesar's image vs reality was.

DC sells a hero that does what he does, without defending himself out of anger. Superman just doesn't care to fight the pathocracy, he focuses on the mechanicals- stops an execution, stops Batman, stops the big evil guys. But, you don't see him pissed- he's a freaking narcissist! Even the idiot Zack Synder uses Jesus like imagery in "Man of Steel" to give Superman a narcissistic status, like his own self- ignorant of what the rest of humanity feels and thinks. Yes, after seeing Zack Snyder bullcrap his way through interview questions of his contradictions, I started to severely dislike his butterfly hipster style.

Meanwhile in Captain America- Civil War, you see how human these superheroes are.
Iron Man, the narcissist Tony Stark was never a true leader. He would control the group and steer them to justify his own failures! That was made clear in the past movies.
He quickly decides to allow the UN/globalists to set a new rule that these superheroes have to be commanded by such.
Meanwhile, a character that I expected to be brainwashed- Captain AMERICA (?!?) stands up against this new movement, stating his own confidence in the judgement of heroes.
This starts the "civil war" between 2 camps of superheroes. One is all for being subjugated by humanity because they made mistakes (Iron Man the narcissist usually to blame), the other who knows that EVERYONE makes mistakes- and you will never be liked by everyone.

Wow, and even Dr. Strange, another Marvel character breaks the rules in order to do what needs to be done. He even keeps tabs on a "god" Thor, who is all mighty but not trust-able when it comes to humanity.
I feel the same when it comes to any outside interference here, 4d sto or not, I will not trust anything- and perhaps the C's are preparing us for this possible outcome.

We also have Neo, who breaks the rules of the Matrix to solve the problem that even the Matrix/"god" cannot contain, Agent Smith.

So, what free will do we have but to stand for who we are, STS beings who see a higher purpose?
Are we to sit here and act like the mythology of Caesar, JFK, or Putin, that people expect them to be always diplomatic, generous, and patient? No, some day or another, time runs out and you make your "hail mary" pass. In football, a hail mary pass is a very long pass that might help change the game from a loss to a win.

I'm so tired of playing fair. It's not fair when the rules are made by pathological social/political leaders with these authoritarian followers parroting their bullcrap (Trump INCLUDED- he's not the hero people expected with his recent 180 on NAFTA and appointment of a Goldman Sachs treasury sec.). The true expression of free will might be to not take responsibility for the choice of the authoritarian followers. Maybe I am wrong, but both Caesar and JFK gave up and walked into assassinations knowing that they did their best. The C's haven't connected us to JFK, but I have a feeling he might have a similar realistic yet negative attitude towards humanity waking up.

Maybe this is what we need to face, that we deserve respect and love for who we are- even if we don't follow the stupid zombie rules. I think this group is great to give respect and love where society respects and loves total garbage phony "caricature of love" butterfly mentality!
I decided to do a little test to see which traits were more permanent/"unchangeable" than others. I took the test one time thinking of myself in the the past (about 15 years ago, in my early 20s, before finding Laura's work) and then only about today. Here it is, FWIW:

Past Present
..Activity Level




..Artistic Interests









I've always been more of an extrovert. Same with my activity level (always a "busy bee" in temperament). I guess I still need to work on assertiveness, or that it's a normal score when you know that you cannot always trust your thoughts? As for excitement seeking, back then I was always traveling, adventurous and reckless. I put the change down to having found an aim (and getting older :P). A bit surprised about cheerfulness, but it's true that I used to be more cheerful but also clueless and oblivious to the situation in the world.

Big change. I was more trusting but clueless without knowledge about pathology. I was way more impulsive, shallower and dramatic and a basket-case, hence the lack of morality in the past. Altruism and cooperation: I guess it's about becoming a bit less self-absorbed and having this network and family. Modesty and sympathy: I put that down to "the more you learn, the less you realize you know, and "who are we to judge others when we've seen how hard it is"?

Big change. Self-Efficacy: I used to be so insecure that I never believed I was capable of anything worthy. Now I know that I can at least do some things right even though I still struggle with the "it's not (good) enough". Orderliness: I always kind of liked some kind of order at least, now much more. Dutifulness and achievement-striving: I guess it's explained by the fact that now I'm not striving to achieve a petty personal goal, but working with others to achieve something bigger than ourselves. So it has more value for me. Self-Discipline: If there had been other questions, I think I would have scored lower, maybe a bit higher today. I'm still working on being more disciplined in some areas. Cautiousness: Yeah, in the past I threw caution to the wind. :-[

Anxiety: I thought I would score less in the present. So, there's more to work on in this respect. Gaba and networking help. Anger: More work needed there I guess. Depression: I was a bit surprised by the score, since I'm not the "depressive type". But when I get depressed, it's hard to get back up. Fortunately, it doesn't last too long or get too extreme. Self-Consciousness: Still needs work, though I think that with efforts, it doesn't rule me as much as before. Immoderation: Same as for Morality above. Vulnerability: Not sure, but maybe linked to fears, and I also keep death in mind way more than before. But not being stressed has always been difficult.

