Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Laura said:
Yeah, that "trial run" business is chilling. But, what if "trial run" meant trying to figure out a way to impose that kind of Reich on everyone without it breaking into war? Yeah, maybe I'm reaching, but not sure that global conflagration is the objective, rather selective culling might be.

I’ve been wondering about the “trial run” of WWII as well. It’s tempting at first to think that it was a test to see how to best develop some strong fascist military power that would proceed to conquer the rest of the world through traditional means. In that case, the focus of study would have been on Nazi Germany – it’s strengths, weaknesses, and how to prevent the defeat of a Nazi Germany 2.0 when it came time for WWIII. Using a centralized NATO-like power to subdue the rest of the planet seems to have been the strategy which was attempted unsuccessfully at the end of the Atlantean period.

However, the focus of the NWO globalists does not seem to have gone in the direction of building up a single state which would be so powerful – rather, it seems to be going in the opposite direction, through the economic destabilization of superpowers like the US and Russia, and the conquest and balkanization of states which would otherwise be strong enough to resist a central world meta-government.

I wonder if this is one of the key reasons why Trump has been attacked so severely – his “Make America Great” program is one primary thing that has caused so many people to worry about him being the next Hitler, but maybe the globalists who back the Bushes, Clintons etc. don’t actually want America to be great, because if it were it could be a potential threat to their plans if the “wrong” person ended up at the helm, in the same way that a strong Russia is becoming today. It could also be reason to be wary of something like the proposed California secession, which would certainly weaken America if it were successful.
Laura said:
Okay, I put in three more text chunks from 3 articles I wrote that are on sott and tried 3 more times. Attached below.

You will see that I'm fairly consistent to myself, but they sure peg me wrong.

So much for "facebook likes helping Trump win" I guess. You certainly don't strike me as a male in his mid 20-30ies :) And only 50ish percent leadership potential?? :lol:

It goes to show that the authors of the article didn't put too much effort into researching the topic. And they most certainly didn't use the tool they went on to assess.
Laura said:
Okay, I put in three more text chunks from 3 articles I wrote that are on sott and tried 3 more times. Attached below.

You will see that I'm fairly consistent to myself, but they sure peg me wrong.

And they all give you a young age between 27 and 38. Youthfulness is certainly pretty spot on. :)
Atriedes says that the test was most likely created by a liberal with weird ideas about masculinity and femininity. Or they assume that women don't have brains or know how to drive them.

The thing about "leadership" is true enough: for me, it's a labor and a duty; I do it because I don't see anybody else doing it and it needs to be done. If the world was perfect, I would live in retirement and read and grow roses.
Laura said:
Aeneas said:
I am also reminded of the comments by the C's that "WWII was just a trial run" and "United in suffering". It would probably be too much to expect that a the people of a civilisation conditioned into being black and white 'thinking' authoritarian followers with a steady diet of exceptionalism and believing to be blessed by God as his special people indispensable for the world, would magically change overnight and see the light.

Yeah, that "trial run" business is chilling. But, what if "trial run" meant trying to figure out a way to impose that kind of Reich on everyone without it breaking into war? Yeah, maybe I'm reaching, but not sure that global conflagration is the objective, rather selective culling might be.

9/11 <=> Reichstag [Reichstag really looks like a trial run]

Iraq <=> Poland (1939) [shock doctrine/ blietzkrieg]

Syria <=> USSR [big amount of land as the battlefield & big suffering of the people]

Aleppo <=> Stalingrad [a lot of struggles over domination & Russians are bringing situation to the balance]

Trump <=> Hitler [both as the representation of power of the nation; "make America great again" / "make Germany great again"]

This is just my proposition of possible interpretation, of course.
Laura said:
Atriedes says that the test was most likely created by a liberal with weird ideas about masculinity and femininity. Or they assume that women don't have brains or know how to drive them.

The thing about "leadership" is true enough: for me, it's a labor and a duty; I do it because I don't see anybody else doing it and it needs to be done. If the world was perfect, I would live in retirement and read and grow roses.

