Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

I can't disagree that the onus is ultimately on the American people, however by and large, they are truly good people. They are just slow to wake up because of several factors: First of all the programming runs deep; the great experiment in freedom and democracy, land of the free, home of the brave, defender of the free world etc. Secondly, they can't grasp the true nature of western media. We're not shown the death and destruction taking place 'over there.' They really haven't understood that the narrative of world events being presented to them is pretty much 180 degrees from the truth. But as the juxtaposition between what the USA is supposed to be about and what the reality actually is grows larger, people are going to wake up. It's already happening.

I can't comment on whether by and large they are truly good people (is there such a thing!?). I've never actually lived or even travelled to the US. However, yes you're right, with the way events are unfolding, Americans are likely to lose at least some of their illusion about their country.
I think this goes back to Haidt's work (thread) that @Pashalis already mentioned. The war issue is actually interesting, because here, the reasonable conservatives and the reasonable lefties have common ground: they both oppose imperial wars. The left/liberal types tend to argue more like you - have compassion for these poor people who are being killed, it's not fair etc. The conservatives may come at it more from a protectionist mindset (maybe because they are more loyal to their ingroup) - my country, my borders, let's make America great again instead of meddling with other countries that have nothing to do with us. And certainly don't kill our soldiers in needless wars. I don't think these conservative reasons are "worse" than the liberal reasons that focus more on compassion - these are different perspectives and both deliver valid reasons against imperial wars!

What's also interesting is that both these mindsets, both these "moral taste-buds" can be manipulated. For the liberals, it's the concept of "humanitarian intervention" - they just show dead babies on TV for days, blame some "evil dictator" and the libs go "bomb this monster!". For the conservatives, it's more as we have seen after 9/11 - these foreign, Muslim bastards are out to get you hard-working Americans and destroy your culture, we need to defend our heritage! So, off we go to another war.

At this point though, as far as I can see, it's not so much the conservative manipulation at play, but the liberal one - it's always the brutal dictator slaughtering children that needs to be stopped. Interesting to note that it seemed easy for Hillary to use this trick with Libya, yet Trump seems to have a harder time selling this stuff to his conservative supporters. Maybe because they are very different from the libs and lack this single-minded focus on compassion with all and everything that can be easily manipulated?

Yes, Haidt's work is fabulous in explaining how the the two mind work. I guess I fall more on the liberal side on political issues. Hmmm, I guess that in a way, yes, their way of thinking make Conservative harder to manipulate to go to war. But that being said, during the Obama years there was plenty of warhorse on the Conservative repeatedly claiming that he was weak. I guess times are simply different?
May 8, 2018 - Trump declares US leaving 'horrible' Iran nuclear accord
Trump declares US leaving 'horrible' Iran nuclear accord

President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the landmark nuclear accord with Iran on Tuesday, abruptly restoring harsh sanctions in the most consequential foreign policy action of his presidency. He declared he was making the world safer, but he also deepened his isolation on the world stage and revived doubts about American credibility.

(1:42 min.)

The 2015 agreement, which was negotiated by the Obama administration and included Germany, France and Britain, had lifted most U.S. and international economic sanctions against Iran. In exchange, Iran agreed to restrictions on its nuclear program, making it impossible to produce a bomb and establishing rigorous inspections.

But Trump, a severe critic of the deal dating back to his presidential campaign, said in a televised address from the White House that
it was "defective at its core."

U.S. allies in Europe had tried to keep him in and lamented his move to abandon it. Iran's leader ominously warned his country might "start enriching uranium more than before."

The sanctions seek to punish Iran for its nuclear program by limiting its ability to sell oil or do business overseas, affecting a wide range of Iranian economic sectors and individuals.

Major companies in the U.S. and Europe could be hurt, too. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that licenses held by Boeing and its European competitor Airbus to sell billions of dollars in commercial jetliners to Iran will be revoked. Certain exemptions are to be negotiated, but Mnuchin refused to discuss what products might qualify.

He said the sanctions will sharply curtail sales of oil by Iran, which is currently the world's fifth largest oil producer. Mnuchin said he didn't expect oil prices to rise sharply, forecasting that other producers will step up production.

Iran's government must now decide whether to follow the U.S. and withdraw or try to salvage what's left with the Europeans. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said he was sending his foreign minister to the remaining countries but warned there was only a short time to negotiate with them.

Laying out his case, Trump contended, "If we do nothing, we know exactly what will happen. In just a short period of time, the world's leading state sponsor of terror will be on the cusp of acquiring the world's most dangerous weapons."

The administration said it would re-impose sanctions on Iran immediately but allow grace periods for businesses to wind down activity. Companies and banks doing business with Iran will have to scramble to extricate themselves or run afoul of the U.S. government.

Meanwhile, for nations contemplating striking their own sensitive deals with Trump, such as North Korea, the withdrawal will increase suspicions that they cannot expect lasting U.S. fidelity to international agreements it signs.
Former President Barack Obama, whose administration negotiated the deal, called Trump's action "misguided" and said, "The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America's credibility and puts us at odds with the world's major powers."

Yet nations like Israel and Saudi Arabia that loathed the deal saw the action as a sign the United States is returning to a more skeptical, less trusting approach to dealing with adversaries.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed Trump's announcement as a "historic move."

Trump, who repeatedly criticized the accord during his presidential campaign, said Tuesday that documents recently released by Netanyahu showed Iran had attempted to develop a nuclear bomb in the previous decade, especially before 2003. Although Trump gave no explicit evidence that Iran violated the deal, he said Iran had clearly lied in the past and could not be trusted.

Iran has denied ever pursuing nuclear arms.

There was a predictably mixed reaction from Congress. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said the Iran deal "was flawed from the beginning," and he looked forward to working with Trump on next steps. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, slammed Trump in a statement, saying this "rash decision isolates America, not Iran."

In a burst of last-minute diplomacy, punctuated by a visit by Britain's top diplomat, the deal's European members had given ground on many of Trump's demands for reworking the accord, according to officials, diplomats and others briefed on the negotiations. Yet the Europeans realized he was unpersuaded.

