Truth Perspective: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity with David M. Jacobs

Maybe you are fearing too much, giving them power. Maybe it's like the fear of hell in religion. I'm telling you that you don't have to feel paranoid about that. Expect attack, but if a stupid opinion can get me some heebie jeebies, so be it... I will learn. Way back, I wanted so much to see aliens or ghosts, but I wasn't "chosen"?

If that were the case that talking fun brings attack, nobody would have courage to call people out on bs. The Snowden thing for example has people afraid of being spied on. The TSA has us afraid to flinch at the airport.

Despite knowing these things happen, I feel like they feed more on the fear of it happening than it actually happening. Maybe because I can get angry, I m not a target? Even Jacobs said that puts a hamper on abductions. Honestly, that woman is probably just using the hybrids to further her pursuits. It's the cool thing to do these strange days. If she's serious, her weakness is being naive to think she's speshul.

I recall that psychopaths feed on fear. I had a psychopathic chief boss who would regularly use fear and praise to milk us workers to do his bidding. It was really odd at how so many were paranoid of anything that went on. I was one of them at first until I got frustrated at his unrealistic demands.
I got angry at some point and I started to document my issues and make it clear to him, with the story of being serious about the job. At first he tried to scare me for doing so, I made sure that he had to put it in writing because it is a safety issue to do the work the way he wanted.
It was then that he stopped putting those demands onto me. He even saw me doing nothing a few times at work and didn't even try to make it an issue, knowing that I would fight back on his bs terms. Meanwhile he would harass the guys who were scared of him.

I'm beginning to see why the petty tyrants will help us face 4d STS. They can't stand a healthy ego, healthy narcissism, anger. It's like their own medicine against them. Thanks STS for teaching me how to not be suckered by you.

The only thing to fear is fear itself.
[quote author= Divide By Zero]If that were the case that talking fun brings attack, nobody would have courage to call people out on bs[/quote]

? I meant it as out of external consideration. Are you that sure she is all making it up and not just being deceived? As for expecting attack, anger and rejecting the experience is a good response, but ultimately I think what opens us up to the phenomena are gaps in our awareness.

[quote author= Divide By Zero]Thanks STS for teaching me how to not be suckered by you.[/quote]

Sorry that you feel that way. But everyone that simply annoys you doesn't has to be a Petty Tyrant.
I actually really appreciated the interview although listened in late. Indeed, what Jacobs discusses perhaps is best looked at through the position of his craft of collecting compilations of session data with people over a very very long period of time and then finding patters; it's pretty commendable of him to have done this. However, his view of the patterns seems 3d - perhaps with technology, yet with physicality, and a hyper4d position is not a function of his data and his own mind - some one said it earlier above, confirmation biases - don't know. Yet maybe it is just that, as how does one reconcile any of this high strangeness business - it's a struggle to be sure.

Of his Keel stance though, perhaps his influences are just via associates and groups that magnetized his biases - happens all the time with people OSIT. Personally, I think Keel; and this was also brought up in this thread, had this overall awareness of the variegated phenomenons as likley emanating from the same thing - the paranormal, at least for me that makes sense. Like other practitioners, if you divide everything up into their separate parts, the Keel's of this world can be dismissed when really he may be more on the mark. As it is, may be it is for this reason that the fundamental awareness of the possibility of a hyperdimensional reality is dismissed out of hand without hardly an acknowledgement. I guess, if you are only ooking to fill up baskets of fruit and all you want to see is apples in them, well lots gets tossed out when really nothing should not be overlooked even if it can't be measured by known devices or statistics.

The following seemed somehow poignant:

snip from AI’s 19950909 session quote above said:
Q: (L) How can a being be both 3rd and 4th density?
A: It is the environmental surroundings that count, not the structure of the individual. The same is true, for you. After all, you have read literature stating that your world or planet is in the process of ascending from 3rd to 4th density, have you not?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: And this literature has also stated that this is an ongoing process, has it not?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: Then, one must wonder, if it is an ongoing process, how would it be possible, if it is not possible, for a being to be in both 3rd and 4th density at one time... Also, if you will recall from review material, you are currently living in the same environment as 2nd and 1st density level beings. Is this not true?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: At least that is what you have been told. So, therefore, it is possible for a being to be in 3rd and 4th density. And as we have also told you, when 4th density beings visit 3rd density environment, they are, in effect, 3rd density beings, and vice versa. The so-called abduction takes place, especially if it is a physical abduction, the subject becomes temporarily 4th density, because it is the environment that counts. And the key factor there is awareness, not physical or material structure.

