Truth memes

Your images of 1960's women reminds me of the movie The Stepford wives. There is a 1975 movie version and the remake in 2004 and now we have the 2.0 version 2024 or thereabouts....

From wikki the 1975 version

And the 2004 Version according to wikki

A created reality from Hollywood, not your average housewife in the reality we are living in at this time, one looks to be of a somewhat ambiguous gender, from the image you presented for today's housewife.
( heh , your right , in retrospect , though haven't seen either , only short clips , last time iirc , from Disaffected @ Joshua Slocum , grabbed it from the interwebs and changed the wording , however it does seem to reflect , part of changing the program to has been done in the last decades , imo )
Not exactly a meme (but could be!) - the following screenshot is from the video Asking AI To Create Countries As Horror Characters!

While many of the monsters were somewhat generic (if not well rendered) - the AI absolutely nailed the US as the clownish yet psychotic and murderous agent of chaos we all know...

Screen Shot 2024-09-24 at 2.21.41 PM.jpg

Reminds me of something Maria Zakharova recently said:

"Nations would like to keep building ties on the principles of international law, "but since Washington, like some kind of maniac from its own Hollywood movie, destroys everything with a lawn mower, a saw, or some kind of an ax, the world is forced to look for new forms of interaction," she explained. And these forms are the likes of BRICS, but not NATO, according to the Russian diplomat."
Yeah, I know this on could probably be considered “too soon”.
But jeez, after the targeted “WhatsApp” massacres of whole families in Gaza back in April to this new nightmare of “exploding” electronics, using tin cans and kites for communication looks pretty good, at least in my opinion.
View attachment 101763
the wires are not tied to the right can and they must be tought...
Your images of 1960's women reminds me of the movie The Stepford wives. There is a 1975 movie version and the remake in 2004 and now we have the 2.0 version 2024 or thereabouts....

From wikki the 1975 version

And the 2004 Version according to wikki

A created reality from Hollywood, not your average housewife in the reality we are living in at this time, one looks to be of a somewhat ambiguous gender, from the image you presented for today's housewife.
the 1960 women are lovely and serve their husband for the common goal. this is the america i admired. the 2020 girls are decadence only.
Then & Now

Robert Habeck / Vice Chancellor, Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action:

"Hey, we're rebuilding a rich country. Who's in ?"
Green Party leader Robert Habeck says what he wants in an interview with BamS:
'Less meat, more trees, a climate tax and more left-wing patriotism'

Ranking by purchasing power
Germany drops out of the top 20 richest countries in the world
Germany is still one of the most powerful economies. However, if you look at the gross domestic product adjusted for purchasing power, the Federal Republic no longer ranks among the 20 richest countries in the world.

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