Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

palestinians dont wont to leave , they want to be in can you spin this in to positive "trump" move?
if i may humbly recommend the video above ,please watch, you will know its a PLAN. long time made.

I don't know for sure, but it could prevent all of them from being slaughtered and starved to death, or continuing to endure severe ongoing torture at the hands of Israeli psychopaths. If that's the choice - and it seems to me that Trump has made this choice possible - then one can conceivably see how, although it is definitely ethnic cleansing and therefore not great, relocating the Palestinians out of the open-air concentration camp of Gaza would also be potentially life-saving.

And ... who knows, maybe a big meteor is going to land in this country and Palestinians will save their life by leaving before it happens.

... just ... not too big the meteor please, just the good size to eradicate this planet's cancer without harming too much all the rest.

Well, who knows what can happen. C's confirmed that meteors are attracted by areas where the humanity is not doing anymore their job. I also remember a prediction saying somethink like "it's when all will talk about peace that "it" will strike"
IMO, fenantyl is just a smokescreen, or a perfect 'public face' for something much bigger and sinister.
Yes, of course there is this big issue of various controlling countries of the Arctic region which Trump is interested in and rightfully so. It's only sinister if people make it so. But, I don't think the fentanyl is a smoke screen to cover that but an important component that threatens the lives of Americans that the Canadian government, under control of Globalists, has been involved with for years. Bring it out fully into the light that the citizens of both countries may see clearly the perpetrators of poison and death.
It was cool to read that Trump is having a lot of fun, according to Vance. I could see how he may be super stressed, but apparently not! And it sounds like he's not going to slow down. Amen to that.

WASHINGTON — Vice President JD Vance told Breitbart News exclusively on Tuesday that President Donald Trump is “having the time of his life” as president so far, two weeks into his second term in the White House.

Vance, who sat down with Breitbart News in his West Wing office down the hall from the Oval Office, said Trump is “having the time of his life man” when asked how the president is doing two weeks into the administration. Vance said that Trump has done more in just a couple weeks than former Presidents Joe Biden or Barack Obama did in their full terms.

“I obviously think he’s doing a great job, and I think he’s done more in two weeks than frankly Biden did in four years and Obama did in eight years,” Vance said. “It really is a breakneck pace and that really does flow directly from presidential leadership. He is constantly asking us how many days do we have left? How many weeks do we have left? What have we done today? It’s a constant drive from the top and it’s why I think you see all these great things coming out of the White House. But he is having fun.”

As compared with Trump’s first term in office, where he was constantly under fire from the establishment media and radical left, Vance said this term so far is going much more smoothly. Vance said he did not know Trump personally back then, but from talking to people who did they see a much more free-wheeling president focused on action rather than one in a bunker mentality trying to fight out of defensive positions the opposition put him in.

“I honestly didn’t know him personally at all during the first term—I talked to him a couple of times but I didn’t really know him well,” Vance said. “My sense when you talk to people who have known him for a really long time is he’s having a great time. He’s enjoying himself, and he’s actually I think able to do frankly the hard work of being president but also the fun parts of being president. He really likes doing this job, but last time it was the Russia hoax and it was all of the congressional Democratic efforts to investigate him and then to impeach him. I think he’s actually kind of enjoying it now. One of the things, I’m a big fan of Constitutional history and I’m sure you guys are too, but the founders created in the president of the United States not just a head of government but also a head of state. The president was supposed to be both of those things. So in some ways the president is stronger than a European-style prime minister—not just the leader of the people’s government but also a symbolic head of the nation. I think that symbolic head of the nation stuff, the president’s able to have a little bit more fun with that because the Democrats—while they’re still crazy and still going nuts over USAID and all this other stuff—I think they recognize fundamentally that the American people just don’t buy the argument they have made about Donald Trump and it’s why he was reelected president.”

Vance said the rapid-fire actions from the president and the administration so far—every second the major story seems to change and they are making big moves quickly on what seems like hundreds of fronts—are definitely by design.

“I don’t know that it’s trying to catch the opposition off guard, but one of the things I’ll notice every time we sit in the Oval Office with the president is he’ll say ‘how many weeks do we have left?’ He’s counting down the weeks and thinking okay, we don’t have a lot of time,” Vance said. “Actually, four years is a lot of time in political life but it’s not a long time in real life. There’s a lot of damage that’s been done, but there’s also a lot of opportunity. The president I think sees this as he wants to do as much as he possibly can with every single day. There is an element of, if you go back to the first term, there was a recognition that frankly a lot of congressional Republicans were fighting his agenda as opposed to facilitating his agenda. There was a recognition that even some of the staff members weren’t necessarily on the team, and when you look at the people surrounding the president from Stephen Miller to James Blair to Susie Wiles, we’re trying to make it sort of easy for the president to do what he wants to do in government. When you have the entire team firing on all cylinders you can get a lot done.”

