Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

One additional thing about the syncing of the translation. There were many words that are common to English and Russian (or different only in their subtleties: a ‘ovich here and a ‘tsky there), and in several instances the English translation is heard before you hear Putin say them.

*apologies to any Russian speakers if my “‘ovich here ‘tsky there” was offensive. It was not my intention to be rude.
If this interview brought home something in full force, it's that the west consists of irrational, silly and frankly moronic children.
Scanned some westernized press story reactions, which are not even worth citing - the usual trigger words and words such as Putin 'claimed,' when one would need to be completely blind to see it as a claim. All this was not unexpected, though, just predictable reaction to help keep the consumers of such news sated.

Putin (aside from historical context) walked western viewers through the stages - 2008 Nato, the Maidan, Donbass, agreements signed in pen. Not said if thinking back, were where the western viewers who in 2017-19 were introduced to Azov and all the rest. The press knew, viewers knew or should have known, and then covid did a mind wipe and by 2022 the same people were tattooing slava ukraini on their bodies and raising the flag. All the while western economies were being fleeced by their leaders. The press rolled on.

Tucker did introduce with screen shots and video of the Canadian Parliament thing with Hunka (Waffen SS); short of panning to Freeland mind you. Good for him on that. Tucker overplayed his 'why don't you call Washington' thing a bit, and throughout those questions and others, Putin just smiled, and basically and correctly said, what am i to say to them?

Putin played geopolitical chess, with the interview being a series of reading between the lines.

Was happy to see the talk.
I liked the final Putin dialog or punch.

"... They will be reunited. Unity is still there. Why are the Ukrainian authorities are dismantling Ukrainian Orthodox church? Because it brings together not only the territory, it brings together our souls. No one will be able to separate the souls" It looked Carlson initially shocked( looks to recover with little amusement) but went silent. Putin has to be take initiative to end it by saying "Shall we end here?". Carlson simply nodded like a boy saying "Thank you Mr. President". It looked Carlson was not expecting the closing script.

Putin is the "Boss". ❤️
That was my favourite too <3 It shows him not to be like most of the other politicians who seem to don´t think about anything which has to do with "souls" at all. Or about the needs and thoughts of the citizens. And also with his history "lesson" he gave the opportunity for people to understand the whole picture. It is understandable that the mainstream media tries to relativize this.
If China does invade the peaceful country of Taiwan (which I don't think actually happens unless the West does something stupid in the Ukraine very soon - which IS highly likely given what came out of the Polish air force recently) you will have your definitive answer on the Chinese boogeyman.
That's the Chinese equivalent of: "If Russia does invade the peaceful country of Ukraine, you will have your definitive answer on the Russian boogeyman" in late 2021.

I hate to break it to you, but Taiwan is China. So is Hong Kong.
En roue libre sur les médias ! A écouter et à partager svp. Ils annoncent qu'ils vont inonder de Fake News pour contrer l'interview de Poutine, qu'ils qualifient de scandale !!! Ces gens sont de purs psychopathes dégénérés qui n'ont AUCUN ARGUMENT !

Freewheeling on the media! Please listen and share. They are announcing that they are going to flood with Fake News to counter the Putin interview, which they are calling a scandal !!!! These people are pure degenerate psychopaths who have NO ARGUMENT!

If this interview brought home something in full force, it's that the west consists of irrational, silly and frankly moronic children. We are just so used to it that even the best of us, like Tucker, can fall for these ways of thinking. "Why this man so complicated talk! He hurt cause we mean to him!" The whole interview is the perfect mirror for a mentally ill civilization.

And one of the things that comes across clearly through the interview is how puzzled and confused Putin is about the actions of the moronic collective West. Given who he is and how he is, to him, the US and its allies don't even seem patriotic at all, as they continually act in ways that are clearly against their own, and their citizen's, interests. Being one of the few real adults in the room in the world's political sphere it must be really frustrating (perhaps even terrifying) to him to see these deranged children running around waving nuclear weapons against him while their diapers need changing.
Putin thinks we can now genetically engineer people? 😳

Woah, that was the bombshell for me. Super soldiers? Are any operating in the battlefield?

Putin looked quite personable and healthy to me. He even laughed / smiled in places during the interview.

Russia isn't backing down so essentially if we end up in a human extinction nuclear war is down to how far the West wants to take it. I think that was the bottom line.
I wondered about that too. Perhaps he was wearing some sort of earpiece that provided a more immediate translation than we received watching the recorded interview.

I was a bit disappointed in Tucker's impatience and interruptions, but it was still a great interview. Perhaps not so groundbreaking for those here, but a great opportunity for others in the world to begin to see the truth of the situation.

I listened to the interview on Spotify and during the introduction to the interview Tucker said:
One note before you watch, at the beginning of the interview we asked the most obvious question, which was- why did you do this? Did you feel a threat, physical threat and that's your justification, and the answer we got shocked us. Putin went on for a very long time, probably half an hour about the history of Russia going back to the 8th century and honestly, we thought this was a filibustering technique and found it annoying and interrupted him several times and he responded that he was annoyed by the interruption.

