Truth Perspective: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity with David M. Jacobs

Jacob's description of how the hubrids interact with people could come out of one of Keel's books, so it was surprising at first to hear how dismissive he was about Keel. It seemed that he could just not go into the hyperdimensional aspect. When asked about it, he even described it in a nuts and bolts kind of way and then of course could not see the implications. That said, I thought it was a great show and I'm glad the Truth Perspective was able to have him on. I was a bit skeptical when I first began reading the book, however, I think there is something to it when you compare the abductee accounts with some of the related material from the C's (and Keels work too, as mentioned). Funny, this hubrid information is less understandable when only looking at it from a materialist point of view.
During the show on Sunday, my internet connection had gone down right before the end of the show, so I missed the ending. I just listened back to the last 10-ish minutes, and I have to say, I am astounded at how dismissive of Keel he was, not just surprised. Perhaps Keel is a sacred cow for me, but in my opinion, he was the most prolific, objective researcher of the UFO phenomenon EVER. To say that he was "unreliable" was, to me, really astounding. Ah well, to each their own I guess.
Jonathan said:
During the show on Sunday, my internet connection had gone down right before the end of the show, so I missed the ending. I just listened back to the last 10-ish minutes, and I have to say, I am astounded at how dismissive of Keel he was, not just surprised. Perhaps Keel is a sacred cow for me, but in my opinion, he was the most prolific, objective researcher of the UFO phenomenon EVER. To say that he was "unreliable" was, to me, really astounding. Ah well, to each their own I guess.

I agree. And I hadn't read any of Keel's work until well into the Cs experiment, so I was pretty amazed at how much similarity there was between his conclusions/speculations and what the Cs were saying.
Aragorn said:
My thoughts exactly. I thought it was cheap of him to dismiss Keel, especially since he admitted that he couldn't remember that much of his work. He seemed to support more the interplanetary and "nuts and bolts" aspects of UFO:s. It could be for reasons brought by his high age (health?), but at times he wasn't too coherent. You guys interviewing did a good job, being polite and respectful even if there were points he made that could have been questioned and probed further.

It reminded me about the turn that the second part of the interview with William Patrick Patterson took. And how surprising it was to hear a person, who is supposedly an expert on Gurdjieff and the Work, dismissing an importance of knowing history. How he was saying that it doesn't matter and of no consequence. The same Jacobs was saying: "Who cares what aliens really have in mind, and how we can defend ourselves" and all that. His reaction when he was asked about the topic of souls is also telling.

Perhaps that's why now he is sitting on the couch watching TV, because there is no point to go beyond everything he already did, if he doesn't think in terms of this being a hyperdimentional phenomenon.
Jonathan said:
Neil said:
Seriously? You spend most of your life researching in the twilight zone and uncover this vast alien conspiracy that is very X-Files-esque, and now you've retired, whiling away the time sitting on the couch eating bonbons watching brain porn while the world burns; occasionally lamenting the probable fate of the world your children have inherited. You stupid fool.

Well, that IS his choice to make. Keel himself advised at least one of his friends, if he wanted all of the negative consequences from UFO research in his life to stop, to (paraphrasing) "leave it all behind, stop thinking about it, stop researching it, pick up a hobby and carry on with your life."

Perhaps on some level this is what Jacobs has decided to do. Just speculating...

He came, he gave an interview, he gave what he wanted to give. He is not Keel. He is Jacobs. Maybe he was tired. Maybe he was manipulated. Maybe he can not say anymore because if he talks too much his life will be in danger. The possibilities are many. Maybe also in his books there are more information. Maybe also he was ironic. Or depressed. Can he be jealous of Keel? Insecure in front of the work of Keel? I am speculating me also as others. Can he be afraid of this future and not wanted to talk about it? We will never know.
sitting said:
Neil said:
The agenda in a nutshell:

Hi Neil,

Thank you. For this wonderfully concise & precise summation.

Outstanding! (And yes ... thank heavens for C's. And Laura.)


