Truth Perspective: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity with David M. Jacobs

Here are my current thoughts on the Hybrids and more, my view on it tends to chance from time to time with new knowledge input and thinking about it. But here it is.

I am not really seeing any foreseeable future for humanity.

The first session clearly stated:

[quote author= July 16, 1994]Q: (L) Bob Lazar referred to the fact that aliens supposedly refer to humans as containers. What does this mean?
A: Storage for later use.
Q: (L) Used for what?
A: 94 per cent.
Q: (L) 94 per cent of what?
A: Of all population.

Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: All are containers; 94 per cent will be used.
Q: (L) Used for what?
A: Consumption.
Q: (L) You mean eaten?
A: Total consumption.
Q: (L) What do you mean by consumption? Ingested?
A: Consumed for ingredients.
Q: (L) Ingredients for what?
A: New race. Important. 13 years approximately when project will be finished.
Q: (L) Why are humans consumed?
A: They are used for parts.
Q: (L) We don't understand. How can humans be used for parts?
A: Reprototype. The Vats exist. Missing persons often go there and especially missing children.[/quote]

It's interesting that they came up with the number 94% since according to M. Lobaczewski 6% of humanity is comprised of psychopaths.

Now consider this:

[quote author= Session 6th August 2005]Q: (JM) Is Tony Blair acting on his beliefs or is he being blackmailed?
A: He has been promised a place on the "rapture special."[/quote]

It seems to me they intent to save their precious race of psychopaths for other uses after the planetary destruction.

I suspect that 4STS is fully aware of the upcoming cataclysms and will by any means try to prevent the balance. And with any means I mean total annihilation. Or total consumption like the C's said.

So no 'techno gods’ charade or space brotherly alike. It seems to me they invested an awful lot in their new race and just want to 'retire' the old one.

The C’s also spoke about how the Wave is 'crowded' Well, that could mean anything of course. But it wouldn't surprise me if it is also 'seated' with an 3STS hostile alien force under command of 4STS which resonates on our current frequency.

I have the impression that the Hybrids will be introduced on Earth after we have been made extinct ready to start anew. Maybe by even using our infrastructure that survived. Like the C’s said, we are going to be replaced.

Its exciting to witness how Putin keeps checkmating the 4STS psychopath proxies. But ultimately like Neil said, Earth remains a colony of the Orion Empire.

It's all very gloom and doom. But I reckon that those who carry a 'mission profile' had a plan in mind when they reincarnated on Earth and we have the C’s to guide us. We just need to keep having faith and move forward. It should become more obvious over time.

4STS intents to control 4STO candidates in their 'habitat.' We will see about that.

Secondly, if balance is restored on Earth after the planetary destruction it may send out a strong positive signal to the galactic STO community. Balance implies that humanity is able to learn and is bound to move towards the creative side of creation. For that reason they might help humanity against the forces of entropy on 3D earth and engage them. (Nephilim who have than arrived?)

But I think its something they will only attempt if humanity aligns itself to 4STO. (Which could take place during the 1000 years transition period described by Boris Mouravieff in Gnosis) In short, the 4STO candidates need to succeed. Otherwise no deal.

And to add to all of this, if the timeline continues te split in a positive way. It will give 4STS less and less room to maneuver from.
I too was disappointed that he dismissed Keel's findings. I found Keel's books to be the most interesting regarding the phenomena.

Going by a purely materialist viewpoint, Jacobs makes sense on why this is not as old as the myths suggest (and as Keel has shown). But if you take into account population growth bringing in "new souls", there is never work completed for STS to control souls and gain from it. In that case, they could have been constantly meddling- without the simplistic idea of genetics guaranteeing future generations to already be part of their hybrid pool.

The stories about driving, etc kind of confuse me. If their intent is to have hybrids be born HERE, then why do they need to be trained how to be human- like? Just by being raised as a human child, they get trained in the ways of this world.

I think those stories, as Harrison has said, could be cover stories- a cosmic cointelpro spreading disinformation through subjects. As Laura wrote about Greenbaumed people, there are shells within shells. He might have just cracked one or a few layers deep- to expose the part that they want researchers to believe.

bjorn said:
Here are my current thoughts on the Hybrids and more, my view on it tends to chance from time to time with new knowledge input and thinking about it. But here it is.

I am not really seeing any foreseeable future for humanity.

