Two interesting dreams.


Hey y’all! Just wanted to share two dreams that I had a couple of months ago that have stood out to me. These dreams did not happen around the same time, they were months apart. This may or may not have something to do with these dreams but my goal is to become a teacher. Not a regular teacher but a teacher like Socrates, Jesus, Pythagoras, etc. I want to help people by dispensing knowledge as best as I can and those ( among the many) are my inspirations to never give up and keep on going.

Dream 1) I remember seeing a heavy, big book on the floor and I picked it up and started lifting it up and down as if they were weights. I woke up after the dream with my arms crossed on my chests like an X and my arms were sore. I could not tell what the book was about but in the dream as I was lifting the book, I had it close to my chest.

Dream 2) I was with two other people ( I want to say a man and a woman but I could not remember) and I was levitating and moving around. The other two people were attempting to do the same but could not levitate so easily. I remember telling them to calm down and have faith in God. I was trying to teach them how to levitate. I woke up and started crying ( tears of joy) and I remember praying and being thankful. One of my thoughts were that this could be a future self and if I keep on walking on this path, I could merge with that future self. Of course it could just be a dream but that is how I felt and the thought that crossed my mind afterwards.
Hey y’all! Just wanted to share two dreams that I had a couple of months ago that have stood out to me. These dreams did not happen around the same time, they were months apart. This may or may not have something to do with these dreams but my goal is to become a teacher. Not a regular teacher but a teacher like Socrates, Jesus, Pythagoras, etc. I want to help people by dispensing knowledge as best as I can and those ( among the many) are my inspirations to never give up and keep on going.

Dream 1) I remember seeing a heavy, big book on the floor and I picked it up and started lifting it up and down as if they were weights. I woke up after the dream with my arms crossed on my chests like an X and my arms were sore. I could not tell what the book was about but in the dream as I was lifting the book, I had it close to my chest.

Dream 2) I was with two other people ( I want to say a man and a woman but I could not remember) and I was levitating and moving around. The other two people were attempting to do the same but could not levitate so easily. I remember telling them to calm down and have faith in God. I was trying to teach them how to levitate. I woke up and started crying ( tears of joy) and I remember praying and being thankful. One of my thoughts were that this could be a future self and if I keep on walking on this path, I could merge with that future self. Of course it could just be a dream but that is how I felt and the thought that crossed my mind afterwards.

I have been reading about Jungian dream analysis lately. I remembered it was mentioned in a session:

Session 14 October 2017

(Artemis) So was Gurdjieff depressed?

(L) I don't think he was depressed.

(Artemis) Or unhappy?

(L) No, but he just ate sugar like it was the only thing in existence.

(Pierre) And drank alcohol.

(L) Wine, Armagnac!

(Pierre) Driving like a maniac.

(L) Keeping late hours, never sleeping... Oh, and that was another thing! He thought that sleeping was a complete waste of time, and we know that sleeping is when your soul recharges itself. He thought that dreams were a sign of something wrong, and we know that dreams are important. Yes, dreams can be used to program negatively like via 4D STS or whatever; but we also know that they are big clues or cues. They can be prophetic, they can be profoundly revealing. Jungian analysis demonstrates the value of dreams.

(Niall) Dreams can tell you that something's wrong, and it's not that they, in themselves, are wrong.

(L) Yeah, these wonderful Jungian explorations. That's when you come into contact with the greater part of your soul or soul group. So Gurdjieff got a LOT of things really mixed up because...

Saying that your dream was 'just a dream' is one of the things spoken about in this style of dream analysis. Dreams are messages from our subconscious, although 'messages' is a bit of a flat word - they are symbolic messages, and can be very complex. So if they are messages, they are more like illustrated poems, folded into origami, delivered by an invisible bird. And sometimes they are so beautiful, or meaningful and impactful, that we could swear that they are from God himself. Our left-brain literal mind doesn't quite know what to make of them, so we either interpret them with the intellectual centre alone, or we shrug and say it was 'just a dream'. It's a dismissive attitude very common in our materialist moment in time, and an opportunity is lost - an opportunity for living more richly in the world, for approaching the mystery of Being.