Imagination: I'm more auditory than visual, so I always had kind of a low imagination. Artistic Interests: I always liked crafts, and drawing when little until it got stifled because it wasn't "useful". But was never too big on art the questions referred to. Adventurousness: Getting older… Intellect: I was never the "specialist academic" type, and still don't push myself in that sense as much as I'd like to (that's a part of self-discipline I'm working on too). Liberalism: Getting old and rediscovering and valuing more "old-fashioned" values? Also, when a rule makes sense to me, I never want to break it. But it has to make sense.

So, all in all the EXTRAVERSION, OPENNESS and NEUROTICISM traits changed little in average (I guess they are more "permanent" or fixed?), while the AGREEABLENESS and CONSCIENTIOUSNESS changed quite a bit, and to me at least they seem related to changes that come with the Work (in progress).

For an online test, I thought it was pretty good and quite an interesting exercise.

I took the test today, I think I will try it again in the new year to see if there are any differences, it may even be worth doing every 6 months or so, or after new shocks.

I find the results very interesting, I thought I would be more Neurotic for sure, the extraversion part is something that really confuses me, I used to play in bands, being the lead singer, I was always comfortable, and still am for that matter, performing in front of others, but, as it stands now I have no drive to go out, hence my very low score in that area. Quite a big change, some I attribute to getting more serious with the work, spending more time reading and trying to do the work, another part is the fact that I now suffer from anxiety, which does control me, the fear of it hitting when I am out certainly plays on mind. Something I really need to work on!

Big Five Personality Dimensions
Extraversion - 12th percentile - very low
Agreeableness - 93rd percentile - extremely high
Conscientiousness - 82nd percentile - very high
Neuroticism - 60th percentile - about average
Openness - 73rd percentile - high

Extraversion - 12th percentile - very low
You are very low in extraversion.

Activity - 31st percentile - low
You prefer low levels of activity, such as being on the go and staying busy.
Assertiveness - 10th percentile - extremely low
There're extremely low chances that you'll take charge and lead others.
Cheerfulness - 13th percentile - very low
You experience very low levels of happiness, joy, and other positive emotions.
Excitement Seeking - 2nd percentile - extremely low
You like to seek extremely low levels of thrills.
Friendliness - 53rd percentile - about average
You're about average in your desire to be around other people and show an interest in their lives.
Gregariousness - 28th percentile - low
You're low in flocking toward other people and being talkative and sociable around them.
Extraversion score not equal to the average of its facets?

Agreeableness - 93rd percentile - extremely high
You are extremely high in agreeableness. Highly agreeable people tend to do whatever it takes to have positive relationships with other people. The six facets of agreeableness are:
Altruism - 71st percentile - high
You are high in generally wanting to be good to other people, including helping them when they need it.
Cooperation - 89th percentile - very high
There are very high chances that you'll try to get along with other people.
Modesty - 83rd percentile - very high
You have very high levels of modesty. Modest people don't like to brag or show off, because those types of behaviors can be harmful to relationships.
Morality - 90th percentile - very high
Sticking to the rules and treating everyone fairly is of very high value to you.
Sympathy - 78th percentile - very high
You have very high levels of sympathy for other people, which includes caring about them and wanting what's best for them.
Trust - 78th percentile - very high
You're very high in believing that other people are generally good and not out to harm you.
Conscientiousness - 82nd percentile - very high
You are very high in conscientiousness. Highly conscientious people are diligent, hard-working, and responsible. The six facets of conscientiousness are:
Achievement Striving - 53rd percentile - about average
You have about average desires to work hard and get ahead.
Cautiousness - 95th percentile - extremely high
The odds are extremely low that you'll just jump into things without really thinking them through. You spend extremely high amounts of time planning what to do.
Dutifulness - 91st percentile - extremely high
You're extremely high in sticking to your word, keeping your promises, and upholding your obligations.
Orderliness - 73rd percentile - high
You prefer high levels of cleanliness and order in your environment.
Self-Discipline - 63rd percentile - high
You have high self-discipline—which is the ability to get to work quickly, stay focused, and avoid distractions or procrastination.
Self-Efficacy - 36th percentile - low
When you need to do something, you have low ability to get it done and do it well (or maybe more accurately, you believe that your ability is low).
Neuroticism - 60th percentile - about average
You are about average in neuroticism, which means that you experience about average levels of negative emotions, like anger, fear, and stress. The six facets of neuroticism are:
Anger - 10th percentile - extremely low
Your levels of anger and irritability are extremely low.
Anxiety - 84th percentile - very high
Compared with other people, you have very high stress, fears, and worries about the future.
Depression - 88th percentile - very high
This is NOT "clinical depression." This score simply tells you that, compared with other people, you feel very high amounts of sadness and like yourself to a very low degree.
Immoderation - 5th percentile - extremely low
You have extremely high self-control when it comes to resisting temptations; there are extremely low chances that you'll give into your desires and binge (on shopping, eating, drinking, or whatever your vices are).