Same here. The odds are so ridiculous in this world. The level playing field of 4d sounds like a paradise compared to this reality which has physical, psychological, and societal "cancer" run amok!

It's interesting that they came up with the number 94% since according to M. Lobaczewski 6% of humanity is comprised of psychopaths.

Now consider this:

[quote author= Session 6th August 2005]Q: (JM) Is Tony Blair acting on his beliefs or is he being blackmailed?
A: He has been promised a place on the "rapture special."

It seems to me they intent to save their precious race of psychopaths for other uses after the planetary destruction.

I suspect that 4STS is fully aware of the upcoming cataclysms and will by any means try to prevent the balance. And with any means I mean total annihilation. Or total consumption like the C's said.

So no 'techno gods’ charade or space brotherly alike. It seems to me they invested an awful lot in their new race and just want to 'retire' the old one.

The C’s also spoke about how the Wave is 'crowded' Well, that could mean anything of course. But it wouldn't surprise me if it is also 'seated' with an 3STS hostile alien force under command of 4STS which resonates on our current frequency.

I have the impression that the Hybrids will be introduced on Earth after we have been made extinct ready to start anew. Maybe by even using our infrastructure that survived. Like the C’s said, we are going to be replaced.

Its exciting to witness how Putin keeps checkmating the 4STS psychopath proxies. But ultimately like Neil said, Earth remains a colony of the Orion Empire.

It's all very gloom and doom. But I reckon that those who carry a 'mission profile' had a plan in mind when they reincarnated on Earth and we have the C’s to guide us. We just need to keep having faith and move forward. It should become more obvious over time.

4STS intents to control 4STO candidates in their 'habitat.' We will see about that.

Secondly, if balance is restored on Earth after the planetary destruction it may send out a strong positive signal to the galactic STO community. Balance implies that humanity is able to learn and is bound to move towards the creative side of creation. For that reason they might help humanity against the forces of entropy on 3D earth and engage them. (Nephilim who have than arrived?)

But I think its something they will only attempt if humanity aligns itself to 4STO. In short, the 4STO candidates need to succeed. Otherwise no deal.

And to add to all of this, if the timeline continues te split in a positive way. It will give 4STS less and less room to maneuver from.

I'm not sure how that works. For 4d STS to control 4d STO in 4d sounds like an impossible dream. From what we learn on this planet, we are controlled because we ARE STS. That entails the weaknesses that STS have, such as wishful thinking, physical limitations, need for survival at all costs (even if we don't admit it) and so on.

How would STS control STO in 4d, if STO means one has already polarized? I'd think polarization would prevent the weaknesses that allow STS to feast on us here, especially because of the level playing field of knowledge and them not meddling with our DNA/environment/society.

Maybe that is why the C's say they will fail- they are trying to achieve the impossible?
[quote author= Divide By Zero]How would STS control STO in 4d, if STO means one has already polarized?[/quote]

You can lose your polarity if they manipulate /seduce you back to STS. Like Neil said, it requires the work to become virtues. Hopefully by then those who graduate will have sufficient self-knowledge. But they will most probably not be completely STO and that gives room for 4STS to work with.

Ra said that one must be either over 50% STO or over 95% STS to qualify for graduation.

[quote author= Laura]Is there any other place on the planet where such discussions take place? [/quote]

Not as accessible and openly like here. More hidden out of view like the inner circles of 'The Quorum' I suppose. Let's just say I have a feeling that they don't fill up their time with drinking games :P
I am really curious what they might have to say.
Approaching Infinity said:
Are these stories legit?

Are aliens physically impregnating women to produce physical alien-human hybrids? I don't think so. I think it's all metaphorical and/or taking place at the level of psychology/spirit.

So the 'zombies' we see out there today, the large numbers of brain-dead and ignorant people, with their spirits so denuded and/or their soul-potential so reduced, they're now - or on their way to being - basically empty vessels into which 'some other thing' (which we term 4DSTS) steps in and operates. Like cyborg units connected to a hive mind.

I think they're the product of a much longer-term process of programming*, rather that a one night stand with a grey.

*Though not so long - a couple hundred years maybe? Less, if we take the development of Nazi Germany as our starting point?
bjorn said:
Hybrid children, below right:

Seems to me they incoperated some of the traits of the big eyes of the Grays in this model

Those 3 on the bottom right look like they might have been normal kids and someone photoshopped their eyes.