Trump spoke with French President Macron and Chinese leader Xi Jinping about his decision Tuesday. Hours before the announcement, European countries met in Brussels with Iran's deputy foreign minister for political affairs, Abbas Araghchi.

In Iran, many are deeply concerned about how Trump's decision could affect the already struggling economy. In Tehran, Rouhani sought to calm nerves, smiling as he appeared at a petroleum expo. He didn't name Trump directly, but emphasized that Iran continued to seek "engagement with the world."

The first 15 months of Trump's presidency have been filled with many "last chances" for the Iran deal in which he's punted the decision for another few months, and then another. As he left his announcement Tuesday, he predicted that Iranians would someday "want to make a new and lasting deal" and that "when they do, I am ready, willing and able."

Even Trump's secretary of state and the U.N. agency that monitors nuclear compliance agree that Iran, so far, has lived up to its side of the deal. But the deal's critics, such as Israel, the Gulf Arab states and many Republicans, say it's a giveaway to Tehran that ultimately would pave the way to a nuclear-armed Iran.

For the Europeans, Trump's withdrawal constitutes dispiriting proof that trying to appease him is futile.

Although the U.S. and Europeans made progress on ballistic missiles and inspections, there were disagreements over extending the life of the deal and how to trigger additional penalties if Iran were found in violation, U.S. officials and European diplomats have said.

May 7, 2018 - Oliver North to be NRA's new president
Oliver North to be NRA's new president

Oliver North, the Fox News contributor and central figure in the Iran-Contra scandal, will be the National Rifle Association's new president, the group announced Monday.

"Oliver North is, hands down, the absolute best choice to lead our NRA Board, to fully engage with our members, and to unflinchingly stand and fight for the great freedoms he has defended his entire life," NRA executive vice president and CEO Wayne LaPierre said in a statement on the pick.

In his statement, LaPierre compared North favorably to Charlton Heston, the Hollywood icon who was once president of the group.

North will become president "within a few weeks," the group said, and is retiring from his position at Fox News, effective immediately.

North will join the NRA at an increasingly contentious juncture for the group, facing off against a renewed push for gun control in the wake of the February school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Some survivors of the shooting have emerged as prominent voices in favor of gun control measures and have accused the NRA of endangering lives through political influence.

After the shooting, President Donald Trump indicated willingness to part with the NRA on some issues but has since backtracked and embraced the group tightly. He made his fourth consecutive appearance at the NRA's annual convention on Friday.

In a statement slamming the choice of North, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence co-President Kris Brown referred to North as a "walking lightning rod."

"Oliver North's very name is synonymous with corruption and disgrace," Brown's statement read.

The NRA couldn't immediately be reached for comment.

LaPierre has for years assumed both public-facing and leadership roles for the group as it has navigated administrations of both parties and responses to incidences of mass gun violence. North is set to replace Pete Brownell, who the group announced on Monday would not seek a second term as NRA president.

North became a national figure during the Reagan administration as a public face of the Iran-Contra scandal and faced years of legal battles as a result before his charges were dropped in 1991. The scandal arose over secret arms sales to Iran; the US used the proceeds to fund anti-communist rebels in Nicaragua, called the Contras. Iran-Contra was a central controversy for President Ronald Reagan.

North has since become an author and hosted Fox News' "War Stories with Oliver North," according to the channel.

CNN reported in March that North was one of several people listed to attend a fundraiser hosted by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, for California GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher.
Schiller Institute Streamed live on May 9, 2018
The broader strategic implications of President Trump's decision on the Iran deal are not yet clear. What is clear is that the British Empire and its allies intend to escalate the tension, especially between the U.S. and Russia, and between the U.S. and China. Their goal is to sabotage the New Paradigm, which is emerging around a Four Power agreement between China, Russia, India and the U.S., centered on China's Belt-and-Road Initiative, which continues to win the support of the majority of governments, despite the desperate efforts of its geopolitical opponents, who are deploying sanctions, regime change, terrorism and proxy wars to stop it.

It must also be noted that the wheels continue to fall off the Russiagate steamroller, with judges issuing rulings challenging legal assassin Robert Mueller's serial abuses of power. Further, the agencies behind it, especially the FBI, are being purged, through firings and resignations, in anticipation of indictments to come.

Now is not the time to engage in armchair musings, or depressed submission. Last week, Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued a stirring challenge for an unprecedented mobilization, on behalf of the New Paradigm. Join her this week -- ON WEDNESDAY -- as she outlines what must be done to achieve victory over the degenerate oligarchs engaging in a collapsing defense of the Old Paradigm.

Fox News Published on May 8, 2018
RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel reacts to Chuck Schumer on 'Your World' after President Trump's announcement that the U.S. will withdraw from Iran nuclear deal, updates on health of Sen. John McCain.

Judicial Watch Published on May 10, 2018
Read the latest about James Comey here: Judicial Watch: Emails Show FBI Advised Comey to Consult with Mueller’s Office Prior to June 2017 Testimony - Judicial Watch

May 14, 2018

צעדת ריקודגלים ריקוד דגלים ב גן העצמאות ירושלים יום ירושלים בני נוער חגיגות
VIDEO: Israel Marks Jerusalem Day With 'Dance of the Flags'
Monday, May 14, 2018

9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks

Jared Kunsher, Ivanka Trump and Steven Mnuchin land in Israel for Jerusalem embassy opening.
May 14, 2018 11:09 AM
14.05.2018 - US First Lady Undergoes Kidney Surgery at Military Hospital
US First Lady Undergoes Kidney Surgery at Military Hospital

First Lady Melania Trump "successfully" came through a surgical procedure at Walter Reed Medical Center in the Washington, DC, metro area on Monday.

"First Lady Melania Trump underwent an embolization procedure to treat a benign kidney condition," a statement from her communications director revealed. The statement reported that the procedure was "successful and there were no complications."

US President Donald Trump's wife is at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and is expected to remain at the medical facility for the rest of the week, the spokeswoman said. The president was not present during the procedure, but spoke to her before the procedure and with her doctor afterward, according to NBC. He is expected to visit later today.

The White House hasn't said how long it took for doctors to complete the embolization, which is considered a minimally invasive surgical technique.