Self-Consciousness - 85th percentile - very high
You like to draw very low levels of attention to yourself, and feel very high amounts of unease when interacting with others socially (especially strangers).
Vulnerability - 81st percentile - very high
The chances that you'll be overwhelmed by difficult circumstances are very high. Notice that this is different from anxiety (which refers to general stress- and fear-proneness) and self-efficacy (a facet of conscientiousness that reflects your confidence in your ability to accomplish tasks). Vulnerability specifically refers to your propensity to feel overwhelmed by difficult situations.
Openness to Experience
Openness to Experience - 73rd percentile - high
You are high in openness to experience. Openness is a broad, diffuse personality dimension with many seemingly very different facets. In general, highly open people like a variety of new experiences, whether physical, emotional, intellectual, or cultural. The six facets of openness are:
Adventurousness - 12th percentile - very low
Your prefer very low amounts of variety and new experiences in your life (i.e., you have very low openness to new experiences).
Artistic Interests - 55th percentile - about average
You have about average love for art, music, and culture (i.e., you have about average openness to aesthetic experiences).
Emotionality - 93rd percentile - extremely high
Your attunement to your own and others' emotions is extremely high. Whereas cheerfulness and excitement seeking (facets of extraversion) capture your propensity to feel positive emotions and neuroticism captures your propensity to feel negative emotions, emotionality refers to your overall openness to/desire to truly feel emotions.
Imagination - 76th percentile - very high
You have very high imagination (i.e., you have very high openness to experiences of the imagination).
Intellect - 79th percentile - very high
Your desire to play with ideas, reflect on philosophical concepts, and have deep discussions is very high (i.e., you have very high openness to intellectual experiences).
Liberalism - 73rd percentile - high
Your political liberalism is high (conversely, your political conservatism is low). This is a facet of openness to experience because liberals tend to desire progressive change, whereas conservatives tend to prefer less political change.
Hesper said:
The results of the personality inventory paint me as the 'simple man'. I think that adequately sums me up at this point in my life. I'm pleased with the results, and can use them to better map out areas that I'd like to improve upon. Thank you for this insightful thread, and for sharing this.

My overall score was Extraversion 59, Agreeableness 68, Conscientiousness 94, Neuroticisim 62, and Openness 19. [snip]

At the time of taking this test I said I wanted to re-test in the future and compare the scores. Specifically I wanted to see if I could lower my score on being 'achievement oriented' and raise my score in the Openness and intellectual arena. After a few months of being focused on being more slow & studious and less 'active', these are the results. I find that my score is now: Extraversion 18, Agreeableness 72, Conscientiousness 79, Neuroticism 39, and Openness 34.

As hoped for, achievement striving has dropped from the 90s range into the mid-range of 59. As the test says, being too achievement-oriented can be obsessive, so dropping that back was a short-term goal of mine in order to slow down and appreciate the simple things. As G would point out, any attempt to modify one part of the machine can result in other changes. It seems that 'slowing down' has meant facing more negative emotions/ aspects of life which being 'fast' helped me avoid. I believe this largely explains the drop in Extraversion, cheerfulness, etc. Lots to process.

The work on Openness has meant taking more time to appreciate the scenery, to listen to music I wouldn't otherwise listen to, to branch out into new areas of research, etc. This is a work in progress. I see that the score has gone from 19 to 34, with an increase in Adventurousness, Liberalism and Intellect being the predominant changes. Seems I still need to do more work on Artistic Interests and Emotionality. But this machine is a work in progress, and there's no end to the work we can do.

That said, it seems appropriate to use this tool in this way; monitoring one's personality in regards to personal goals. Perhaps I will take it again in a few months to see if there are significant changes.

The subdomains are as follows:


..Friendliness 36
..Gregariousness 39
..Assertiveness 16
..Activity Level 52
..Excitement-Seeking 12
..Cheerfulness 8

..Trust 24
..Morality 91
..Altruism 57
..Cooperation 61
..Modesty 96
..Sympathy 48

..Self-Efficacy 51
..Orderliness 79
..Dutifulness 75
..Achievement-Striving 59
..Self-Discipline 69
..Cautiousness 87


..Anxiety 26
..Anger 61
..Depression 62
..Self-Consciousness 41
..Immoderation 14
..Vulnerability 37

..Imagination 15
..Artistic Interests 23
..Emotionality 22
..Adventurousness 56
..Intellect 66
..Liberalism 59
A very interesting exercise. I will be keen to look again in the future to compare.