There is a 2 to 1 bias for females towards Jungian feeling so if you were getting percents in the high 60s for masculine I could see it but high 90s is ridiculous. I actually would have you as an INFJ rather than INTJ. For the big 5 OCEAN this would mean O - C - not E - A. You did have a high A of 71 (matches to Jungian Feeling) on an earlier big 5 test topic on this forum. There's an idea that schools develop Jungian Thinking much better than Feeling and life experience probably has given you more Jungian thinking situations than the average Jungian Feeler would want. Might be interesting to plug in something from Amazing Grace (which was earlier and biographical).

I took it. I'm an INFP electrical engineer and I came out INTP so I kind of have a similar problem with my career choice not matching my Jungian F. I was 90 for a male (I am one). I did come out 53 for A (agreeableness) for the big 5 OCEAN so there's some F there similar to your 51 on one of your submissions (but much less than your earlier 71 or my earlier 91).
I can't tell what exactly is going on behind the scenes. But this crossed my mind.

The C's said that Trump understand what he is up against. Hence him playing with nice with the Zeonazi's.

Things is, if this somehow guarantees his safety somewhat so he can get things done in the long run. Than Trump is also between a rock and a hard place. At some point, the Zeonazi's might want the protection they provide to be paid back? And the Trump administration is playing hardball with Iran. In order to keep friendly with the Zeonazi's.

Does Trump understand that if you are forced to dance with them, than instead they will dance with you since your life is basically in their hands. So at what point will the Zeonazi's realize Trump has to play along with them or otherwise he will lose their protective mantle?

And why would the US Deep State truly cares if the Trump administration goes to war? It might give them enough ammunition for their color revolution. In this way, the Zeonazi's and the US deep state might get what they want.

Going to war with Iran is strategically not feasible, but not if you have an excuse to use Nukes. And the C's mentioned dirty nukes going of at some point, what will happen if Iran get's the blame for that? What if the Zeonazi's will place Trump between a rock and a hard place if that happens. Either go with the script and strike Iran? Or the US deep state or we personally will take your life.

Hopefully Trump can provide his own safety. Because if he can't, it could make him reliant with the Devil, sort of speak.

But this all might be a bit to far fetch?
Here are my notes from the webinar, with approximate times in the video, which will eventually come out, I'm sure.

1:00-Flurry of activity- Executive Orders, call with Putin, etc. why did it happen? Used to being a winner and deliver to constituents, to prove he is serious about his promises. Garner support and loyalty from police and military to mitigate assassination risk. This consolidated force is the only thing that can ensure his safety.

7:00-Trump put in a narrow channel in which he has to negotiate with opposing factions and adjust promises. Improving relations with Russia will be very hard and will be delayed. Tillerson forced to confirm Russian aggression narrative to clinch nomination. Yin Yang world, we have to measure our progress in 3D against opposition (US-Yang, Russia Great Balancer). Humanity trying to move beyond physical 3D constraints of conflict. Tillerson and Trump important in this context. Trump wants to be good, but has to bribe people and throw them a bone for his very survival. Improvements will occur in foreign policy and manufacturing jobs, but will be limit. Trump, Tillerson, and US-centric elites will attempt to negotiate and sell the betterment of relations in exchange for something very big in order not to appear weak. This is how they will keep Trump on a short leash, and he has to prove he is tough to mitigate it.

20:00-Trump wants to recognize the legitimacy of the Crimea in exchange for a nuclear disarmament treaty. Putin may throw Trump a bone for good publicity. Russia will never be in a direct conflict with US in WWIII, nuclear deterrent guarantees security. Disarmament won't genuinely occur until a new multipolar world order with a different state of consciousness is achieved.

27:00-Russians are afraid to admit that the situation is the opposite from the 80's and 90's. It is the age of Russia, and whatever Putin does, he will win. West may not lose right away, but will continue to bleed energy. Trump will try to find some way to sell Ukraine back to Russia in exchange for a modification on sanctions. Ukraine will gradually turn back toward Russia and away from the US, change will be visible by summer 2018. Trump will facilitate this in a tangential way, and the EU politicians following him will gradually seek to improve relations with US. Trump wants to distance himself from the EU, which allow slightly more sovereignty for EU nations in the long run.

36:00-Kissinger Plan. He is hated by both sides, neoliberals and US "patriots/" Trump supporters. There is a clear bifurcation of US/global elites. There is the Soros/NWO faction and the group that doesn't want to be "left behind" by the Earth Shift and new multipolar world order. Trump's presence is a boost to these elites.