Can’t comment excessively without a good understanding of Jacobs books. He seemed to sense the alien hierarchies, robotic drone hybrids (workers) and enforcers types etc. His memory data was interesting. Our human replacement objective at some future date seems to correspond in bases, and is not nice to think about. In this though, he does not say how, which the 4d aspect better represents, as a complete 3d takeover seems unlikely. Many of the thoughts mentioned on this thread speak to this and more.

As a small related aside, right off the bat Jacobs discussed summers in Main with his soon to be friend in an area called ‘Wellfleet’ that no one seems to know about. I had to smile as we used to load up the station wagon and drive down from Canada to go camping in, well in Wellfleet of all places as kids – so of all the places he could mention...

Thanks to the Hosts and David Jacobs for the show!
This thread prompted me to start rereading Laura's High Strangeness yesterday. I've been rereading a lot of Laura's work lately and had overlooked HS, which I hadn't reread in the longest time. When I'm done with that I might reread Karla Turner's 3 books (which were very good reads). FWIW.
bjorn said:
[quote author= Divide By Zero]If that were the case that talking fun brings attack, nobody would have courage to call people out on bs

? I meant it as out of external consideration. Are you that sure she is all making it up and not just being deceived? As for expecting attack, anger and rejecting the experience is a good response, but ultimately I think what opens us up to the phenomena are gaps in our awareness.


Yeah, gaps in awareness are also from who spread disinfo based on "positive thoughts". I don't know how you connect external consideration to how I spoke about her site and ideas, because this is not a forum where that idea is accepted- in fact sott itself was put out to challenge things like this and they too sometimes make fun of hokey lies.

If I were in a group or forum where it was the accepted idea, yes, I would not say anything in order to practice external consideration. Am I missing something here?

[quote author= Divide By Zero]Thanks STS for teaching me how to not be suckered by you.[/quote]

Sorry that you feel that way. But everyone that simply annoys you doesn't has to be a Petty Tyrant.

Where did I say that everyone that annoys me is a Petty Tyrant? I'm confused, re read it twice and nowhere I see that I said something of this manner. Maybe there is a language barrier so I will be clearer at my intent here:

I mentioned the psychopathic boss who taught me the thing that I was trying to explain- with proper means, we can stop fearing the petty tyrants and it is our duty to do this in order to learn and eventually conserve energy. I would think that 4d STS plan to intimidate us that way if/when we become 4d.

My main reason for this was to help us not be afraid of something that we have little to no control over, which borders on self-fulfilling paranoia in some cases. See below on why Laura was abducted less than Frank:,25980.msg309776.html#msg309776
Q: (L) How many times have I been abducted?

A: 17 (This is five more than previously stated)

Q: (L) How many times have they abducted Frank?

A: 53

Q: (L) Why have they abducted Frank more than me?

A: You fight it.
[quote author= Divide By Zero]I'm confused, re read it twice and nowhere I see that I said something of this manner. Maybe there is a language barrier so I will be clearer at my intent here:[/quote]

Let me tell you about intent. If you give someone 'advice' and you end it with something offensive:

Like: to not be suckered by you.

It shows you are not sincere. You obviously didn't intended to give me advice. You intended to lecture me.

[quote author= Divide By Zero]Where did I say that everyone that annoys me is a Petty Tyrant? [/quote]

First you said: I'm beginning to see why the petty tyrants will help us face 4d STS.

Than you ended: Thanks STS for teaching me how to not be suckered by you.

I think it's obvious what you where insinuating here. You can blame it on the language barrier. But I didn't find anything cozy about the word 'suckered' in the dictionary.

[quote author= Divide By Zero]They can't stand a healthy ego, healthy narcissism, anger. It's like their own medicine against them.[/quote]

There is no such thing as a healthy ego or healthy narcissism. Anyone saying that leaves me wondering if they are attempting to justify something dark about themselves.

[quote author= Divide By Zero]I don't know how you connect external consideration to how I spoke about her site and ideas[/quote]

Making fun of someone is not external considerate. Also let me tell you that for anyone who ridicules people who are victims of alien intrusion can jump in a pool by mine standards. It's all justified how the New-Age movement is being exposed as it is. But it's something else to be cruel.