Yes, thanks for your summation Neil. I too was disappointed in Jacobs" response to his own research, and his complete and unwarranted dismissal of JK's work and research. As was previously mentioned, Jacobs has the nuts and bolts figured out, but he totally misses the hyper-dimensional angle. I find it incomprehensible that all he wants to do in retirement is to be a couch potato. I'm 70 y/o and I can't relate to Jacobs idea of retirement at all. This should be the time of life when one has the free time to delve further into the ufo phenomenom. But I guess that requires a more open mind than Jacobs possesses
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loreta said:
Can he be jealous of Keel? Insecure in front of the work of Keel? I am speculating me also as others. Can he be afraid of this future and not wanted to talk about it? We will never know.

By his own admission, he thought abductions were kooky when he was studying UFOs in the 60s, and didn't come around until the mid 80s. Since he said that he'd only read Keel ages ago, I got the impression that he read him a long time ago, dismissed him at the time based on his existing prejudices, and never bothered to revisit his work. (Which is what probably would have happened with Hopkins if he'd never had that meeting with him that changed his mind.) Which is a shame, because Keel was talking about hybrids, abductions, related pregnancies, etc. 20 years ahead of his time.

Yeah, Keel has a 'reputation' of being a poor researcher, and loose with the facts, held by many in the field. But in hindsight, that appears to have been mostly slander. He was meticulous, if eccentric. And most people just didn't like what he was saying.

Just goes to show that Jacobs doesn't practice much overall discernment, or have much real drive to find the truth in EVERY matter. He's hyper focused on his area, and he says a lot of interesting things in that area, but it's just one piece of the puzzle.
Approaching Infinity said:
loreta said:
Can he be jealous of Keel? Insecure in front of the work of Keel? I am speculating me also as others. Can he be afraid of this future and not wanted to talk about it? We will never know.

By his own admission, he thought abductions were kooky when he was studying UFOs in the 60s, and didn't come around until the mid 80s. Since he said that he'd only read Keel ages ago, I got the impression that he read him a long time ago, dismissed him at the time based on his existing prejudices, and never bothered to revisit his work. (Which is what probably would have happened with Hopkins if he'd never had that meeting with him that changed his mind.) Which is a shame, because Keel was talking about hybrids, abductions, related pregnancies, etc. 20 years ahead of his time.

Yeah, Keel has a 'reputation' of being a poor researcher, and loose with the facts, held by many in the field. But in hindsight, that appears to have been mostly slander. He was meticulous, if eccentric. And most people just didn't like what he was saying.

Just goes to show that Jacobs doesn't practice much overall discernment, or have much real drive to find the truth in EVERY matter. He's hyper focused on his area, and he says a lot of interesting things in that area, but it's just one piece of the puzzle.

Thanks for the clarification, Approaching Infinity.
loreta said:
He came, he gave an interview, he gave what he wanted to give. He is not Keel. He is Jacobs. Maybe he was tired. Maybe he was manipulated. Maybe he can not say anymore because if he talks too much his life will be in danger. The possibilities are many. Maybe also in his books there are more information. Maybe also he was ironic. Or depressed. Can he be jealous of Keel? Insecure in front of the work of Keel? I am speculating me also as others. Can he be afraid of this future and not wanted to talk about it? We will never know.

I can sort of understand where Neil is coming with his reaction to Jacobs' non-answers towards the end of the show. I found it a little unsatisfying myself. Having said this though, I think that Jacobs did give a good and, overall, valuable summary of his research. He was also pretty strong in affirming that abductions are a world-wide phenomena when asked if any abductions are perpetrated by human agencies. Well, he's quite probably incorrect in limiting everything that gets perceived as alien abduction as coming from aliens, but it did suggest that he was adamant about what he does know. As for his watching 'Big Brother' and saying he did not want to hear anymore negative things, I suspect that its both true and something of a ruse. He also said that he was still writing, still working with abductees, and he still continues to make the rounds giving talks and going to conferences. So he has not retired from his research - even if he says that he's trying to, or watching shows that exemplify really awful authoritarian programming. What he said actually reminds me a little of a video of a speech given by American Indian activist John Trudell. In the video, Trudell couches a lot of very astute observations about society and spirituality with a lot of extremely self-deprecating statements that, one could make an argument for, almost undercuts his whole message. But if you know a little about Trudell's horrible experiences with the US gov, you might get the sense that maybe he still wants to speak the truth but soften it enough not to have something new and hellish brought down on him.