The Slovenian-born first lady, only the second foreign-born presidential spouse in US history, is 48 years old, or about 23 years younger than Trump, 71. The couple married in 2005 at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. Melania is Trump's third wife, following marriages to Ivana Trump and Marla Maples.

15.05.2018 - Expert Explains Why North Korea-US Summit to take Place in Singapore
Expert Explains Why North Korea-US Summit to Take Place in Singapore

Last week it became known that one of the most anticipated and breakthrough international events – the meeting of the leaders of the United States and the DPRK – will take place on June 12 in Singapore. US President Donald Trump took to Twitter to announce the date and place of the meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Chinese expert Ren Yuanzhe from the Diplomatic Academy of the People's Republic of China told Sputnik why the choice of the venue for such a major meeting was no coincidence.

“The choice of Singapore for the North Korea-US summit on the one hand is unexpected, on the other hand, there is nothing surprising about it. Singapore was among one of the possible places for negotiations, although many previously assumed that the probability of holding them in the demilitarized zone is higher. Comparing with the other four options, Singapore has the following advantages. Firstly, it is a developed country with good infrastructure, a high level of social security and public order; the country also has extensive experience in organizing various international events. Holding a summit for the US and North Korean leaders in Singapore is a good choice, at least from the point of view of logistic support, it is quite capable of providing excellent working conditions for the participants. For comparison, the infrastructure in the demilitarized zone is outdated. Secondly, Singapore maintains a neutral foreign policy, the country held many important negotiations and meetings. Usually, large-scale summits require embassy support and Singapore and North Korea have diplomatic relations, the DPRK embassy in Singapore is one of 47 embassies North Korea has around the world. At the same time, Singapore is one of the closest partners of the United States in the Pacific. Therefore, the special status of Singapore also became an important factor in choosing it as the venue.”

The North Korean leader is known not to travel far from Pyongyang, so Ren Yuanzhe believes the third reason is the geographical advantages of Singapore.

“Singapore is located in less than five thousand kilometers from Pyongyang, so the North Korean leader's plane will have a direct flight to the summit. The takeoff and landing of the American Air Force One will also be convenient. This is the absolute advantage of Singapore in comparison with such European countries as Switzerland and Sweden.”

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that his country is honoured to host the historic meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un, while Ren Yuanzhe told Sputnik that it's a great chance for the small nation to play a big role: “Of course, Singapore cannot miss such a unique opportunity to improve its position in the world ranking. Hosting such a major event in the country is very important for displaying Singapore's international status and the manifestation of the concept of a 'small country with a great diplomatic role,' therefore, Singapore is also happy to hold an event that will attract the attention of the whole world.”

China considers the forthcoming meeting between US President Donald Trump and the leader of North Korea Kim Jong-un an important step on the way to denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and achieving stability in the region, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Geng Shuan said at a briefing on Friday.

Ren Yuanzhe believes that the denuclearization issue will be the focus of the planned meeting, noting that he is optimistic about the outcome of the talks.

“The problem of denuclearization is definitely in the spotlight. The agreement that North Korea and the US can reach on the issue of denuclearization will directly affect the situation on the peninsula, the peace and development of Northeast Asia. On the issue of denuclearization there have always been inconsistencies between the DPRK's approach to this issue and the concept of the international community and the United States. According to North Korea, denuclearization should be implemented gradually, step by step, one decision after another. The DPRK will voluntarily take the necessary measures, at the same time, the international community, including the United States, must provide certain economic assistance, and ease sanctions.”

Despite Pyongyang's willingness to cooperate on the matter Yuanzhe notes that disagreements remain.

“Trump's administration hopes that the denuclearization issue will be closed once and for all and it's best to solve this problem during Trump's presidency. Therefore, from this point of view, the two sides still have some differences (in approach). In my opinion, denuclearization is a very complex problem that can not be solved quickly. Since North Korea has now agreed to denuclearization, the international community, including the United States, should seize the opportunity to facilitate this process. However, it is very difficult for the DPRK to compromise and solve the nuclear problem in the short term. In addition, the summit will also touch upon the issue of establishing diplomatic relations between the United States and North Korea, the adjustment of the mechanism for peaceful development of the peninsula, the economic development of North Korea and its openness. However, the issue of denuclearization will continue to be key and determine the outcome of the summit.”

The Chinese Global Times reported that the choice of Singapore as the venue for negotiations is the result of Trump's “persistence and perseverance.” The American side did not consider one of China's cities or the demilitarized zone on the border of North and South Korea, for the venue, perhaps, in order not to affect the image of the US president. According to the report, Beijing's influence is too great that if a meeting were to take place in Beijing the public's attention would be divided. As for the demilitarized zone where the leaders of South and North Korea met, the meeting there could repeat the scenario and give similar impressions to the talks between Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in. Singapore will be the most distant place from the DPRK (with the exception of Moscow) since the end of the Cold War, that the North Korean leader is set to visit. Kim Jong-un's consent to a meeting with Trump in Singapore requires courage and confidence. This step by Kim Jong-un can be regarded as a manifestation of readiness to accept and respect the principles of international law, the authors of the Global Times report concluded.
May 15, 2018 - Trey Gowdy And Devin Nunes Accuse DOJ of Attacking Congressional Investigator
Trey Gowdy Just EXPLODED At the Corrupt DOJ - 'I Would Have A LOT More Respect...'

Trey Gowdy and Devin Nunes, the two Republican House lawmakers most engaged in leading the congressional investigation into the Department of Justice’s actions during the 2016 campaign, are sending a warning to the nation’s top law enforcement body.

Rep. Gowdy, who is the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told Fox News that the DOJ and congressional Democrats are harassing investigative staffers. Rep. Nunes, who is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, echoed Gowdy’s claim.

Fox News has the report:

“I would have a lot more respect for DOJ or House committee Democrats if they would take out their frustrations on members of Congress, and leave staffers alone,” South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told Fox News on Monday. “The members make the final decision and are responsible for them, not staffers.”