When listening to the show and hearing Jacobs dismiss Keel and talk about his rather mechanical interpretation of what is clearly a "high strangeness" phenomenon, I was disappointed but really not surprised. I think we should remember just how far removed the concepts we discuss are from the normal reality of the average human being. The phenomena is not investigated properly for two main reasons I think: One is that there is a control system that prevents investigation, but that 'poo pooing' of UFO and aliens is a rather easy job given what I just said; that the idea of hyperdimensions and hyperdimensional beings is VERY far removed from the ordinary experience of life of most people, there is, to all intents and purposes, NO hard evidence for it. So in the average citizen, the ptb have very willing participants in the 'cover up'.
Niall said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Are these stories legit?

Are aliens physically impregnating women to produce physical alien-human hybrids? I don't think so. I think it's all metaphorical and/or taking place at the level of psychology/spirit.

I agree mostly. Though I leave it open that some hybridization of a deliberate nature may be going on. But, for all we know, the physical factor of this process may take place via what are apparent "natural" means, such as viruses, psychological damage/programming, vaccines, etc.

Niall said:
So the 'zombies' we see out there today, the large numbers of brain-dead and ignorant people, with their spirits so denuded and/or their soul-potential so reduced, they're now - or on their way to being - basically empty vessels into which 'some other thing' (which we term 4DSTS) steps in and operates. Like cyborg units connected to a hive mind.

I think they're the product of a much longer-term process of programming*, rather that a one night stand with a grey.

*Though not so long - a couple hundred years maybe? Less, if we take the development of Nazi Germany as our starting point?

Pretty much. Though, as I said, I would leave that door open a crack.
Laura said:
Pretty much. Though, as I said, I would leave that door open a crack.

Yeah, leaving the door open a crack is prudent, for the obvious reason that we can't know for sure. I think there is a real problem here with the literal vs symbolic interpretation of some of the UFO phenomenon. There are the physical craft that are seen and photographed in our skies, but then there is the "close encounter" aspect that is really a problem because it seems it can take place on a level that is non physical. At that point, objectivity from a 3D perspective goes out the window.

We see a reflection of this even in some of what the Cs say. Looking 'down' at us, they may see the physical reality, and also the non-physical reality of which we are generally unaware and only receive hints and impressions because it is non-physical. Until such time as we can perceive that non-physical reality directly, it's always going to be very problematic to accurately translate it into physical 3D terms. As we go along however, and watch events unfold, we can get better at understanding how to accurately translate from one to the other.
[quote author= Joe]Those 3 on the bottom right look like they might have been normal kids and someone photoshopped their eyes.[/quote]

I assumed the picture is meant be a concept artist's piece? Not real at least?

I think it's weird to think that they actually go through all the trouble of making hybrid children by making human women pregnant etc. But I think there is something to this whole process. Especially at a soul level that makes it so desirable.

There are more things I don't get like the animal mutilations and removing whole organs. I mean why don't they practice this at their own reality. Why go to all the trouble? I am sure they have their reasons.

Hybrids certainly are 'sensational' That tells me that it may be happening but not like depicted. Like the 'Chemtrails' charade. Yes we are being poisoned. But it's simply done by pesticides etc. Cointelpro seems to always cook something sensational up to distract from the obvious facts on the ground that it is actually happening.

So like suggested. Yes we already are becoming more or less hybrids through viruses, vaccines because it chances DNA? Not through 'Alien Hybrids' All tho it may happen on some level. But to subdue us with poison seems like standard practice. They may have something else in the plans and that could mean other bodies.

Not perse the Hybrids, but also humans stored underground. The C's told us that we should rather ask how much space exits under the Earth compared to above. If that is true. They invested a lot to get something ready. You don't just dig the planet 'hollow' for the fun of it. And they said space, as being 3D physical space. Not something 4D or other dimensional.

- I know it all sounds extreme and drastic. But keep in mind that according to the C's the Realm Border Crossing is approaching and that they talked about the upcoming balance. It's not something 4STS would take lighty I can imagine. It's sort of like an decisive moment. Hence the possible extreme actions they may have planning?
Bjorn, yeah it's her drawings of how angelic these little demons are.. err children, lol.

I think the hybrids are more like pet projects or red herrings/distractions.
You would think they would be able to remove eggs and so on using 4d technology which transcends time and space- not needing to physically beam someone up into a ship.