Anyway, I think you raise some good considerations for why Jacobs said some of the things he did. He does write on his site about someone who is working to actively defame him. So for this, and perhaps other reasons we're unaware of, he has taken this lighter tone. I imagine, too, that sharing what he knows and putting himself out there has to, by necessity, involve some amount of personal struggle even if he doesn't speak of it. This is incredibly heavy stuff to be discussing in public after all. And you're right, in his new book he makes conclusions that show that the concern he has for the problem is unequivocal and ernest.

Also, I do hope that if you or anyone hasn't yet read Laura's book High Strangeness that you do. Its not only a fascinating book for the subject matter, but it covers the topic from many different angles. High Strangeness really is one the 'must reads'.
Jonathan said:
Well, that IS his choice to make. Keel himself advised at least one of his friends, if he wanted all of the negative consequences from UFO research in his life to stop, to (paraphrasing) "leave it all behind, stop thinking about it, stop researching it, pick up a hobby and carry on with your life."
Well, I do personally understand that pursuing this line of inquiry does suck a lot of the joy out of life, it is like a huge black Shadow looming over everything you see and do. However for me, ignoring it and pretending the pleasures of life will make it somehow go away is worse than actually facing the terror of the situation. The amount of cognitive dissonance required to maintain the splitting required to adopt the sort of "don't worry, be happy" lifestyle is staggering. Yeah, there is this Orion group with super advanced capabilities who is trying to lock the world into an existential slavery from which it will never escape. Yeah, it looks kind of hopeless, but they are not omnipotent and they have weaknesses. The universe is bigger than them, let's get to work and exercise our right to choose. I guess it takes a relatively high level of awareness to see that there is indeed a choice. It seems that when people penetrate a certain level of awareness, 4D STS greets them and says, "Yes, now you see how hopeless your cause really is, accept it and submit." If you accept it and submit, you're done. It is a shame to see him kind of fade away into oblivion, but as you said, it is his choice to make. My lesson in non-anticipation, I suppose.
SummerLite said:
The bodies will be available for souls to enter if they are compatible with the sts frequency when they come from 5D in the rebirth cycle. This could include many of the humans now inhabiting the Earth. And this is a natural cycle basically, excluding the tampering by the "aliens" with the bodies. Is this what you mean by the quote above or something else?
I was actually thinking about something Bill Baldwin said in the SRT manual, combined with the Nephilim invasion. Somehow, the Orion group captured these Nephilim souls and put them on some kind of starship, whether that be a physical ship, etheric ship, or something in between, I don't know. Then they were able to turn these beings into "enforcers" and get them to incarnate into human bodies as a stealth invasion force. How is such a thing even possible?

Bill Baldwin talked a bit about what Ra calls "bidding", and how you basically become the property of a demon whenever you willingly engage in a contract with it. These demons cannot follow you into your 5D contemplation zone, but they do seem to be able find you and reattach whenever you reincarnate. It's the frequency resonance thing. Once they have your frequency, they can find you no matter where you are in the universe, because distance is ultimately an illusion at that level. When you make a deal with these high level STS beings, you pledge something like infinite loyalty in exchange for infinite knowledge which requires you to go on an infinite number of "missions."

My best guess as to how the Orion group does it, is that the agendas for Earth and Dorlaqua have a similar execution. 4D STS took advantage of certain STS leaning weaknesses in the society on that planet at that time and made some tweaks to their bodies to make them super receptive to STS thought centers.
Session941022 said:
Q: (L) Tell me about the Nephilim.
A: That was a race of beings in the third level of density which came from an actual planet at another point in this particular galaxy also in the third level of density, who were taken, or shall we say kidnapped, reprogrammed and retrained by the Lizard Beings to act as enforcers during a particular era of what you would measure as your past.
So as they were being "reprogrammed," they made heavily influenced, but not forced choices to align with the STS collective. At that time, they were probably assigned a helper, or "little demon" that would attach to their soul energy in some way and guide them in the direction that the Lizzies desired. So these Nephilim souls were brought into Earth's FRE, where bodies had been prepared to carry that energy. Any doubts about reneging on the contract they agreed to in previous lifetimes is taken care of by the "little demon" and the Nephilim are basically reduced to mindless foot soldiers in a much larger war.