“Attacking staffers, planting false stories, and endangering national security by leaking sensitive information to the press, including information about intelligence sources — this is what the DOJ is doing, and this why trust in the DOJ is rapidly eroding in Congress,” said California Rep. Devin Nunes, the GOP chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.​

MAGA-KAGLMRod49 @Lrod49

Nunes, Gowdy accuse DOJ of launching anonymous attacks on congressional investigator | Fox News …
10:20 AM - May 15, 2018

If this is true, and the Department of Justice is indeed not only interfering with a congressional investigation but is harassing staffers assigned to dig up information, then this is grounds for disciplinary action to be taken.

For the executive branch to interfere with an investigation initiated by Congress would be a huge violation of the separation of powers. The Department of Justice was created by Congress. It is a creature of the executive – it is not independent of lawmakers. Therefore, it must abide by any congressional investigation.

Gowdy has made no secret of his disdain for the lollygagging DOJ and the ongoing stonewalling of the congressional investigation into the Department’s actions during the 2016 election. And now’s he stumbled upon another roadblock to get to the bottom of what exactly went down during the 2016 election.

May 15, 2018 - BREAKING: Three members of Congress send letter to President Trump asking him to declassify and release all documents that led to the decision to launch investigation into the Trump campaign
BREAKING: Three members of Congress send letter to President Trump asking him to declassify and release all documents that led to the decision to launch investigation into the Trump campaign

Wired Sources @WiredSources

BREAKING: Three members of Congress send letter to President Trump asking him to declassify and release all documents that led to the decision to launch investigation into the Trump campaign
1:23 PM - May 16, 2018

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May 15, 2018

Fox News Published on May 18, 2018 / 9:00
Tucker: Apparently, President Trump deserves to be dehumanized more than MS-13, a gang that butchers high schoolers with machetes. MS-13 may run drugs, commit murder, and terrorize entire communities. But they don't ask questions about diversity, and that's the highest crime you can commit on the Left now. #Tucker

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I agree with Trump that Lou Barletta would make a decent Senator. Barletta has a good track record behind him in working on issues to help local communities. As for Bob Casey, Trump's observation is spot-on. The Casey's have always been part of the Clinton-Biden Clan.

19.05.2018 - "Concrete Decisions": Europe Faces Up to Trump amid Iran Nuclear Deal Row
'Concrete Decisions': Europe Faces Up to Trump Amid Iran Nuclear Deal Row

In spite of US threats, the EU is all set to protect its economic interests in Iran and has started implementing a 1996 law that would prohibit European companies from complying with any sanctions the US would reintroduce against Tehran.

“Europe should be grateful to President Trump, because thanks to him we have got rid of old illusions,” European Council President Donald Tusk said at the start of an EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia on Thursday.

Later in the day, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that “As the European Commission we have the duty to protect European companies. We now need to act and this is why we are launching the process to activate the ‘blocking statute’ from 1996.”

When meeting with a group of top executives of companies working in Iran, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire proposed “three answers” to the US withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran, and said he hoped that the European Commission would make “concrete decisions.”

Le Maire suggested that the EU start implementing the “blocking statute,” withdraw from the US-controlled SWIFT and set up, with the European Investment Bank, “an independent financial instrument to allow our companies to freely work where Europe deems fit.”

And, lastly, to set up a mechanism to better control, single out and block risky investments.

In an interview with Sputnik France, Emmanuel Dupuy, the director of the Institute for European Perspective and Security (IPSE) said that the latter measure was aimed at making it possible for Europeans to use pressure against US companies.

“The mechanism created by the European Commission with regard to Russia could also be used when dealing with other countries. As you can see, France is trying to stick to its position and create its own instruments,” Dupuy said.

He added that Paris is also trying to face up to the US Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which oversee the implementation of various embargoes unilaterally imposed by Washington.

The US Treasury Department has given European businesses with activities in Iran 90-day or 180-day wind-down periods to dismantle their operations or face big fines and be banned from working in the US market or using the dollar.

Emmanuel Dupuy said that US economic interests in Iran are dwarfed by what Europeans have in the Islamic Republic. For all the talk about Boeing’s big-time contracts with Tehran, the trade turnover between the two countries is 100 times smaller compared with that between Iran and the EU, which last year stood at an impressive $21 billion.

While Iran’s trade relations with the EU have been looking up since the sanctions were lifted in 2016, its trade volumes with the US have even been going down.

“The American companies gained nothing from the nuclear deal with Iran,” Emmanuel Dupuy said, putting the volume of US-Iranian trade at a very modest $230 million.

On May 8, President Donald Trump announced his decision to withdraw the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

He also promised to reinstate the sanctions against Iran that were lifted as a result of the agreement, signed by Tehran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – the US, France, Britain, Russia and China – plus Germany on July 14, 2015 and which imposes strict restrictions on Iran's nuclear program in in exchange for the loosening of economic sanctions.

19.05.2018 - Trump Nominates Pacific Command Admiral to Be Ambassador to South Korea
Trump Nominates Pacific Command Admiral to Be Ambassador to South Korea

President Donald Trump has formally sent the nomination of US Pacific Command Adm. Harry Harris Jr. to become the US ambassador to South Korea, the White House said in a press release.

"Harry B. Harris Jr. of Florida, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Korea," the release said on Friday.

Trump initially selected Harris to serve as US ambassador to Australia, but changed his mind in April amid developments on the Korean Peninsula.

Harris, who currently resides in the US state of Hawaii, served in every geographic combatant command region and he has held seven command tasks, the release noted.

As Trump continues to prepare for a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on June 12 in Singapore, filling the ambassador to South Korea post remains a crucial task, according to the release.
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An Investigative Journalist, Sharyl Attkisson has organized a detailed timeline under the heading:

“Collusion against Trump” timeline
“Collusion against Trump” timeline | Sharyl Attkisson

It begins with 2011 and includes information up to Thurs. March 22, 2018. The timeline is to extensive to fully re-print here but this is the introduction:

New items added in blue on May 20, 2018

It’s easy to find timelines that detail Trump-Russia collusion developments. Here are links to two of them I recommend:

Politifact Russia-Trump timeline

Washington Post Russia-Trump timeline

On the other side, evidence has emerged in the past year that makes it clear there were organized efforts to collude against candidate Donald Trump–and then President Trump. For example:

  • Anti-Russian Ukrainians allegedly helped coordinate and execute a campaign against Trump in partnership with the Democratic National Committee and news reporters.
  • A Yemen-born ex-British spy reportedly delivered political opposition research against Trump to reporters, Sen. John McCain, and the FBI; the latter of which used the material–in part–to obtain wiretaps against one or more Trump-related associates.
  • There were orchestrated leaks of anti-Trump information and allegations to the press, including by ex-FBI Director James Comey.
  • The U.S. intel community allegedly engaged in questionable surveillance practices and politially-motivated “unmaskings” of U.S. citizens, including Trump officials.
  • Alleged conflicts of interests have surfaced regarding FBI officials who cleared Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information and who investigated Trump’s alleged Russia ties.
But it’s not so easy to find a timeline pertinent to the investigations into these events.