42:00-Merkel will lose this election, but the next person will not be much better unless the conservative and socialist factions can manage to join together.

46:00-Back to Kissinger. Listnened to very closely by US elites, does not belong to Soros' faction, cooperation with Russia is needed in order to maintain US dominance. Putin takes his phone calls and meets with him because he is a direct a phone line to the US elites and a barometer of their mood i.e. keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

1:00:00-Globalist elites divided amongst themselves and fighting each other. Financial elites supporting Soros/Clinton vs industrialist elites supporting Trump as well as Kissinger. Kissinger will offer to give back Russia control of the former Soviet bloc and some south Asian nations in exchange for isolating China. Trump serious about starting trade war with China, which plays into Kissinger's agenda. China is worried because they are weak without Russia. Kissinger will not be able to separate Russia and China, but Putin will try balance both sides by cooperating with US on foreign policy in certain limited areas.

1:10:00-Trump is US Gorbachev. Situation in US is analogous to USSR at the time. Gorbachev tried to salvage and rebuild the USSR, but was defeated. US will not completely disintegrate, but undergo a "mirror collapse." Trump will try to save the system but... the dollar has another two or three good years, and then will start to fall apart. US influence will wane as Trump repatriates troops and winds down defense agreements. US collapse will have more physical violence than USSR.

1:20:00-Most important thing to remember with what is happening right now is that this is destiny. Everything that is happening now is somewhat predetermined. USSR contributed 1/3 of GDP to maintain empire, and this dynamic needed to collapse in order for Russia to fulfill its role as the Great Balancer. EU will not collapse completely, some countries will leave and others will be given more sovereignty as EU structure is renegotiated. The world in 2019 will be radically different from the world we know today.

1:25:00-Neither Trump nor Melania trust their safety in the white house. Russian security agents advising him on these manners, possibly connected with Putin. Trump would prefer his family to stay at Trump tower to prevent assassination attempts.

1:30:00-According to Lada's multidimensional analysis, the probability favors Trump only lasting in office 2-3 years. There are apparently fluctuations in the timelines which are making this difficult to see. He may last 5 years or so, but she doesn't see him lasting two full terms in any event. She thinks he will avoid assassination, he may be impeached, but it is all very clouded and unpredictable.

1:40:00-Israel/Palestine conflict is a civil war, manipulated from the outside. Arabs manipulate Palestinians and US globalist Zionist elites manipulate Israel.

1:45:00-Insurgencies and color revolutions will become less controllable and a tangible threat in the US from 2018 onward.

1:50:00-There is something secret in Antarctica, the true history of the human race has been hidden. Aliens are multidimensional, probably "channeled." Trump is a dealmaker who wants to change 3D reality for people within it. Physical aliens are "lower" 4D aliens like Roswell incident. Higher dimensional aliens are less physical and there won't be any kind of "disclosure" during his presidency.

2:15:00-Pollution and environmentalism-Fossil fuels are here to stay as well as nuclear. Higher levels of energy are currently incompatible with humanity's consciousness. No such thing as truly free energy, there is always an exchange of some sort. The moment human consciousness shifts into 4D more gentle energies such as solar and wind will become more viable because assumptions about reality change.

2:20:00-Slow and tedious US collapse, as opposed to a sudden Soviet collapse, although people on the street will still not know what hit them. Trump will eventually repeal Russian sanctions. There will be a smaller EU, where foreign relations will be renegotiates.

2:30:00-Trump's motives are that he is a winner/achiever. He wants to do this partly for himself, to prove that he can make the achievement. He is a bit of a truther, he sees the US has hit a dead end and wants to see some restoration of realism because his milieu is involved in the production of real things. The real sector elites want to preserve their wealth, and saving the American economy helps them preserve their wealth.

2:40:00-Japan will stay somewhat in the US orbit for 4 or 5 years, and Trump will not vacate Okinawa. If Japan remilitarizes, it will not end well for them. There is a faction that will gravitate toward Russia, as part of the geoplitical balancing process. Lada believes that the Fukushima quake was induced with some kind of sonic weapon.