So this, in my opinion, is the general template that is being applied to Earth. The first stage is to get the hybrids to integrate into society and dominate its institutions. Then they can get society to embody the STS ideals that the hybrids bring to the table. If you are just a normal human being going along with the flow, this constitutes acceptance and they can establish a frequency link with you. You are then assigned a "helper" or some type of uplink that connects you to central command. Then it is kind of like Agent Smith being able to download himself into anyone within the matrix. After you die, you are supposed to be so confused by post transformational trauma and conditioning by the MCS during the previous lifetime, that you will sort of drift back into the same plane when you decide to reincarnate. A new hybrid body is waiting for you which is much more subservient than the old one, and you soon forget any inclinations you had of rebelling. After several lifetimes of doing the same thing, the behavior gets more and more firmly entrenched in you and it becomes harder to break the cycle. After the agenda is complete and order is established on Earth, we are sent to the next planet approaching 4D vibrations that the Empire wants to conquer, and the process starts over again.
Summerlite said:
The C's have said the only way out of this mess is to evolve out of it, passing the grade level and becoming STS, so thats what we aspire to. They also say, these plans of 4D STS will fail. When they will fail may only be "after" the whole scenario is in place, not before. Maybe the earth changes will put a dint in the plan.
How does it fail? I think the first couple of generations during the transitional period are crucial. That is the window they have to persuade you to join them, by hook or by crook. If you haven't accepted by then, you probably never will. They could always kill you to temporarily get you out of their way, but that doesn't really suit their purposes. If you refuse to accept what they are trying to give, that being enslavement, then they cannot control you via frequency linkage, however refusal is very tricky. It requires doing the Work to become virtuous. At any rate, if you are successful, they must constantly spend energy on you trying to keep you suppressed. Furthermore, you might meet the conditions where you can incarnate into a realm where you can be what you want and live in love and acceptance.
Session970111 said:
Q: (T) Well, that's a one-word answer! (L) Yeah, you guys cheated! (T) That's what they said; infinite. Infinite is infinite. (L) Then, I had an idea that when we think hard, meditate and make conscious choice, then more universe is created along this path, than along the other. I've said it... so that you're balancing the good universe choice creations; making more of them, than there are of the mindless, thoughtless, just choosing because you don't know any better... (T) Well, isn't that what the lizards are doing? (L) Yes, it is... (T) They're manipulating it to make negative. But, they can never make more than there is, more negative than positive, because the universe is constantly seeking balance. So, every place they make a negative, there's some place else that becomes a positive. You can never make more. You can try.
A: True.
Q: (T) Although, they're working on the false premise that they can do this. (L) 'Wishful thinking.'
A: No, they are working on that false premise that they can seal realms into "4th" density and 3rd, 2nd, 1st STS for eternity. [Ensuing discussion was lost because the tape was turned off and not
turned on until after this question was asked.]
A: No, not physicality through all densities, just 4th through 1st density STS.
Q: (L) Ohhh!! (T) They don't care if it's physical or not. They're in 4th. They just want to seal them off and keep them STS to feed off of them. (J) Ohhh, they want their own little garden! They
want their own little 'suck' garden.
A: "Eternity" is the key word there. It is where the wishful thinking comes into play.
In order for STS to accomplish its objective of putting the universe to sleep in blissful oneness, they must dominate every single point across every single timeline so that there is no opposing force. It's not possible so long as there is one soul who does not accept enslavement. In fact, the Cassiopaeans say that it is simply not possible period. There is a higher level cosmic law of balance that prohibits it.