Here’s a work in progress.

(Please note that nobody cited has been charged with wrongdoing or crimes, unless the charge is specifically referenced. Temporal relationships are not necessarily evidence of a correlation.)
April 17, 2018 - Here’s why Trump was ordered to launch the Syrian missile attack
Here’s why Trump was ordered to launch the Syrian missile attack


State of the Nation

The Bottom Line regarding Trump’s tragic missile attack on Syria is that:

“The international rule of law has been effectively shattered, and what little was left of the global order has been destroyed.”
Trump supporters and opponents across the political spectrum have been trying to spin the patently unlawful U.S. missile attack on Syria since it occurred on Friday the 13th. Some of those explanations (his naysayers) appear to be entirely accurate; however, many Trumpsters attempt to justify what is essentially a war crime.

Regardless of the position or perspective taken, one thing is for certain:

"Planet Earth is now ruled according to the law of the jungle. And the United States, United Kingdom, France, Israel and other Western powers are the self-appointed policemen of that jungle."
In view of the recent American attempts to transparently manipulate the U.N. Security Council to collectively approve of this war crime in Syria, it’s quite clear why the attack was conducted. (See: ‘Security Council, unite’: US, UK & France want UN to back their illegal Syria strikes) The NATO military powers have essentially set up new draconian rules. If there is even a suspected chemical attack in Syria henceforth, the coalition including the US, UK, France and Israel will summarily respond with an immediate military offensive. This extremely dangerous precedent allows these nations to strike Syria whenever they stage either a false flag gas attack or one that is a complete hoax.

KEY POINT: As the de facto world policeman, the United States has been systematically used to incrementally destroy the rule of law. By consistently flouting the rule of international law over decades, an unbroken succession of U.S. presidents has greatly undermined the global order. Many a POTUS has been
manipulated into this unfortunate predicament by the hidden powers that oversee the Oval Office. Some call it the shadow government; others call it the Very Deep State.

Multiple goals
Just like every illegal invasion or false flag attack perpetrated by the Western powers, there are various objectives they wish to accomplish.

In the case of Trump’s second missile launch at Syria, the Zio-Franco-Anglo-American Axis seeks to impose their own arbitrary rule of law…upon Syria, the Middle East, and eventually the world-at-large. Foisting this perverted law of the land and the seas upon the world community of nations is certainly not a new enterprise. It’s been done as long as there has been empire-building.

Make no mistake about it: the arrogant show of brute military force in Syria was about showing the whole world who’s boss. The US, UK, France and Israel are it. And Trump was chosen to lead this stealthy endeavor to establish a tyrannical rule of law around the globe—Yankee-style!

No one can do it like the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, especially with Hollywood special effects and Mockingbird Media backing up the whole cynical production. Just like World War II, the Brits and the Frogs are always right there in a supporting role.

Then there is the prime instigator—I S R A E L !

Cat’s paw
Just as the United States of America has been surreptitiously set up as the military arm of the New World Order, the covert headquarters of the NWO is Israel. The apartheid state of Israel was deliberately established as a criminal rogue nation that serves as the cat’s paw of the despotic World Shadow Government throughout the Middle East. Israel, in turn, uses NATO’s largest military forces to carry out the major invasions and/or occupations.

The Modern State of Israel was given total command and control of the U.S. Federal Government so that the American military could be deployed whenever an international ‘police action’ was deemed necessary. Or, wherever an outright invasion was needed to depose an uncooperative junta installed by the U.S. and it’s allies.

The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order

Herein lies the root of the problem: the most powerful militaries within NATO — U.S., U.K., France, Germany, and Italy — are completely controlled by the Rothschild banking cartel.

The United States, in particular, is not only hosting a Zionist-occupied government (ZOG), the U.S. military answers directly to Tel Aviv. The numerous unprovoked wars of naked aggression fought by American troops and airmen since 1990 throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa clearly reflects this indisputable reality.

The decision-makers in the Rothschild banking cartel will not tolerate any dissent where it concerns world governance. This particular banking bloodline has been running the show for millennia, and they will brook no opposition to their NWO agenda leading to their totalitarian One World Government.

— End of story —

Well, not quite. But that’s the gist of the story.

War: A Bankster’s Business
If there’s one thing the banksters really love, it’s the tremendous revenue streams that come with war. Protracted armed conflicts are especially profitable. The arms industry is one of the most lucrative there is. As Major General Smedley Butler once said, “War is a racket.” And so it is; perhaps even the greatest money-making racket of all time.

Because the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) is completely controlled by the banking cartel, their symbiotic and incestuous relationship guarantees a civilization rife with war. In the wake of so much death and destruction, the agents of disaster capitalism always show up to rebuild after the demolition phase of war has ended.

Anyone who has watched the incessant warmongering in the Mideast has seen this exact dynamic at work for decades. Great swaths of the Northern Levant, for example, have been transformed into a dystopian post-apocalyptic wasteland. This ongoing scheme of purposeful and pervasive devastation is by design.

Not only does such utter destruction send a message to any country thinking of leaving the NWO reservation, it produces a predatory capitalist’s paradise with a mere shower of bombs. The banksters are just like those personal injury lawyers who chase the ambulances; except their partners in the MIC are told exactly when and where to drop the bombs. What a racket?

Do you get it?