The manner of approach for the Jungians is quite interesting - to stay with the dream throughout the whole day, without deciding what it was about. In a way, to pay attention and welcome it, but not try to tell it what it means, to allow the meaning to arrive in its own time. This is key for developing our right-brain intuitive skills which are basically seen as woo-woo BS by most of society.

There again loyalty to the reality of the psyche gives the only possible solution, and generally the anima tends to maneuver a man into a situation which is meant to be without issue. Jung said that to be in a situation where there is no way out or to be in a conflict where there is no solution is the classical beginning of the process of individuation. It is meant to be a situation without solution: the unconscious wants the hopeless conflict in order to put ego consciousness up against the wall, so that the man has to realize that whatever he does is wrong, whichever way he decides will be wrong. This is meant to knock out the superiority of the ego, which always acts from the illusion that it has the responsibility of decision.

Naturally, if a man says, “Oh well, then I shall just let everything go and make no decision, but just protract and wriggle out everywhere,” the whole thing is equally wrong, for then naturally nothing happens. But if he is ethical enough to suffer to the core of his personality, then generally, because of the insolubility of the conscious situation, the Self manifests.

In religious language you could say that the situation without issue is meant to force the man to rely on an act of God. In psychological language the situation without issue, which the anima arranges with great skill in a man’s life, is meant to drive him into a condition in which he is capable of experiencing the Self, in which he will be inwardly open to an interference by the tertium quod non datur (the third, which is not given, that is, the unknown thing).

In this way, as Jung said, the anima is the guide toward the realization of the Self, but sometimes in a very painful manner. When thinking of the anima as the soul guide, we are apt to think of Beatrice leading Dante up to Paradise, but we should not forget that he experienced that only after he had gone through Hell. Normally, the anima does not take a man by the hand and lead him right up to Paradise; she puts him first into a hot cauldron where he is nicely roasted for a while.

The anima in our story aims at the center, while the peasant women represent an undifferentiated, clumsy attitude which is glued too much to the idea of concrete reality, and therefore they fall short; they cannot stand the test, for they represent a too primitive and undifferentiated feeling

I would recommend in this connection Jung’s talk given in 1939, “The Symbolic Life.”27 He says that we are now all caught in rationalism and that our rational outlook on life includes being reasonable and that this reasonableness excludes all symbolism. He goes on to show how much richer life is for people still embedded in the living symbolism of their religious forms. As Jung himself discovered, one can find the way back to some living symbolism—not to the lost symbolism, however, but to the still-living function that produces it. We get to it by attending to the unconscious and our dreams.

By attending to one’s dreams for a long time and by really taking them into consideration, the unconscious of modern man can rebuild a symbolic life. But that presupposes that you do not interpret your dreams purely intellectually and that you really incorporate them into your life. Then there will be a restoration of the symbolic life, no longer in the framework of a collective ritualistic form but more individually colored and shaped. This means no longer living merely with the reasonableness of the ego and its decisions but living with the ego embedded in a flow of psychic life which expresses itself in symbolic form and requires symbolic action.

We have to see what our own living psyche proposes as a symbolic life form in which we can live. Hence, Jung often insists on something which he did in his own life: when a dream symbol comes up in a dominating form, one should take the trouble to reproduce it in a picture, even if one does not know how to draw, or to cut it in stone, even if one is not a sculptor, and relate to it in some real manner. One should not go off from the analytical hour forgetting all about it, letting the ego organize the rest of the day; rather one should stay with the symbols of one’s dreams the whole day and try to see where they want to enter the reality of one’s life. This is what Jung means when he speaks of living the symbolic life.

From von Franz, The Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Anyways, just thought to mention it as a possible way to explore your dreams.
I was levitating and moving around.

and I remember praying and being thankful
I think it is worthwhile to look into some of the Lucid dreaming literature, as flying dreams are interesting to hear others thoughts on it. But those would be other's thoughts and only you can and probably the only other person to know how you felt in that dream and after.

Describing significant dreams is very hard and pretty frustrating that our languages do not afford the proper impressions one would want to make with their retelling of a dream.