It would seem that while STS is busy building its uber slave race hive mind and trying to coerce conformity through confusion and fear, STO is attempting to create a group mind through love and truth to those who ask for it. The crystal project might be an example of a tangible step in that direction. For those who manage to refuse enslavement, it becomes possible to align with something else that is not appreciated or even understood by the STS collective. A group that understands love as well as discernment becomes essentially impenetrable because they are incomprehensible. Any attempt to manipulate just bounces off, and further attempts to manipulate just result in the STS collective draining its own energy. As the last session hinted at, it becomes possible to mind meld in a matter similar to the telepathy exhibited by the STS collective, but carrying a deep soul union and emotional connectivity as well as a respect for diversity that makes it equal in magnitude but opposite in orientation. I believe this then leads us into reality splits and the eclipsing of realities. Once the energy within the STO collective reaches a certain intensity, it "disappears" from the STS world because the frequencies are so out of sync that they no longer share a common linkage and become unbound from each other.

Edit: Just saw your post, Ennio. I don't know, I didn't get the vibe that it was a "ruse," it sounded like he was saying, "I'm old and tired, I'm going to enjoy my golden years in peace and kick back the rest of my life." But you could be right, he might be playing dumb like a fox with a wink and a nod to those who can read between the lines. I guess I will have to read the latest book and see if it changes my opinion. As far as his specific field of research, he was an excellent abduction investigator and I thought reading his stuff was really worthwhile, which is why I was really flabbergasted at how the show concluded.
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I am grateful that he was on the show. I somehow get's his attitude because there isn't simply any hope if you only cling to the Nuts and Bold reality. You need to delve in the hyper-dimensional and spiritual realm of things to understand that the choose is always there to either stay part of their wicked reality or not:

Like the C’s said:

[quote author= March 11, 1995]Q: (J) You can always go home. (L) You have always had the power to go home...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, we always have the power to return to being STO? Even in 3rd density?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How does a 3rd density STO being conduct their life?
A: Discover. [/quote]

[quote author= March 11, 1995]Q: (T) Okay, we were STO at that point. You have said before that on this density we have the choice of being STS or STO.
A: Oh Terry, the battle is always there, it's "when" you choose that counts![/quote]

It's a choose that can only become apparent when we learn to know ourselves and enhance our polarity towards STO and remove ourselves more from STS.

If we lean more towards STO this also entails that we stop graving physicality (Stop searching to posses things and each other) and that means that our form should become more of a light/etheric body instead of a physical form like we have know. (graving physicality turns you into physicality I believe?)

So whatever the Lizzie's are planning. Invading us through 3D materializing means (Nephilim invasion) should become futile in that case ;) But they can always try to seduce us back to STS so that we lose STO polarity. I am sure they got STS bodies ready for us in that case. But this time they can keep it in the fridge.

But to understand all of this you need to reach a certain threshold to realize that the cosmic battle of STO vs STS is real, Inside and outside of us. It saddens me that dr David Jacobs never delved enough in that area. He is someone who traded the social position of honor with shame when he published his books in order to serve truth. Someone like that always deserves praise.

The C’s told us that the Lizzie's are experimenting and creating a new race to replace us all. Our model is over date and that can imply total annihilation. Apparently they got something far better in stock they can control, that looks like this?

Hybrid children, below right:

Seems to me they incoperated some of the traits of the big eyes of the Grays in this model

[quote author= Neil]After you die, you are supposed to be so confused by post transformational trauma and conditioning by the MCS during the previous lifetime, that you will sort of drift back into the same plane when you decide to reincarnate.[/quote]

The contemplation zone (5D) only seems a 'place' where one can reflect and decide how to move on further. To me it appears that unresolved trauma's still can only be dealt with while being alive and that means more than often that one has to go back and life a kind of similar life.

It's basically trapping souls through trauma. It's incredible evil.