They didn't quite get down to my actual question about the Antarctica stuff impacting Trump (I had a rather long preamble) she thought it was completely irrelevant to the discussion, so it looks like from her perspective that it won't be coming out during Trump's reign and effecting anything in any meaningful way.
Thanks for the rundown Neil. When I connected to the webinar the audio wouldn't work. After about 30 min of trying to get it to work I gave up. I plan to listen to the saved MP3 they said they will send out to subscribers and see if I can give some additional notes early next week.
Re: Trump, Brexit and psychometrics

m said:
Charade said:
Also I read the articles on SoTT about the move to restrict air travel because of unpaid tax debt. And this feeds into restricting travel between states, on the horizon, without proper ID. I arrived at the TSA checkpoint in a California airport that same day, yesterday, to see a sign for the first time that stated in the near future travel between Canada and the states bordering Canada will require more than a passport to be allowed travel. It's not that the ID's haven't been required already. It will just be used to track us more extensively and perhaps be an excuse to detain or restrict where and when we travel. Another ominous sign, IMO>

Unless you read some article I missed, there was a recent article about the IRS possibly revoking passports, which would restrict travel to any place that requires a passport to enter. But it doesn't restrict travel inside the US.

Did you read a different storry?

I'm guessing Charade is referring to this story:

Where it says at the end:

Having one's passport revoked potentially limits more than just international travel. In some of America's states, if a driver's license doesn't meet set standards they won't be accepted by airlines for domestic flights after January 22, 2018.

Moreover, starting from October 2020, every air traveler in the US will need an ID-compliant license or another acceptable form of identification, such as a passport, for domestic flights.
Qui est Stephen Bannon, l’homme de l’ombre de Donald Trump ? Video
Who is Stephen Bannon, the man in the shadow of Donald Trump?
04.02.2017 à 10h25 | Par Marc Bettinelli
Militaire, devenu banquier, producteur de cinéma, puis dirigeant du média d’extrême droite Breitbart News, Stephen Bannon est considéré comme l’éminence grise de Donald Trump. Celui-ci vient de lui offrir un siège permanent au Conseil de sécurité nationale. Il en fait ainsi l’un des hommes les plus puissants du pays.
News, Stephen Bannon is considered the gray eminence of Donald Trump. He has just offered him a permanent seat on the National Security Council. This makes him one of the most powerful men in the country.
Aeneas said:
Gaby said:
seek10 said:
I don't know russian rapist portion, it looks to me a like typical russophobic western narrative.

This particular documentary doesn't cover the horror suffered by Russia. It actually does come across as Russophobic. Still, I have come across with similar documentaries and articles explaining the "raping portion". Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn writes about it in passing from his days in WWII in his book The Gulag Archipelago.

Yes a shocking documentary, though I got a little annoyed by the Russophobic flavour. Just after the clip about the D-day landing, it cuts to a scene where the narrator was saying that not all of Germany's enemies were so merciful, and then showed the killing of a whole village by allegedly the Russian army and the scene of Russian soldiers dancing with the words by the narrator of revenge and kill, kill, kill.
A little over the top. And there were quite a number of scenes and cuts that made the "Western allies" look like angels as opposed to the Russians. No mention of the firebombings by the allies of entire German cities with no military objective. Or the fact that despite the picture that one gets from the documentary, the war was won by the Red army with a loss of 25 million people and against whom the German army had thrown 90% of their best forces.

I concur. Just came across this article while looking for that article about US soldiers raping French women after WWII ended.
Hundreds of thousands of German women were raped by British, U.S. and French soldiers after the end of the Second World War, a German historian has claimed.

In a new book, Miriam Gerhardt, a well-regarded German academic, challenges the established view that Soviet troops were responsible for the vast majority of rape cases in occupied Germany.