Personally I have had dreams that have stuck with me my whole life and can recall them fairly easily. These I think made/make such an impression on us that it is intended to stick with us. Perhaps as you state, it may have more to do with our future/future-self than anything from the past and for me, some of the dreams that I have had many many years ago but are easily recalled end up representing a situation I had encountered in my "waking" life muse with less symbolism than what I experienced in my dream.

Kinda like deja-vu, in that where you are in life when you experience it creates a split second to feel the deja-vu in your body and perhaps a future reminder like a way point, to remind you that you are on a path that will lead to what you decided you were going to do/accomplish in this life, before 'you' were ever born.

I have been reading about Jungian dream analysis lately.

It is interesting that you honed in on that conversation of Gurdjieff's manic-ness. He was 'wired' so differently than most of us that I don't box him into much of another persons prescriptions. I still see nearly everyday when I read the worldly news how many interesting things are in "Tales" that are new and enlightening to us in this moment. But obviously written in a time where those things were even possible to know back then.

And sometimes they are so beautiful, or meaningful and impactful, that we could swear that they are from God himself.

Then the dream that just woke me up exalted now was done to me by the same demons! (laughs) the most horrible, most lived dream I've had so far that I really thought they had already taken me out of my body. What a horrible thing, as if it were an "abduction", as if something took your consciousness from the body and left it in a small "parallel world" where all your fears and disorders of thoughts manifested. To dream that you are awake like reality itself?... horrible!. 😂

So real that he comically told me in the dream "gosh, could it be that I died while sleeping?" 😂

They are desperate because there is a pattern in the dream that I am aware of and I want to wake up, so there is a moment when I see my body in the position in which I sleep, I feel my arms moving but not my physical arms, very heavy, tingling but as if astrally I could not "fit" in my body again, at least at that moment. Unpleasant feeling!.

rather one should stay with the symbols of one’s dreams the whole day and try to see where they want to enter the reality of one’s life. This is what Jung means when he speaks of living the symbolic life.
(L) Yeah, these wonderful Jungian explorations. That's when you come into contact with the greater part of your soul or soul group. So Gurdjieff got a LOT of things really mixed up because...
The manner of approach for the Jungians is quite interesting - to stay with the dream throughout the whole day, without deciding what it was about. In a way, to pay attention and welcome it, but not try to tell it what it means, to allow the meaning to arrive in its own time. This is key for developing our right-brain intuitive skills which are basically seen as woo-woo BS by most of society.

Interesting, thanks for sharing this info. 🙏

Dream 2) I was with two other people ( I want to say a man and a woman but I could not remember) and I was levitating and moving around. The other two people were attempting to do the same but could not levitate so easily. I remember telling them to calm down and have faith in God. I was trying to teach them how to levitate. I woke up and started crying ( tears of joy) and I remember praying and being thankful. One of my thoughts were that this could be a future self and if I keep on walking on this path, I could merge with that future self. Of course it could just be a dream but that is how I felt and the thought that crossed my mind afterwards.

I usually try not to take this kind of dreams so literally because precisely they "make us feel good" almost by stroking our egos. the processes of emotional thinking, The personal identification "to feel that I reach my superficial goal, comparing myself to". It's my way of treating them.

I would try to think about the man and the woman, what they transmit to me emotionally since dreams are about us and can represent something repressed, integration of, overcoming, personal learning for yourself with other aspects that maybe are not as "advanced" as that one that levitates, etc. Especially because to teach others, one must first teach oneself when talking about spirituality.

There are very "weird" symbologies, so much so, that I could say that by appearing with your arms in the form of an X on your chest, I would interpret it precisely so that you don't see everything with emotions only. Emotions/heart, the most basic, wrong and limited way in which we interpret experiences as true, just to feel good from the heart. As well, "embrace knowledge" but in the end, they are just that, interpretations that can evoke specific answers and clues for what you must discover on your own where everyone's perspective may well lead you to continue daydreaming or be more observant about it and see through all that pink cloud.

Or you just slept like a pharaoh and voila, nothing special too (laughs). I think you get the point of what I'm trying to say.

Dream 1) I remember seeing a heavy, big book on the floor and I picked it up and started lifting it up and down as if they were weights.

Well, you know what they say about the brain, the best exercise is thinking and it weighs quite a lot. "Thinking with a hammer".