[quote author= Neil]but they do seem to be able find you and reattach whenever you reincarnate.[/quote]

I think so it and if we take this into consideration:

[quote author= October 09, 1994]Q: (L) How did the grays know I would be a threat to them?
A: Image aural reading. [/quote]

Everyone on Earth get's categorized. And those who carry a specific 'mission profile' will be identified. With that in mind it wouldn't surprise me that they also sort out everyone who lived lives before in order to further their manipulation on them. They just carry on after your rebirth?
Hi Neil, Thanks for taking the time to clarify what you where saying...that all makes good sense and seems to fit the circumstances of reality.

It would seem that while STS is busy building its uber slave race hive mind and trying to coerce conformity through confusion and fear, STO is attempting to create a group mind through love and truth to those who ask for it. The crystal project might be an example of a tangible step in that direction. For those who manage to refuse enslavement, it becomes possible to align with something else that is not appreciated or even understood by the STS collective. A group that understands love as well as discernment becomes essentially impenetrable because they are incomprehensible. Any attempt to manipulate just bounces off, and further attempts to manipulate just result in the STS collective draining its own energy. As the last session hinted at, it becomes possible to mind meld in a matter similar to the telepathy exhibited by the STS collective, but carrying a deep soul union and emotional connectivity as well as a respect for diversity that makes it equal in magnitude but opposite in orientation. I believe this then leads us into reality splits and the eclipsing of realities. Once the energy within the STO collective reaches a certain intensity, it "disappears" from the STS world because the frequencies are so out of sync that they no longer share a common linkage and become unbound from each other.

That IS Beautiful! Here is the solution and the way out and the purpose of this group. I was having these feeling/thoughts of it being hopeless, or "they are going to win" so just "accept it", its way bigger then me. I've seen these thoughts in myself before and have recognized the source, but this time wasn't aware I was being brought under this viewpoint again while hearing/reading this material. Its so good to hear of the balance. My understanding of what the C's have said and of putting that all together in a comprehensive way still eludes me to a large degree. there is SO MUCH material. In many ways it is still sketchy and seems to be only bits and pieces of understanding so I appreciate your clarity.

Quote from: Summerlite
The C's have said the only way out of this mess is to evolve out of it, passing the grade level and becoming STS, so thats what we aspire to. They also say, these plans of 4D STS will fail. When they will fail may only be "after" the whole scenario is in place, not before. Maybe the earth changes will put a dint in the plan.

I was surprised to see this quote by me. As soon as I wrote that and posted, realized I made a mistake and went back to edit. Now I see the edit didn't take. It was suppose to say "The C's have said the only way out of this mess is to evolve out of it, passing the grade level and becoming STO, so thats what we aspire to". You have broadened my understanding of this as well.

Now I add Bill Baldwin to my need to read list.

Bjorn, thanks for that. I was reminded of a article Sott posted about these women who are apparent mothers of the hybrids, very creepy.
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[quote author= Neil]It requires doing the Work to become virtuous. At any rate, if you are successful, they must constantly spend energy on you trying to keep you suppressed.[/quote]

How this play out with the realm border crossing? If they constantly spend energy on you but you keep STO polarity. They are going to run out of energy eventually. If they run out, 4D earth is back to STO dominion?

[quote author= Neil]For those who manage to refuse enslavement, it becomes possible to align with something else that is not appreciated or even understood by the STS collective. A group that understands love as well as discernment becomes essentially impenetrable because they are incomprehensible.[/quote]

I have the impression they can only alter the timelines when mechanical actions rule everything. Everyone must be asleep in their interaction with creation. In short, they can only alter the timeline when entropy (their frequency) is present.

But when you learn and follow the path of creativity, this means that you are in progression toward union with the one. No matter how small the lessons. And something that has a linkage with 7D cannot be interfered with by 4D. 7D exceeds 4D.

Or is it just because that STO frequences are out of synch with STS frequences the reason they cannot alter the timelines?
I really enjoy watching how some threads evolve and the great thinking and writing that comes from members; it really does make all the pain and misery of past years worthwhile. Is there any other place on the planet where such discussions take place?
I just wanted to share some thoughts on the material Jacobs shared on the show and in his book. Basically, in his research he has seen a progression of sorts. From the very first documented abduction report in the 50s, there was a sexual/hybrid component. In the 80s there were the short-term impregnations, followed by interactions with young hybrids then and as they grew up in the 90s. These hybrids are now all grown up, living in and adapting to human society. They have also progressed from mostly alien-looking, to fully human-looking.