..Friendliness 56
..Gregariousness 38
..Assertiveness 44
..Activity Level 80
..Excitement-Seeking 17
..Cheerfulness 57
Your score on Extraversion is average, indicating you are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone.

This is about what I expected and overall has improved from a few years ago

..Trust 79
..Morality 81
..Altruism 89
..Cooperation 93
..Modesty 82
..Sympathy 82
Your high level of Agreeableness indicates a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative.

Perhaps my level of trust in people in general should be a little lower than the score indicates. While I trust my close friends and in the recent past I would have said that I trust most people in day to day interactions, a recent relationship experience has shaken me up a little and made me quite wary, however, it was a great self reflective learning experience which forced me to also look at my past behaviours and motivations in relationships.

..Self-Efficacy 38
..Orderliness 18
..Dutifulness 54
..Achievement-Striving 84
..Self-Discipline 68
..Cautiousness 80
Your score on Conscientiousness is average. This means you are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.

This is pretty much what I expected, I work hard at work but don't keep my house in order at home, I'm working on trying to achieve balance here.

..Anxiety 73
..Anger 20
..Depression 55
..Self-Consciousness 75
..Immoderation 12
..Vulnerability 58
Your score on Neuroticism is average, indicating that your level of emotional reactivity is typical of the general population. Stressful and frustrating situations are somewhat upsetting to you, but you are generally able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations.

As expected

..Imagination 72
..Artistic Interests 86
..Emotionality 91
..Adventurousness 58
..Intellect 70
..Liberalism 87
Your score on Openness to Experience is high, indicating you enjoy novelty, variety, and change. You are curious, imaginative, and creative.

As expected
mkrnhr said:
Jordan Peterson and associates launched a new personality test based on the big five traits:

Here is a video presentation of the product:

It costs $9.95

Thanks mkrnhr! I think it would be worthwhile taking the test. I did the one mentioned before, but I believe I might've had a tendency to not really see the big picture about myself at that time. Due to recent events and things that have come up I realized how much of this shadow part I sometimes put under the rug and try not to pay attention, but certainly one of the things im trying to learn at the moment is to really see and understand those traits of myself. I completed the first part of the future self-authoring program, and it was not the easiest thing. I decided to focus on the future cause it's somehing that has been a bit unclear in past months with a lot of things happening in my life. I believe that i've worked a lot in past events that triggered some behaviours, so thought the future program was the best one at this point. I'll see how part 2 goes and the final results. I really like the way it's outlined.

Okay, what I am going to do here in order to try to help some of you to SEE something important is use myself as an example.
One thing that underlies all of the above, I think, is WILL TO BE and DO. The trait that comes close to this is the "not quitting".

Anyway, I hope this has given ya'll something to think about.

I needed to read this today. Thank you - it has flipped my present day around and better yet, given me a metaphoric slap across the face; to get up and keep moving forward.
I missed the 10 min deadline to edit. But I had an additional comment:

I think the original post about the list of traits is important. All the people in my life who I highly respect possess these traits. There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence, but I think one of the differences is that confident people know (as a strength) when they need to be arrogant to make their point, versus arrogant people who are always that way no matter what, which can also be a weakness.
Thanks for bumping this thread @MikaelYosef! It was timely reading for me as well. The people I most respect possess these traits too, and I've sometimes found myself feeling suddenly weirdly angry at them, despite thinking they're amazing people. One friend in particular who's always been a huge inspiration to me, I used to get so mad at him (in my mind) because...not sure... he was so competent!? Then after awhile I'd calm down and figure it must be plain old envy.
Thank you for the tip. I took the Hexaco test too.
Here are my results:

Honesty-Humility 4.31
Sincerity 4.75
Fairness 3.75
Greed-Avoidance 4.25
Modesty 4.50
Emotionality 3.38
Fearfulness 2.75
Anxiety 4.25
Dependence 2.25
Sentimentality 4.25
eXtraversion 2.88
Social Self-Esteem 3.00
Social Boldness 2.75
Sociability 2.00
Liveliness 3.75
Agreeableness 3.25
Forgivingness 3.75
Gentleness 3.00
Flexibility 3.00
Patience 3.25
Conscientiousness 4.44
Organization 4.75
Diligence 5.00
Perfectionism 4.50
Prudence 3.50
Openness to Experience 4.81
Aesthetic Appreciation 4.75
Inquisitiveness 5.00
Creativity 5.00
Unconventionality 4.50
Altruism 4.75

It would have been different numbers many years ago.
30 years ago I was an idiot. 20 years ago I was a fool. 10 years ago, I thought I figured out a couple of things. How wrong I was. 😂
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