What you describe resonates with me with this info, there is much more to read:

The hackers of the Soul - page 151

The Cassiopaeans have stood out on many occasions the need to actively learn and acquire knowledge. The effort poured there would come to be like "exercising” the muscle of the soul or of the mind. The more exercise is performed, the more strength is acquired:

Subtle responses that require effort to dissect promote intensified learning. Learning is an exploration followed by the affirmation of knowing through discovery. Learning is necessary for the progress of the soul [...] this is how you are building your power center. [...] Patience brings rewards to the seeker of hidden knowledge. [...] Search your "archives". [...]

Sometimes you learn best when you study and explore. [...] By means of your own study, you can discover other tracks. [[Cassiopeia]]


After all, the only way to “validate” any information is through work ― reading, studying, researching - if we exercise the gray matter!

Then the dream that just woke me up exalted now was done to me by the same demons! (laughs) the most horrible, most lived dream I've had so far that I really thought they had already taken me out of my body. What a horrible thing, as if it were an "abduction", as if something took your consciousness from the body and left it in a small "parallel world" where all your fears and disorders of thoughts manifested. To dream that you are awake like reality itself?... horrible!. 😂

So real that he comically told me in the dream "gosh, could it be that I died while sleeping?" 😂

They are desperate because there is a pattern in the dream that I am aware of and I want to wake up, so there is a moment when I see my body in the position in which I sleep, I feel my arms moving but not my physical arms, very heavy, tingling but as if astrally I could not "fit" in my body again, at least at that moment. Unpleasant feeling!.

Hmm, sounds like sleep paralysis maybe? Have you read up on that? There's some info on the forum about it. Do you have a dream crystal?

Before going to bed you can envision yourself enclosed in a bubble of protective golden light, with an impenetrable mirror surface that reflects all negativity and only allows in positivity. Visualizing protective angels surrounding you may help as well. Or there may be a part of your life where you're allowing in negativity that could be looked at...
Hmm, sounds like sleep paralysis maybe?

It's most likely, I've only read sleep paralysis but when waking up, not during sleep as if it was a screen. It feels the same only it happens in the dream. I'm going to go over it again because sometimes the line between paranormal experiences and the effects of a bad diet or bad sleep is very thin, they cross. I don't obsess about it but it's confusing not to be sure because sometimes you can say "well I ate a lot of treats today" but then you read the Wave and it's an attack because of the bad diet, one thing leads to another.

Or there may be a part of your life where you're allowing in negativity that could be looked at...

I don't doubt it. So far the only pattern that always happens in those dreams is that regardless of the absurdity or reflections of my fears I see in the dream, I feel an additional threat as if it was not a "normal dream" that's all I have. So I just have to let myself go and remind myself that I don't have control of situations enough to worry senselessly.

Do you have a dream crystal?

Do you mean the glasses they sell? I haven't been able to buy them yet, I have other expenses now. However, I have some quartz that I picked up some time ago in a mining excavation, natural quartz, in the rough. But I don't do anything with that, I have them as an ornament only. I don't get involved with anything that has to do with recharging energies or boosting them because my energy is not clean, it's not something I should do for myself.

Before going to bed you can envision yourself enclosed in a bubble of protective golden light, with an impenetrable mirror surface that reflects all negativity and only allows in positivity. Visualizing protective angels surrounding you may help as well.

It's good that you mention it, I'm going to explain a little bit about my way of thinking about it because it seems that I have to see something first and then keep it in the visualization.

I used to visualize a golden bubble, sometimes I do it but I'm really bad at visualizing, rather I look for other ways that can work better for me without visualizing, but I practice it. I do not know if there are methods for each type of person according to their "thinking profile" so to speak. I start thinking about a golden energy/bubble surrounding me and I end up thinking about riding turtles or negative thoughts are opposing. So I pray to the prayer of the soul.

I remember that Laura warned not to imagine/recreate how to solve a problem, in a way that blocks the universe to do its own thing, it would be "shooting itself in the foot", so if I have sabotaging thoughts during visualization, I can't do it for the moments.