The C's explained that mutilations are used by 4d STS in order to help their ability to stay in 3d, which takes resources. They focus on glandular organs/blood.

bjorn said:
[quote author= Joe]Those 3 on the bottom right look like they might have been normal kids and someone photoshopped their eyes.

I assumed the picture is meant be a concept artist's piece? Not real at least?

I think it's weird to think that they actually go through all the trouble of making hybrid children by making human women pregnant etc. But I think there is something to this whole process. Especially at a soul level that makes it so desirable.

There are more things I don't get like the animal mutilations and removing whole organs. I mean why don't they practice this at their own reality. Why go to all the trouble? I am sure they have their reasons.

Hybrids certainly are 'sensational' That tells me that it may be happening but not like depicted. Like the 'Chemtrails' charade. Yes we are being poisoned. But it's simply done by pesticides etc. Cointelpro seems to always cook something sensational up to distract from the obvious facts on the ground that it is actually happening.

So like suggested. Yes we already are becoming more or less hybrids through viruses, vaccines because it chances DNA? Not through 'Alien Hybrids' All tho it may happen on some level. But to subdue us with poison seems like standard practice. They may have something else in the plans and that could mean other bodies.

Not perse the Hybrids, but also humans stored underground. The C's told us that we should rather ask how much space exits under the Earth compared to above. If that is true. They invested a lot to get something ready. You don't just dig the planet 'hollow' for the fun of it. And they said space, as being 3D physical space. Not something 4D or other dimensional.

- I know it all sounds extreme and drastic. But keep in mind that according to the C's the Realm Border Crossing is approaching and that they talked about the upcoming balance. It's not something 4STS would take lighty I can imagine. It's sort of like an decisive moment. Hence the possible extreme actions they may have planning?
I haven't listened to the show, but this thread has certainly developed into a very interesting discussion, as Laura said. I also agree that we must keep working on our alignment with the creative side/STO and eventually the influence of the STS world and the overlords will lessen. Others probably feel that over the many years, many STS and/or A influences have decreased (and some totally evaporated) - or at least that's my impression about my experiences. Looking back 5, 10, 20 years, there's definitely less going around in circles or drifting without direction. Or so I think.

With more and more collinearity developing in the group over the years, I suspect things will only accelerate in escaping the "gravitational" pull of the STS Overlords....
For reference, some quotes from the sessions that make reference to hybrids:

Q: (L) Who was Arajuna of Tiahuanaco?
A: Well, we believe that you are referring to one of approximately eight hybrids that ruled the area currently referred to as Central America. Hybrids being a 4th density to 3rd density transfer experiment from the Lizard race to the human race, which was abandoned after approximately 240 years of experimentation by the Lizard Beings, due to the lack of success for sustaining physical duplication, or reproduction of the race. It was one of several attempts by the Lizard Beings to directly transmit their souls into 3rd density environment for permanent placement there. And, of course it is no longer perceived as necessary by them because their intention is to rule 3rd density beings in 4th density when they arrive there.

Q: (L) Well, on the subject of abduction: we watched a film on television, Monday the 28th, that was a purported video of an alien autopsy, or, more correctly, an autopsy on an alien body. Was this, in fact, an alien?
A: How do you define "alien?"
Q: (L) Was it a being other than a naturally born human on this planet as we know human beings?
A: That is correct.
Q: (L) It was other than a naturally born human?
A: Correct.
Q: (L) Okay. What kind of a being was this?
A: Hybrid.