So my thoughts and questions:

Are these stories legit? They seem fairly ubiquitous, so I'll go out on a limb and say that there's gotta be something to them, even if it may not be exactly as it appears on the surface. Perhaps of relevance: while Jacobs mentions the ubiquity of telepathy, he doesn't seem well-versed in parapsychology. There is the possibility that there is a bit of paranormal 'confirmation bias' here: it's possible the 'aliens' are creating this scenario specifically for Jacobs. Seems like a lot of energy to invest in convincing him of a particular narrative, but it's possible.

If they are legit, in which way are they true? Do they reflect actual experiences? Are they symbolic representations? A few possibilities: a) Jacobs' idea that they're purely physical/materialistic/3D experiences, exactly as described, which I think we can dismiss as unlikely. b) They are hyperdimensional experiences involving 4D beings, as well as 3D hybrids. In other words, the abduction experiences are 4D, but the hybrids can exist in 3D. In this case the abductees are possibly correct when they describe interacting with these hubrids in UFOs and in everyday life. c) They are purely hyperdimensional experiences.

For example, could these experiences be some kind of symbolic representation of the 3D process of ponerogenesis, with psychopaths gaining more power and influence? As psychopaths - 3D agents of 4D STS - become more consolidated in society and positions of power, the abductees experience a kind of parallel, where their 'baby hubrids (psychopaths)' are 'raised', and finally integrated into society, in preparation for the Change.

Or are there really alien-human 'hubrids' walking among us, as Jacobs thinks? It's far out, but I won't say it's impossible! During the show, Neil posted this transcript in the chat:

Q: (L) I read the new book [The Threat] by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?
A: Part, but not "the whole thing."
Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason?
A: Replacement.
Q: (L) Replacement of what?
A: You.
Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?
A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement... see?
Q: (L) Well, that answered my other question about the objective. Well, here in the book, Dr. Jacobs says that there is ongoing abductions through particular families. I quote:
'Beyond protecting the fetus, there are other reasons for secrecy. If abductions are, as all the evidence clearly indicates, an intergenerational phenomenon in which the children of abductees are themselves abductees, then one of the aliens' goals is the generation of more abductees. Are all children of abductees incorporated into the phenomenon? The evidence suggests that the answer is yes. If an abductee has children with a non-abductee, the chances are that all their descendants will be abductees. This means that through normal population increase, divorce, remarriage and so on, the abductee population will increase quickly throughout the generations. When those children grow and marry and have children of their own, all of their children, whether they marry an abductee or non-abductee, will be abductees. To protect the intergenerational nature of the breeding program, it must be kept secret from the abductees so that they will continue to have children. If the abductees KNEW that the program was intergenerational, they might elect not to have children. This would bring a critical part of the program to a halt, which the aliens cannot allow. The final reason for secrecy is to expand the breeding program, to integrate laterally in society, the aliens must make sure that abductees mate with non-abductees and produce abductee children.'
A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a "trial run," and by now you see the similarities, do you not? [...] Now, we have also told you that the experience of the "Native Americans" vis a vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm. Also, what Earthian 3rd density does to Terran 2nd density should offer "food for thought." In other words, thou are not so special, despiteth thy perspective, eh? And we have also warned that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you "there." Now put this all together and what have you? At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body. Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th through 6th density STO, this "veil remains unbroken."

After finding Ponerology, we know a bit more about what the Cs meant by "trial run". So are these hubrids actually just psychopaths? Or something a bit different? Maybe they really are a new race, created by 4D STS and basically 'dropped' into this reality from 4D for them to mass reincarnate into once the Change (Wave?) comes? Are these hubrid bodies designed to accommodate the 'souls' of 4D STS, but which have qualities lacking in the existing psychopath population? Or are psychopaths the original hubrids, and these guys Jacobs describes are just the reinforcements?
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