So I rely more on the "affirmations" as Laura used as an example "I have the right house", so I apply "I have the right job", "I have the right stability", "I have the right opportunity", etc. Since I don't have a treadmill, I go for a walk. (laughs). But I resonate much more with something like that, I don't know, but not to the extreme of doing 100 squats to deliver energy through physical effort and transform it into protective energy before I go to sleep. But who knows, maybe I end up having super cosmic legs to kick everything that comes to bother me while I sleep 🤣

Maybe if I could see a real symbol first it could serve me better but "visualizing" as "imagining" it is complicated for me because I have never been inculcated or imposed to follow religious images either. My mother gave me a St. Michael the Archangel stamp to carry in my wallet for protection and yesterday after so many years that I didn't even remember I had it, I gave it back to her because I don't like having that kind of thing, I've always told myself "the important thing is your faith, your honest intention and you don't need to have a poster for that, if you want God to protect me, your honest intention and faith will suffice, he will listen to you".

I don't know if it's a very rigid thought on my part, I just feel "tied" to a protective image and if I don't have that image, then it stops working. For me it would be like creating an "energy dependence" instead of letting the universe do its own thing. I don't know if it's by instinct but I've always been careful about that kind of practices of giving away objects and "protection" images because everyone has their own energies and thought patterns that no matter how well intentioned they are, one doesn't know if they really end up having the opposite effect.

If it were a Reiki symbol, for example, that has been tested here, I would be more inclined to use it, because that knowledge has already been submitted and tested here. If I had the crystals, I would lean on it or even take them with me because it is something that already comes from people who know how to really use it.
Before going to bed you can envision yourself enclosed in a bubble of protective golden light, with an impenetrable mirror surface that reflects all negativity and only allows in positivity.
In the context of the C's stance on rituals, maybe a word of caution might be good here with this 'practice', that most likely it would not be wise to do it purely automatically, mindlessly and in a ritualistic manner, without an awareness what and why exactly it is being done in the way it is done. Otherwise it might simply amount to sort of a new-agey L&L ritual practice, and even in certain 'extreme' cases to abridging the free will of the self/soul, when for example on the subconscious level it has been chosen to experience a particular negativity from certain person(s) or situation(s) for learning purposes or maybe even karma.
In the context of the C's stance on rituals, maybe a word of caution might be good here with this 'practice', that most likely it would not be wise to do it purely automatically, mindlessly and in a ritualistic manner, without an awareness what and why exactly it is being done in the way it is done. Otherwise it might simply amount to sort of a new-agey L&L ritual practice, and even in certain 'extreme' cases to abridging the free will of the self/soul, when for example on the subconscious level it has been chosen to experience a particular negativity from certain person(s) or situation(s) for learning purposes or maybe even karma.

Fair enough. It's pretty clear to me that it's important to maintain good boundaries here in 3D. We usually think of that in materialist terms, aka avoiding character disturbed individuals and energy drainers. Surrounding oneself with protection from energies and entities that are part of the unseen hyperdimensional reality in which our daily life is enveloped (spirit attachments, beaming, egregores, etc) is also important, and a reflection of our acknowledgement of objective reality IMO. So long as one doesn't think that this creative use of the imagination as a form of prayer lets us avoid doing the good ol' dirty 3D Work of making good choices in daily life, I see no problem with visualizations of love/light/knowledge with positive intent and maintenance of spiritual hygiene.
I’ve been wanting to share 2 experiences regarding dreams that are memorable to me on this forum for a while, so here goes.

Dream 1 – “The Quarters” in my early 20’s. Proved to me that we are all connected in some mysterious way.

This is a Sunday night dream.

I am on an electric bus (Overhead wires) in the neighbourhood I grew up in. I get off the bus and start to walk through the tall grass that was near, right next to the railroad tracks that parallels the bus path. I look down and see hundreds if not thousands of Canadian 25 cent coins (Quarters) laying underneath the tall grass. I continue my walk.

The thought goes through my head that maybe I should go back to this area and pick up the money, so I do.

When I arrive back on the site, there is a lady sitting there, whom I worked with in real life, picking up all of the quarters and placing them in a large bucket. She sees me and shouts out in a rather angry tone “You young kids, always stealing my quarters, stay away from my quarters, you young kids”

That was end of the dream, but the next day at work is what is interesting.