Vance also said this is the new normal and to expect this rapid-fire, breakneck pace to continue for four full years.

“It’s not just a first two weeks thing,” Vance said. “Of course, there are certain things that will necessarily not be the same like for example sitting here ten minutes ago we just found out that Sen. Cassidy is a yes on RFK’s nomination. Todd Young is a yes too on Tulsi, which I think gets Tulsi there. So as you get these people approved there’s just—it’s not like we’re nominating a new Director of National Intelligence every week right? So there’s a natural way in which we’ll transition from a focus on nominations to some of the president’s big legislative priorities. So I think the pace is going to be the same, it’s just the priorities are going to change.”

More from Vance’s first exclusive interview with Breitbart News as vice president from inside the West Wing at the White House is forthcoming soon.
And ... who knows, maybe a big meteor is going to land in this country and Palestinians will save their life by leaving before it happens.

... just ... not too big the meteor please, just the good size to eradicate this planet's cancer without harming too much all the rest.

Well, who knows what can happen. C's confirmed that meteors are attracted by areas where the humanity is not doing anymore their job. I also remember a prediction saying somethink like "it's when all will talk about peace that "it" will strike"

I am curious as to how the Semitic genetic component plays a role in the unfolding of the new reality in the context of this conflict. The PTBs are more than happy to try and eradicate them, but at the same time I think the universe itself is waiting for a signal from the Palestinians. There is a multigenerational, almost epigenetic hatred for the Israelis, and with a lot of justification. In terms of polarizing more toward STO for the new world though, I wonder if the universe is offering the Palestinians the explicit option of choosing what's best for their own kin versus taking up Jihad to the bitter end out of a desire for vengeance, honor, or ego/self-respect. I think the latter at this point is misguided, and is just a conduit for continuous 4D STS feeding and 3D depletion of the Semitic gene pool. If Trump's offer to the Palestinians becomes a reality, it would seem to be asking Palestine just how great their faith in Cosmic Justice is.

I would love nothing more than for Israeli hostilities to cease and for them to make peace, but the preservation of human life I don't think should be waiting necessarily on that timeline. The Egyptian and Jordanian governments want nothing better than for them to stick it out down to the last Palestinian, I suspect because they are too cowardly to face and fight against Israel themselves directly.

Israel of course would be left with spit on its face after suffering all the military, diplomatic, economic, social fallout of the Oct 7 LIHOP, and not even receiving the prize Gaza in the end. So far they just got more secure holdings in the Golan Heights from Syria's regime change and disarray. But with the destruction of USAID and the CIA financing of the ratlines, who knows how much longer that regime will last anyway?

Hyperkinetic sensate, indeed.
What I would really like to know is:

If you could take an unbiased poll that reflects actual reality/opinion, what would most actual ordinary people in Gaza say to a proposal (that they can be sure of to be implemented?) that they can leave that place and get a proper and safe housing/life in another (possibly nearby) country?

Would most agree with something like that or not? Hard to tell, but I think there could be a sizable number who would like that hell to stop, but also a sizable number who would never want to give up their rightful land.

It might be reasonable to assume that most if not the large majority would like/want that idea to happen?

Also, there is probably a big mistrust issue involved with any such proposals for the Palestinians (and VERY justifiably so, given what they have endured!).
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I noticed that Trump said that he left instructions in case he or another high level player in the US gets killed „to obliterate the country and/or countries who did it“. That could mean that Israel/deepstate could swing back into full force at any moment by simply taking Trump out and blame Iran. Maybe that is what Israel is planning/counting on, possibly after the Gaza situation „has been settled“? Trump said that in response to a question about Iran wanting to kill him. But it could also backfire since Israel could, at least theoretically, be targeted as the instigator. Wonder if Trump really believes the Iran thing or is just pretending?
I was wondering, about the many lists presented on X regarding what the USAID was financing. I wonder if some information are not being kept secret (?)

For instance the higly rigged election in France in 2016. Macron has less than 2% in the first "tour", and they rigged the number to put him in 2nd position with more than 20%. I doubt that the "french deep state" did this alone. I always suspected NATO as being the lone (terrorist) organisation that has the backbone to orchestrate this fraud, i doubt the WEF has the technical staff and material to do it, or it requires staff, material and expertise.