[quote author= Divide By Zero]The only thing to fear is fear itself.[/quote]

Shame nobody advised me with this 'one-liner' about the phenomena when I was a kid and in my teens. Should have solved everything.
bjorn said:
Divide By Zero]The C's explained that mutilations are used by 4d STS in order to help their ability to stay in 3d said:
[quote author= Divide By Zero]I'm confused, re read it twice and nowhere I see that I said something of this manner. Maybe there is a language barrier so I will be clearer at my intent here:

Let me tell you about intent. If you give someone 'advice' and you end it with something offensive:

Like: to not be suckered by you.

It shows you are not sincere. You obviously didn't intended to give me advice. You intended to lecture me.

I've read your and DBZ's posts, and I think there might be some misunderstanding going on! DBZ can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he was referring to you with ''suckered by you''. I think he means that his experiences with certain people (who were petty tyrants) might've taught him that a more assertive approach can help deal with some of these invidivuals.
Oxajil said:
bjorn said:
[quote author= Divide By Zero]I'm confused, re read it twice and nowhere I see that I said something of this manner. Maybe there is a language barrier so I will be clearer at my intent here:

Let me tell you about intent. If you give someone 'advice' and you end it with something offensive:

Like: to not be suckered by you.

It shows you are not sincere. You obviously didn't intended to give me advice. You intended to lecture me.

I've read your and DBZ's posts, and I think there might be some misunderstanding going on! DBZ can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he was referring to you with ''suckered by you''. I think he means that his experiences with certain people (who were petty tyrants) might've taught him that a more assertive approach can help deal with some of these invidivuals.

Well DBZ and bjorn were replying to each other, so if when DBZ said 'you' it's understandable that bjorn thought DBZ was talking about him. Hopefully it can be clarified because I found it a bit confusing myself.
[quote author= Oxaji]Yeah, and maybe they do, or maybe they keep cattle (or human beings) in certain places as 'food'? It's a creepy thought, but who knows where else they get their food from. I don't think their sources are limited to what is present on this planet alone.[/quote]

Probably, and it's indeed kind of creepy when you are reduced as a species to breakfast, supper and dinner. Although most is energetically. And if my memory serves me right, according to the transcipts 300.000 Lizzie's control this planet, I doubt they can psychically eat us all of us in 1 day. So we should be safe for a while longer ;p

[quote author= Oxajil]I've read your and DBZ's posts, and I think there might be some misunderstanding going on! DBZ can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he was referring to you with ''suckered by you''. I think he means that his experiences with certain people (who were petty tyrants) might've taught him that a more assertive approach can help deal with some of these invidivuals. [/quote]

If I misinterpreted the post of DBZ I am awfully sorry. Most of what I said was even unnecessary :(

I am sticking away from this subject for a while. It doesn't seem to help me. Speculating on the whole ordeal leaves me only angry and edgy.

And about fear DBZ,

Fear can be good. Curious things happened occasionally to me and it was just meant as bait. It was wonder and amazement what almost lured me totally in. Fear kept me away, safe and ultimately in search for higher truths.

I 'chickened' out of the deal I made with them. I am sure millions more can tell the same story. It's not special or anything alike, just very dangerous and a sign that you are vulnerable because of gaps in your awareness. That's all.
Yeah, most of it is probably energetic.

bjorn said:
[quote author= Oxajil]I've read your and DBZ's posts, and I think there might be some misunderstanding going on! DBZ can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he was referring to you with ''suckered by you''. I think he means that his experiences with certain people (who were petty tyrants) might've taught him that a more assertive approach can help deal with some of these invidivuals.

If I misinterpreted the post of DBZ I am awfully sorry. Most of what I said was even unnecessary :(

As Renaissance said, it wasn't entirely clear, and maybe it could be clarified. In any case, DBZ could've perhaps worded things a bit differently. English can be a tricky language to understand correctly sometimes! :) But through discussing with each other we can learn to communicate better with each other. I know I have misunderstood other people's posts sometimes or they misunderstood mine, and it taught me a bit how to write better or in a more externally considerate way (still learning!).
Oxajil said:
I've read your and DBZ's posts, and I think there might be some misunderstanding going on! DBZ can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he was referring to you with ''suckered by you''. I think he means that his experiences with certain people (who were petty tyrants) might've taught him that a more assertive approach can help deal with some of these invidivuals.