At work the next day (Monday), during lunchtime, I see the lady in my dream and say welcome back from vacation Eila, as she had been in Mexico for two weeks. She had flown in late Sunday night, arriving home.

I tell her about my dream that I had the night before, and SHE TURNS LITERALLY WHITE AND LEAVES THE LUNCHROOM.

I ask her sister, who also worked with us, what the heck just happened?

It turns out that while Eini was on vacation, she arranged for her daughter and grandson to house sit for her. While house sitting, her young grandson found her silver quarter collection that was stored on a huge 5-gallon jug of some sort, and spent the entire contents on video games at a local arcade. Not only that, but these coins were also made out of real silver, which was the standard up until the late 50’s in Canada, before other metals were used such as nickel, etc. So much more valuable than recently minted coins.

So let that sink in.

My questions and observations.

It was a very lucid dream

I had no super strong connection the Eila, other than we worked together and she had trained me.

I had not seen nor heard from her for 2 weeks as she had been on vacation, and I had the dream the night she arrived home.

“Quarters” “You young kids” – so specific

The experience served to remind me and “prove”, so to speak, that we are all connected in some way. I have never been able to explain from a logical or skeptic perspective how this could have happened and therefore has strengthened my belief in what the C’s have said over the years (and others) that we are all ONE.

I’ll post separately Dream 2, which I will call the “Alien abduction in my dream by the cigar smoking Frog Like Aliens dressed like Bonny and Clyde.”
Thanks for the replies! Very interesting thoughts, I know not to get too emotional about them because it could be anything and only I could understand what the message is ( if it was one).
Dream 2) I was with two other people ( I want to say a man and a woman but I could not remember) and I was levitating and moving around. The other two people were attempting to do the same but could not levitate so easily. I remember telling them to calm down and have faith in God. I was trying to teach them how to levitate. I woke up and started crying ( tears of joy) and I remember praying and being thankful. One of my thoughts were that this could be a future self and if I keep on walking on this path, I could merge with that future self. Of course it could just be a dream but that is how I felt and the thought that crossed my mind afterwards.
Sounds like some good messages in the dream and a tearful reminder of the importance of remaining calm, having faith and being thankful. The memories and 'feelings' from the dream could be something you take with you and remember when your faith is tested and it's a struggle to remain calm.
In the context of the C's stance on rituals,

That's what it seemed to me, ritual is not necessarily lighting candles to a saint.

So long as one doesn't think that this creative use of the imagination as a form of prayer lets us avoid doing the good ol' dirty 3D Work of making good choices in daily life, I see no problem with visualizations of love/light/knowledge with positive intent and maintenance of spiritual hygiene.

I don't know Rick, it sounds really easy. Something makes me noisy. Nor would I have to return to the forum and I would only do that because it sounds fantastic, the definitive solution to the exposure to danger and the absorption of knowledge, just imagining positively.

I just came across this today and remembered what you told me:

There are those who surround themselves with light or pray, and in their invocations specify “for my greater well-being". What they ignore is that they are actually granting permission with an invitation to any disembodied spirit convinced to be acting “for your greater well-being” from their realm of desiring thought and egoistic attachment to the Earth.

What is the difference between “for my greatest good” and "visualizations of love/light/knowledge with positive intent"? Isn't it similar to a visualization where you create your own reality by rejecting negative energies? In a certain way, direct intervention and extraction of energy from higher sources by imagining figures of angels?
That's what it seemed to me, ritual is not necessarily lighting candles to a saint.

I don't know Rick, it sounds really easy. Something makes me noisy. Nor would I have to return to the forum and I would only do that because it sounds fantastic, the definitive solution to the exposure to danger and the absorption of knowledge, just imagining positively.

I just came across this today and remembered what you told me:

What is the difference between “for my greatest good” and "visualizations of love/light/knowledge with positive intent"? Isn't it similar to a visualization where you create your own reality by rejecting negative energies? In a certain way, direct intervention and extraction of energy from higher sources by imagining figures of angels?