"The assumption that Western Allied soldiers would not do such a thing turned out not to be true," she told the broadcaster Deutsche Welle. "In the method and violence of rape there was no difference between American GIs and the Red Army, as far as I can see."
Saturday, February 4, 2017

After a campaign of “sending rapists,” “deportation force,” “whip out that Mexican thing again,” and “bad hombres,” the Trump administration has moved from the theatrical to the practical in its first steps to build a new wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. Prior to the inauguration, President Donald Trump’s transition team approached the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Interior Department about a new physical border. In his first week in office, Trump signed an executive order instructing the Department of Homeland Security to repair existing portions of the border fence and to build new sections as authorized by Congress in 2006. Although the new administration is clearly moving to fulfill its campaign promises, the results of a new physical barrier will likely have a counter-intuitive effect: Mexican drug cartels will grow stronger.
Skipping Down:
However, in the midst of the pressures leveled against them and despite the significant damage to their organizations, Mexican cartels have adapted and continue their trafficking enterprises. In the face of new border realities, they will adapt again based on the rules of the game that they follow.
The Game may have Changed, but the Old Rules Still Apply
Rule 1: A Cartel’s Business is Business
Rule 2: Borders are Opportunities, not Obstacles
Rule 3: Cartels have their own STEM Programs
Rule 4: Cartels are also Patriotic
Link for full review:

Holland bank "Rabobank" accused of money laundering and colaboration in Mexico crimes
Friday, February 3, 2017
Hithere said:
Interesting article about Big Data being utilized to manufacture messages targeted at specific types of people, allegedly a big part of the reason Trump got elected and also behind Brexit:
News about one specific guy who supposed to have helped Trump with "crowd pulling words" in local indian news channels including TV.

As the story goes, this IT guy who was legally on "dependent visa-H4" in US volunteered to help Republican party in Arizona, who later became trump's aid. Given that Trump won, there are more speculations of him.
Iragavarapu, who has been using big data to create poll strategies for Trump in Arizona, got his first success at home back in India during the 2014 general elections. The Rajahmundry resident left his job at HCL to work for YSR Congress party-led by Jagan Mohan Reddy in Andhra Pradesh.

if we google the word "Clinton and big data", we will find some articles that is mentioning Clinton campaign using Big data. obviously, that didn't work.

It is common understanding that Big data means different for different people. Despite all the Vendor talk and lot of buzz words, I see lot of confusion with word "Big data", particularly where this can be used, whether the application tools are matured enough to use it and how that can be used. some years back, there are Bildenburger new items that talk of amazon promoting Big data. It looks, amazon is leading the industry with its amazon tool set (AWS) and cloud offering to host the data. Lot of companies look amazon as a low cost experimentation with Big data before investing by them selves. Big data analytics that supposed to facilitate skimming through large sets of structured and unstructured data( like social media content) has lot of potential, but it depends on how it is used, just like any other tool.
Re: Trump, Brexit and psychometrics

Beau said:
m said:
Charade said:
Also I read the articles on SoTT about the move to restrict air travel because of unpaid tax debt. And this feeds into restricting travel between states, on the horizon, without proper ID. I arrived at the TSA checkpoint in a California airport that same day, yesterday, to see a sign for the first time that stated in the near future travel between Canada and the states bordering Canada will require more than a passport to be allowed travel. It's not that the ID's haven't been required already. It will just be used to track us more extensively and perhaps be an excuse to detain or restrict where and when we travel. Another ominous sign, IMO>

Unless you read some article I missed, there was a recent article about the IRS possibly revoking passports, which would restrict travel to any place that requires a passport to enter. But it doesn't restrict travel inside the US.

Did you read a different storry?

I'm guessing Charade is referring to this story:

Where it says at the end:

Having one's passport revoked potentially limits more than just international travel. In some of America's states, if a driver's license doesn't meet set standards they won't be accepted by airlines for domestic flights after January 22, 2018.

Moreover, starting from October 2020, every air traveler in the US will need an ID-compliant license or another acceptable form of identification, such as a passport, for domestic flights.

Thank you Beau,

That is the article I was referring to. I don't know how to link articles into my posts. The sign I saw posted at TSA security listed Washington, Montana, Maine, Minnesota, and North Dakota as the states that would require more than one ID. And,yes, the TSA employee brushed it off as "oh that's not until 2018." When I questioned him about it. But the sign sure is up early. As a rule, everything FAA and TSA implement is a knee jerk reaction to some air disaster or false flag event.

If I recall correctly, limitations to our ability to travel has been mentioned more than once in the C's sessions. And I was beginning to sense a thaw possibly in the 'keeping down the masses.' These kinds of measures seem like continued tightening of the grip on daily life. :(
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