I didn't take DBZ's statement as being directed at bjorn, either. More like a "shaking his fist at the sky" sort of thing where he is crediting his experiences with nasty bosses as a good training ground for dealing with future bigger, badder nasties. A healthy ego, and some healthy narcissism are part of being able to set personal boundaries

I can see where that comment could be taken as personally directed. So as Oxajil said, it's important to make sure one's ideas are clearly expressed when posting.

In any case this is good:

bjorn said:
Fear can be good. Curious things happened occasionally to me and it was just meant as bait. It was wonder and amazement what almost lured me totally in. Fear kept me away, safe and ultimately in search for higher truths.

I 'chickened' out of the deal I made with them. I am sure millions more can tell the same story. It's not special or anything alike, just very dangerous and a sign that you are vulnerable because of gaps in your awareness. That's all.

Gavin de Becker's book The Gift of Fear talks about exactly that instinctual feeling.
The heart radiating responses in this thread are astounding. I feel, that I slept very well last night as a result of reading some of them.

Great show BTW, thank you.
[quote author= herondancer]A healthy ego, and some healthy narcissism are part of being able to set personal boundaries[/quote]

Setting boundaries can also be done without embracing something dark inside of us OSIT.

But I suppose it is the definition here what counts of 'healthy narcissism or egoist?'

Gurdjieff for example said ''To be an altruist, you must first be an egoist.''

To my understanding he didn't mean that we should embrace our inner Ego. He meant that we should become conscious of our Ego. As making the darkness conscious.

To much spirituel work is rather focused on ignoring our Ego. Which is self-defeating, you can’t ignore something that dominates your thoughts.

If you want to lessen it's control. First become aware of it. So there is nothing wrong with exploring your own egoist. But embracing it is something else. But I don't know what you and DBZ define with 'healthy narcissism/ego'

[quote author= herondancer]Gavin de Becker's book The Gift of Fear talks about exactly that instinctual feeling.[/quote]

They communicated that nothing would happen without my consent as if they respected it. Only later did I understand that they actually needed my free will and consent to do anything. But I always felt that something was of from the start. I hope the linkage is gone for good. :(
Wow I didn't even see it directed at you after reading it. Why would you think that I feel you are suckering me? Isn't there a trust in this forum that we are working together? We can discuss ideas and disagree, but we are on the same path. I'm sorry you felt it that way, but maybe it shows how you see any criticism- even if it's not actual criticism. Or maybe you equate my dark humor of her as me being some "mean jerk". I don't know but I'm glad it's cleared up.

In the context of the sentence I was saying STS thank you, not Bjorn. Even what I was explaining was the process that helps us stop fearing something so not under our control, a Stoic perspective that we cannot fear what we cannot control, or so I think.

bjorn said:
[quote author= herondancer]A healthy ego, and some healthy narcissism are part of being able to set personal boundaries

Setting boundaries can also be done without embracing something dark inside of us OSIT.


Have you done the reading on narcissism and wounding? I don't recall which book was best in explaining this concept, but if it comes to mind I will let you know.

Healthy narcissism is not dark at all. It is explained as what we learn during puberty, a stand for who we are. A stand for how we feel, even if it is not always "proper" or "perfect". It's not internal considering to feed an image, but a self-love and self-trust, and an ability to make mistakes- because you cannot truly trust others if you don't trust yourself.

But I suppose it is the definition here what counts of 'healthy narcissism or egoist?'

Gurdjieff for example said ''To be an altruist, you must first be an egoist.''

To my understanding he didn't mean that we should embrace our inner Ego. He meant that we should become conscious of our Ego. As making the darkness conscious.

How do we do this when it comes to subconscious/emotional drives? From many books on psychology and some of the shows I listened to, I see that it's not so clean of a process. For some, it takes a lot of pain/shocks to have it come out. Quickly we bury it in dirt and run and hide like it is to not be seen, because sometimes it is so horrible that we cannot properly phrase it to be liked by "everyone".
To much spirituel work is rather focused on ignoring our Ego. Which is self-defeating, you can’t ignore something that dominates your thoughts.