If you know it can happen, then that Knowledge protects. That's the difference - awareness.
I remember reading that the use of an energy bubble is also recommended as an everyday practical means of setting good boundaries in human interactions. I don't see it as a ritual, just good energy hygiene. I posted about strategic enclosure on the recent forum thread, and this energy bubble practice fits in with that, too, IMO. Gurdjieff also mentions 'creating an atmosphere' around oneself.

From the book Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty... And Start Speaking Up, Saying No, Asking Boldly, And Unapologetically Being Yourself :

Energy Bubble

This is a simple and effective visualization that can help your subconscious mind let go of taking on so much responsibility for other people’s feelings.You can do this first thing when you wake up in the morning, or as you remember throughout the day.

Imagine a clear bubble all around your body. It surrounds you completely and is about two or three feet away from your skin on all sides. It goes out in front, behind you, to the sides, above your head, and even several feet down into the ground beneath you. It can be completely clear or it can have a slight color to it, whichever color you like: green, blue, pink, red, yellow, or anything that feels right. Mine is typically light green.

Take a moment to look around you, imagining this bubble. Seeing it on all sides, becoming more aware of its presence. This is your energy bubble. It stands between you and other people as a semi-permeable membrane. That means it lets in certain things while keeping others out. Other people’s anger, anxiety, judgments and criticisms remain outside the bubble. Love, excitement, and positive connection can pass right through so you can feel it deeply.

This may seem strange to you, or too simple to be of any real impact. But it can be quite powerful. Imagery and symbols communicate directly with our emotional brain in a way that words and language do not. This is one of the reasons why our dreams, which are made up almost entirely of imagery and symbols, are often so dominated by feelings.

I first began using this technique when I was doing face-to-face counseling as a psychotherapist. I noticed that after certain sessions I would be affected by what my client had shared, emotionally wrapped up in the drama of their lives, as if I were the one who was fighting with my partner, breaking up, anxious, or depressed. I wanted to be supportive, yet I needed to take care of myself in order to do effective work and thrive in my own life.

Each morning before I began my sessions, I would take several minutes to imagine this bubble. I gave mine a bright, transparent green color that I could see through. I would remind myself that it kept everything out that wasn’t mine, and that taking on other people’s struggles was very different than helping them through theirs.

During sessions, when there was a particularly intense moment or story that a client was sharing with me, I would remind myself of the bubble and let myself imagine it there again in the session. Sometimes, I would imagine clear water cascading down on the outside of the bubble, gently washing the outside and adding another boundary to keep me completely safe.

If I felt myself taking in too much of any emotion that I didn’t need, I would imagine myself gently moving it back outside the bubble with my next exhale, saying in my mind, this is not mine, thank you.

Using this technique doesn’t eliminate compassion or empathy for the people around us. We can still be strongly moved by the joys and sorrows of the people in our lives. It just helps distinguish between being moved by another’s suffering, and taking that suffering on as your own. Seeing the pain and desiring to help alleviate it is compassion. Feeling the pain and becoming angry, sad, anxious, or upset yourself is a sign of taking on something that is not yours.

You can experiment with this technique to emotionally release feeling overly responsible for others’ experiences. For example, one of my clients, Olivia, imagined this bubble around herself whenever her mother was angry. Her mother would storm around the kitchen, silently oozing anger and resentment in a way that was hard to ignore. She would occasionally say something to my client in an impatient or harsh tone.

Olivia felt responsible for her mother’s anger, even though she intellectually knew that it had nothing to do with her. Regardless, she would instantly react with strong feelings of anxiety, unease, and an impulse to door say something that would fix it instantly (or just run away).

As she imagined this bubble, she became more able to simply be in the presence of her mother, doing what she needed to do in the kitchen, while feeling more space between them. During one session, she told me that while she was in the kitchen with this energy bubble around her she had this insight, which helped her feel calmer around her mother, even when she was angry: There’s something going on with her, and those are her feelings to deal with, not mine.

Is this energy bubble going to solve all of your problems and bring you instant joy, peace, and happiness forever and ever? Yes. And for the low price of $9,999.99 you can get your very own bubble now!

No, this bubble is not a cure all. But it is a simple and easily doable technique that can powerfully reinforce what you need to remember in situations that matter. Combined with what you are learning in this chapter and in this book, it can help you be freer around others, no matter what is happening around you.
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