Those Tomahawk cruise missiles that were just fired at Syria were aimed at specific targets. What their precise payloads were is anyone’s guess. Some have even speculated that they were delivering newfangled bioweapons. Knowing the dismal record of the U.S. military and their black ops which are responsible for myriad war crimes, anything goes. Remember the DU dropped all over Iraq! Deliberate contamination of a entire theater of war with depleted uranium certainly constitutes a HUGE war crime, yes?

Ordo Ab Chao
Irrespective of what the purpose(s) was of illicitly launching over 105 missiles at a sovereign nation on 4/13/18, one thing predictably follows—chaos. That’s because the NWO globalist cabal first sow seeds of chaos wherever they intend to foist a new regime into power.

C H A O S ! That’s what war always guarantees. An immediate future of political pandemonium, social tumult and economic mayhem always result to some degree. So do governmental disarray, financial turmoil and business disorder.

Out of this post-war chaos, the NWO perps seek to create new state entities where lawlessness and anarchy rule the day. Only in this manufactured environment can the predatory capitalists take full advantage of the sheer desperation and overwhelming needs that inevitably manifest.

Iraq and Syria, Afghanistan and Libya, Tunisia and Yemen, Palestine and Lebanon are some of the nations that have been victimized in this way. However, it’s really Iran that the Neocon Zionists want to conquer. And the surest way to Tehran passes right through Damascus. See: TARGET IRAN: The Neocon Zionist Plan for an Apocalyptic War in the Mideast

KEY POINT: What the Neocons really accomplished with Trump’s war crime is that they artificially fabricated a new regime of international aggression. The US, UK and France have arrogated power unto themselves which permits them to invade countries who they falsely accuse of chemical attacks. The new standard of proof is merely their collective allegation of a transgression without presenting any proof. Not only are these rogue governments acting outside of and contrary to UN Security Council official process, they are in gross violation of the Geneva Conventions.

The Powers That Be (TPTB) know full well that the only way to sufficiently soften up any population is to “shock and awe” them. Only when the people have sunk to certain depths of despair will they be open to the false promise of protection from their new masters. This is basically how nationwide protection rackets get started. That’s how many tyrannical and autocratic governments actually operate these days.

It really is like General Butler said, only in this case war has become the predicate to lifelong protection rackets. Families and businesses in perpetual war zones around the world find themselves needing protection from all sorts of new enemies, most of them created by the local warlords in collusion with the banksters.

This “divide and rule” strategy is the very basis of the New World Order. It’s explicit purpose is to re-engineer the entire civilization so that everyone is in just enough fear that they demand protection. This is actually the main function of their planned One World Government— a global(ist) protection racket.

For those nations and societies that have been spared full-scale war, they are treated to countless other variations of the Hegelian Dialectic. Unrelenting false flag mass shootings and bombings are just two ways in which the populace is victimized by these shock and awe techniques. Ultimately, the citizenry will cede their rights and liberties for the false security promised by their Big Brother government.

This Problem~Reaction~Solution blueprint is currently being utilized the world over, but primarily in ways that occur under the radar. Of course, the American people have experienced many different types of false flag operations over the years, as they have other types of physical attacks and psychic assaults. These highly manipulative machinations executed in broad daylight are designed to instill a sense of hopelessness and abiding powerlessness. In this way, even the most fiercely independent and anti-establishment Americans will succumb, so TPTB think.

What’s the point?

This is how the New World Order agenda is being implemented continent by continent, country by country, city by city. And every nation within the Zio-Franco-Anglo-American Axis plays a crucial role in this mostly furtive NWO enterprise.

The USA, because of its post World War II position as world policeman, cannot be permitted to leave the NWO reservation. As much as President Trump expressed his intentions to liberate the nation from the grasp of the NWO globalist cabal, he is instead being insidiously co-opted by them. Because of how cunning his adversaries really are, he probably does not even know what’s really going on. The following article provides just a glimpse into what the POTUS now faces.

ALERT: Syria first strike in World War 3 – Deep Analysis

As the reader can see, the President Donald Trump back story is so much more complicated and convoluted, crazy and complex than anyone knows. The preceding analysis only scratches the surface of the countless conspiratorial plots that are being run in the background against the POTUS. Not even an AI entity programmed with autonomous superintelligence could figure out the many stratagems being carried out against the Trump administration by the day. (e.g. SOS: Q-squared Delivers a Set of Serious Messages About the POTUS)

The critical point here is that the power elite presently exercises complete command and control of the planet. That doesn’t mean that things cannot change. When they do, the reversal of fortune for the TPTB can occur in the blink of any eye. The real critical point then is: “When?” When will the patriots know that it ‘s time to light the torches and grab their pitchforks?

Special Note:
No matter how much of a patriot and nationalist President Trump truly is, launching 105 cruise missiles into a sovereign nation totally outside the rubric of international law, federal law and all other generally accepted conventions is highly disruptive to world peace. Such a serious war crime is anathema to the maintenance of the global order. How would the POTUS react were President Bashar al-Assad to fire a barrage of missiles inside the Beltway? It appears that the globalists have somehow convinced Trump that Washington, D.C. is sacred territory whereas Damascus can be used at will for target practice. How do you spell:

American Exceptionalism?
KEY POINT: One of our SOTN legal eagles made the following observation
about Trump’s misguided and reckless missile attack. “He not only violated
the UN Charter and the Nuremberg rulings, he had no legal authority to
attack Syria as a pure matter of US constitutional law!”


Because the president really does believe that the American people and their property are more valuable than those of other countries, he has twice conducted a missile attack on the innocent Syrian government based on obviously false evidence. Even if either (or both) false flag chemical attack was committed by Assad’s forces, Trump had absolutely no right to play judge and jury, prosecutor and executioner in the matter. In so doing, he is playing God.

The Trumpsters ought to deeply contemplate this message to the POTUS.

President Trump is being used to shatter the international rule of law. Trump is now a proven war criminal. Trump just destroyed his presidency. Trump is a one term president, if that.