Q: (L) What was it a hybrid of - combining what elements?
A: Cybergenetic creatures you refer to as "Grays," and earth human such as yourself, third density. So, in essence, it was a hybridization of a 3rd density and 4th density being.
Q: (L) Okay, was this a 4th density being.
A: No. If you listen to the response - it was a 3rd and 4th density being.
Q: (L) How can a being be both 3rd and 4th density?
A: It is the environmental surroundings that count, not the structure of the individual. The same is true, for you. After all, you have read literature stating that your world or planet is in the process of ascending from 3rd to 4th density, have you not?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: And this literature has also stated that this is an ongoing process, has it not?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: Then, one must wonder, if it is an ongoing process, how would it be possible, if it is not possible, for a being to be in both 3rd and 4th density at one time... Also, if you will recall from review material, you are currently living in the same environment as 2nd and 1st density level beings. Is this not true?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: At least that is what you have been told. So, therefore, it is possible for a being to be in 3rd and 4th density. And as we have also told you, when 4th density beings visit 3rd density environment, they are, in effect, 3rd density beings, and vice versa. The so-called abduction takes place, especially if it is a physical abduction, the subject becomes temporarily 4th density, because it is the environment that counts. And the key factor there is awareness, not physical or material structure.
Q: (L) How many beings were on that craft [that crashed near Los Alamos, same time period as Roswell]?
A: Four.
Q: (L) Were they all hybrids?
A: Correct. It also may be noted, and you can check this with the official record as has been interpreted by those in your environment who have studied the subject, this was a specialized mission which was initiated by those referred to as the Lizard Beings using human/hybrid combinations, the hybrid element being that referred to as the Gray type, it was an experiment partly as what could be interpreted or translated to mean a reconnaissance mission, and partly testing the environmental conditions that existed in that area at the time as a result of the nuclear explosions that had occurred in the region in the recent past, as measured from that particular point in time. The effort was to determine effects on both the living Gray species and of, course, the Reptilian or Lizard species, as they have a similar genetic make-up in some ways that we will not get into just now. But, the idea was to test the effects upon both the human genes, or genetic structure, and the Gray genetic structure which, in turn, is connected the Lizard genetic structure if you understand the concept. That was one objective. Another objective, of course, was basic reconnaissance.

Q: (L) I want to ask about one thing from the Matrix material. I want to know who and what are the "Esseseni?"
A: Hybrids, new.
Q: (L) They are new hybrids? And what are they a hybridization of? What are the sources of the material for the hybridization?
A: Humans and grays.
Q: (L) Are the Esseseni positively oriented beings, as has been suggested by some?
A: Split.
Q: (T): Some STS, some STO?
A: Yes.

Q: (A) What is the test of being an alien hybrid? One is this blood type, what is another?
A: No criteria, but subjects of this nature seem "off-center" by terrestrial standards. However, the truest nature of this subject is as of yet undiscovered.

Q: Now, that reminds me: we have this bizarre picture here of this absolutely strange creature in a museum in Germany. So, speaking of time travel and UFOs, what is this 265 year old creature kept in formaldehyde?
A: Hybridized conception/gestate.
Q: Was there hybridization and genetic manipulation going on almost 300 years ago?
A: Most done this way are miscarried.
Q: Did it live at all after birth?
A: No.
Q: Who was responsible for this experiment?
A: It was not an experiment. It was the result of Reptoid "rape."
Q: So, the mother was raped by a reptoid. Why do Reptoids rape human women?
A: We have discussed motives.
Q: Yes. They feed on the fear, terror, or absorb some substance emitted by the sexual organs and chakra, and in some cases they are "changing the genetic program." But, in general, when we have discussed this, it has not included impregnating human women with Reptoid sperm. How often does this activity result in impregnation?
A: Rarely.
Q: (J) They once said something about bi-density beings. They were like hybrids between 4th density beings and a 3rd density being. Or could such an individual be a genetically enhanced human?
A: Humans were once "bi-density." And some may be again in the natural way. Those of 4D STS "manufacture" are similar. Just think of them as a type of OP with souped up engines.
[quote author= Approaching Infinity]For reference, some quotes from the sessions that make reference to hybrids:[/quote]

Thanks for the reminder. The Hybrid programs seems more like an experiment to create something bi-density?

[quote author= Divide By Zero]The C's explained that mutilations are used by 4d STS in order to help their ability to stay in 3d, which takes resources. They focus on glandular organs/blood.[/quote]

I know, but it isn't about that. It's about the overall process. You would think that they could grow them in their own reality. Or just only grow the organs in mass-production in factories or whatever. But that's taking the nuts and bolt approach. Apparently to me I at least, I think that by whatever they harvest. Need at some level be 'seated' with a soul. The organs are different that way. Of course I am not saying that they eat the soul. I am saying 'organs' grown without a soul is not good food. Certain process of development is necessary that affects the organs in a 'positive' way.

I think it could be the same with the Hybrids. Simply growing them in tubes isn't an option, and this makes somewhat sense. Why reincarnate in such a body, what lessons does that offer? They aren't meant to be 'robot's like the Grays. They serve another purpose with different potential lessons. And that requires having a 'father', 'mother' and a certain environment. Of course 4STS rather does not see them any lessons learned. But nonetheless, they have to offer that potential for a soul to choose that body.

