Can Won
Padawan Learner
This topic highlights how important it is to have people around you who can be honest if the question "Can you point out anything in particular with my personality that needs to be worked on?" is asked.
It's a simple question, yet experience has shown when bringing it up that it's a topic that a lot of people would simply rather steer well away from.
One response I've been given is "why would you want to know that?"!
If you are at a point in life where self observation is a key part of your daily practice then surely you should be able to notice when such a moment arises (or maybe not :P) And so on reflection, would you have done things differently? and if so, why? What was the influence of your decision? and how can I work on it? Work, work, work!
It may have been a simple gesture of sorts, but continuing to use these as reference points not to make the same "mistakes" is akin to surrounding yourself with alarm clocks. Your thoughts are clear from the mundane and therefore you may even "hear" the alarm before it goes off :D
Having someone at hand who can address such circumstances with you, may simply open a door that you never knew existed. People such as this aren't particularly common nowadays, therefore excluding yourself from such circles may in fact be hindering your development.
Being brutally honest with yourself is hard at times, but surely this is all part of the work? Facing up to the reality of the situation, there is always work to do!
So what harm can be done by doing these forms of questionnaire?
They encompass aspects of self development that can slip by the radar from time to time...
It's a simple question, yet experience has shown when bringing it up that it's a topic that a lot of people would simply rather steer well away from.
One response I've been given is "why would you want to know that?"!
If you are at a point in life where self observation is a key part of your daily practice then surely you should be able to notice when such a moment arises (or maybe not :P) And so on reflection, would you have done things differently? and if so, why? What was the influence of your decision? and how can I work on it? Work, work, work!
It may have been a simple gesture of sorts, but continuing to use these as reference points not to make the same "mistakes" is akin to surrounding yourself with alarm clocks. Your thoughts are clear from the mundane and therefore you may even "hear" the alarm before it goes off :D
Having someone at hand who can address such circumstances with you, may simply open a door that you never knew existed. People such as this aren't particularly common nowadays, therefore excluding yourself from such circles may in fact be hindering your development.
Being brutally honest with yourself is hard at times, but surely this is all part of the work? Facing up to the reality of the situation, there is always work to do!
So what harm can be done by doing these forms of questionnaire?
They encompass aspects of self development that can slip by the radar from time to time...