Because of this rapidly devolving state of affairs, there’s one conclusion that can no longer be denied: The Coup is Complete – Trump is Done

State of the Nation
April 15, 2018

Editor’s Note

There’s an utterly absurd narrative being promoted throughout the Alt Media that explains how Trump is somehow playing 5D chess with this attack on Syria…which is really “an attack on Deep State”, so they say. First of all, none of these commentators even know the most basic facts about the missile launch. Much of what they think they know comes from a LARP known as Q (aka as Q Anon). Simply put, these folks don’t even know what they don’t know…about anything regarding this unlawful military operation in Syria on Friday the 13th.

Nonetheless, how can Trump or his diehard defenders justify such an egregious assault on the sovereignty of a blameless, war-torn nation like Syria. This distorted logic is a reflection of how desperate Trump supporters are to justify his worst presidential actions. With that said, Trump quite tellingly made common cause with two of the most reprehensible Rothschild-controlled globalists on Earth—Prime Ministers Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron. The US, UK and France together committed the war crime in Syria with Trump leading the charge. Which is why all three of them have been called Netanyahu’s Three Stooges.[1]

The Q Cult, in particular, is performing triple somersaults, blind-folded, while jumping through hoops of fire in a straight-jacket in order to justify Trump’s illicit invasion. Some Qtards even suggest he’s brilliantly playing 5D chess…covertly coordinating with Putin and Jinping behind the scenes. You really can’t make this stuff up!

Q Cult, listen up, here’s how Trump decided to bomb Syria. No, it wasn’t 5D chess!

And yet many of these same YouTubers and Facebookers, bloggers and journalists are well aware of the Greater Israel project and how Putin’s Russia blew it all up in 2015. They know that Trump zealously supports Israel and has even collaborated with Saudi Arabia to advance the disastrous “Ersatz Israel” scheme. This back story, by the way, is eerily similar to another one that took place in pre-World War 3 Europe. Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich was used specifically to establish the Modern State of Israel…by scaring the European Jews to Palestine. That was the real purpose of the Final Solution, not death by a fake Holocaust in Nazi concentration camps. The Zionists and Nazis conspired to systematically manipulate the Jews to emigrate to the Holy land en masse.

Even Hitler wanted to “Make Germany Great Again”, and look where that got him and his adopted country. Trump now finds himself on a similar slippery slope. And based on his oft-repeated campaign promises, he knows that every unwarranted attack on another nation is a profound transgression of the rule of law.

Even the notorious war criminal nation — ISRAEL — has taken advantage of Trump’s missile barrage to unlawfully attack Syria. The IDF has done this twice thus far; once by destroying an Iranian military base that killed 20, and a second time when: Israel Launches Airstrikes On Airbase Near Homs In Syria.

In spite of this obviously preplanned (and coordinated) war crime, his apologists swear that Trump has done nothing wrong. Nonetheless, it really does appear that:

Trump’s missile attack carried out to prolong US military involvement in Syria…
And to embolden ISIS and Syrian rebels…
And to provide the IDF with political and military cover by Franco-Anglo-American coalition…
And to create an impeachable offense that hangs over the head of the POTUS…
And much more that will be exposed in due course of time….


[1] TRUMP Reality Check by Q²: Everyone needs to read this!

"What You Need To Know About The Violent Animals Of MS-13" A White House Primer
by Tyler Durden Mon, 05/21/2018 - 20:45 (Bold lettering is that of the article's emphasis)

In response to last week's controversy after President Trump referred to MS-13 gang members as "animals," the White House has published a handy primer on the organization.
Via the White House (emphasis ours):

What You Need To Know About The Violent Animals Of MS-13

WHAT: The violent animals of MS-13 have committed heinous, violent attacks in communities across America.
Too many innocent Americans have fallen victim to the unthinkable violence of MS-13’s animals.

At the State of the Union in January 2018, President Trump brought as his guests Elizabeth Alvarado, Robert Mickens, Evelyn Rodriguez, and Freddy Cuevas, the parents of Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas. Police believe these young girls were chased down and brutally murdered by MS-13 gang members on Long Island, New York, in 2016. Suffolk County Police Commissioner stated that the “murders show a level of brutality that is close to unmatched.”

In Maryland, MS-13’s animals are accused of stabbing a man more than 100 times and then decapitating him, dismembering him, and ripping his heart out of his body. Police believe MS-13 members in Maryland also savagely beat a 15-year-old human trafficking victim. The MS-13 animals used a bat and took turns beating her nearly 30 times in total.

In Houston, Texas, two MS-13 members were charged after kidnapping and sexually assaulting one girl and murdering another. The two MS-13 animals laughed, smiled, and waved for cameras in court as they faced the charges.

New York communities have suffered tremendously from the abhorrent violence of MS-13. Nearly 40 percent of all murders in Suffolk County, New York between January 2016 and June 2017 were tied to MS-13.

In January 2017, MS-13 members were charged with killing and hacking up a teenager in Nassau County. MS-13’s animals reportedly saw the murder as a way to boost their standing in the gang. In April 2017, police believe four young men were brutally murdered by MS-13 animals on Long Island. One victim was a young man in town visiting family during an Easter week vacation. Just last month, in April 2018, MS-13 reportedly called for its members on Long Island to kill a cop for the sake of making a statement.

WHY: MS-13 is a transnational gang which follows the motto of “kill, rape, control” by committing shocking acts of violence in an attempt to instill fear and gain control.

MS-13 is a transnational gang that has brought violence, fear, and suffering to American communities. MS-13, short for Mara Salvatrucha, commits shocking acts of violence to instill fear, including machete attacks, executions, gang rape, human trafficking, and more. In their motto, the animals of MS-13 make clear their goal is to “kill, rape, control.” The gang has more than 10,000 members in the United States spreading violence and suffering.

Recent investigations have revealed MS-13 gang leaders based in El Salvador have been sending representatives into the United States illegally to connect the leaders with local gang members. These foreign-based gang leaders direct local members to become even more violent in an effort to control more territory.

President Trump’s entire Administration is working tirelessly to bring these violent animals to justice.
After Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims expressed her frustrations with the federal government to the president regarding the handling of MS-13 gang members, Trump said the following:
“You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people, these are animals, and we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before.”​
Dozens of media outlets only shared Trump's response to Simms, completely omitting the context. This made it appear as if Trump was calling all immigrants "animals," not just members of MS-13.