[quote author= Divide By Zero]You would think they would be able to remove eggs and so on using 4d technology which transcends time and space- not needing to physically beam someone up into a ship. [/quote]

That's the nuts and bolts approach. It's far more complicated than that I suspect. Just like with the animal mutilations cases. We aren't aware of the science behind it.

And I don't know if I would laugh at her. If you ever truly want to know how it is to be alone in the world try Hyper-dimensional stalking or worse. Telling anyone only makes things worse in general and you are on your own to cope with it and figure it out. It's starts at a very young age and is intended to make you give up on life or something more dreadfull, or to use you for their purposes. And even if she made it up, it still remains sad.
Forum member Marina has made mention of a Dr Corrado Malanga. Unfortunately for me, I made the time to go through his material before I searched the forum further for his credibility.

As it turns out and as was no surprise upon reading his material, there are some elements that align and others that are totally way off.

For more information, please see below forum thread

The work of Pofessor Corrado Malanga-Gensis I

After listening to the interview with Dr Jacobs, it became apparent that some things did align or seem to fall on the same tangent.


According to numerous abductee hypnosis testimonies, they (or more accurately their Soul Component) reported that the Soul consciousness cannot be copied. The aliens know this and this is why they are using our Souls. Ultimately they want to create some genetic bridge which will alter their own alien DNA to be compatible with our Souls.(via various human-alien hybrids) Once they have created a genetic hybrid with DNA that is compatible with our human Soul frequency, is when the human souls will be hijacked into complete alien enslavement. (EL–In other words, the aliens, who only have a mind and spirit component to their being must use our Souls to incarnate into hybrid bodies, where the will of the Soul is completely repressed or taken over by the aliens will. This is not good) This, according to Malanga is the bottom line of the alien agenda.

According to another site, also


The mono polar hypothesis reveals it’s future scenario through the hypnoses on abductees. In this way we can predict the future, in an
Orwellian sort of way:
One day evil Aliens will land, the Reptilians, that will try to take
over the world. The Americans, as always, will declare that they will do
their duty to protect us from the invasion, but predictably, the aliens
will be stronger than the Americans. At this point in time a new faction
will come into play, the good Aliens, the Beings of light, they will
kick the evil Aliens away giving humankind the freedom back. The humans
will be thankful to the Beings of light and they will never leave our
planet like Americans did in Afghanistan or Europe, like in Pulitzer
prize winning book.
The alien strategy is always the same: making the people believe there
are two opposed factions while they are sponsored simultaneously,
obviously without the earthly contestants to know. At this stage they
manipulate the two factions so that the people will side for a third
party, the alien! (Even the proverb teaches this: between the two
contestants, a third wins). This project is so simple and so banal to be

If you substitute Reptilian for psychopath, then maybe it isn't such a crazy scenario? So now we wait for when the alien solution to the psychopaths makes itself known and we have ourselves a saviour!

Also, I came across the concept of 'Active Alien Memories' (AAM) which I woud have dismissed out of hand if it didn't seem to tie in with Castenado's 'Predator's Mind' and Barbara Marciniak's statements of earth being a living library... According to Carrado Malango, another aspect to the abduction phenomena is that they use as storage units essentially.

Hopefully the above adds something useful to this wonderful thread.
Bjorn, I was just going with what Jacobs was saying. If indeed he finds it as nuts and bolts genetic manipulation to get the whole population, why not wait until the genes are passed down? Why spend the effort to bring older people down to train them how to be human? It's kind of hokey IMHO.

And I don't know if I would laugh at her. If you ever truly want to know how it is to be alone in the world try Hyper-dimensional stalking or worse. Telling anyone only makes things worse in general and you are on your own to cope with it and figure it out. It's starts at a very young age and is intended to make you give up on life or something more dreadfull, or to use you for their purposes. And even if she made it up, it still remains sad.

Well, I feel the same anger towards her and people like her as I do with people who believe lies about 9-11 and other things. She's using this whole thing to promote herself, despite the contradictions of beings taking the kids and doing what they do. She's putting a new age, if not elitist spin on hybrids.

With that logic, we should feel sorry for Israelis who blindly accept their government's horrible actions because poor them, they got attacked by Palestine and are worried about a holocaust. Maybe I'm just tired of bull crap, maybe I hate that it's so prevalent.
[quote author= Divide By Zero]Maybe I'm just tired of bull crap, maybe I hate that it's so prevalent.[/quote]

That’s all right. But trust me, if they mess with you. You are really out of your league and you don’t need the world hating on you either. I would save my laughs.
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