So what about fundings ? Do you think that if they see that there was a budget for USAID for France in 2015/2016 they'll dare to show it ? At this moment the list i saw on X are speaking about 20y old events (like the ukrainian orange revolution in 2004). Also, we have to consider that USAID is one of the PTB tools, but the Pentagon budget will be the main course (read also that on X, that USAID can be considered as a starter in comparison with digging in the Pentagone expenses/budget)

Again, we'll see how all of that unfold. The good news is that some "elite" here in europe are really starting to worry and it's good to see this, after all the bad they did these last year. I really hope that the word "Justice" (the real one) will be more read, said, written and applied in the future.
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Would most agree with something like that or not? Hard to tell, but I think there could be a sizable number who would like that hell to stop, but also a sizable number who would never want to give up their rightful land.

My guess would be along these lines too. It seems impossible that a general and unanimous consensus could be reached among the Palestinian people, and I think the majority will probably reject a relocation from their ancestral land. In any case, having to answer such a life-changing dilemma has the potential to further divide the Palestinian people among "realists" and "fanatics".

What seems very strange to me is that so far Netanyahu and Israel seemed to need a constant war to sustain themselves, and a radicalized enemy "without humanity" to sustain their victimhood status and the "moral" use of excessively deadly force. Trump's offer, horrible as it sounds for the Palestinian people at first, actually defuses many parts of this narrative.

For example, Palestinians if relocated are becoming harmless thus are "humanized" and Israel loses its supposed "moral high-ground". If left without "enemies", Israel might even end up a... regular country, or at least it would run out of excuses for not being one. It was even awkward that Trump actually recognized publicly (with Biby sitting next to him!) that Israel has literally flattened Gaza to the ground and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. Everything is strange and makes little sense so far, Trump is playing the "madman" card.
Mixing in the idea from the C's that Israel will be destroyed, then perhaps something will happen where the Palestinians are removed from the area before that destruction takes place and then the Palestinians can return.
The destruction of Israel has also been hinted at by 'ex-Illuminati programmer' Svali (a couple of months before 9/11 took place and afaik before the Cs made such a claim) as part of an Illuminati (and Jesuit) plot.


Full interview attached below.​

Then of course, there's also the re-establishment of Khazaria with a 'new Jerusalem' built on top of the ruins of Ukraine:

for which the destruction of Israel may imo be a possible precursor and/or an alternative to the Greater Israel project altogether. Some say the above is a made up fairytale which Schneerson never uttered, but with Zelensky's publicly stated ambitions and the Greater Israel project potentially going sour (intentionally or otherwise), who knows at this point?


A while ago I also thought quite hard what a realistic/peaceful solution to the Israel/Palestine issue could be and I realized that I couldn’t come up with any realistic solution, no matter how hard I tried. What Trump proposes is new and COULD really finally get something done there.
What about publicize and condemn the treacherous history of Israel's take-over of the Palestinians' homeland for the previous 2,000 years, the schemes of the Mossad including 9/11, followed by creating a Palestinian state to pre-6-day war boundaries, with security guaranteed by the U.S. and all U.S. aid given Israel divided between them and Palestine? -- oh sorry, I see you said "realistic solution". :-(
@ScioAgapeOmnis has been using an AI video summary tool that provides pretty good results. Maybe this can be used for all longer videos posted here in general, if it is a publicly available tool.

Yes. I just hope everyone on this forum is observing the courtesy of explaining the value and message of the long-form videos they share. I ask this because it’s a bit unseemly to request the 30+ people networking here to sink a lot of time into a video a given poster couldn’t be bothered to speak on, explain, or summarize the value thereof.

What about publicize and condemn the treacherous history of Israel's take-over of the Palestinians' homeland for the previous 2,000 years, the schemes of the Mossad including 9/11, followed by creating a Palestinian state to pre-6-day war boundaries, with security guaranteed by the U.S. and all U.S. aid given Israel divided between them and Palestine? -- oh sorry, I see you said "realistic solution". :-(

For what it’s worth, I think it’s fair to say we’re all on the same page when it comes to Israel’s litany of abuses here, JGeropoulas. But acting for the wellbeing of the Palestinians cannot and should not wait until Israel receives its reckoning, by either human or cosmic forces.
For what it’s worth, I think it’s fair to say we’re all on the same page when it comes to Israel’s litany of abuses here, JGeropoulas. But acting for the wellbeing of the Palestinians cannot and should not wait until Israel receives its reckoning, by either human or cosmic forces.
But, Evil is usually the last to be destroyed. Everybody is so blinded by the lies and performance.

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