If you want to lessen it's control. First become aware of it. So there is nothing wrong with exploring your own egoist. But embracing it is something else. But I don't know what you and DBZ define with 'healthy narcissism/ego'

[quote author= herondancer]Gavin de Becker's book The Gift of Fear talks about exactly that instinctual feeling.

They communicated that nothing would happen without my consent as if they respected it. Only later did I understand that they actually needed my free will and consent to do anything. But I always felt that something was of from the start. I hope the linkage is gone for good. :(

Sorry, I didn't know of your past situation with this. Had I known it, yes, I would have practiced external consideration and not make fun of that abductee. I value you how you feel, not some disinfo media hog who is advocating this horrible thing that 4d STS and/or the psychopaths on earth are doing.

If we know that STS can twist free will to their judgement, as psychopaths do, to them- a free will "NO" might mean getting angry and "fighting back".

But as a slick psychopath can do, they act like you have an easy way to choose, sign this contract or law, and then use it against you with legalistic thinking!

As Malcolm X said rightfully so in the context of his time and the fight he had to deal with. Not unlike we learned about Caesar from the C's, it is NOT bad to fight...
- Power, recognizes only power and will only take a step back from nothing but more power.
- If one expects to be understood one does not speak German to a person who only speaks French.
By the same token one does not confront a man who has come to lynch you by proclaiming how much you love him (and all of your other enemies).
Chances are he will not understand what you are talking about. You will not have communicated effectively.
Your neck dangling at the end of a rope will undoubtedly be the consequence.
Find out what language a person speaks, speak their language, and you'll get your point across.
(L) Well, it reminds me about that story Terry told about the barfly guy. It was like something rose up inside him, and he confronted this individual and said, "We don't have a problem here, do we?" And it was like "BEing" inside him - even though he didn't have any real knowledge about who or what the guy was, or any of the other stuff that came out later - it was like his awareness that there was something at another level operating there was kind of the awareness that was being looked for. I guess if you're in an exorcism situation, the very fact that you have the minimal awareness that you're dealing with "something" that's non-corporeal and cannot be seen is already more awareness than most people have!

Maybe you think it is a bad view, in my life it has worked wonders even before I understood, back when people would make me feel guilty for being angry and fighting back.
I am 36 now, I grew up lower middle class in a bad area and got into fights less times than I can count with one hand. Had I not fought those times, I would be someone else's lunch, financially, emotionally, or physically. Same goes for STS I think, especially when they hope to dominate 4d STO in this next round. Like Terry in the quote above, a loud bark scares those who wish harm enough to stop attack. That's the power we have been programmed to forget!

I apologize that there was confusion and with your past situation it might feel personal. It's not your fault for not knowing then what you know now. Had we known everything already, we wouldn't be fighting this good fight in the first place.
[quote author= Divide By Zero]Isn't there a trust in this forum that we are working together?[/quote]

Maybe to less faith/trust on my side.

[quote author= Divide By Zero]Healthy narcissism is not dark at all. It is explained as what we learn during puberty, a stand for who we are. A stand for how we feel, even if it is not always "proper" or "perfect". It's not internal considering to feed an image, but a self-love and self-trust, and an ability to make mistakes- because you cannot truly trust others if you don't trust yourself.[/quote]

I understand, but it's something I would define as responding accordingly. Or acting in favor of your own destiny. Nonetheless it's the same I think, we just use different definitions.

[quote author= Divide By Zero]maybe it shows how you see any criticism- even if it's not actual criticism.[/quote]

Well maybe, but I also didn't understood your post apparently. Also I didn't understood why she had to be made fun of. Obvious I took that somewhat personal.

[quote author= Divide By Zero]How do we do this when it comes to subconscious/emotional drives? From many books on psychology and some of the shows I listened to, I see that it's not so clean of a process. For some, it takes a lot of pain/shocks to have it come out.[/quote]

Yes, shocks etc. So it's never a clean process. And never perfect. But of course we should strive for it.

[quote author= Divide By Zero]Same goes for STS I think, especially when they hope to dominate 4d STO in this next round.[/quote]

Well, only mentally of course. There is no real physicality in 4D. But like Neil said, or rather RA I believe. Just refuse what they are trying to give, which is enslavement. So don't get sucked up in their mind games ;) Keep your Essence intact. Which is your STO polarity. Focus on that, and focus how you in that position can serve others.

Glad we cleared this up. :)
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