After being called out, the Associated Press deleted a tweet:
Clarifying his comments, Trump said on Thursday: “So when the MS-13 comes in, when the other gang members come into our country, I refer to them as animals. And guess what? I always will ... But we’re getting them out by the thousands. But it’s a big, dangerous job. And they’re able, in some cases, to come back in or new groups come in also from the gangs.”

Democrats, meanwhile, doubled down - and began defending MS-13.
Pelosi first alluded to God, saying, “Some of us who are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service” believe that “we are all God’s children” and “there is a spark of divinity among every person on earth, and we all have to recognize that as we respect the dignity and worth of every person.”
She went on to say we must recognize that divinity in others, and it is our responsibility to do so because we have “divinity in us.”
Pelosi then took a soundbite that has been perpetuated throughout the media out of context from the president’s comments on MS-13 gang members and attributed it to all immigrants. “So when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ‘These aren’t people, these are animals,’ you have to wonder, does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?’ -Daily Caller


Taking the MS-13 defense to a whole other level, writer Rob Rousseau tweeted "I would rather my daughter dated a member of MS-13 than a member of the Republican Party."

"You want the best for your children. Not the worst," Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder said on "Fox & Friends."

"MS-13's motto: Kill, rape, control ... That's what you want dating your daughter?"

On Wednesday, President Trump will travel to New York for an immigration event on Long Island's Morrelly Homeland Security Center, where he is expected to talk about the need to rid the country of the violent gang.


Link for Numerous Ethical Comments:
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Sun Sentinel
Who is Jonathan Oddi, the man shot at Trump Doral after ranting and firing shots?
May 18, 2018 Video
Jonathan Oddi, the man accused of firing shots inside Trump National Doral Miami resort, is a 42-year-old dancer and fitness instructor who lives about a five-minute drive from the resort, according to authorities and one of his friends.

Oddi says on social media he’s a fitness instructor, investor in real estate and manages a business dealing in minerals and gemstones. Court records show no felony arrests but a slew of misdemeanor traffic infractions for the man suspected of firing shots at the Trump resort.

Miami-Dade and Broward county court records show Oddi was cited for offenses include speeding, driving with an expired driver's license, failing to pay highway tolls, making improper turns and not having proof of insurance. Most were settled by paying a fine.

Oddi was born in South Africa but grew up in Argentina with his family, where some relatives still live, according to his longtime friend, Luis David Gonzalez.

Gonzalez showed up at Oddi’s apartment Friday morning and was stunned to hear from reporters that his friend was in the news. Police say Oddi is the gunman who fired shots to bring police to the Trump National Doral golf course and resort early Friday. Five officers shot him in his legs to disable him, a police chief said.

Oddi hadn’t been feeling well recently, so Gonzalez was bringing him a breakfast of eggs and coffee, he said.

“I just brought him breakfast, because yesterday he was feeling bad,” Gonzalez said. “So basically I spoke to his ex-wife and I explained to her what was going on with him.”

Gonzalez didn’t elaborate about what issues Oddi may have been facing. He said he asked Oddi what was wrong Thursday, but didn’t get far. Oddi had been “isolated” in his apartment, with his dog, Bobo.

“He was normal,” Gonzalez said. “He was at his house. I told him, ‘What's wrong with you?’ He said, ‘Nothing's wrong with me. I just don't want to go out.”

Gonzalez described him as a dancer and entertainer, but said he didn’t know more about what type of dancing he did. Photos of Oddi show him with a muscular physique. He and Gonzalez spent plenty of time in the gym, but they never talked politics, Gonzalez said.

Oddi’s Instagram account features screenshots of various news stories, according to The Miami Herald, including accounts of singer Chris Brown being accused of rape, authorities seeking the death penalty for opioid dealers and about the downfall of film producer Harvey Weinstein.

The Herald reports he also wrote about First Lady Melania Trump. "#flotus rocks! She sets the example of mannerism. She counters Trumps aggressiveness.”

Another post is of Time magazine cover, regarding a story about Trump’s issues with porn star Storm Daniels, the Herald reported. "Reality is harsh," Oddi wrote.

Trump hotel shootout: Florida police release footage of gun attack (VIDEO)
22 May, 2018 09:18
Florida police have released dramatic bodycam footage of their gun battle with a suspect at the Trump National Doral Golf Club Friday.

Suspect Jonathan Oddi, 42, reportedly entered the lobby of the hotel and began shouting anti-Trump remarks before opening fire. Terrified patrons and employees of the hotel fled immediately.

Officers from the City of Doral and Miami-Dade Police Departments responded to multiple 911 calls of shots fired in the area. As footage from the scene shows, the officers entered the hotel and quickly engaged the suspect in a firefight.

Oddi was shot in the exchange and subsequently disarmed before being taken to Kendall Regional Trauma Center. Once treated, he was transferred to Miami-Dade's homicide bureau for interrogation after which he was taken to the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center, according to a police statement.

Oddi appeared in court Monday and faces five charges of attempted second degree murder on a law enforcement officer, armed criminal mischief, aggravated assault with a firearm, armed burglary with assault and grand theft. He is being held without bond.

One officer sustained a possible wrist fracture in the incident. No hotel employees or patrons were injured in the attack.


Other Quotes:
David Jiminian, who lives in Cordova Phase II, the same gated complex where Oddi resides, said he has seen Oddi going in and out of his garage but has never spoken to him. He also said Oddi drove a new sand-coloured Jeep Renegade.

Oddi also complained about America sending “US$10.4 million per day” to Israel, saying: “[Israel has] free healthcare and college, but we don't because we can't afford it!”

“It’s pretty crazy,” Jiminian said. “It’s scary that it’s so close to home.” Jiminian added that he had never noticed any anti-Trump bumper stickers on Oddi’s vehicle.

Police said they were combing Oddi’s internet footprint to piece together who he is and what may have motivated him. But the picture is unclear.


An Instagram post from August 2017 shows him posing in front of an image of the US flag, having just become an American citizen.
Wow. A leftist idiot would rather his daughter dated an MS13 member rather than a Republican. Insanity. The hatred and madness coming from fools like Rob Rousseau, Senator Pelosi and the MSM far surpasses what comes out of the fringe right. At least in this period of time.
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