But we concluded in the end for what it's worth that it was not a filibustering technique
, there was no time limit on the interview, we ended it after more than two hours. Instead, what you're about to see seemed to us sincere, whether you agree with it or not Vladimir Putin believes that Russia has a historic claim to parts of Western Ukraine.

So our opinion would be to view it in that light, as a sincere expression of what he thinks.
So that explains the impatience and interruptions you noted.
But factually speaking, just about every government on the planet is bad. I spent years of research and travel finding the right one to move to - there are not a lot of good choices. In fact only lesser evils. China is definitely one of the bad ones. China might conduct itself well in terms of foreign policy (again, outside of the Taiwan issue), but internally they run a police state. I have actually been to Tibet. Internet access there is HIGHLY CENSORED, much more so than Beijing and Shanghai where they were quiet open (at least prior to Xi, I cannot say after that). I can assume it is the same in the Muslim regions. In Llasa they have this big square dedicated to the Chinese Government that the people there ACTIVELY AVOID they hate the government so much. The people there locally joke about the Panchen Lama is a government stooge (they had a specific epithet, but I forgot it), because basically the choice is all but determined by the CCP.

See imathatis' links on this. In order to understand Tibet, I think you need the historical context.

As it so happens, I also was in Tibet, and lived in China for one year. I came away with a complete different view from yours. The locals were not hostile towards the Han, and they were perfectly bilingual, and able to preserve their culture. That is not something that happens everywhere, where ethnic minorities are just "disappeared", their languages banned, etc. At first I thought "this is horrible, internet censure", etc. But the more I understood the culture and their background, the more it made sense. Is it ideal? No. But I definitely don't think that what the West says about it is accurate, FWIW.

These are facts that anyone can verify by traveling there themselves. Does any objective person think that the government should be choosing religious leaders? Does anyone think they should be substantially blocking the information they have access to? How about the way they handled the lockdowns? The West restriction of freedom that we complained about was mild compared to China. And remember, did they or did they not lie to the international community early on about human transmission? Is that something a good government would do? Again these are just facts, not boogeyman stories.

But the Chinese government is straightforward about its goals quite often, and it is more honest to its people, whether you like and understand their tactics or not. The West just lies and brainwashes people with paramoralisms, while selling them the BS that they live in a democracy. You can't apply Western standards to understand China, I think.

If you were in a group accused of being a cult in China, what do you think would happen to you? Well we know the answer to that. Falun Dafa is a relatively benign practice that has been brutally persecuted. It is not even a political or religious movement. When I was there both 2007 and 2014, they had members prominently in the streets of Hong Kong making people aware of what was going on in the mainland - with photos on posters.

I met two members of the Falun Gong when in China. They were Westerners, and I could tell even without knowing much about them that it had nothing to do with the movement, but with having been told to hate and badmouth the Chinese government.

Again, see trails for funding and who may be behind it.

Same with the Uygur issue.

Does repression happen? No doubt! But again, look at the society from the inside, and at the outside threat that is always trying to meddle with other countries. It's not so easy to separate them.

If China does invade the peaceful country of Taiwan (which I don't think actually happens unless the West does something stupid in the Ukraine very soon - which IS highly likely given what came out of the Polish air force recently) you will have your definitive answer on the Chinese boogeyman.

Again, look at America's meddling there. These are the same "people".

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that the Chinese government is great or impeccable. Just that if you want to understand it, it's best if you first pay attention to those who threaten it. Maybe that is one of the reasons why China and Russia get along? Both are "giants" geographically speaking, and have focused on national unity and defending from outside threats. Some may see that as repression, others as the best they can do in such vast territories to prevent Western powers from interfering.
Needless to say, it wasn't "Putin's first interview in years." And what do y'all think, is Putin not good at explaining himself? Or did Carlson not understand Putin's explanations?

I think Tucker didn't understand. Like someone else wrote here, it's funny to see him "wake up" little by little. He's such a "newbie" to Russian culture, that he was probably struggling a bit. until now, he hasn't made a secret of his view that Putin is "evil", and he probably had a hard time reconciling that view, with what he KNOWS about Ukraine. Maybe the interview will help?

Is that a correct conclusion to draw from what Putin said?

I would say that was Tucker projecting. Scott Ritter said it on the video linked to above. Tucker probably wasn't ready for this himself. But I hope that with time, he'll see more and more, and share more and more. Putin didn't come across as "wounded" in the way Tucker implied, I think. But rather measured and matter-of-factly, like a schoolteacher trying to explain things to 10 year-old Westerners. OSIT.

Tucker said himself that it may take him a while to process what went on in the interview. I hope that brings him lots of understanding, even if it also means the death of more illusions about his beloved America.
That was my favourite too <3 It shows him not to be like most of the other politicians who seem to don´t think about anything which has to do with "souls" at all. Or about the needs and thoughts of the citizens. And also with his history "lesson" he gave the opportunity for people to understand the whole picture. It is understandable that the mainstream media tries to relativize this.
what I find it interesting is Putin's choice of the word "soul". I guess he used the work in the context of "essence". In the west (particularly in political discourse), we rarely hear the word "soul" and mainly used by high-end intellectuals with not much consensus.
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